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The rearrangement of TCR genes during thymic ontogeny creates a repertoire of T cell specificities that is refined to ensure the deletion of autoreactive clones and the MHC restriction of T cell responses. Signals delivered via the accessory molecules CD2, CD4, and CD8 have a crucial role in this phase of T cell differentiation. Recently, CD28 has been identified as a signal transducing molecule on the surface of most mature T cells. Perturbation of the CD28 molecule stimulates a novel pathway of T cell activation regulating the production of a variety of lymphokines including IL-2. We have studied the expression and function of CD28 during thymic ontogeny, and in resting and activated PBL. A variable percentage of resting thymocytes were CD28+ (3 to 25%, n = 8), but it was found in high density only on mature CD3+(bright) CD4/CD8 cells. Both unseparated thymocytes and isolated CD3-CD28-/dull cells proliferated when stimulated with PMA plus IL-2 or PMA plus ionomycin. PMA treatment also rapidly up-regulated CD28 expression in the CD3- subset as these cells became CD3-CD28+(bright). Despite the ability of PMA to induce high density CD28 expression in CD3- cells, CD3- thymocytes did not proliferate in response to PMA plus anti-CD28 mAb, in contrast to unseparated cells. CD3+ thymocytes stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb also failed to proliferate in culture. However, the addition of either IL-2 or anti-CD28 mAb supported proliferation, suggesting that only CD3+ cells could respond to CD28 signaling. The comitogenic effect of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 mAb was IL-2 dependent as it was abrogated by an anti-IL-2R mAb. Interestingly, the expression of CD28 on the cell surface of CD3+ cells was also inducible, as flow cytometric analysis demonstrated a 10-fold increase in cell surface CD28 by 24 to 48 h after anti-CD3 stimulation of both CD3+ thymocytes and peripheral blood T cells. This increase was accounted for by a commensurate increase in CD28 mRNA levels. Together, these results suggest that CD28 is an inducible T cell antigen in both CD3- and CD3+ cells. In addition, stimulation of the CD28 pathway can provide a second signal to support the growth of CD3+ thymocytes stimulated through the TCR/CD3 complex, and may therefore represent a mechanism for positive selection during thymic ontogeny.  相似文献   
The CD4R has been shown to exert variable effects on T cell activation responses. Depending on the manner of ligation, the CD4R has been demonstrated to have positive as well as negative effects on the generation of [Ca2+]i flux by the CD3R. Coaggregation of CD3 with CD4 enhanced Ca2+ flux while their independent ligation and aggregation diminished this response. To further elucidate these paradoxical CD4 effects, we studied induction of a microtubule-associated protein 2 kinase (MAP-2K) activity during ligation of the CD3R. Lymphoid MAP-2K activation by CD3 is an evanescent event that is dependent on phosphorylation of 43-kDa MAP-2K via a pathway that involves protein kinase C. Coaggregation of CD4 and CD3 with cross-linking antibodies and avidin enhanced the CD3-mediated MAP-2K response almost twofold. In contrast, independent ligation and cross-linking of CD4 reduced the CD3-induced MAP-2K response by approximately 50%. An important requirement for this inhibitory effect was that CD4 be ligated before stimulation with anti-CD3. The negative effect of anti-CD4 mAb was specific as other mAb failed to simulate this event. The PMA-induced MAP-2K response was not inhibited by anti-CD4. Intact 32P-labeled Jurkat and normal human T cells demonstrated the appearance of a single 43-kDa tyrosine phosphoprotein during stimulation with PMA and anti-CD3. When these crude cellular extracts were extensively fractionated across DEAE- and hydrophobic columns, MAP-2K was resolved into two peaks of activity, each containing a single tyrosine phosphoprotein around 43 kDa. In addition to tyrosine-specific labeling, mitogenic stimulation of normal human T cells also induced threonine-specific labeling of MAP-2K. These results imply that activation of lymphoid MAP-2K is a dual process requiring at least two independent kinases for optimal activity. Inasmuch as CD3 activates protein kinase C and CD4 is associated with a tyrosine kinase, pp56lck, we suggest that their coaggregation may create the conditions whereby MAP-2K may be activated by dual phosphorylation. Independent aggregation of these receptors may lead to physical separation and breakdown of this interactive mechanism.  相似文献   
