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Vitellogenins (Vgs) and mature yolk from some non-Dipteran insects can be recognized by Drosophila melanogaster oocyte Vg receptors and incorporated via receptor-mediated endocytosis into nascent yolk spheres (NYS). It had previously been assumed that only Vgs of Drosophila or other Dipterans could be so endocytosed. Drosophila ovarian follicles from 4-day old females were incubated in the presence of physiological salt solution (PSS) containing some fluorescent TexasRed-Dextran (Dex-red) or PSS-Dex-red in which either female hemolymph, or vitellin (mature yolk) from lysed oocytes was present from any of the following: (1) Drosophila (Diptera); (2) Oncopeltus (milkweed bug, Hemiptera); (3) Acteaus (luna moth, Saturniidae Lepidoptera); (4) Papilio (swallowtail butterfly, Papilionidae Lepidoptera); or (5) Xylocopa (carpenter bee, Hymenoptera). Under incubation conditions, any NYS would become fluorescent due to non-specific fluid-phase uptake. Ovarian follicles incubated in PSS-DexRed alone or in PSS with hemolymph from males did not carry out endocytosis detectable by this technique, but all other treatments listed above did.  相似文献   


Potatoes have an inadequate rooting system for efficient acquisition of water and minerals and use disproportionate amounts of irrigation and fertilizer. This research determines whether significant variation in rooting characteristics of potato exists, which characters correlate with final yield and whether a simple screen for rooting traits could be developed.


Twenty-eight genotypes of Solanum tuberosum groups Tuberosum and Phureja were grown in the field; eight replicate blocks to final harvest, while entire root systems were excavated from four blocks. Root classes were categorised and measured. The same measurements were made on these genotypes in the glasshouse, 2 weeks post emergence.


In the field, total root length varied from 40 m to 112 m per plant. Final yield was correlated negatively with basal root specific root length and weakly but positively with total root weight. Solanum tuberosum group Phureja genotypes had more numerous roots and proportionally more basal than stolon roots compared with Solanum tuberosum, group Tuberosum genotypes. There were significant correlations between glasshouse and field measurements.


Our data demonstrate that variability in rooting traits amongst commercially available potato genotypes exists and a robust glasshouse screen has been developed. By measuring potato roots as described in this study, it is now possible to assess rooting traits of large populations of potato genotypes.  相似文献   
The Challenge Hypothesis proposes that testosterone mediates aggression during periods of heightened conflict between males, especially episodes that have important fitness consequences. Considerable evidence from seasonally breeding species provides support for this hypothesis, but few data exist in animals that mate year-round. We tested predictions generated by the Challenge Hypothesis in chimpanzees, a non-seasonally breeding primate, through a study of individuals living in an exceptionally large community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Results indicated that dominance rank had no influence on testosterone levels. Instead of rank influencing testosterone production, additional analyses revealed an important role for reproductive competition. Male chimpanzees displayed more aggression when they were in the same party as parous estrous females than when reproductively active females were unavailable. Male chimpanzees competed more intensely for mating opportunities with parous females than with nulliparas, and as a consequence, males displayed more aggression around the former than the latter. When males accompanied parous estrous females, their urinary testosterone concentrations were significantly higher than baseline concentrations. In contrast, urinary testosterone concentrations did not exceed baseline when males associated with nulliparous estrous females. These differences in testosterone levels could not be attributed to mating per se because males copulated equally often with parous and nulliparous females. Furthermore, variation in testosterone concentrations were not due to males gathering together in large parties, as their levels in these situations did not exceed baseline. Taken together, these findings, derived from a relatively large sample of males and estrous females, replicate those from a prior study and furnish additional support for the Challenge Hypothesis. Our results suggest that the Challenge Hypothesis is likely to be broadly applicable to chimpanzees and increase our understanding of the physiological costs to males who compete for estrous females.  相似文献   

