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Interleukin-6 is a centrally acting endogenous pyrogen in the rat.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of human recombinant interleukin-6 (IL-6; 20-100 ng) caused significant increases in colonic temperature and resting oxygen consumption (VO2) in conscious rats. These effects were prevented by pretreatment with a cyclooxygenase inhibitor (flurbiprofen, 1 mg/kg, i.p.) or a corticotrophin-releasing factor antagonist (alpha-helical CRF9-41, 25 micrograms, i.c.v.). Higher doses of IL-6 (i.c.v.) caused only small changes in VO2 and temperature, and very high doses given intravenously (i.v.) (4 micrograms/kg) were required to stimulate these parameters. Central injection of anti-rat IL-6 antibody inhibited the effects of interleukin-1 beta (i.c.v.) or endotoxin injection (i.p.) on colonic temperature and VO2 in conscious rats. These data indicate that IL-6 is an important endogenous pyrogen that acts within the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Nick V. Aladin 《Hydrobiologia》1991,225(1):291-299
The hyperosmotic regulation of adult Cladocera is determined mainly by the amount of salts consumed with the food and by reabsorption of salts in cells of the nuchal (neck) organ. The hypoosmotic regulation both in adults and embryos is determined mainly by excretion of salts in special epipodite cells or in cells of the nuchal (neck) organ. The salinity of the Aral sea for the last 30 years increased from 8–10 to 26–28, which led to changes in the Cladocera fauna. At present only 4 species of Cladocera inhabit the Aral sea instead of 14 species that were previously found. These changes are in agreement with osmoregulation capacities of Cladocera. Note added in proof. Since this paper was accepted for publication, all Cladocera have disappeared from the Aral Sea. This happened when salinity reached 30–32. This disappearance was predicted by and agrees with earlier laboratory experiments with Aral Sea Cladocera (Aladin, 1982b).  相似文献   
Summary Voltage-dependent calcium currents were studied in cultured adult mouse pancreatic B-cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. When calcium currents were elicited with 10-sec depolarizing command pulses, the time course of inactivation was well fit by the sum of two exponentials. The more rapidlyinactivating component had a time constant of 75±5 msec at 0 mV and displayed both calcium influx- and voltage-dependent inactivation, while the more slowly-inanctivating component had a time constant of 2750±280 msec at 0 mV and inactivated primarily via voltage. The fast component was subject to greater steady-state inactivation at holding potentials between –100 and –40 mV and activated at a lower voltage threshold. This component was also significantly reduced by nimodipine (0.5 m) when a holding potential of –100 mV was used, whereas the slow component was unaffected. In contrast, the slow component was greatly increased by replacing external calcium with barium, while the fast component was unchanged. Cadmium (1–10 m) displayed a voltage-dependent block of calcium currents consistent with a greater effect on the high-threshold, more-slowly inactivating component. Taken together, the data suggest that cultured mouse B-cells, as with other insulin-secreting cells we have studied, possess at least two distinct calcium currents. The physiological significance of two calcium currents having distinct kinetic and steady-state inactivation characteristics for B-cell burst firing and insulin secretion is discussed.  相似文献   
L Teitelbaum  M L Ginsburg  R W Hopkins 《CMAJ》1991,144(2):169-173
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence and degree of cognitive and behavioural impairment in elderly patients in institutions providing different levels of care. DESIGN: Prevalence study. SETTING: A nursing home, a home for the aged and psychogeriatric wards in a provincial psychiatric hospital. PATIENTS: Only subjects 65 years of age or older were eligible for inclusion. A random sample was selected comprising 25% of the residents in the nursing home and the home for the aged; of the 119 asked to participate 95 agreed (44 in the nursing home and 51 in the home for the aged). All 50 on the psychogeriatric wards agreed to participate. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Kingston Dementia Rating Scale (KDRS). RESULTS: An MMSE score of less than 24 (cognitive impairment) was given to 37 (84%) of the residents in the nursing home, 43 (84%) of those in the home for the aged and 48 (96%) of the patients in the psychiatric hospital; the corresponding numbers for a KDRS score of more than 0 (cognitive impairment) were 41 (93%), 48 (94%) and 50 (100%). The seven patients receiving the highest level of care at the home for the aged (special care) had more behavioural problems than those in the psychiatric hospital did (p less than 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive and behavioural impairment was widespread in the three institutions regardless of the level of care. When planning services and allocating resources government funding agencies should consider the degree and prevalence of such impairment among elderly people in institutions.  相似文献   