The von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis (NF1) locus has been linked to chromosome 17, and recent linkage analyses place the gene on the proximal long arm. NF1 probably resides in 17q11.2, since two unrelated NF1 patients have been identified who possess constitutional reciprocal translocations involving 17q11.2 with chromosomes 1 and 22. We have used a somatic-cell hybrid from the t(17;22) individual, along with other hybrid cell lines, to order probes around the NF1 locus. An additional probe, 17L1, has been isolated from a NotI linking library made from flow-sorted chromosome 17 material and has been mapped to a region immediately proximal to the translocation breakpoint. While neither NF1 translocation breakpoint has yet been identified by pulse-field gel analysis, an overlap between two probes, EW206 and EW207, has been detected. Furthermore, we have identified the breakpoint in a non-NF1 translocation, SP-3, on the proximal side of the NF1 locus. This breakpoint has been helpful in creating a 1,000-kb pulsed-field map, which includes the closely linked NF1 probes HHH202 and TH17.19. The combined somatic-cell hybrid and pulsed-field gel analysis we report here favors the probe order D17Z1-HHH202-TH17.19-CRYB1-17L1-NF1- (EW206, EW207, EW203, L581, L946)-(ERBB2, ERBA1). The agreement in probe ordering between linkage analysis and physical mapping is excellent, and the availability of translocation breakpoints in NF1 should now greatly assist the cloning of this locus.  相似文献   
Rom-1 is a retinal integral membrane protein that, together with the product of the human retinal degeneration slow gene (RDS), defines a photoreceptor-specific protein family. The gene for rom-1 (HGM symbol: ROM1) has been assigned to human chromosome 11 and mouse chromosome 19 by Southern blot analysis of somatic cell hybrid DNAs. ROM1 was regionally sublocalized to human 11p13-11q13 by using three mouse-human somatic cell hybrids; in situ hybridization refined the sublocalization to human 11q13. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids suggested that the most likely localization of ROM1 is in the approximately 2-cM interval between human PGA (human pepsinogen A) and PYGM (muscle glycogen phosphorylase). ROM1 appears to be a new member of a conserved syntenic group whose members include such genes as CD5, CD20, and OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein), on human chromosome 11 and mouse chromosome 19. Localization of the ROM1 gene will permit the examination of its linkage to hereditary retinopathies in man and mouse.  相似文献   
There are multiple, processed, dispersed pseudogenes for human argininosuccinate synthetase. Chinese hamster X human somatic cell hybrids were used to map DNA fragment groups corresponding to the single expressed gene and 14 pseudogene loci. Each chromosomal assignment was confirmed using hybrids containing very few human chromosomes and/or by demonstrating monosomic or trisomic dosage in human cell lines with chromosomal abnormalities. Pseudogenes were mapped to chromosomes 2cen-p25, 3q12-qter, 4q21-qter, 5 (two loci), 6, 7, 9p13-q11, 9q11-q22, 11q, 12, Xp22-pter, Xq22-q26, and Ycen-q11. DNA fragments from the expressed gene were mapped to 9q34-qter in agreement with the previous assignment for enzyme activity. A high-frequency restriction fragment length polymorphism mapped to 9q11-q22. The analyses emphasized the feasibility of using chromosomally abnormal human cell lines for confirmation and regionalization of gene-mapping assignments made using somatic-cell hybrids. Conversely, cloned DNA probes, once mapped and characterized, can be very valuable for determining the chromosomal composition of interspecies hybrids and the dosage of loci in human cells. The argininosuccinate synthetase cDNA is a convenient reagent for dosage analysis of 15 human loci on 11 different chromosomes. Improved reagents could be designed that would simplify Southern blot patterns by eliminating overlapping DNA fragments and providing a single DNA fragment for each locus.  相似文献   
Cells staining for Lyt-1 are more frequent than cells staining for Lyt-2 in both primary follicles and the cuffs of secondary follicles; there is an even more striking predominance of cells bearing only Lyt-1 in germinal centers. In addition, there is an increase in the total percentage of cells bearing T cell antigens in germinal centers compared to primary follicles. These differences in phenotype and distribution of T cell populations indicate the T cells in B cell areas, and especially in germinal centers, are not randomly selected, but rather represent a specific subpopulation of T cells enriched for the helper phenotype (Lyt-1+2-), perhaps involved in the development and/or function of germinal centers.  相似文献   
A derivative of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 sensitive to defective bacteriophages PBSX and PBSZ has been isolated. This particular strain, RUB824, carries the genetic information for defective bacteriophage PBSX.  相似文献   
