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Domestic chicks are able to find a food goal at different times of day, with the sun as the only consistent visual cue. This suggests that domestic chickens may use the sun as a time-compensated compass, rather than as a beacon. An alternative explanation is that the birds might use the earth's magnetic field. In this study, we investigated the role of the sun compass in a spatial orientation task using a clock-shift procedure. Furthermore, we investigated whether domestic chickens use magnetic compass information when tested under sunny conditions.Ten ISA Brown chicks were housed in outdoor pens. A separate test arena comprised an open-topped, opaque-sided, wooden octagonal maze. Eight goal boxes with food pots were attached one to each of the arena sides. A barrier inside each goal box prevented the birds from seeing the food pot before entering. After habituation, we tested in five daily 5-min trials whether chicks were able to find food in an systematically allocated goal direction. We controlled for the use of olfactory cues and intra-maze cues. No external landmarks were visible. All tests were done under sunny conditions. Circular statistics showed that nine chicks significantly oriented goalwards using the sun as the only consistent visual cue during directional testing. Next, these nine chicks were subjected to a clock-shift procedure to test for the role of sun-compass information. The chicks were housed indoors for 6 days on a light-schedule that was 6 h ahead of the natural light–dark schedule. After clock-shifting, the birds were tested again and all birds except one were disrupted in their goalward orientation. For the second experiment, six birds were re-trained and fitted with a tiny, powerful magnet on the head to disrupt their magnetic sense. The magnets did not affect the chicks’ goalward orientation.In conclusion, although the strongest prediction of the sun-compass hypothesis (significant re-orientation after clock-shifting) was neither confirmed nor refuted, our results suggest that domestic chicks use the sun as a compass rather than as a beacon. These findings suggest that hens housed indoors in large non-cage systems may experience difficulties in orientation if adequate alternative cues are unavailable. Further research should elucidate how hens kept in non-cage systems orient in space in relation to available resources.  相似文献   
Combinations of cellular immune-based therapies with chemotherapy and other antitumour agents may be of significant clinical benefit in the treatment of many forms of cancer. Gamma delta (γδ) T cells are of particular interest for use in such combined therapies due to their potent antitumour cytotoxicity and relative ease of generation in vitro. Here, we demonstrate high levels of cytotoxicity against solid tumour-derived cell lines with combination treatment utilizing Vγ9Vδ2 T cells, chemotherapeutic agents and the bisphosphonate, zoledronate. Pre-treatment with low concentrations of chemotherapeutic agents or zoledronate sensitized tumour cells to rapid killing by Vγ9Vδ2 T cells with levels of cytotoxicity approaching 90%. In addition, zoledronate enhanced the chemotherapy-induced sensitization of tumour cells to Vγ9Vδ2 T cell cytotoxicity resulting in almost 100% lysis of tumour targets in some cases. Vγ9Vδ2 T cell cytotoxicity was mediated by perforin following TCR-dependent and isoprenoid-mediated recognition of tumour cells. Production of IFN-γ by Vγ9Vδ2 T cells was also induced after exposure to sensitized targets. We conclude that administration of Vγ9Vδ2 T cells at suitable intervals after chemotherapy and zoledronate may substantially increase antitumour activities in a range of malignancies. Financial support and conflicts of interest: This study was supported by grants from Medinet (Japan), and Suncorp Metway and Gallipoli Research Foundation (Australia). No financial or commercial interests arise from this study. Informed consent: This study was approved by Human Research Ethics Committees of the University of Queensland and Greenslopes Private Hospital and informed consent was obtained from all subjects.  相似文献   
Rhizosphere microorganisms play an important role in soil carbon flow, through turnover of root exudates, but there is little information on which organisms are actively involved or on the influence of environmental conditions on active communities. In this study, a 13CO2 pulse labelling field experiment was performed in an upland grassland soil, followed by RNA-stable isotope probing (SIP) analysis, to determine the effect of liming on the structure of the rhizosphere microbial community metabolizing root exudates. The lower limit of detection for SIP was determined in soil samples inoculated with a range of concentrations of 13C-labelled Pseudomonas fluorescens and was found to lie between 10(5) and 10(6) cells per gram of soil. The technique was capable of detecting microbial communities actively assimilating root exudates derived from recent photo-assimilate in the field. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles of bacteria, archaea and fungi derived from fractions obtained from caesium trifluoroacetate (CsTFA) density gradient ultracentrifugation indicated that active communities in limed soils were more complex than those in unlimed soils and were more active in utilization of recently exuded 13C compounds. In limed soils, the majority of the community detected by standard RNA-DGGE analysis appeared to be utilizing root exudates. In unlimed soils, DGGE profiles from 12C and 13C RNA fractions differed, suggesting that a proportion of the active community was utilizing other sources of organic carbon. These differences may reflect differences in the amount of root exudation under the different conditions.  相似文献   