The SHV-type beta-lactamase SHV-2A is related to SHV-1 by a Gly-238-Ser replacement. Strains carrying SHV-2A are resistant to the third generation cephems cefotaxime and ceftizoxime, whereas those that carry SHV-1 are sensitive to these drugs. We present a kinetic analysis of a SHV-1 and SHV-2A enzymes, with the goal of gaining insight into the role of residue 238 in hydrolyzing cefotaxime and ceftizoxime. SHV-2A shows altered kinetic properties for a number of other cephems that also have heterocyclic side chains at the amino position of the 7-aminocephalosporanic acid nucleus (R1 side chain), including a significantly higher kcat/Km than does SHV-1 for cephaloridine, cephalothin, and cefotiam. Two cephems with straight chain R1 substitutions, cephalosporin C and cephacetrile, are not hydrolyzed more efficiently by SHV-2A. These results indicate that the Ser-238-Gly substitution increases the affinity toward cephems with a heterocyclic ring in the R1 side chain. In addition, the data for ampicillin and benzylpenicillin show that addition of a nitrogen to the second carbon of the R1 side chain of a penem results in a lower kcat/Km for SHV-2A relative to SHV-1. These data strongly suggest that the previously proposed hydrogen bond formation between Ser-238 and the second carbon nitrogen of cefotaxime is not an important factor in hydrolysis by SHV-2A. We propose that the Gly-238 to Ser-238 replacement in SHV-2A has altered the hydrophobic pocket so that it can better accommodate cephems with bulky R1 side chains.  相似文献   
A cluster of genes encoding the three cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase isozymes CAI, CAII, and CAIII lie on the long arm of chromosome 8 (8q22) in humans. These genes have been mapped using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The genes lie in the order CA2, CA3, CA1. CA2 and CA3 are separated by 20 kb and are transcribed in the same direction, away from CA1. CA1 is separated from CA3 by over 80 kb and is transcribed in the direction opposite to CA2 and CA3. The arrangement of the genes is consistent with proposals that the duplication event which gave rise to CA1 predated the duplication which gave rise to CA2 and CA3. The order of these three genes differs from that suggested for the mouse based on recombination frequency.  相似文献   
Calorimetric titrations have been performed on the binding of ethidium and propidium to calf thymus DNA at temperatures in the 15-60 degrees C range. Enthalpy changes (delta HB) derived from these experiments performed with the new Omega reaction calorimeter have a precision of +/- 0.10 kcal/mol or less at all temperatures. For ethidium (a monocation), delta HB varies little with temperature, and the heat capacity change (delta CP) for the binding reaction derived from these parameters is 10 cal/deg/mol. In contrast, delta HB changes from -6.5 to -8.1 kcal/mol for DNA binding of propidium (a dication due to a charged amine group at the end of an alkyl chain attached to the phenanthridine ring nitrogen), and delta CP is -57 cal/deg/mol. At 21 degrees C a plot of delta HB vs mole ratio is curved downward for propidium in the 0.08-0.25 range, whereas the same plot at 45 degrees C is a straight line from 0.05 to 0.15 and sharply downward thereafter. Similar plots for ethidium follow the latter pattern between 25 and 50 degrees C. These observations and our analyses of delta HB and delta SB are consistent with the hypothesis that the location in the DNA complex and the rotational motion of the alkylamine chain change substantially over the temperature range in this study. Only near 50 degrees C is delta HB equal for the binding of these two cations to DNA, and caution must be used in analyses of enthalpic effects when the temperature dependence for delta HB is not available.  相似文献   
Oyster and seawater samples were collected seasonally from May 1984 through April 1985 from shellfish-growing areas in Washington, California, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, and Rhode Island which had been designated as approved or prohibited by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program. Fecal coliforms counts, aerobic plate counts, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus densities were determined for the samples. Mean V. parahaemolyticus density was more than 100 times greater in oysters than in water, whereas density of fecal coliforms was approximately 10 times higher in oysters. Seasonal and geographical distributions of V. parahaemolyticus were related to water temperature, with highest densities in samples collected in the spring and the summer along the Gulf coast. The synthetic DNA probe for thermostable direct hemolysin hybridized with 2 of 50 isolates, 1 of which was positive by the Kanagawa test.  相似文献   
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