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The Xenopus borealis quinacrine marker and scanning electron microscopy have been used to study the appearance, migration, and homing of neural crest cells in the embryo of Xenopus. The analysis shows that the primordium of the neural crest develops from the nervous layer of the ectoderm and consists of three segments at early neurula stages. This primordium is located in the lateral halves of the neural folds behind the prospective eye vesicles. The histological and experimental evidence shows that the neural crest cells also originate from the medial portion of the neural folds. The neural crest segments in the cephalic region start to migrate just before the closure of the neural tube. Isotopic and isochronic unilateral grafts of X. borealis neural crest into X. laevis embryos were performed in order to map the fate of the cranial crest segments and the vagal-truncal neural crest. The analysis of the X. laevis host embryos shows that the mandibular crest segment contributes to the lower jaw (Meckel's cartilage), quadrate, and ethmoid-trabecular cartilages, as well as to the ganglionic and Schwann cells of the trigeminus nerve, the connective tissues, the mesenchymal and choroid layers of the eye, and the cornea. The hyoid crest segment is located in the ceratohyal cartilage and in ganglia VII and VIII. The branchial crest segment migrates from the caudal part of the otic vesicle and divides into two portions which contribute to the cartilages of the gills. The vagal-truncal neural crest starts to migrate later at stage 25. It migrates by means of the vagus complex in a ventral direction and penetrates into the splanchnic layer of the digestive tract. The trunk neural crest cells disperse into three different pathways which differ from those of the avian embryo at this level.  相似文献   
A Mr = 110,000 glycoprotein, GP 110, was partially purified using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose affinity chromatography from a bile canalicular-enriched membrane fraction denoted N2u of rat liver. This fraction was subjected to preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the Mr = 110,000 polypeptide was excised and used as an immunogen in rabbits. The antisera were found to specifically recognize a Mr = 110,000 polypeptide, named GP 110, in the N2u membrane fraction. In isolated hepatocytes, GP 110 was readily accessible to cell surface iodination catalyzed by lactoperoxidase at 4 degrees C and was judged by immunoprecipitation studies to contain about 2% of total radioactivity incorporated into externally oriented proteins of the cell. Immunoprecipitated GP 110 was shown by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to migrate with an approximate pI of 4.9. Indirect immunofluorescence on frozen liver sections demonstrated that GP 110 was primarily localized in the bile canaliculus. In corroborative studies employing subcellular fractionation, it was found that GP 110 was enriched nearly 19-fold in P2, a plasma membrane fraction primarily derived from the sinusoidal domain, and 44-fold in N2u. In contrast, only low levels of GP 110 were present in endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial, cytosolic, and nuclear-enriched fractions of liver. The physiological function of GP 110 is as yet unknown; antisera to it did not immunoprecipitate other known bile canalicular proteins of similar molecular weights. GP 110 was found to be extensively glycosylated relative to other known membrane proteins; approximately 33% of the apparent molecular weight appear to be carbohydrate. In agreement, limited removal of N-linked carbohydrate chains indicated that there are approximately eight chains/GP 110 polypeptide. Neuraminidase treatment of GP 110 resulted in a desialylated Mr = 85,000 polypeptide suggesting that the majority of carbohydrate chains on GP 110 are of the complex type.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone, pTU04, which hybridizes to two different sizes of mRNA on Northern blots was isolated from soybean suspension culture cell poly(A) RNA. Northern analysis reveals that meristematic tissue produces a 1050-nucleotide mRNA while quiescent mature cells produce primarily a 1220-nucleotide mRNA homologous to pTU04. The cDNA and its corresponding genomic clone have been partially characterized. The nucleotide sequence of the gene predicts a proline-rich protein, designated SbPRP1, which contains a signal peptide sequence and 43 repeats of a sequence consisting primarily of Pro-Pro-Val-Tyr-Lys (CCA-CCA-GTT-TAC-AAG). From nuclease S1 and hybrid-select translation analyses, the cDNA clone pTU04 appears to represent the mRNA for the mature tissue 1220-nucleotide RNA observed on Northern blots. Although there is no direct proof that the encoded protein is a cell wall protein, it has the properties similar to previously isolated cell wall proteins: 1) it is very basic with a high content of Pro, Tyr, and Lys; 2) it has similar hydropathic properties; and 3) its repeating unit shares sequence homology with that of more highly characterized cell wall proteins, generally termed extensin (Chen, J., and Varner, J. E. (1985) EMBO J. 4, 2145-2151; Smith, J. J., Muldoon, E. P., Willard, J. J., and Lamport, D. T. A. (1986) Phytochemistry 25, 1021-1030.  相似文献   
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were raised against pure human renin, but nothing was known about the regions against which they were directed. Using a three-dimensional model of mouse submandibular renin, we selected seven peptide sequences as belonging to potential epitopes. The main criteria for their choice were the location of the peptide sequences near the catalytic region and on the surface of the renin molecule and their hydrophilicity. After transposition of the regions to the 340-amino acid sequence of human renin, the seven peptides (corresponding to amino acids 50-60, 63-71, 81-90, 118-126, 162-169, 247-255, and 287-295) were synthesized, coupled to bovine serum albumin, and injected into rabbits. Five of these peptides elicited antibodies, and 50-68% binding of the corresponding iodinated peptide was obtained with a 1:25 dilution of antiserum. The antisera titers ranged from 1:5,000 to 1:100,000 when tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The same antisera bound 15-65% of labeled pure human renin at a final dilution of 1:2.5, the highest percentage being obtained with peptide 81-90 antiserum. At a 1:5 dilution, the five antisera inhibited renin activity by 23-68% in human plasma with a high renin activity (40 ng of angiotensin I/h/ml). At a final dilution of 1:50, peptide 81-90 antiserum was still capable of producing 25% inhibition. Purified IgG (0.6 mg) from this antiserum inhibited pure human renin activity by up to about 40%, as measured by its reaction with pure synthetic human tetradecapeptide substrate. Antigenic peptides that mimic a part of the human renin sequence, especially peptide 81-90 representing the "flap" covering the cleft between the two renin lobes, constitute promising tools for the development of a synthetic antirenin vaccine.  相似文献   