Ammonia oxidation is the first and rate-limiting step of nitrification and is performed by both ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB). However, the environmental drivers controlling the abundance, composition, and activity of AOA and AOB communities are not well characterized, and the relative importance of these two groups in soil nitrification is still debated. Chinese tea orchard soils provide an excellent system for investigating the long-term effects of low pH and nitrogen fertilization strategies. AOA and AOB abundance and community composition were therefore investigated in tea soils and adjacent pine forest soils, using quantitative PCR (qPCR), terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and sequence analysis of respective ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes. There was strong evidence that soil pH was an important factor controlling AOB but not AOA abundance, and the ratio of AOA to AOB amoA gene abundance increased with decreasing soil pH in the tea orchard soils. In contrast, T-RFLP analysis suggested that soil pH was a key explanatory variable for both AOA and AOB community structure, but a significant relationship between community abundance and nitrification potential was observed only for AOA. High potential nitrification rates indicated that nitrification was mainly driven by AOA in these acidic soils. Dominant AOA amoA sequences in the highly acidic tea soils were all placed within a specific clade, and one AOA genotype appears to be well adapted to growth in highly acidic soils. Specific AOA and AOB populations dominated in soils at particular pH values and N content, suggesting adaptation to specific niches.  相似文献   
The gene for kidney androgen-regulated protein (KAP) is the most abundant and specific gene expressed in mouse kidney proximal tubule cells, where it is tightly regulated by steroid and thyroid hormones in different tubule segments. Despite the cell-specific expression, strict regulatory mechanisms, and relative abundance, nothing is known of the function of its encoded protein, which does not exhibit known structural or functional domains, or homologies with other sequences in the data bases. We raised monoclonal antibodies against KAP, which specifically recognize a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 20 kDa in crude kidney homogenates, the distribution and regulation of which parallel that of its mRNA. To gain insight into its function, we performed a yeast two hybrid screen and determined that KAP specifically interacts with cyclophilin B. Furthermore, cyclosporine A (CsA)-treated mice exhibited a significant decrease in KAP levels, and tetracycline-controlled overexpression of KAP in stably transfected proximal tubule cells significantly decreased the toxic effects of CsA. Taken together, these results indicate a functional relationship among KAP-, cyclophilin B-, and CsA-mediated nephrotoxicity and suggest an important role of KAP in renal physiology, providing new data on the molecular mechanisms implied in the toxic effects of CsA.  相似文献   
Two cortical rod proteins having molecular weights of 28.6 kDa and 30.5 kDa were isolated from the mature ovary of Marsupenaeus japonicus using gel filtration and reversed-phase HPLC. Analysis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 28.6 kDa molecule revealed that amino acid residues 1-21 corresponded to residues 9-29 of the 30.5 kDa molecule. Examination of homology using BLAST showed that 21 amino acids out of 29 residues of the 28.6 kDa molecule, and 14 out of 29 residues of the 30.5 kDa molecule were identical to that of the ovarian cortical rod proteins of Penaeus semisulcatus. Positive immunohistochemical reaction to antiserum raised against the 28.6 kDa protein was observed on cortical rods forming around the periphery of oocytes at the maturation stages. Western blotting analysis revealed that both the 28.6 kDa and 30.5 kDa molecules stained with the anti-28.6 kDa antiserum. Furthermore, the 28.6 kDa and 30.5 kDa proteins were both glycosylated, as evidenced by positive carbohydrate staining using Concanavalin A and production of positive PAS reaction. These results indicate that the cortical rods are comprised of the 28.6 kDa and 30.5 kDa molecules. We subsequently cloned two full-length cDNAs based on the N-terminal sequences of the 28.6 kDa and 30.5 kDa molecules. The open reading frame of 28.6 kDa and 30.5 kDa encoded 276 amino acid residues. Comparison analysis of the two cDNAs revealed that the location of the processing site and sequence of signal peptides differed, indicating that the two cDNAs are products of two separate genes and encode the 28.6 kDa molecule and 30.5 kDa molecule, respectively. Both proteins possessed one potential N-linked glycosylation site. It is considered that both molecules are components of the cortical rods, forming a jelly layer after fertilization.  相似文献   
Some arsenic compounds were the first antimicrobial agents specifically synthesized for the treatment of infectious diseases such as syphilis and trypanosomiasis. More recently, arsenic trioxide has been shown to be efficient in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia. The exact mechanism of action has not been elucidated yet, but it seems to be related to arsenic binding to vicinal thiol groups of regulatory proteins. Glutathione is the major intracellular thiol and plays important roles in the cellular defense and metabolism. This paper reports on a study of the interactions between arsenic(III) and either cysteine or glutathione in aqueous solution. The behavior observed for the As(III)-glutathione system is very similar to that of As(III)-cysteine. In both cases, the formation of two complexes in aqueous solution was evidenced by NMR and electronic spectroscopies and by potentiometry. The formation constants of the cysteine complexes [As(H(-1)Cys)(3)], log K = 29.84(6), and [As(H(-2)Cys)(OH)(2)](-), log K = 12.01(9), and of the glutathione complexes [As(H(-2)GS)(3)](3-), log K = 32.0(6), and [As(H(-3)GS)(OH)(2)](2-), log K = 10(3) were calculated from potentiometric and spectroscopic data. In both cases, the [As(HL)(3)] species, in which the amine groups are protonated, predominate from acidic to neutral media, and the [As(L)(OH)(2)] species appear in basic medium (the charges were omitted for the sake of simplicity). Spectroscopic data clearly show that the arsenite-binding site in both complexes is the sulfur atom of cysteine. In the [As(L)(OH)(2)] species, the coordination sphere is completed by two hydroxyl groups. In both cases, arsenic probably adopts a trigonal pyramidal geometry. Above pH 10, the formation of [As(OH)(2)O](-) excludes the thiolates from arsenic coordination sites. At physiological pH, almost 80% of the ligand is present as [As(HL)(3)].  相似文献   
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