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Pituitary growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and somatolactin (SL) messenger RNA levels in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were examined under various environmental and physiological conditions. Catfish were sampled following salinity challenge, during the winter (December) and spring or summer (April or July), and at different sizes (15–18 g, 620–664 g, and 956–1134 g). When catfish (956–1134 g) were transferred from freshwater to saline water containing 8 ppt NaCl, their plasma [Na+] increased significantly above values in the freshwater control group until they were transferred back to freshwater. Pituitary GH mRNA levels were low for the first 24 hours following transfer to saline water, but thereafter were significantly elevated above control values until the fish were transferred back to freshwater. Pituitary GH mRNA levels were highest in July and lowest in December. Growth hormone mRNA levels were also elevated in the size groups 15–18 g and 956–1134 g in July when compared with December values. Pituitary PRL mRNA levels increased for the first 24 hours following transfer to saline water (956–1134 g), but thereafter were significantly lower than control values until the fish were transferred back to freshwater. Pituitary PRL mRNA levels were highest in April and July and lowest in December, and were also elevated in the size groups 620–664 g and 956–1134 g. Pituitary SL mRNA levels were unaffected in catfish transferred to saline water; however, levels were significantly elevated in catfish of the 956–1134-g size group sampled in April when compared with December. These results suggest the involvement of GH in adaptation to brackish water and of PRL in adaptation to freshwater in the catfish, and seasonal and size-related differences in pituitary GH, PRL, and SL mRNA levels. Received May 17, 2000; accepted October 30, 2000  相似文献   
The responses of Acala cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in California to a range of applied nitrogen (N) treatments were investigated in a 5-year, multisite experiment. The experiment's goals were to identify crop growth and yield responses to applied N and provide information to better assess the utility of soil residual N estimates in improving fertilizer management. Baseline fertilizer application rates for the lowest applied N treatments were based on residual soil nitrate-N (NO3-N) levels determined on soil samples from the upper 0.6 m of the soil collected prior to spring N fertilization and within 1 week postplanting each year. Results have shown positive cotton lint yield responses to increases in applied N across the 56 to 224 kg N/ha range in only 41% (16 out of 39) of test sites. Soil NO3-N monitoring to a depth of 2.4 m in the spring (after planting) and fall (postharvest) indicate most changes in soil NO3- occur within the upper 1.2 m of soil. However, some sites (those most prone to leaching losses of soluble nutrients) also exhibited net increases in soil NO3-N in the 1.2- to 2.4-m depth zone when comparing planting time vs. postharvest data. The lack of yield responses and soil NO3-N accumulations at some sites indicate that more efforts should be put into identifying the amount of plant N requirements that can be met from residual soil N, rather than solely from fertilizer N applications.  相似文献   
ANG II is capable of stimulating expression of immediate early genes such as egr-1 and c-fos in a variety of cultured cells, including cells of renal origin. To investigate whether ANG II can stimulate early growth response gene expression in vivo, we studied the effects of acute renal artery infusion of low-dose ANG II (2.5 ng small middle dot kg(-1) small middle dot min(-1)) or vehicle on the renal expression of c-fos and egr-1 genes in rats. ANG II infusion for 30 or 240 min decreased renal vascular conductance by approximately 13 and 8%, respectively, compared with the vehicle group. Expression of the early growth response genes c-fos and egr-1 was analyzed using Northern blot hybridization. No significant upregulation of c-fos or egr-1 mRNA levels was detected in rats that received ANG II for either 30 or 240 min, compared with the vehicle groups. We conclude that ANG II, at doses that cause significant physiological effects, does not increase the renal expression of c-fos or egr-1 genes over periods of up to 4 h in vivo.  相似文献   
The functional significance of ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channels is controversial. In the present study, transgenic mice expressing a mutant Kir6.2, with reduced ATP sensitivity, were used to examine the role of sarcolemmal K(ATP) in normal cardiac function and after an ischemic or metabolic challenge. We found left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) was 15-20% higher in hearts from transgenics in the absence of cardiac hypertrophy. beta-Adrenergic stimulation caused a positive inotropic response from nontransgenic hearts that was not observed in transgenic hearts. Decreasing extracellular Ca(2+) decreased LVDP in hearts from nontransgenics but not in those from transgenics. These data suggest an increase in intracellular [Ca(2+)] in transgenic hearts. Additional studies have demonstrated hearts from nontransgenics and transgenics have a similar postischemic LVDP. However, ischemic preconditioning does not improve postischemic recovery in transgenics. Transgenic hearts also demonstrate a poor recovery after metabolic inhibition. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that sarcolemmal K(ATP) channels are required for development of normal myocardial function, and perturbations of K(ATP) channels lead to hearts that respond poorly to ischemic or metabolic challenges.  相似文献   
