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Our objective was to estimate the biocontrol potential of the recently discovered entomopathogenic nematode species Heterorhabditis georgiana (Kesha strain). Additionally, we conducted a phylogenetic characterization of the nematode’s symbiotic bacterium. In laboratory experiments, we compared H. georgiana to other entomopathogenic nematodes for virulence, environmental tolerance (to heat, desiccation, and cold), and host seeking ability. Virulence assays targeted Acheta domesticus, Agrotis ipsilon, Diaprepes abbreviatus, Musca domestica, Plodia interpunctella, Solenopsis invicta, and Tenebrio molitor. Each assay included H. georgiana and five or six of the following species: Heterorhabditis floridensis, Heterorhabditis indica, Heterorhabditis mexicana, Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae, Steinernema rarum, and Steinernema riobrave. Environmental tolerance assays included Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, H. georgiana, H. indica, S. carpocapsae, S. feltiae, and S. riobrave (except cold tolerance did not include S. carpocapsae or S. riobrave). Host seeking ability was assessed in H. bacteriophora, H. georgiana, S. carpocapsae, and Steinernema glaseri, all of which showed positive orientation to the host with S. glaseri having greater movement toward the host than S. carpocapsae (and the heterorhabditids being intermediate). Temperature range data (tested at 10, 13, 17, 25, 30 and 35 °C) indicated that H. georgiana can infect Galleria mellonella between 13 and 35 °C (with higher infection at 17–30 °C), and could reproduce between 17 and 30 °C (with higher nematode yields at 25 °C). Compared with other nematode species, H. georgiana expressed low or intermediate capabilities in all virulence and environmental tolerance assays indicating a relatively low biocontrol potential. Some novel observations resulted from comparisons among other species tested. In virulence assays, H. indica caused the highest mortality in P. interpunctella followed by S. riobrave; S. carpocapsae caused the highest mortality in A. domesticus followed by H. indica; and S. riobrave was the most virulent nematode to S. invicta. In cold tolerance, S. feltiae exhibited superior ability to cause mortality in G. mellonella (100%) at 10 °C, yet H. bacteriophora and H. georgiana exhibited the ability to produce attenuated infections at 10 °C, i.e., the infections resumed and produced mortality at 25 °C. In contrast, H. indica did not show an ability to cause attenuated infections. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, the bacterium associated with H. georgiana was identified as Photorhabdus luminescens akhurstii.  相似文献   
The xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) has recently been detected in prostate cancer tissues and may play a role in tumorigenesis. It is currently unclear how this virus is transmitted and which factors promote its spread in the prostate. We show that amyloidogenic fragments known as semen-derived enhancer of virus infection (SEVI) originating from prostatic acid phosphatase greatly increase XMRV infections of primary prostatic epithelial and stromal cells. Hybrid simian/human immunodeficiency chimeric virus particles pseudotyped with XMRV envelope protein were used to demonstrate that the enhancing effect of SEVI, or of human semen itself, was at the level of viral attachment and entry. SEVI enhanced XMRV infectivity but did not bypass the requirement for the xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1. Furthermore, XMRV RNA was detected in prostatic secretions of some men with prostate cancer. The fact that the precursor of SEVI is produced in abundance by the prostate indicates that XMRV replication occurs in an environment that provides a natural enhancer of viral infection, and this may play a role in the spread of this virus in the human population.Viruses are etiologic agents of various human cancers, including cervical carcinoma (caused by human papillomavirus), Kaposi''s sarcoma (caused by human herpesvirus 8), hepatocellular carcinoma (caused by hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus), and adult T-cell leukemia (caused by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1) (6). Genetic and epidemiologic evidence suggests that prostate cancer may also have an infectious etiology, although a causative agent has not been identified (4, 12). The gammaretrovirus xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) is a candidate human tumor virus based on its association in human prostate tumors with a reduced-activity variant of the antiviral gene, RNASEL (also known as the hereditary prostate cancer 1 gene or HPC1) (17) and because it is a member of a viral family known to cause leukemias and lymphomas in different mammalian species (8). Interferon, through its effector RNase L, potently inhibits XMRV replication (5). XMRV integration sites in human prostate cancer tissues were mapped to cancer breakpoints, common fragile sites, micro-RNA genes, and cancer-related genes (11). Many of these genes are implicated directly