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The mechanism of calcium transport by rat intestine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of prolonged hypoxia on body water distribution was studied in four unanesthetized adult goats (Capra lircus) at sea level and after 16 days in a hypobaric chamber [(380 Torr, 5,500 m, 24 +/- 1 degrees C); arterial PO2 = 27 +/- 2 (SE) Torr]. Total body water (TBW), extracellular fluid volume (ECF), and plasma volume (PV) were determined with 3H2O, [14C]inulin, and indocyanine green dye, respectively. Blood volume (BV) [BV = 100PV/(100 - hematocrit)], erythrocyte volume (RCV) (RCV = BV - PV), and intracellular fluid (ICF) (ICF = TBW - ECF) and interstitial fluid (ISF) (ISF = ECF - PV) volumes were calculated. Hypoxia resulted in increased pulmonary ventilation and arterial pH and decreased arterial PCO2 and PO2 (P less than 0.05). In addition, body mass (-7.1%), TBW (-9.1%), and ICF volume (-14.4%) all decreased, whereas ECF (+11.7%) and ISF (+27.7%) volumes increased (P less than 0.05). The decrease in TBW accounted for 89% of the loss of body mass. Although PV decreased significantly (-15.3%), BV was unchanged because of an offsetting increase in RCV (+39.5%; P less than 0.05). We conclude that, in adult goats, prolonged hypobaric hypoxia results in decreases in TBW volume, ICF volume, and PV, with concomitant increases in ECF and ISF volumes.  相似文献   
The human immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant region gene locus is organized in three main gene groups, the physical distances of which are unknown. Different types of gene deletions, originated by unequal crossingover, have been found to encompass one or more genes in the locus. We have analyzed some of these deletions by means of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which allows resolution of large DNA fragments. By identifying a fragment containing two of the main gene groups and by observing the size reduction of this fragment in subjects with deletions, we were able to estimate the distance between the two groups and better locate the pseudogene in-between.  相似文献   
Internal desynchronization of circadian rhythms and tolerance of shift work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen male subjects including 12 shift workers (oil refinery operators) volunteered to document circadian rhythms in sleep-wake, grip strength of both hands, peak expiratory flow, heart rate, self-rated drowsiness, fatigue and attention. Each of these variables was measured 4 to 6 times/day for 2 to 3 weeks. In addition, both axillary temperature (with a shielded probe) and wrist activity were almost continuously recorded at 15 min intervals during the same time span. Individual time series were analyzed according to several statistical methods (power spectrum, cosinor, chi 2, etc.), in order to estimate the prominent circadian period tau and to evaluate both individual and subgroup differences with regard to tolerance of shift work, age, duration of shift work. The present study confirms for continuously recorded temperature and wrist activity, grip strength of both hands, heart rate and peak expiratory flow that intolerance of shift work is frequently associated with an internal desynchronization. However, this conclusion cannot be extended to circadian rhythms in self-rated drowsiness, fatigue and attention. The internal desynchronization among several circadian rhythms supports the hypothesis that these latter are driven by several oscillators, with presumable differences between right and left hemispheres as suggested by unequal values of tau in rhythms of both hand grip strength. Since an internal desynchronization can be observed in tolerant shift workers having no complaint, it is likely that symptoms of intolerance are related to the subject's sensitivity to internal desynchronization rather than to the desynchronization itself.  相似文献   
The mathematical model for the penicillin G fed-batch fermentation proposed by Heijnen et al. (1979) is compared with the model of Bajpai & Reuß (1980). Although the general structure of these models is similar, the difference in metabolic assumptions and specific growth and production kinetics results in a completely different behaviour towards product optimization. A detailed analysis of both models reveals some physical and biochemical shortcomings. It is shown that it is impossible to make a reliable estimation of the model parameters, only using experimental data of simple constant glucose feed rate fermentations with low initial substrate amount. However, it is demonstrated that some model parameters might be key factors in concluding whether or not altering the substrate feeding strategy has an important influence on the final amount of product.It is illustrated that feeding strategy optimization studies can be a tool in designing experiments for parameter estimation purposes.  相似文献   
