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Insulin receptor, partially purified from human placenta by chromatography on wheat germ agglutinin, was shown, by means of double probe labeling, to bind only one molecule of insulin with a high affinity. In the double probe labeling protocol used, 125I-insulin (probe 1) was affinity cross-linked to its receptor in the presence of an excess of unlabeled N epsilon B29-biotinylinsulin (probe 2). The ability of succinylavidin to bind to receptor-linked probe 2 and alter the electrophoretic mobility of the cross-linked complex (during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate) was used to determine the amount of receptor which was cross-linked to both probes relative to that which was cross-linked to only probe 1. The fraction of receptor bound to two molecules of insulin prior to cross-linking was estimated from the cross-linking efficiency and the yield of receptor cross-linked to both probes relative to the yield of receptor cross-linked only to probe 1. The low fraction of receptor bound to both probes in the presence of high concentrations of probe 2 indicated that the affinity of the receptor for a second molecule of insulin was approximately 100 times less than that for the first and that in the range of insulin concentrations (less than 20 nM) usually used to determine the stoichiometry for the interaction between receptor and insulin, more than 80% of the receptor molecules should be bound to only one molecule of insulin. This knowledge of how insulin receptor interacts with insulin was shown to be important for proper determination of receptor purity, interpretation of curvilinear Scatchard plots, and interpretation of the insulin-enhanced rate of dissociation of receptor-bound insulin.  相似文献   
广西德峨苗族、彝族体质调查   总被引:47,自引:26,他引:21  
对广西隆林县德峨乡男性22至60岁与女性20至60岁的576名苗族人(男395、女181)和178名彝族人(男88、女90)进行了活体观察与测量,计算出各项数据,总结德峨苗族、彝族的体质特征,并与国内一些民族相比较。  相似文献   
Cutaneous circulation in 4 X 10 cm skin samples and delayed and acute random skin flaps constructed on the flanks of castrated Yorkshire pigs (13.3 +/- 0.7 kg; n = 12) were studied during intravenous infusion (0.5 ml per minute) of 5% dextrose solution (vehicle) and 5% dextrose containing norepinephrine (1 microgram/kg per minute). Total and capillary blood flow and A-V shunt flow were measured by the radioactive microsphere technique 6 hours after the raising of 4 X 10 cm single-pedicle acute and delayed random skin flaps using the technique and calculations published previously. Fluorescein dye test was also performed to assess vascular perfusion. It was observed that the capillary blood flow in the single-pedicle delayed skin flaps was similar to that in the normal skin, and the maintenance of this normal skin blood flow was not due to the closing of A-V shunt flow in the delayed skin flaps. Similarly, the significant (p less than 0.01) decrease in capillary blood flow and distal perfusion in the acute skin flaps compared with the delayed skin flaps was not due to the opening of A-V shunts in the acute skin flaps. There was no evidence to indicate that A-V shunt flow per se was the primary factor for the regulation of capillary blood flow in the acute and delayed skin flaps in the pig. Our data seemed to indicate that tissue ischemia in the distal portion of acute skin flaps was likely the result of vasoconstriction of the small random arteries which supplied blood to arterioles and A-V shunts, and locally released neurohumoral substances may play an important role in the pathogenesis of vascular resistance and ischemia in the acute skin flaps.  相似文献   
Operant behavior in transition reflects neonatal exposure to cadmium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Male Long-Evans rats were injected with 0, 1, 3, or 6 mg/kg of cadmium chloride on the first day of life. Animals free of morphological stigmata at weaning were selected for study. Tissue concentrations of cadmium and operant behavior under various fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement were evaluated when these rats were adults. Dose-related increases in cadmium were present in the brains, livers, and kidneys. Dose-related differences in behavior were most evident during the transition from fixed ratio 25 (FR 25 or 25 responses/reinforcer) to FR 75. An inverted U describes the relationship between response output during the transition to FR 75 and cadmium chloride dose response output increased at 3 mg/kg and decreased at 6 mg/kg. The rate decreases were not correlated with weight loss that appeared after some of the animals exposed to 6 mg/kg reached 60 days of age. Challenge doses of d-amphetamine revealed no interaction between neonatal exposure to cadmium and d-amphetamine. The occurrence of alterations in operant behavior in animals that appeared normal on a number of preweaning evaluations suggests that operant behavior in transition was sensitive to subtle effects not observed with other commonly used tests. The data provide evidence for delayed effects in the adult that are due to neonatal exposure to cadmium.  相似文献   
The capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella SK1 was investigated by methylation analysis, Smith degradation, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The oligosaccharides (P1 and P2) obtained by bacteriophage ΦSK1 degradation of the polymer were studied by methylation analysis, and 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. The resulting data showed that the patent repeating unit is a branched pentasaccharide having a structure identical to the revised structure recently proposed for Klebsiella serotype K8 capsular polysaccharide.