or indirectly in prostate cancer and metabolic pathways that affect prostate cancer, including androgen signaling. XMRV has also been observed in prostate tissue from a nonfamilial prostate cancer patient and in an individual without prostate cancer (7). The possible role of XMRV in prostatic cancer raises questions about its ability to infect the prostate and the route of viral transmission.Recently, it has been shown that fragments of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), an abundant nonspecific protein phosphatase produced by the prostate (18) and secreted in semen in large quantities (about 2 mg/ml) (16), form amyloid fibrils that drastically enhance human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection (14). The fibrils of PAP248-286, termed semen-derived enhancer of virus infection (SEVI), enhanced the infectious virus titer by several orders of magnitude by capturing HIV-1 virions and promoting their attachment to target cells. The ability of SEVI to promote the interaction between virions and the cell surface is independent of the viral glycoprotein and hence is not restricted to HIV-1, although subsequent fusion between the viral and cellular membranes still required gp120, CD4, and an appropriate coreceptor (14). A recent study indicates that the positive charges on SEVI (pI = 10.21) promote infectivity by neutralizing negative-charge repulsion between HIV particles and the cell surface (15).Because SEVI originates from the prostate (the organ from which XMRV infection was discovered [17]) and promotes viral attachment in a relatively nonspecific manner, we sought to determine its effect on XMRV infection. Here we demonstrate that XMRV infectivity is greatly enhanced by SEVI or human semen and that XMRV RNA is detectable in expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) from human tumor-bearing prostates.  相似文献   
Here, we report the sequencing and classification of Nyamanini virus (NYMV) and Midway virus (MIDWV), two antigenically related viruses that were first isolated in 1957 and 1966, respectively. Although these viruses have been cultured multiple times from cattle egrets, seabirds, and their ticks, efforts to classify them taxonomically using conventional serological and electron microscopic approaches have failed completely. We used a random shotgun sequencing strategy to define the genomes of NYMV and MIDWV. Contigs of 11,631 and 11,752 nucleotides, representing the complete genome of NYMV and the near-complete genome of MIDWV, respectively, were assembled. Each virus genome was predicted to carry six open reading frames (ORFs). BLAST analysis indicated that only two of the ORF proteins of each virus, the putative nucleocapsid and polymerase, had detectable sequence similarity to known viral proteins. Phylogenetic analysis of these ORF proteins demonstrated that the closest relatives of NYNV and MIDWV are negative-stranded-RNA viruses in the order Mononegavirales. On the basis of their very limited sequence similarity to known viruses, we propose that NYMV and MIDWV define a novel genus, Nyavirus, in this order.Nyamanini virus (NYMV) was first isolated in 1957 from a cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) in South Africa (24). It has subsequently been isolated in Nigeria, Egypt, India, and Thailand from cattle egrets and Argas walkerae ticks (14, 16, 24). Although there has been no recognized human infection or disease associated with NYMV, suckling mice succumbed to NYMV infection 7 or 8 days after intracerebral inoculation (14). NYMV has not been definitively characterized or classified to date (10).Midway virus (MIDWV) was first isolated in 1966 from seabird ticks of two species [Ornithodoros (Alectorobius) spp.] collected on the Midway, Kure, and Manana islands in the Central Pacific and from northern Honshu, Japan. In addition, on Aomatsushima Island, nestling seabirds of two seabird species, Larus crassirostris and Nycticorax nycticorax, were found to have antibody to MIDWV. This virus is pathogenic for newborn Swiss mice but not 4-week-old Swiss mice injected intracranially. Also, the virus is cytopathic in BHK-21 cells and produces plaques in Vero cells. Efforts to classify MIDWV have revealed only that MIDWV is antigenically related to NYMV in cross-box complement fixation (CF) assays (22).To date, conventional approaches, such as serological analysis and electron microscopy (EM), have not yielded definitive characterization of MIDWV or NYMV. Heretofore, it was not known whether MIDWV and NYMV are DNA viruses or RNA viruses or to which virus family they belong. In this paper, we describe the application of unbiased high-throughput sequencing to define the genome sequences of NYMV and MIDWV. By analysis of their genomes, NYMV and MIDWV were determined to be negative-stranded RNA viruses highly divergent from all known viruses but most closely related to viruses in the order Mononegavirales. On the basis of the analysis presented herein, we propose that NYMV and MIDWV define a novel taxon within the order Mononegavirales.  相似文献   
