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The Terry Fox jogging (TFJ) prosthesis was developed at Chedoke-McMaster Hospital to alleviate the asymmetric jogging pattern experienced by above-knee amputees when attempting to jog with conventional walking prostheses. This prosthesis features a spring-loaded, telescoping shank designed to eliminate any vaulting action and control the trunk motion during stance. The spring is intended to attenuate the impact forces and release its stored energy at push-off to provide momentum transfer to the jogger. This prosthesis was comprehensively assessed in the gait laboratory, by evaluating the kinematics, energy and power flow patterns of an above-knee amputee jogger wearing the TFJ prosthesis. Included in the assessment is the ability of the prosthesis to satisfy a set of relevant design criteria that have been established from non-amputee jogging patterns. An increased swing phase time for the prosthetic limb and the need to have the knee hyperextended throughout the stance phase contributed to an asymmetric jogging style. The telescoping action did lower the amputee's centre of mass, thereby reducing the vaulting effect. However, the spring only imparted a lifting action to the jogger and the ground reaction forces were double those of a non-amputee jogger. These findings clearly indicate a need to redesign the TFJ prosthesis and are being incorporated in the design of a new physiological jogging prosthesis.  相似文献   
CD46, until recently known as HuLy-m5, is a non-lineage restricted surface antigen ubiquitously expressed by almost all human cells except erythrocytes. The CD46 antigen is identified by the E4.3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and exists at the surface of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) as two acidic, non-disulfide bonded chains, and , ofM r 66 000 and 56 000. Receptor density analysis showed that CD46 was of moderately low abundance on PBLs with 7.5×103 molecules present on each cell. The two chains of CD46 were purified (144 000-fold) by immunoaffinity-chromatography with E4.3 mAb from the plasma membranes of a human spleen infiltrated with chronic myelogenous leukemia cells. Amino acid sequence analysis of the NH2-terminal of both and chains yielded the same sequence; XEEPPQ/TFEAMELIGKPKPYYEIGE. Peptide mapping studies confirmed that both CD46 chains were closely related, except for one peptide fragment. This amino acid sequence is identical to that of the NH2-terminal of the recently cloned membrane co-factor protein (MCP), a membrane protein that binds the C3b and C4b fragments of complement and acts as a co-factor for I protein-mediated decay of the complement convertases. CD46 shares a cross-reactive epitope with some primate retroviruses, and this may indicate that some retroviruses mimic the mechanisms used by autologous human cells to evade complement-mediated immune clearance. Offprint requests to: I. F. C. McKenzie.  相似文献   
The growth and development of plants is regulated by light viathe action of photoreceptors which are responsive to the red/far-red,blue and UV regions of the spectrum. Phytochrome B (the apoproteinof which is encoded by the PHYB gene) is one of the red/far-redabsorbing photoreceptors active in this process. In this paper,the isolation and characterization of three new EMS-inducedmutations of Arabidopsis which confer phytochrome B deficiencyare described. Complementation analysis showed that these mutations(phyB-101, phyB-102 and phyB-104) were allelic with PHYB. DNAsequence analysis showed that all three mutants contain nucleotidesubstitutions in the PHYB-101 gene sequence. phyB-101 carriesa nucleotide substitution within the second exon of the PHYBgene. This G-to-A substitution is a missense mutation that convertsa glutamate residue at position 812 of the phytochrome B apoproteinto a lysine residue. phyB-102, another missense mutant, carriesa C-to-T substitution which converts a serine residue at position349 of the phytochrome B apoprotein to a phenylalanine residue.phyB-104 carries a premature stop codon as a result of a G-to-Amutation 1190 bp down-stream of the ATG start codon of the PHYBsequence. The missense mutations in phyB-101 and phyB-102 causesignificant alterations in the predicted second ary structureof their respective mutant polypeptides, and identify aminoacid residues playing crucial roles in phytochrome B function,assembly or stability. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, phytochromet, phyB mutants, missense mutations  相似文献   
The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands can be divided into two specificity subclasses: the Eck-related receptors and their GPI-anchored ligands, and the Elk-related receptors and their transmembrane ligands. Previous reports demonstrated that Eck- and Elk-related receptors in the retina distribute in high temporal–low nasal and high ventral–low dorsal gradients, respectively. While others have focused on complementary ligand gradients in the retinal axon target, the tectum, we report that ligands from each subclass also distribute in gradients opposing those of their corresponding receptors within the retina itself. Moreover, ligand gradients in the retina precede ganglion cell genesis. These results support an intraretinal role for Eph family members in addition to their previously proposed role in the development of retinotectal topography. The distinct distributions of Eph family members suggest that each subclass specifies positional information along independent retinal axes.  相似文献   