One proven strategy to help students make sense of abstract concepts is to sequence instruction so students have exploratory opportunities to investigate science before being introduced to new science explanations (Abraham and Renner 1986 Abraham, M. R. and Renner, J. W. 1986. The sequence of learning cycle activities in high school chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23: 121143. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Renner, Abraham, and Birnie 1988 Renner, J. W., Abraham, M. R. and Birnie, H. H. 1988. The necessity of each phase of the learning cycle in teaching high school physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25: 3958. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). To help physical science teachers make sense of how to effectively sequence lessons, this article summarizes our experiences using an exploration–explanation sequence of instruction to teach Bernoulli's principle to prospective middle and secondary science teachers in a science methods course. We use demonstrations during our Bernoulli unit to help students go back and forth between their observations of phenomenon and what occurs on the microscopic level with what we have termed molecular talk. Students engage in guiding questions, consider their old and new understandings of science, and use evidence to construct new ideas during all stages of the lesson.  相似文献   
In the current study, we analyse the effect of having a Roma background on women's wages. By utilizing data from sixteen multiethnic municipalities in which Roma live, we estimate that 66.2 per cent of the wage differential between Roma and non-Roma female workers cannot be explained by differences in observed characteristics. Prejudices against Roma women are discussed and appear to explain the wage gap found here. The occupational segregation of the Roma in low-paid jobs and employers' statistical motivations are also found to influence wages earned by Roma. This study concludes that there is a need for better implementation of existing laws, rules and regulations, which would counter the discrimination against minority women in the labour market. In addition, a better means of assessing workers' skills might contribute to the reduction of wage discrimination, and greater educational achievement would significantly boost the economic status of Roma women.  相似文献   
Distributing junctional components around the cell periphery is key for epithelial tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. We discovered that positioning of dynamic microtubules controls the asymmetric accumulation of E-cadherin. Microtubules are oriented preferentially along the dorso-ventral axis in Drosophila melanogaster embryonic epidermal cells, and thus more frequently contact E-cadherin at dorso-ventral cell–cell borders. This inhibits RhoGEF2, reducing membrane recruitment of Rho-kinase, and increasing a specific E-cadherin pool that is mobile when assayed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. This mobile E-cadherin is complexed with Bazooka/Par-3, which in turn is required for normal levels of mobile E-cadherin. Mobile E-cadherin–Bazooka prevents formation of multicellular rosette structures and cell motility across the segment border in Drosophila embryos. Altogether, the combined action of dynamic microtubules and Rho signaling determines the level and asymmetric distribution of a mobile E-cadherin–Bazooka complex, which regulates cell behavior during the generation of a patterned epithelium.  相似文献   
Marine phytoplankton have conserved elemental stoichiometry, but there can be significant deviations from this Redfield ratio. Moreover, phytoplankton allocate reduced carbon (C) to different biochemical pools based on nutritional status and light availability, adding complexity to this relationship. This allocation influences physiology, ecology, and biogeochemistry. Here, we present results on the physiological and biochemical properties of two evolutionarily distinct model marine phytoplankton, a diatom (cf. Staurosira sp. Ehrenberg) and a chlorophyte (Chlorella sp. M. Beijerinck) grown under light and nitrogen resource gradients to characterize how carbon is allocated under different energy and substrate conditions. We found that nitrogen (N)‐replete growth rate increased monotonically with light until it reached a threshold intensity (~200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1). For Chlorella sp., the nitrogen quota (pg · μm?3) was greatest below this threshold, beyond which it was reduced by the effect of N‐stress, while for Staurosira sp. there was no trend. Both species maintained constant maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (mol C · mol photons?1) over the range of light and N‐gradients studied (although each species used different photophysiological strategies). In both species, C:chl a (g · g?1) increased as a function of light and N‐stress, while C:N (mol · mol?1) and relative neutral lipid:C (rel. lipid · g?1) were most strongly influenced by N‐stress above the threshold light intensity. These results demonstrated that the interaction of substrate (N‐availability) and energy gradients influenced C‐allocation, and that general patterns of biochemical responses may be conserved among phytoplankton; they provided a framework for predicting phytoplankton biochemical composition in ecological, biogeochemical, or biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
A novel ferritin was recently found in Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (PmFTN), a marine pennate diatom that plays a major role in global primary production and carbon sequestration into the deep ocean. Crystals of recombinant PmFTN were soaked in iron and zinc solutions, and the structures were solved to 1.65–2.2-Å resolution. Three distinct iron binding sites were identified as determined from anomalous dispersion data from aerobically grown ferrous soaked crystals. Sites A and B comprise the conserved ferroxidase active site, and site C forms a pathway leading toward the central cavity where iron storage occurs. In contrast, crystal structures derived from anaerobically grown and ferrous soaked crystals revealed only one ferrous iron in the active site occupying site A. In the presence of dioxygen, zinc is observed bound to all three sites. Iron oxidation experiments using stopped-flow absorbance spectroscopy revealed an extremely rapid phase corresponding to Fe(II) oxidation at the ferroxidase site, which is saturated after adding 48 ferrous iron to apo-PmFTN (two ferrous iron per subunit), and a much slower phase due to iron core formation. These results suggest an ordered stepwise binding of ferrous iron and dioxygen to the ferroxidase site in preparation for catalysis and a partial mobilization of iron from the site following oxidation.  相似文献   
Phosphatidic acid (PA) is a lipid second messenger located at the intersection of several lipid metabolism and cell signaling events including membrane trafficking, survival, and proliferation. Generation of signaling PA has long been primarily attributed to the activation of phospholipase D (PLD). PLD catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine into PA. A variety of both receptor-tyrosine kinase and G-protein-coupled receptor stimulations have been shown to lead to PLD activation and PA generation. This study focuses on profiling the PA pool upon P2Y6 receptor signaling manipulation to determine the major PA producing enzymes. Here we show that PLD, although highly active, is not responsible for the majority of stable PA being produced upon UDP stimulation of the P2Y6 receptor and that PA levels are tightly regulated. By following PA flux in the cell we show that PLD is involved in an initial increase in PA upon receptor stimulation; however, when PLD is blocked, the cell compensates by increasing PA production from other sources. We further delineate the P2Y6 signaling pathway showing that phospholipase Cβ3 (PLCβ3), PLCδ1, DGKζ and PLD are all downstream of receptor activation. We also show that DGKζ is a novel negative regulator of PLD activity in this system that occurs through an inhibitory mechanism with PKCα. These results further define the downstream events resulting in PA production in the P2Y6 receptor signaling pathway.  相似文献   
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