Analysis of the CTX prophage and RS1 element in hybrid and altered Vibrio cholera O1 strains showed two classifiable groups. Group I strains contain a tandem repeat of classical CTX prophage on the small chromosome. Strains in this group either contain no element(s) or an additional CTX prophage or RS1 element(s) on the large chromosome. Group II strains harbor RS1 and CTX prophage, which has an E1 Tor type rstR and classical ctxB on the large chromosome.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of medicinal plant extracts on the development of mycelium in the following phytopathogenic fungi were evaluated: Phytophthora capsici, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, Colletotrichum gloeosprorioides, and Botrytis cinera. Of the 26 medicinal plants tested, six plant extracts showed antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi. The highest antifungal activity was exerted against R. solani by the n-hexane fraction of a Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia Blume) solvent extract. Therefore, the antifungal compound fractions I and II were purified from the n-hexane fraction by TLC on silica gel plates. When treated with solutions containing compound fractions I or II at a concentration of 2%, the mycelia growth rate of R. solani was reduced to 0.19 and 0.18, respectively. In addition, microscopic observation of the hyphal morphology of R. solani following treatment with compound fraction I revealed the presence of severely damaged hyphae. Specifically, the hyphal tips became swollen, collapsed or were completely destroyed in response to treatment with solution containing compound fraction I at concentration of 1%.  相似文献   
Deinococcus radiodurans contains a highly condensed nucleoid that remains to be unaltered following the exposure to high doses of γ-irradiation. Proteins belonging to the structural maintenance of chromosome protein (SMC) family are present in all organisms and were shown to be involved in chromosome condensation, pairing, and/or segregation. Here, we have inactivated the smc gene in the radioresistant bacterium D. radiodurans, and, unexpectedly, found that smc null mutants showed no discernible phenotype except an increased sensitivity to gyrase inhibitors suggesting a role of SMC in DNA folding. A defect in the SMC-like SbcC protein exacerbated the sensitivity to gyrase inhibitors of cells devoid of SMC. We also showed that the D. radiodurans SMC protein forms discrete foci at the periphery of the nucleoid suggesting that SMC could locally condense DNA. The phenotype of smc null mutant leads us to speculate that other, not yet identified, proteins drive the compact organization of the D. radiodurans nucleoid.  相似文献   
TRPV4, a close relative of the vanilloid receptor TRPV1, is activated by diverse modalities such as endogenous lipid ligands, hypotonicity, protein kinases and, possibly, mechanical inputs. While its multiple roles in vivo are being explored with KO mice and selective agonists, there is a dearth of selective antagonists available to examine TRPV4 function. Herein we detail the use of a focused library of commercial compounds in order to identify RN-1747 and RN-1734, a pair of structurally related small molecules endowed with TRPV4 agonist and antagonist properties, respectively. Their activities against human, rat and mouse TRPV4 were characterized using electrophysiology and intracellular calcium influx. Significantly, antagonist RN-1734 was observed to completely inhibit both ligand- and hypotonicity-activated TRPV4. In addition, RN-1734 was found to be selective for TRPV4 in a TRP selectivity panel including TRPV1, TRPV3 and TRPM8, and could thus be a valuable pharmacological probe for TRPV4 studies.  相似文献   
A number of metabolic disturbances occur in response to the consumption of a high fat western diet. Such metabolic disturbances can include the progressive development of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulemia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Cumulatively, diet-induced disturbances in metabolism are known to promote increased morbidity and negatively impact life expectancy through a variety of mechanisms. While the impact of metabolic disturbances on the hepatic, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems is well established there remains a noticeable void in understanding the basis by which the central nervous system (CNS) becomes altered in response to diet-induced metabolic dysfunction. In particular, it remains to be fully elucidated which established features of diet-induced pathogenesis (observed in non-CNS tissues) are recapitulated in the brain, and identification as to whether the observed changes in the brain are a direct or indirect effect of peripheral metabolic disturbances. This review will focus on each of these key issues and identify some critical experimental questions which remain to be elucidated experimentally, as well as provide an outline of our current understanding for how diet-induced alterations in metabolism may impact the brain during aging and age-related diseases of the nervous system.  相似文献   
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