Taste systems of the petrosal ganglion of the rat glossopharyngeal nerve   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Single unit recordings were taken from sensory ganglion cellsin the petrosal ganglion (PG) of the glossopharyngeal nerveof the rat. These taste units were examined with respect tospontaneous and evoked discharge patterns and responsivenessto a wide variety of chemical compounds, most of natural occurrence.Spontaneous activity patterns, with few exceptions, tended tobe extremely irregular with both bursting (clusters of 2–3spikes) and grouping (large groups of spikes as in evoked discharges).Most interspike interval histograms of spontaneous activitywere multimodal, similar to rat geniculate ganglion (GG) units.Evoked discharges usually displayed grouping of spikes, andlong latencies of onset and persistence of discharge after rinsewere sometimes seen. Little response was shown to nucleotidesor salts. Units responsive to amino acids tended to show largedischarge to only one or two amino acids; and the most responsiveamino acid usually varied from cell to cell. Units responsiveto alkaloids only responded to a few alkaloids with atropineand quinine being the most stimulatory. Units responsive toacids only discharged to a few of the acids tested and oftenacids of low pH elicited no discharge. Saccharin activated unitsresponsive to both sugar and alkaloids. A few units highly responsiveto both sugar and alkaloids were seen. The units were placedinto four clusters on the basis of chemicals activating themand certain neurophysiological characteristics: PG salt units,PG acid units and, tentatively, amino acid (sugar) units andX (alkaloid and alkaloid plus) units. The PG salt units didnot show the exclusive sensitivity to sodium and lithium compoundsas did the GG salt units. The PG acid units could also be differentiatedfrom the GG acid units. The petrosal amino acid and X units,on the other hand, could not be differentiated from similarunits in the rat GG.  相似文献   
A highly cytotoxic, lipid-like compound was isolated from a Serratia marcescens strain currently under identification. We have named the compound DCX for its direct cytotoxic activity on various cell types in culture. DCX was purified by preparative thin layer chromatography from chloroform: methanol = 4:1 extracts of whole bacteria, and is chromatographically homogeneous. The effect of DCX on cells is dose, time, and temperature dependent. DCX is particularly toxic to the mastocytoma cell line P815 (TD50 = 75 pg/ml). Three other malignant or transformed murine cell lines were sensitive to the cytotoxic action of DCX. The effect of DCX was also tested on normal cells (human gingival fibroblasts), which showed greater resistance to DCX than the other cells tested.  相似文献   
The induction of a specific form of cytochrome P-450 (P-450j) by fasting   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In previous work we have demonstrated that liver microsomal N-nitrosodimethylamine demethylase (NDMAd) activity is increased in rats by fasting, and we have postulated that this is due to the induction of a specific form of cytochrome P-450. This communication provides evidence for such a hypothesis. Fasting for 24 and 48 h caused 59 and 116% increases, respectively, in NDMAd activity in male rats, and fasting for 48 h caused a 63% increase in female rats. These increases were accompanied by corresponding increases of cytochrome P-450j (P-450ac) determined by immunoblotting. Fasting for 24 and 48 h also increased the mRNA for P-450j by 153 to 250%, as determined by hybridization with a cDNA probe of this cytochrome. The results suggest that fasting affects the gene expression of P-450j.  相似文献   
Crystal structure of cytochrome c peroxidase compound I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have compared the 2.5-A crystal structure of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) with that of its semistable two-equivalent oxidized intermediate, compound I, by difference Fourier and least-squares refinement methods. Both structures were observed at -15 degrees C. The difference Fourier map reveals that formation of compound I causes only small positional adjustments of a few tenths of an angstrom. The map's most pronounced feature is a pair of positive and negative peaks bracketing the heme iron position. Least-squares refinement shows that the iron atom moves about 0.2 A toward the distal side of the heme. No significant difference density is evident near the side chains of Trp-51 or Met-172, each of which has been proposed to be the site of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) active radical in compound I. However, the second most prominent feature of difference density is a negative peak near the side chain of Thr-180, which, according to the results of least-squares refinement, moves by 0.15 A in the direction of Met-230. These observations, together with the results of mutagenesis experiments [Fishel, L. A., Villafranca, J. E., Mauro, J. M., & Kraut, J. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 351-360; Goodin, D. B., Mauk, A. G., & Smith, M. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 1295-1299] in which Trp-51 and Met-172 have been replaced without loss of the EPR radical signal in compound I, lead us to consider the possibility that the radical site lies within a cluster composed of the side chains of Met-230, Met-231, and Trp-191.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The gene coding for human anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) was localized to subbands p13.2----p13.3 on chromosome 19, using in situ hybridization and Southern blot analysis of a panel of man-mouse and man-hamster somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   
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