For either clinical or research purposes, the timing of the nocturnal onset in production of the urinary melatonin metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (UaMT6s-onset), has been proposed as a reliable and robust marker of circa-dian phase. However, given that most circadian rhythms show cycle-to-cycle variability, the statistical reliability of phase estimates obtained from a single study using UaMT6s-onset remains to be determined. Following 2 weeks of sleep diary and wrist actigraphy, 15 young, healthy good sleepers participated in four UaMT6s sampling sessions spaced 1 day apart. During the sampling sessions subjects remained indoors under low light conditions and hourly urine samples were collected from 19:00 to 02:00 h. Samples were subsequently assayed for UaMT6s using standard radioimmunographic techniques. UaMT6s-onset was determined by the time at which melatonin production exceeded the average of three proceeding trials by 100%. Sleep onset times were derived from sleep diary and actigraphic measures taken before the melatonin collection nights. We found that there was no significant variation between nights in group mean UaMT6s-onset times, and intraindividual variability was small. In addition, UaMT6s-onset times were highly and significantly correlated between nights (grand mean r = 0.804). Our results suggest that within 95% confidence interval limits, individual UaMT6s-onset estimates obtained from a single night UaMT6s-onset study can be used to predict subsequent UaMT6s-onset times within ±97 min. A close temporal relationship was also found between the timing of UaMT6s-onset and sleep onset. Overall, our results suggest that under entrained conditions single-session UaMT6s-onset studies can provide reliable individual UaMT6s-onset phase estimates and that the protocol described in this study is a practical and noninvasive methodology. (Chronobiology International, 13(6), 411-421, 1996)  相似文献   
Glutamatergic transmission in the central nervous system (CNS) is mediated by ionotropic, ligand-gated receptors (iGluRs), and metabotropic receptors (mGluRs). mGluRs are coupled to GTP-binding regulatory proteins (G-proteins) and modulate different second messenger pathways. Multiple effects have been described following their activation; among others, regulation of fast synaptic transmission, changes in synaptic plasticity, and modification of the threshold for seizure generation. Some of the major roles played by the activation of mGluRs might depend on the modulation of high-voltage-activated (HVA) calcium (Ca2+) currents. Some HVA Ca2+ channels (N-, P-, and Q-type channels) are signaling components at most presynaptic active zones. Their mGluR-mediated inhibition reduces synaptic transmission. The interference, by agonists at mGluRs, on L-type channels might affect the repetitive neuronal firing behavior and the integration of complex events at the somatic level. In addition, the mGluR-mediated effects on voltagegated Ca2+ signals have been suggested to strongly influence neurotoxicity. Rather different coupling mechanisms underlie the relation between mGluRs and Ca2+ currents: Together with a fast, membrane-delimited mechanism of action, much slower responses, involving intracellular second messengers, have also been postulated. In the recent past, the relative paucity of selective agonists and antagonists for the different subclasses of mGluRs had hampered the clear definition of the roles of mGluRs in brain function. However, the recent availability of new pharmacological tools is promising to provide a better understanding of the neuronal functions related to different mGluR subtypes. The analysis of the mGluR-mediated modulation of Ca2+ conductances will probably offer new insights into the characterization of synaptic transmission and the development of neuroprotective agents.  相似文献   
A new string searching algorithm is presented aimed at searchingfor the occurrence of character patterns in longer charactertexts. The algorithm, specifically designed for nucleic acidsequence data, is essentially derived from the Boyer –Moore method (Comm. ACM, 20, 762 – 772, 1977). Both patternand text data are compressed so that the natural 4-letter alphabetof nucleic acid sequences is considerably enlarged. The stringsearch starts from the last character of the pattern and proceedsin large jumps through the text to be searched. The data compressionand searching algorithm allows one to avoid searching for patternsnot present in the text as well as to inspect, for each pattern,all text characters until the exact match with the text is found.These considerations are supported by empirical evidence andcomparisons with other methods.  相似文献   
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