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The CDC34 (UBC3) protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a 125 residue tail that contains a polyacidic region flanked on either side by sequences of mixed composition. We show that although a catalytic domain is essential for CDC34 activity, a major cell cycle determinant of this enzyme is found within a 74 residue segment of the tail that does not include the polyacidic stretch or downstream sequences. Transposition of the CDC34 tail onto the catalytic domain of a functionally unrelated E2 such as RAD6 (UBC2) results in a chimeric E2 that combines RAD6 and CDC34 activities within the same polypeptide. In addition to the tail, the cell cycle function exhibited by the chimera and CDC34 is probably dependent on a conserved region of the catalytic domain that is shared by both RAD6 and CDC34. Despite this similarity, the CDC34 catalytic domain cannot substitute for the DNA repair and growth functions of the RAD6 catalytic domain, indicating that although these domains are structurally related, sufficient differences exist to maintain their functional individuality. Expression of the CDC34 catalytic domain and tail as separate polypeptides are capable of only partial function; thus, while the tail displays autonomous structural characteristics, there is considerable advantage gained when both domains coexist within the same polypeptide. The ability of these and other derivatives to restore partial function to a cdc34 temperature-sensitive mutant but not to a disruption mutant suggests that interaction between two CDC34 polypeptides is a requirement of CDC34 activity. Based on this idea we propose a model that accounts for the initiating steps leading to multi-ubiquitin chain synthesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The relative contributions made by the l-arginine/agmatine/N-carbamoylputrescine/putrescine and the l-ornithine/putrescine pathways to hyoscyamine formation have been investigated in a transformed root culture of Datura stramonium. The activity of either arginine decarboxylase (EC or ornithine decarboxylase (EC was suppressed in vivo by using the specific irreversible inhibitors of these activities, dl--difluoromethylarginine or dl--difluoromethylornithine, respectively. It was found that suppression of arginine decarboxylase resulted in a severe decrease in free and conjugated putrescine and in the putrescine-derived intermediates of hyoscyamine biosynthesis. In contrast, the suppression of ornithine decarboxylase activity stimulated an elevation of arginine decarboxylase and minimal loss of metabolites from the amine and alkaloid pools. The stimulation of arginine decarboxylase was not, however, sufficient to maintain the same potential rate of putrescine biosynthesis as in control tissue. It is concluded that (i) in Datura the two routes by which putrescine may be formed do not act in isolation from one another, (ii) arginine decarboxylase is the more important activity for hyoscyamine formation, and (iii) the formation of polyamines is favoured over the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids. An interaction between putrescine metabolism and other amines is also indicated from a stimulation of tyramine accumulation seen at high levels of dl--difluoromethylornithine.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - DFMA dl--dif-luoromethylarginine - DFMO dl--difluoromethylornithine - MPO N-methylputrescine oxidase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - PMT putrescine N-methyltransferase We are indebted to Dr. E.W.H. Bohme of Merrell Dow Research Laboratories (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) for kind gifts of DFMO and DFMA and to Dr. M.J.C. Rhodes for helpful advice and discussion.  相似文献   
Five alternative cDNA clones were isolated for CD46, also known as the membrane cofactor protein (MCP) for the factor I-mediated cleavage of the complement convertases. One of these cDNA clones (a) was identical to an earlier MCP clone. The other four CD46 clones 3ontained the four NH2-terminanl short consensus repeat (SCR) units of MCP, but differed at the region encoding the carboxyl-terminal of the protein which includes an extracellular segment rich in Ser, Thr, and Pro residues, a hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain, and a 33 amino acid cytoplasmic tail. The different CD46 cDNAs have variously: (b) inserted a 93 base pair (bp) exon resulting in a new cytoplasmic tail of 26 amino acids; (c) deleted a 42 bp exon from the extracellular Ser/Thr rich region; (d) used a cryptic splice acceptor sequence to delete 37 bp from an exon encoding transmembrane sequence; or (e) failed to splice the intron after the four SCR units. These were shown by northern blot and polymerase chain reaction to arise by alternative splicing of CD46 RNA. Forms (a), (b), and (c) of CD46 RNA are common in placental RNA, but (d) was rare, and (e) was incompletely processed and therefore aberrant. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to map the sites of the intron/exon junctions and demonstrate further possible splice variants of CD46. The alternative RNAs for CD46 may correlate to the different isoforms of CD46 found in different tissues, tumors, and in serum.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M58050. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: D. F. J. Purcell.  相似文献   
Metaphase chromosomes of Syrian hamster and BALB/c mice were hybridized in situ with radiolabeled probes derived from cloned intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes of the corresponding species. The DNAs of these species are known to contain about 900 and 1,000 copies, respectively, of the retrovirus-like IAP sequence elements per haploid genome. Multiple IAP sequences were found on all chromosomes of both hamster and mouse. In the hamster, more than half of the IAP sequences were located in regions of non-centromeric constitutive heterochromatin, at an average concentration per unit chromosome length 5 times greater than in the euchromatic regions. The other dispersed sequences showed marked local variations in concentration along the chromosome lengths; both discrete foci and large grain clusters were observed as well as regions apparently lacking IAP sequences. Within the resolution of the techniques, IAP sequences appeared to be more evenly distributed over the mouse chromosomes; however, some prominent variations in concentration were seen. The number of potentially active IAP genes in the Syrian hamster, and by extension in the mouse, may be restricted by the preferential location of IAP sequences in genetically inert regions of the genome.  相似文献   
This paper reports the sequence of the active site peptide of penicillin-binding protein 1b from Escherichia coli. Purified penicillin-binding protein 1b was labeled with [14C]penicillin G, digested with trypsin, and partially purified by gel filtration. Upon further purification by high-pressure liquid chromatography, two radioactive peaks were observed, and the major peak, representing over 75% of the applied radioactivity, was submitted to amino acid analysis and sequencing. The sequence Ser-Ile-Gly-Ser-Leu-Ala-Lys was obtained. The active site nucleophile was identified by digesting the purified peptide with aminopeptidase M and separating the radioactive products on high-pressure liquid chromatography. Amino acid analysis confirmed that the serine residue in the middle of the sequence was covalently bonded to the [14C]penicilloyl moiety. A comparison of this sequence to active site sequences of other penicillin-binding proteins and beta-lactamases is presented.  相似文献   
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