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Summary Quantitative assays of steroid sulphatase in XX males have shown that some individuals have two functional loci, and others only one. Two affected cousins, who cannot share the same X-chromosome, nevertheless have male levels of steroid sulphatase, suggesting functional abnormality of the X chromosome.The hypothesis is advanced that these and other unusual features of X-chromosome function in some XX males, could be explained if such cases were due to an autosomal mutation, exercising its effect by causing abnormal inactivation of a subterminal area of Xp which normally escapes the inactivation process.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes inhibited the proliferative response of bovine lymphocytes to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA). PC liposomes containing a soluble antigen extract ofBrucella abortus (BASA) reversed the suppression caused by PC liposomes. PC liposomes containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fromEscherichia coli, Salmonella abortus equi, orSerratia marcescens also reversed the suppression of PC liposomes. No detectable BASA protein was associated into PC liposomes. Detectable LPS from BASA,E. coli, S. abortus equi, andS. marcescens was associated into the PC liposomes. The reversal by BASA of PC liposome suppression appears to be due to the LPS present in BASA, since LPS of several other bacteria was also able to reverse suppression. The possible mechanism of reversal of suppression by LPS is discussed.  相似文献   
Observations on the behavioral development of two okapi calves and one giraffe calf were made at Brookfield Zoo. The following behaviors were monitored for 4 to 6 mo after birth; nursing duration and nursing attempts, mother-infant distance, bunting the mother's udder, lying, moving, maternal grooming, mother and infant autogrooming, object licking, tail chewing, and contact by others in the herd. Behaviors in both species showed oscillating patterns with high levels of mother-infant contact behaviors at 3–4 wk, 9–11 wk, and 14–15 wk in okapis. Giraffe infants showed similar oscillations with high periods of contact about 2–5 wk later than those in okapis. Other behaviors oscillated in concert with these, with specific correlations occurring between nursing behaviors and grooming behaviors. A main difference between okapi and giraffe development centered around maternal motivation during the high contact (regressive) periods. In okapis, after 10–12 wk there was a low rate of nursing success, whereas in giraffes the percentage of success in nursing rose with later behavioral oscillations. The regressive periods became conflict periods in okapis, whereas in the giraffe, the mother initiated the periods. This difference was in accordance with the unique strategy of infant rearing in wild giraffes in which there is an extended “hider” period when older calves are left together in shaded areas with an adult sentry. Field studies also indicated probable oscillations of mother-infant contact and a prolonged period of the mother initiating contact with her calf.  相似文献   
Transmembrane ferricyanide reduction in whole cells of normal and of transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) callus tissue was compared. It was found that low concentrations of indoleacetic acid (IAA, 0.1 μM), gibberellic acid (GA, 0.3 μM), and benzyl adenine (BA, 0.03 μM) stimulate external ferricyanide reduction in normal tobacco callus cells, but inhibit this reaction up to 67% in transformed cells when hormones are applied to cells 10 min prior to assay. Higher concentrations of these growth regulators (1 μM or greater) inhibit transmembrane ferricyanide reduction in both types of cells, with the exception of IAA, giving an initial stimulation of the rate (12%), followed by 24% inhibition after 2 min. The observed external ferricyanide reduction by whole tobacco callus cells may be explained on the basis of a transplasmalemma redox system, which may be associated with the iron metabolism of these cells.  相似文献   
The sulfur content of residue protein was determined for pure cultures of Nitrosococcus oceanus, Desulfovibrio salexigens, 4 mixed populations of fermentative bacteria, 22 samples from mixed natural population enrichments, and 11 nutritionally and morphologically distinct isolates from enrichments of Sargasso Sea water. The average 1.09 ± 0.14% (by weight) S in protein for 13 pure cultures agrees with the 1.1% calculated from average protein composition. An operational value encompassing all mixed population and pure culture measurements has a coefficient of variation of only 15.1% (n = 41). Short-term [35S]sulfate incorporation kinetics by Pseudomonas halodurans and Alteromonas luteoviolaceus demonstrated a rapid appearance of 35S in the residue protein fraction which was well modelled by a simple exponential uptake equation. This indicates that little error in protein synthesis determination results from isotope dilution by endogenous pools of sulfur-containing compounds. Methionine effectively competed with sulfate for protein synthesis in P. halodurans at high concentrations (10 μM), but had much less influence at 1 μM. Cystine competed less effectively with sulfate, and glutathione did not detectably reduce sulfate-S incorporation into protein. [35S]sulfate incorporation was compared with [14C]glucose assimilation in a eutrophic brackish-water environment. Both tracers yielded similar results for the first 8 h of incubation, but a secondary growth phase was observed only with 35S. Redistribution of 14C from low-molecular-weight materials into residue protein indicated additional protein synthesis. [35S]sulfate incorporation into residue protein by marine bacteria can be used to quantitatively measure bacterial protein synthesis in unenriched mixed populations of marine bacteria.  相似文献   
Seven residues implicated as acting directly in substrate binding in yeast hexokinase B have been identified in the crystallographic structure by chemical sequencing. The cysteine which is regarded as a residue critically maintaining the active conformation of yeast hexokinase has been selectively labelled and likewise located in the structure. In some parts of the amino acid sequence predicted from the high-resolution electron density map it is found that alignments of chemically sequenced peptides can be made unambiguously; however, the extent of matching to the predicted sequence varies considerably along the chain.  相似文献   
Leukemia-inhibitory factor (LIF) elicits effects on a broad range of cell types, including cells of the monocytic and megakaryocytic series, embryonal stem cells, hepatocytes, adipocytes, and osteoblasts. Native and recombinant LIF, injected intravenously into adult mice, had an initial half-life of 6-8 min and a more prolonged second clearance phase. Clearance of 125I-LIF from the circulation was paralleled by a rapid accumulation in the kidneys, liver, lungs, and spleen and a more gradual accumulation in the thyroid gland. Labeling of the renal glomerular tufts, parenchymal hepatocytes, splenic red pulp, alveolar pneumocytes, and thyroid follicular cells as well as of megakaryocytes and osteoblasts in the bone cavities, placental trophoblasts, and cells of the choroid plexus was demonstrable autoradiographically. The appearance of a large amount of nonprecipitable 125I in the urine suggested that the kidneys were the major route of LIF clearance from the body.  相似文献   
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