In lymphocytes, CD45 regulates the increase in cytoplasmic calcium concentration that occurs after receptor cross-linking. Here we show that T cell receptor complex (CD3/Ti)-mediated inositol phosphate production was inhibited by CD45 ligation in Jurkat cells. CD3/Ti signaling in normal T cells was also inhibited by CD45 ligation, but coupling of CD4 with CD3/Ti gave augmented calcium signals that were entirely resistant to the inhibitory effect of CD45. In contrast, CD3-induced T cell proliferation was suppressed by immobilized CD45 mAb even in the presence of CD4 mAb. The effect of CD45 and CD4 ligation on tyrosine phosphorylation during T cell activation was directly examined by immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine. Using immobilized mAb, CD45 ligation suppressed the tyrosine phosphorylation of specific substrates induced by CD3/Ti stimulation, including almost complete suppression of 150-, 36-, and 35-kDa proteins and partial suppression of 76- and 80-kDa proteins. Other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins induced by CD3/Ti stimulation, including 135- and 21-kDa proteins, were not suppressed by simultaneous ligation of CD3/Ti and CD45. Simultaneous ligation of CD3 and CD4 enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of all substrates, but did not overcome the CD45-mediated suppression of tyrosine phosphorylation of the 35- and 36-kDa proteins. The CD45-mediated suppression of phospholipase C activation is therefore modulated by association with CD4 without altering the specific inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation and T cell proliferation after co-ligation of CD45 and CD3/Ti.  相似文献   
To understand better the molecular nature of the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that govern folliculogenesis and hair growth, we have studied the behavior of cultured rat dermal papilla cells (rDP), the mesenchymal component of the hair follicle. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) both potentiated the growth of rDP in culture, and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) inhibited rDP proliferation. Biosynthetic labeling studies demonstrated that both PDGF and bFGF induced synthesis of a major secreted protein(s) with Mr = 55-60 kD. It was noted that PDGF and bFGF differentially regulated synthesis of this major secreted protein; PDGF-mediated induction was found to be transient, while bFGF allowed prolonged synthesis of the protein. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-substrate gel analysis of rDP-conditioned media revealed that this protein is a metalloproteinase with casienolytic activity and Mr approximately 51 kD (unreduced). We have identified the growth factor-regulated rDP protein as the matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin by immunoprecipitation. Northern analysis established that increased secretion of stromelysin was accompanied by an increased expression of stromelysin-specific mRNA. Remarkably, stromelysin antisera interfere with stimulation of dermal papilla cell growth, demonstrating that stromelysin production serves a functional role in mitogen-induced proliferation in these cells. These findings provide insight into the mechanism by which the connective tissue remodeling required for formation of hair embryonically and the postembryonic hair cycle may be regulated.  相似文献   
We recently reported a new X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) disorder in a four-generation family of Dutch descent. Features included Dandy-Walker malformation, basal ganglia disease, and seizures. Twenty-six family members, including two living affected males and two obligate carriers, were available for study. No evidence of linkage was observed between the disease locus and RFLPs from several X-chromosome regions, including Xp21-p22 (13 markers), proximal Xq (four markers), and Xq28 (three markers). However, a new hypervariable short tandem repeat (STR) within the HPRT gene at Xq26 showed positive linkage to the disease locus, with a maximum lod score of 2.19 at a recombination fraction of 0. A second hypervariable marker in Xq26, the dinucleotide repeat XL90A3 (DXS425), showed a lod score of .84 at a recombination fraction of .11. Both the HPRT and DXS425 markers were typed in 40 CEPH families, and subsequent multipoint linkage analysis showed the following order: Xcen-DXS425-(HPRT,XLMR)-F9-qter. HPRT and these flanking markers are therefore useful for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in this family. This study illustrates that hypervariable STRs will be powerful tools for linkage analysis and genetic diagnosis, particularly when relatively small families are involved.  相似文献   
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