The 2D-NMR data showed that one third of the glucuronic acid residues in the SK1 polymer are acetylated at O-2, O-3, or O-4. FABMS studies confirmed the presence of monoacetylated glucuronic acid residues. Thus, the relationship between the Klebsiella K8 and SK1 polymers is akin to that found for Klebsiella polysaccharides K30 and K33, which have been typed as serologically distinct yet their structures differ only in the degree of acetylation.  相似文献   
Mucus glycoproteins from newborn and adult rat small intestine were radiolabelled in vivo with Na2 35SO4 and isolated from mucosal homogenates by using Sepharose 4B column chromatography followed by CsCl-density-gradient centrifugation. Non-covalently bound proteins, lipids and nucleic acids were not detected in the purified glycoproteins. Amino acid, carbohydrate and sulphate compositions were similar to chemical compositions reported for other intestinal mucus glycoproteins, as were sedimentation properties. There were, however, important differences in the chemical and physical characteristics of the mucus glycoproteins from newborn and adult animals. The buoyant density in CsCl was higher for the glycoproteins from newborn rats (1.55 g/ml versus 1.47 g/ml). On sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide/agarose-gel electrophoresis, the glycoprotein from newborn rats had a greater mobility than the adult-rat sample. Although both preparations had similar general amino acid compositions, variations were observed for individual amino acids. The total protein content was greater in the glycoprotein from newborn animals (27%, w/w, versus 18%, w/w). The molar ratio of carbohydrate to protein was less in the newborn, primarily owing to a decreased fucose and N-acetylgalactosamine content. Comparison of the molar ratio of fucose and sialic acid to galactose for both glycoproteins demonstrated a reciprocal relationship similar to that described by Dische [(1963) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 106, 259-270]. The sulphate content was greater in the glycoprotein from newborn rats (5.5%, w/w, versus 0.9%, w/w). Both had similar sedimentation coefficients in a dissociative solvent. These results suggest an age-related difference in the types of mucus glycoproteins synthesized by small intestine.  相似文献   
Urinary galactitol in galactosemic patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A proteolytically modified form of the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-Binding protein (SSB) has been crystallized from 15% saturated sodium citrate. Crystals as large as 1.0 mm x 0.3 mm x 0.2 mm were obtained and these diffract beyond 3A resolution. X-ray photographic analysis demonstrated a rhombohedral unit cell of space group R3 with an equivalent triple centered hexagonal unit cell having dimensions of a = b = 62.9A and c = 264.3A. These crystals were judged to be adequate for a three dimensional structure determination.  相似文献   
Rats were fasted or fasted and refed simple purified diets so the effects of individual carbohydrates or fats could be studied. Freshly isolated hepatocytes from these animals were used to measure both apoE synthesis and mRNA levels so any changes in apoE synthesis that might occur without changes in its mRNA could be detected. Some of these experiments were done with both sexes. Both fasting and fasting and refeeding a 60% glucose fat-free diet significantly increased spoE synthesis. However, cyclic AMP is not likely to rapidly mediate the effect of fasting since dibutyryl cAMP slightly lowered (rather than increased) apoE synthesis and mRNA when injected into rats for 4.5 h. Dietary fat had no effect either in the absence of carbohydrate or when consumption of carbohydrate was constant in pair-fed rats. ApoE mRNA levels remained normal for 4 days in primary hepatocytes cultured in medium that had only amino acids as an energy source. Added hormones or fructose had no significant effect. Thus, only fasting and fasting and refeeding glucose were able to significantly change apoE synthesis or mRNA levels. Synthesis of apoE may be regulated to increase when apoE is secreted with very low density lipoprotein or when apoE in secreted high density lipoprotein is needed to acquire cholesteryl esters for the synthesis of bile salts and acids by liver.  相似文献   
Summary The condensation reactions of activated nucleotides, ImpN or 2-MeImpN, with the selfcomplementary ribo-octanucleotide GCGCGCGC or with the partially self-complementary heptanucleotide GCGCGCG were studied. The templatedirected reaction of 2-meImpC with the heptamer yields the 3–5 octamer as the main product. All other reactions yield 2–5-linked octamers and pyrophosphates as major products. Surprisingly, 2-MeImpG facilitates the reaction of 2-MeImpC with the heptamer.Procedures for the analysis by gel electrophoresis of the oligomeric products obtained in reactions of this kind are described.  相似文献   
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