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The total (bound plus free) concentrations of progesterone, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and cortisol were determined in the plasma of sows at three stages during pregnancy and more intensively from 5 days pre-partum to 5 days post-partum. The free fractions of progesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and cortisol were measured in the same samples by a rate dialysis method. Up to day 110 of gestation, the amounts of free hormone in plasma did not fluctuate independently of their total concentrations. During farrowing, the total and free concentrations of progesterone and cortisol varied independently of each other, whereas total and free oestradiol-17 beta declined simultaneously. The initiation of parturition was associated with a decrease in circulating total progesterone, and was accentuated by a decrease in the free fraction (P less than 0.005) so that its active free concentration was only 20% of its day 1 pre-partum value. Total and free cortisol concentrations rose rapidly during labour so that at 12-18 h after birth of the first piglet 30% of that cortisol in maternal plasma was free hormone.  相似文献   
A man who had worked for 16 years in the manufacture of a potent corticosteroid was found to be suffering from chronic adrenocortical insufficiency attributed to chronic absorption of the glucocorticoid. Eleven other symptom-free workers were therefore screened. Two of these workers, like the first patient, gave grossly abnormal responses to the Synacthen (tetracosactrin) test; one had been employed for only seven months. All 12 men had facial plethora, suggesting absorption of the drug in spite of their having adhered to the safety precautions. All workers manufacturing potent steroids should therfore be screened regularly by measurement of their plasma cortisol concentrations and should be moved regularly to processing other drugs.  相似文献   
Coliforms from hides and meat.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Coliform tests were performed on 85 hide and 75 meat samples. IMViC reactions were determined on isolates from positive confirmed and fecal tests, and strains other than Escherichia coli were identified. Strains typed as Aerobacter aerogenes types I and II were identified as Enterobacter cloacae (51.4%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (21.5%), Enterobacter aerogenes (15%), and Enterobacter liquefaciens, Serratia, and unidentified coliforms (12.1%). K. pneumoniae appeared to be responsible for less than 1% positive fecal tests.  相似文献   
The effects of glucose (10 mm), glycerol (3 mm), and lactate/pyruvate (10 mm) on the incorporation of 3H from 3H2O into fatty acids were studied in isolated hepatocytes prepared from chow-fed female rats. Lactate/pyruvate markedly increased lipogenic rates, while glucose and glycerol did not significantly affect rates of lipogenesis. In cells incubated with lactate/pyruvate plus glycerol, the increase in 3H incorporation was greater than observed with lactate/pyruvate alone. In hepatocytes isolated from 24-h starved rats, lactate/pyruvate again increased de novo fatty acid synthesis to a greater extent than either glucose or glycerol. Glycerol significantly increased lipogenesis compared to the endogenous rates and when incubated with lactate/pyruvate produced an increase above lactate/pyruvate alone. (?)-Hydroxycitrate, a potent inhibitor of ATP-citrate lyase (EC, and agaric acid, an inhibitor of tricarboxylate anion translocation, were studied in hepatocytes to determine their effects on lipogenesis by measuring 3H2O, [1-14C]acetate, and [2-14C]lactate incorporation into fatty acids. 3H incorporation into fatty acids was markedly inhibited by both inhibitors with agaric acid (60 μm) producing the greater inhibition. (?)-Hydroxycitrate (2 mm) increased acetate incorporation into fatty acids from [1-14C]acetate and agaric acid produced a strong inhibitory effect. Combined effects of (?)-hydroxycitrate and agaric acid on lipogenesis from [1-14C]acetate showed an inhibitory response to a lesser extent than with agaric acid alone. With substrate concentrations of acetate present, there was no significant increase in rates of lipogenesis from [1-14C]acetate and the increase previously observed with (?)-hydroxycitrate alone was minimized. Agaric acid significantly inhibited fatty acid synthesis from acetate in the presence of exogenous substrate, but the effect was decreased in comparison to rates with only endogenous substrate present. With [2-14C]lactate as the lipogenic precursor, agaric acid and (?)-hydroxycitrate strongly inhibited fatty acid synthesis. However, agaric acid despite its lower concentration (60 μm vs 2 mm) was twice as effective as (?)-hydroxycitrate. A similar pattern was observed when substrate concentrations of lactate/pyruvate (10 mm) were added to the incubations. When (?)-hydroxycitrate and agaric acid were simultaneously incubated in the presence of endogenous substrate, there was an additive effect of the inhibitors on decreasing fatty acid synthesis. Results are discussed in relation to the origin of substrate for hepatic lipogenesis and whether specific metabolites increase lipogenic rates.  相似文献   
