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Wolbachia pipientis, the most common intracellular infection on the planet, infects 40% of insects as well as nematodes, isopods and arachnids. Wolbachia are obligately intracellular and challenging to study; there are no genetic tools for manipulating Wolbachia nor can they be cultured outside of host cells. Despite these roadblocks, the research community has defined a set of Wolbachia loci involved in host interaction: Wolbachia effectors. Through the use of Drosophila genetics, surrogate systems and biochemistry, the field has begun to define the toolkit Wolbachia use for host manipulation. Below we review recent findings identifying these Wolbachia effectors and point to potential, as yet uncharacterized, links between known phenotypes induced by Wolbachia infection and predicted effectors.  相似文献   
Summary DNA methylation has been associated with gene activity in differentiating and developing plant tissues. The objective of this study was to determine the involvement of methylation in the expression of a gene transferred into carrot (Daucus carota L.) tissues by particle bombardment. Expression of the Dc8-GUS gene construct in response to treatments with 5-azacytidine (S-azaC) and to in vitro methylation by methylases was investigated by histochemical assay of GUS activity. The 5-azaC treatment increased the frequency of Dc8-driven GUS expression in both calli and somatic embryos. The increase occurred with treatment either to E. coli containing the plasmid insert or to the carrot tissues before bombardment. GUS expression, increased by the 5-azaC treatment, was enhanced by ABA treatment of both calli and somatic embryos and was more prominent in the latter. Increased digestion of the 5-azaC-treated plasmid DNA with EcoRII suggested that demethylation had occurred. In vitro methylation of Dc8-GUS by methylases generally resulted in a lower frequency of GUS expression. SssI methylase completely inhibited GUS expression. The level of GUS expression was correlated with the extent of methylation of the plasmid.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic Acid - 5-azaC 5-azacytidine - GUS -glucuronidase - Dc8 carrot promoter  相似文献   
Chromatium species produced the novel biological thiol glutathione amide, gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine amide (GASH), when grown photoheterotrophically. GASH was largely converted to the corresponding perthiol during photoautotrophic growth on sulfide, suggesting that GASH may have a function in anaerobic sulfide metabolism. This unprecedented form of glutathione metabolism was probably present in anaerobic ancestors of modern cyanobacteria and purple bacteria.  相似文献   
Measurement of power output during resistance training is becoming ubiquitous in strength and conditioning programs, but there is great variation in the methods used. The main purposes of this study were to compare the power output values obtained from 4 different methods and to examine the relationships between these values. Male semiprofessional Australian rules football players (n = 30) performed hang power clean and weighted jump squat while ground reaction force (GRF)-time data and barbell displacement-time data were sampled simultaneously using a force platform and a linear position transducer attached to the barbell. Peak and mean power applied to the barbell was obtained from barbell displacement-time data (method 1). Peak and mean power applied to the system (barbell + lifter) was obtained from 3 other methods: (a) using GRF-time data (method 2), (b) using barbell displacement-time data (method 3), and (c) using both barbell displacement-time data and GRF-time data (method 4). The peak power values (W) obtained from methods 1, 2, 3, and 4 were (mean +/- SD) 1,644 +/- 295, 3,079 +/- 638, 3,821 +/- 917, and 4,017 +/- 833 in hang power clean and 1,184 +/- 115, 3,866 +/- 451, 3,567 +/- 494, and 4,427 +/- 557 in weighted jump squat. There were significant differences between power output values obtained from method 1 vs. methods 2, 3, and 4, as well as method 2 vs. methods 3 and 4. The power output applied to the barbell and that applied to the system was significantly correlated (r = 0.65-0.81). As a practical application, it is important to understand the characteristics of each method and consider how power output should be measured during the hang power clean and the weighted jump squat.  相似文献   
Background: Protein kinase Cs are a family of enzymes that transduce the plethora of signals promoting lipid hydrolysis. Here, we show that protein kinase C must first be processed by three distinct phosphorylations before it is competent to respond to second messengers.Results We have identified the positions and functions of the in vivo phosphorylation sites of protein kinase C by mass spectrometry and peptide sequencing of native and phosphatase-treated kinase from the detergent-soluble fraction of cells. Specifically, the threonine at position 500 (T500) on the activation loop, and T641 and S660 on the carboxyl terminus of protein kinase C βII are phosphorylated in vivo. T500 and S660 are selectively dephosphorylated in vitro by protein phosphatase 2A to yield an enzyme that is still capable of lipid-dependent activation, whereas all three residues are dephosphorylated by protein phosphatase 1 to yield an inactive enzyme. Biochemical analysis reveals that protein kinase C autophosphorylates on S660, that autophosphorylation on S660 follows T641 autophosphorylation, that autophosphorylation on S660 is accompanied by the release of protein kinase C into the cytosol, and that T500 is not an autophosphorylation site.Conclusion Structural and biochemical analyses of native and phosphatase-treated protein kinase C indicate that protein kinase C is processed by three phosphorylations. Firstly, trans-phosphorylation on the activation loop (T500) renders it catalytically competent to autophosphorylate. Secondly, a subsequent autophosphorylation on the carboxyl terminus (T641) maintains catalytic competence. Thirdly, a second autophosphorylation on the carboxyl terminus (S660) regulates the enzyme's subcellular localization. The conservation of each of these residues (or an acidic residue) in conventional, novel and atypical protein kinase Cs underscores the essential role for each in regulating the protein kinase C family.  相似文献   
Equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) can cause a wide spectrum of diseases ranging from inapparent respiratory infection to the induction of abortion and, in extreme cases, neurological disease resulting in paralysis and ultimately death. It has been suggested that distinct strains of EHV-1 that differ in pathogenic capacity circulate in the field. In order to investigate this hypothesis, it was necessary to identify genetic markers that allow subgroups of related strains to be identified. We have determined all of the genetic differences between a neuropathogenic strain (Ab4) and a nonneuropathogenic strain (V592) of EHV-1 and developed PCR/sequencing procedures enabling differentiation of EHV-1 strains circulating in the field. The results indicate the occurrence of several major genetic subgroups of EHV-1 among isolates recovered from outbreaks over the course of 30 years, consistent with the proposal that distinct strains of EHV-1 circulate in the field. Moreover, there is evidence that certain strain groups are geographically restricted, being recovered predominantly from outbreaks occurring in either North America or Europe. Significantly, variation of a single amino acid of the DNA polymerase is strongly associated with neurological versus nonneurological disease outbreaks. Strikingly, this variant amino acid occurs at a highly conserved position for herpesvirus DNA polymerases, suggesting an important functional role.  相似文献   
The survival and colonization patterns of Pseudomonas putida PRD16 and Enterobacter cowanii PRF116 in the rhizosphere of greenhouse-grown tomato plants and the effects of their inoculation on the indigenous bacterial community were followed by selective plating, molecular fingerprinting, and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) over 3 weeks. Both strains, which showed in vitro antagonistic activity against Ralstonia solanacearum, were previously tagged with gfp. Seed and root inoculation were compared. Although plate counts decreased for both gfp-tagged antagonists, PRD16 showed a better survival in the rhizosphere of tomato roots independent of the inoculation method. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from total community DNA by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and CLSM confirmed the decrease in the relative abundance of the inoculant strains. Pronounced differences in the Pseudomonas community patterns for plants inoculated with PRD16 compared to the control were detected 3 weeks after root inoculation, indicating a longer-lasting effect. Analysis by CLSM showed rather heterogeneous colonization patterns for both inoculant strains. In comparison with seed inoculation, root inoculation led to a much better colonization as evidenced by all three methods. The colonization patterns observed by CLSM provide important information on the sampling strategy required for monitoring inoculant strains in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Light activation of photosensitizing dyes in presence of molecular oxygen generates highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species leading to cell inactivation. Nucleic acids are molecular targets of this photodynamic action but not considered the main cause of cell death. The in vivo effect of the photodynamic process on the intracellular nucleic acid content of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus warneri was evaluated herein.Two cationic porphyrins (Tetra-Py+-Me and Tri-Py+-Me-PF) were used to photoinactivate E. coli (5.0 μM; 108 cells mL?1) and S. warneri (0.5 μM; 108 cells mL?1) upon white light irradiation at 4.0 mW cm?2 for 270 min and 40 min, respectively. Total nucleic acids were extracted from photosensitized bacteria after different times of irradiation and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The double-stranded DNA was quantified by fluorimetry and the porphyrin binding to bacteria was determined by spectrofluorimetry.E. coli was completely photoinactivated with both porphyrins (5.0 μM), whereas S. warneri was only completely inactivated by Tri-Py+-Me-PF (0.5 μM). The hierarchy of nucleic acid changes in E. coli was in the order: 23S rRNA > 16S rRNA > genomic DNA. The nucleic acids of S. warneri were extensively reduced after 5 min with Tri-Py+-Me-PF but almost unchanged with Tetra-Py+-Me after 40 min of irradiation. The amount of Tri-Py+-Me-PF bound to E. coli after washing the cells is higher than Tetra-Py+-Me and the opposite was observed for S. warneri. The binding capacity of the photosensitizers is not directly related to the PDI efficiency or nucleic acid reduction and this reduction occurs in parallel with the decrease of surviving cells.  相似文献   
The analysis of soil fungal communities by molecular fingerprinting and subsequent identification of the underlying populations require the amplification of a phylogenetically informative gene fragment. In this study we tested the reliability and suitability of the previously published fungal primer combination (NS1/FR1-GC) that amplifies almost the entire 18S rRNA gene for the DGGE analysis of fungal communities in soil samples from 36 sites. This direct PCR system failed to amplify the fragment of interest from the total DNA extracted from most of the soils tested. Thus, we developed a new semi-nested PCR system based on the initial amplification of over 1,700 bp of the 18S rRNA gene with a new primer combination, followed by a subsequent amplification with NS1/FR1-GC. By means of the PCR approach developed in this study distinct 18S rRNA gene amplicons could be reproducibly generated for all soil samples. Amplification tests with 101 soil fungal isolates showed that with the new semi-nested system 18S rRNA gene fragments could be obtained from more fungi than with the direct approach. The subsequent DGGE separation of community amplicons resulted in a high resolution and revealed reproducible complex soil fungal communities specific for each site, despite a minor variability between replicates of the same sample. The semi-nested PCR system developed in this study, coupled with DGGE fingerprinting, offers a robust, reliable and sensitive tool for the analysis of soil fungal community structure.  相似文献   
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