Human angiotensin-converting enzyme-related carboxypeptidase (ACE2) is a zinc metalloprotease whose closest homolog is angiotensin I-converting enzyme. To begin to elucidate the physiological role of ACE2, ACE2 was purified, and its catalytic activity was characterized. ACE2 proteolytic activity has a pH optimum of 6.5 and is enhanced by monovalent anions, which is consistent with the activity of ACE. ACE2 activity is increased approximately 10-fold by Cl(-) and F(-) but is unaffected by Br(-). ACE2 was screened for hydrolytic activity against a panel of 126 biological peptides, using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry detection. Eleven of the peptides were hydrolyzed by ACE2, and in each case, the proteolytic activity resulted in removal of the C-terminal residue only. ACE2 hydrolyzes three of the peptides with high catalytic efficiency: angiotensin II () (k(cat)/K(m) = 1.9 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1)), apelin-13 (k(cat)/K(m) = 2.1 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1)), and dynorphin A 1-13 (k(cat)/K(m) = 3.1 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1)). The ACE2 catalytic efficiency is 400-fold higher with angiotensin II () as a substrate than with angiotensin I (). ACE2 also efficiently hydrolyzes des-Arg(9)-bradykinin (k(cat)/K(m) = 1.3 x 10(5) m(-1) s(-1)), but it does not hydrolyze bradykinin. An alignment of the ACE2 peptide substrates reveals a consensus sequence of: Pro-X((1-3 residues))-Pro-Hydrophobic, where hydrolysis occurs between proline and the hydrophobic amino acid.  相似文献   
The lipooligosaccharide (LOS) of Haemophilus influenzae contains sialylated glycoforms, and a sialyltransferase, Lic3A, has been previously identified. We report evidence for two additional sialyltransferases, SiaA, and LsgB, that affect N-acetyllactosamine containing glycoforms. Mutations in genes we have designated siaA and lsgB affected only the sialylated glycoforms containing N-acetylhexosamine. A mutation in siaA resulted in the loss of glycoforms terminating in sialyl-N-acetylhexosamine and the appearance of higher molecular weight glycoforms, containing the addition of phosphoethanolamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid. Chromosomal complementation of the siaA mutant resulted in the expression of the original sialylated LOS phenotype. A mutation in lic3A resulted in the loss of sialylation only in glycoforms lacking N-acetylhexosamine and had no effect on sialylation of the terminal N-acetyllactosamine epitope. A double mutant in siaA and lic3A resulted in the complete loss of sialylation of the terminal N-acetyllactosamine epitope and expression of the higher molecular weight sialylated glycoforms seen in the siaA mutant. Mutation of lsgB resulted in persistence of sialylated glycoforms but a reduction in N-acetyllactosamine containing glycoforms. A triple mutant of siaA, lic3A, and lsgB contained no sialylated glycoforms. These results demonstrate that the sialylation of the LOS of H. influenzae is a complex process involving multiple sialyltransferases.  相似文献   
The effect of rainbow trout growth hormone complementary DNA on body shape, dress-out yield, and body composition were assessed in the F1 and F2 generations of transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio). All measurements were compared with those for nontransgenic full-sibling common carp in their respective families, and the fish were communally evaluated in earthen ponds. The body weight and length were highly correlated (P <0.01) in both genotypes in all the families. Head morphometrics were negatively correlated (P <0.05) to weight and length of the fish. Various head, body, and caudal traits grew disproportionately faster in transgenic fish in both generations. The altered body shape of transgenic fish resulted in improved dressing percentage in the F2 generation. The carcass composition of transgenic muscle had a lower percentage of (P <0.01) moisture and lipids and higher (P <0.01) percentage of protein in both generations. Six of the 18 amino acids analyzed in F1 transgenic common carp muscle were higher F1 (P <0.05) than the control genotype; however, amino acid ratios were minimally changed. Also, the fatty acid profiles of both genotypes were minimally altered. Higher histidine and lysine ratios in the diet are recommended for maximum growth and health of transgenic common carp in intensive culture systems on the basis of essential amino acid ratios.  相似文献   
Amyloid plaques in brain tissue are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. Primary components of these plaques are 40- and 42-residue peptides, denoted A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-42), that are derived by proteolysis of cellular amyloid precursor protein. Synthetic A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-42) form amyloid fibrils in vitro that share many features with the amyloid in plaques. Soluble intermediates in A beta fibrillogenesis, termed protofibrils, have been identified previously, and here we describe the in vitro formation and isolation of A beta(1-40) protofibrils by size exclusion chromatography. In some experiments, the A beta(1-40) was radiomethylated to better quantify various A beta species. Mechanistic studies clarified two separate modes of protofibril growth, elongation by monomer deposition and protofibril-protofibril association, that could be resolved by varying the NaCl concentration. Small isolated protofibrils in dilute Tris-HCl buffers were directed along the elongation pathway by addition of A beta(1-40) monomer or along the association pathway by addition of NaCl. Multi-angle light scattering analysis revealed that protofibrils with initial molecular masses M(w) of (7-30) x 10(3) kDa grew to M(w) values of up to 250 x 10(3) kDa by these two growth processes. However, the mass per unit length of the associated protofibrils was about 2-3 times that of the elongated protofibrils. Rate constants for further elongation by monomer deposition with the elongated, associated, and initial protofibril pools were identical when equal number concentrations of original protofibrils were compared, indicating that the original number of protofibril ends had not been altered by the elongation or association processes. Atomic force microscopy revealed heterogeneous initial protofibrils that became more rodlike following the elongation reaction. Our data indicate that protofibril elongation in the absence of NaCl results from monomer deposition only at the ends of protofibrils and proceeds without an increase in protofibril diameter. In contrast, protofibril association occurs in the absence of monomer when NaCl is introduced, but this association involves lateral interactions that result in a relatively disordered fibril structure.  相似文献   
The enigmatic echinoderms attracted few adherents in the 19th century, but this Yorkshireman almost-literally gave his life to them. He amassed the finest collection in private hands, which has been on display in the Exeter Museum since 1910.  相似文献   
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