Shells of probable former living communities ofDreissena polymorpha were found within sediments of the shallow polytrophic to hypertrophic hard water Lake Breitling (Havel-Lake system, Germany). Corresponding sediments have been deposited between approximately 1940 and 1970 and reflect increasing eutrophication and heavy metal pollution of the Lake during this period (Schettler, 1992). Single shells from various sediment depths were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) along a line on the outer part of the shell. The response of these freshwater mussels to increasing heavy metal pollution is clearly reflected in the distribution of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn within their valves. In general, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contents are lower, and the distribution more even, in the outer parts of the deepest (oldest) shells compared to shells from higher in the cored sediments. Notably higher contents of Cu, Pb and Zn were recorded from the central (umbonal) part of the more recent shells, but this behaviour is not recorded for Cd. Metabolic changes brought on by worsening environmental conditions are proposed to explain this phenomena. Acidity produced during anaerobic metabolism can be neutralised by dissolution of the carbonate part of the shell. Copper, Zn and Pb, which show an affinity for the organic component of the shell, may thus accumulate by repeated dissolution and reprecipitation of the shell during the lifetime of an individual organism. Cadmium, which is bound mainly in the aragonite of the shells, is released during the dissolution of carbonate and is not concentrated in the umbonal area of the shell.  相似文献   
Abstract: Laboratory cultures of marine Synechococcus sp. WH 7803 were grown under conditions of restricted iron availability. The culture medium was adjusted to restrict iron availability: (i) by adding the iron chelator EDDA; (ii) by omitting iron; and (iii) by omitting both iron and EDTA. An adaptive response was observed to these iron-restricted conditions, including a decrease in cellular phycoerythrin and synthesis of a 36 kDa polypeptide in [35S]methionine radiolabelled whole cell lysates separated by SDS-PAGE. The polypeptide was synthesized within 48 h of transferring exponential phase cells to the iron-restricted medium. The protein was localized to the cell membranes and not the cytoplasmic fraction.  相似文献   
The application of abscisic acid (ABA), either as a racemic mixture or as optically resolved isomers, increases freezing tolerance in a bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) cell culture and induces the accumulation of several heat-stable proteins. Two stereoisomers of an ABA analog, 23 dihydroacetylenic abscisyl alcohol (DHA), were used to study the role of ABA-induced processes in the acquisition of freezing tolerance in these cells. Freezing tolerance was unchanged in the presence of (–) DHA (LT50 -9°C), and no increase in heat-stable protein accumulation was detected; however, the (+) enantiomer increased the freezing tolerance (LT50 -13°C) and induced the accumulation of these polypeptides. All three forms of ABA increased freezing tolerance in the bromegrass cells, although (–) ABA was less effective than either (+) or (±) ABA when added at equal concentrations. Cells pretreated with 20 or 50 M (–) DHA displayed lower levels of freezing tolerance following the addition of 2.5, 7.5 or 25 M (±) ABA. Full freezing tolerance could be restored by increasing the concentration of (±) ABA to > 25 M. Pretreatment of cells with (–) DHA (20 or 50 M) had no effect on freezing tolerance when 25 M (+) ABA was added. The induction of freezing tolerance by 25 M (–) ABA was completely inhibited by the presence of 20 M (–) DHA. The accumulation of ABA-responsive heat-stable proteins was inhibited by pretreatment with 20 M (–) DHA in cells treated with 2.5 or 7.5M (+) ABA, and in cells treated with 25 M (–) ABA. The accumulation of these polypeptides was restored when (±) or (+) ABA was added at a concentration of 25 M. The analysis of proteins which cross-reacted with a dehydrin antibody revealed a similar inhibitory pattern as seen with the other ABA-responsive proteins. The effects of the various isomers of ABA and DHA on cell osmolarity and sucrose uptake was also investigated. In both cases, (±) and (+) ABA had pronounced effects on the parameters measured, whereas (–) ABA treated cells gave substantially different results. In both sucrose uptake and cell osmolarity, DHA had no significant effect on the results obtained following (±) or (+) ABA treatment. Maximum freezing tolerance was only observed in cells when both heat-stable protein accumulation and sucrose uptake were observed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DHA 2,3 dihydroacetylenicabscisyl alcohols - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - LT50 temperature at which 50% of cells are killed The authors would like to acknowledge the technical assistance of Angela Bollman, Bruce Ewan and Angela Shaw. This work was supported by grants from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada to L.V.G. and N.H.L., and a grant from the University of Saskatchewan to R.W.W.  相似文献   
The Health Care Ethics Consultant marks a stage in the development of ethics consultancy. Ethics consultancy is a manifestation of a newly secularized society in which a new discipline has developed to fill a gap created by the combination of the diminishing influence of traditional moral authorities and the growth of new problems associated with the development of new technology and changes in society and culture. The stated primary objective of the book is to focus attention on an immediate practical problem: the role and responsibilities, the education and training, and the certification and accreditation of health ethics consultants. An edited collection of articles, the book originated as a research project financed by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, undertaken by a Strategic Research Network which included faculty members from Dalhousie University, McGill University, the University of Toronto, McMaster University and the University of Calgary.  相似文献   
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