A new method for analysis of biological thiols based upon their conversion to fluorescent derivatives by reaction with monobromotrimethylammoniobimane (qBBr) is described. The derivatives are separated by chromatography and by electrophoresis on cellulose thinlayer chromatography plates. The use of two-dimensional mapping makes it possible to differentiate between a wide variety of biological thiols including N-acetylcysteine, CoA, cysteine, cysteinylglycine, cysteamine, ergothioneine, glutathione, γ-glutamylcysteine, homocysteine, mercaptopyrimidine, pantetheine, 4′-phosphopanetheine, thiosulfate, and thiouracil. For applications to biological samples thiols were isolated from crude extracts by binding to a mercuriagarose gel. Following removal from the gel with dithiothreitol, the thiols were derivatized with qBBr. The methods were tested by showing that glutathione is the major thiol in human red blood cells, that glutathione and ergothioneine are the major thiols in Neurospora crassa conidia, and that Bacillus cereus vegetative cells lack glutathione but contain cysteine, pantetheine, and an unidentified thiol in significant amounts.  相似文献   
The immune response of six inbred mouse strains (SJL, A, C57BL/6, CBA, BALB/c, and DBA/1) to DNP56BGG was tested under three separate immunization schedules: 1 Μg DNP-BGG in 1 mg Al(OH)3 adjuvant, 50 Μg DNP-BGG in 1 mg A1(OH)3 adjuvant, and 1 Μg DNP-BGG in complete Freund's adjuvant. Individual serum samples were titered using a modified Farr assay. It was found that the first schedule allowed classification of the mice into responder (SJL, A) and nonresponder (C57BL/6, CBA, BALB/ c, DBA/1) strains. The second schedule produced quantitative as well as qualitative differences among the strains and allowed classification of the mice into higher-responder (SJL, A), intermediate-responder (C57BL/6, CBA, BALB/c), and low-responder (DBA/1) categories. When complete Freund's adjuvant was used in the third schedule, the differences among strains became insignificant. The sera from each strain were pooled and assayed for relative antibody affinity and IgM content. Both of these parameters were dependent largely on the dose of antigen and type of adjuvant used, rather than on the particular mouse strain being studied. The mechanism of adjuvant action, and possible cell interactions in the genetic control of the immune response, are discussed.  相似文献   
Similar to guinea pig macrophages and human monocytes, macrophages from the peritoneal cavity of thioglycolate pretreated A/J mice are permissive for growth of Legionella pneumophila. In contrast, macrophages from BDF1 mice are not permissive for L. pneumophila. Lymphocytes from A/J and BDF1 mice proliferated in response to Legionella Ag but guinea pig lymphocytes did not. Also, splenocyte cultures from A/J mice treated with either Con A or Legionella vaccine produced supernatants which induced A/J macrophages to restrict Legionella growth, but guinea pig splenocyte culture supernatants obtained after stimulation with L. pneumophila vaccine did not induce Legionella growth restriction activity by guinea pig macrophages. Murine rIFN-gamma but not rIFN-alpha markedly inhibited growth of Legionella in A/J mouse macrophages and monoclonal anti-IFN-gamma antibody neutralized the anti-Legionella activity of culture supernatants from A/J mouse splenocytes responding to Legionella Ag. From these data, IFN-gamma appears to be an important factor in anti-Legionella activity of Ag-activated mouse splenocyte culture supernatants. Cyclosporin A, when given to either A/J or BDF1 mice, reduced the proliferation responses of splenocytes to T cell mitogens and also decreased the IFN production of A/J spleen cells to Legionella Ag. In addition, drug treatment decreased the resistance of A/J mice to Legionella infection as shown by an increase in the number of viable bacteria in the liver. However, injection of drug treated mice with lymphokine-rich splenocyte culture supernatant reconstituted the resistance of these animals. These results suggest an important role for lymphocyte activation and lymphokine production in the resistance of A/J mice to Legionella infection. The greater resistance of BDF1 mice, however, may result from nonpermissive macrophages and responsive lymphocytes. In the case of guinea pigs, susceptibility to Legionella infections may result from both the permissive nature of the macrophages and the relatively unresponsive nature of the lymphocytes in these animals.  相似文献   
Endonuclease VII is an enzyme from bacteriophage T4 capable of resolving four-arm Holliday junction intermediates in recombination. Since natural Holliday junctions have homologous (2-fold) sequence symmetry, they can branch migrate, creating a population of substrates that have the branch point at different sites. We have explored the substrate requirements of endonuclease VII by using immobile analogs of Holliday junctions that lack this homology, thereby situating the branch point at a fixed site in the molecule. We have found that immobile junctions whose double-helical arms contain fewer than nine nucleotide pairs do not serve as substrates for resolution by endonuclease VII. Scission of substrates with 2-fold symmetrically elongated arms produces resolution products that are a function of the particular arms that are lengthened. We have confirmed that the scission products are those of resolution, rather than nicking of individual strands, by using shamrock junction molecules formed from a single oligonucleotide strand. A combination of end-labeled and internally labeled shamrock molecules has been used to demonstrate that all of the scission is due to coordinated cleavage of DNA on opposite sides of the junction, 3' to the branch point. Endonuclease VII is known to cleave the crossover strands of Holliday junctions in this fashion. The relationship of the long arms to the cleavage direction suggests that the portion of the enzyme which requires the minimum arm length interacts with the pair of arms containing the 3' portion of the crossover strands on the bound surface of the antiparallel junction.  相似文献   
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