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The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) plays an important role in higher brain functions including learning, memory, and persistent pain. Long-term potentiation of excitatory synaptic transmission has been observed in the ACC after digit amputation, which might contribute to plastic changes associated with the phantom pain. Here we report a long-lasting membrane potential depolarization in ACC neurons of adult rats after digit amputation in vivo. Shortly after digit amputation of the hind paw, the membrane potential of intracellularly recorded ACC neurons quickly depolarized from ~-70 mV to ~-15 mV and then slowly repolarized. The duration of this amputation-induced depolarization was about 40 min. Intracellular staining revealed that these neurons were pyramidal neurons in the ACC. The depolarization is activity-dependent, since peripheral application of lidocaine significantly reduced it. Furthermore, the depolarization was significantly reduced by a NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801. Our results provide direct in vivo electrophysiological evidence that ACC pyramidal cells undergo rapid and prolonged depolarization after digit amputation, and the amputation-induced depolarization in ACC neurons might be associated with the synaptic mechanisms for phantom pain. 相似文献
Burrow nesting procellariiform seabirds use olfactory cues for both foraging and nest recognition. As chicks, burrow nesters develop in the dark, but are exposed to both prey‐related and individual‐specific scents through contact with their parents. This exposure suggests that chicks may have the opportunity to learn odours while still in the nest. In this study, we examined whether exposure to odourants during development might influence olfactory search behaviour expressed later in life. To test this idea, we exposed eggs of thin‐billed prions Pachyptila belcheri to a rosy‐scented novel odour (phenyl ethyl alcohol, PEA) or a control (water) just before hatching; chicks were then tested with these odours in a simple wind tunnel. Prior to fledging, subjects who had received pre‐exposure to PEA displayed head sweeps nearly twice as frequently as control birds did when presented with PEA. This study demonstrates that under natural rearing conditions, procellariiforms learn odour characteristics of their rearing environment in the nest. 相似文献
Segal NA Harvey W Felson DT Yang M Torner JC Curtis JR Nevitt MC;Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study Group 《Arthritis research & therapy》2008,10(3):R62
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is a common condition, the pathogenesis of which is incompletely understood. Although leg-length inequality has been suggested as a potential risk factor for GTPS, this widely held assumption has not been tested. 相似文献25.
EM Tazi I Lalya MF Tazi Y Ahellal H M'rabti H Errihani 《World journal of surgical oncology》2010,8(1):1-3
Goblet cell carcinoid of the large intestine is a rare neoplasm, usually located in ascending colon and rectum. A 60-year-old male patient underwent surgery after the diagnosis of acute abdomen. Exploratory laparotomy revealed perforation with a diameter of 1 cm at the site of the previously performed gastroenterostomy and dilatation of the right colic flexure, secondary to a solid obstructive mass located in the mid-portion of transverse colon. Histopathological investigation of the biopsies, taken from the gastroenterostomy site and the tumor, revealed mixed carcinoid-adenocarcinoma with carcinoid component, predominantly composed of goblet cells. Three cycles of FOLFOX-4 protocol was administered. Following respiratory distress secondary to pulmonary metastasis, the patient's condition deteriorated and subsequently died in the fourth postoperative month. Our aim with this paper is to point out that more cases should be reported for more effective diagnosis, histopathological study, clinical investigation, treatment and prognosis of this specific neoplasm. 相似文献
Marie-Josee MF Lemoy Danielle A Lopes J Rachel Reader Diccon R Westworth Ross P Tarara 《Comparative medicine》2012,62(5):443-447
We here report a spontaneous case of meningoencephalitis due to Listeria monocytogenes in an adult primiparous rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) during an outbreak of listeriosis in an outdoor enclosure. Clinical signs included tremors, abnormal posture, and altered mental status. Hematology and analyses of cerebrospinal fluid were consistent with bacterial infection. Pure cultures of L. monocytogenes were recovered from the placenta–abortus, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain tissue. The macaque did not respond to treatment and was euthanized. Histopathologic examination of the brain revealed acute meningoencephalitis. This case represents an unusual clinical and pathologic presentation of listeriosis in a nonhuman primate in which the dam and fetus both were affected.Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous, facultative anaerobic, intracellular gram-positive coccobacillus. This bacterium is found in diverse environments including (but not limited to) soil, water, plant matter, food items, and the intestinal tract of mammalian hosts.15,18 The organism is environmentally resistant, being able to survive in dried media for several months and in moist soil for up to a year.15
L. monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis, a bacterial infection that has a worldwide distribution and affects a wide range of mammals and birds, including human beings.In people, L. monocytogenes is a relatively uncommon foodborne pathogen; its abilities to survive food processing and grow in cold conditions allow it to persist in appropriately stored or refrigerated foods.2 In people, listeriosis occurs both sporadically and as large outbreaks,18 generally comprising 3 separate syndromes with clinical manifestations ranging from mild to life-threatening.35 The most common form is seen in immunocompetent, nonpregnant adults as a febrile gastroenteritis.2,18,21 The other 2 forms, which occur in fetuses and immunocompromised patients, are more severe.19,21 In pregnant women, maternal listeriosis is asymptomatic or causes mild, flu-like symptoms, but the bacterium''s ability to cross the placenta and the blood–brain barrier of the fetus results in neonatal septicemia, meningitis, abortion, and stillbirth.16 In elderly and immunocompromised patients, septicemia and meningoencephalitis are life-threatening manifestations of literiosis.26 The worldwide case fatality rate varies widely among countries, sometimes exceeding 50% despite what is considered to be appropriate antibiotic therapy.18 In 2009, the Centers for Disease Control reported 524 cases of listeriosis in the United States, which were associated with a 19% resulting in death.4In ruminants, listeriosis is also known as ‘circling disease’ and ‘silage disease.’8,18,21 Foodborne infection with L. monocytogenes is well described, and many studies have shown that spoiled silage may be a source of listeria outbreaks.8,18 Rhombencephalitis and diffuse meningoencephalitis are the most recognized forms of the infection in ruminants; sporadic abortion is reported also.22 Clinical signs of listeria encephalitis in cattle, sheep, and goats are characterized by unilateral or bilateral brainstem dysfunction and cranial nerve deficits. In sheep and goats, the course of the disease is acute, but the disease in cattle has a more chronic progression, with neurologic manifestations that can last 4 to 14 d.1,22In rabbits, infection with L. monocytogenes is characterized by abortion in pregnant does or sudden death; neurologic signs are rare.1 In poultry, an acute form with septicemia and sudden death occurs in adults, in contrast to a subacute–chronic form, with encephalitis, in the young.6The literature on L. monocytogenes in nonhuman primates is sparse5,11,17,33 and more recently limited to experimental infection of pregnant animals. In pregnant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), experimental infection during the last trimester of gestation can cause stillbirth with no other clinical signs.23,24 In our colony, however, infection with L. monocytogenes is endemic. Every year, several spontaneous abortions or stillbirths in our outdoor colony are caused by infection of the dam with this organism. Culture of L. monocytogenes from both the abortus–fetus and placenta are well documented. As described in the literature,23,24 the dams in our colony do not demonstrate any clinical signs prior to the abortion or stillbirth.During the winter to spring of 2011, one of our outdoor housing enclosures experienced an outbreak of listeriosis. This outside corral housed 100 rhesus macaques in a social group that included 42 reproductive females. Of these reproductive females, 37 (88%) were confirmed pregnant by abdominal palpation or ultrasonography or both. From January 2011 to May 2011, 19 (51%) stillbirths and neonatal deaths (in infants younger than 3 d) were reported in this enclosure; 13 (68%) of these tissues (placenta, 3; fetal lungs, 8; fetal peritoneum, 2) were culture-positive for L. monocytogenes. In all cases except the one presented here, the dam did not manifest any clinical signs prior to or after the delivery of a stillborn or premature birth with neonatal death.Here we describe an unusual case of listeriosis in a primiparous pregnant female rhesus macaque that manifested severe neurologic impairment and intrautero death of the fetus. 相似文献
Yeast activator proteins and stress response: an overview 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rodrigues-Pousada CA Nevitt T Menezes R Azevedo D Pereira J Amaral C 《FEBS letters》2004,567(1):80-85
Marie-Josee MF Lemoy Angela Colagross Schouten Don R Canfield 《Comparative medicine》2016,66(1):59-62
Bioabsorbable hemostatic agents such as oxidized regenerated cellulose are widely used to control intraoperative diffuse capillary bleeding. Compared with electrocautery or ligation, oxidized regenerated cellulose has the advantage of controlling bleeding without occluding the vessel lumen or causing thermal injuries to adjacent tissue. Although the manufacturer recommends removal of the material once hemostasis is achieved, oxidized regenerated cellulose is a bioabsorbable hemostatic agent and is often left in the surgical bed to prevent subsequent bleeding after surgical closure. However, noninvasive imaging techniques have revealed granulomatous foreign-body reactions that mimic infection or tumor recurrence. We present a case report of sterile peritonitis and granuloma formation secondary to the presence of oxidized regenerated cellulose after intestinal resection to excise a colonic adenocarcinoma in an aged rhesus macaque.Bioabsorbable hemostatic agents such as oxidized regenerated cellulose (for example, Surgicel) are widely used to control intraoperative diffuse capillary bleeding. Compared with electrocautery or ligation, oxidized regenerated cellulose has the advantage of controlling bleeding without occluding the vessel lumen or causing thermal injuries to adjacent tissue.16Oxidized regenerated cellulose is formed by dissolving the α-cellulose of decomposed wood pulp in an alkaline solution and subsequently regenerating it as a continuous fiber. This fiber is then woven into a gauze and oxidized.17,22 Oxidized regenerated cellulose is supplied as a substrate that is flexible, malleable, and trimable.16The mechanism of hemostasis of oxidized regenerated cellulose is reportedly associated with its caustic activity.2 The oxidation of cellulose produces a low-pH organic acid that reacts with blood, thus forming an artificial clot and causing platelet aggregation.18Although the manufacturer recommends the removal of oxidized regenerated cellulose once hemostasis is achieved,8 the product, a bioabsorbable hemostatic agent, is often left in situ within the surgical bed to prevent bleeding after surgical procedures. The biodegradation and elimination of oxidized regenerated cellulose from the tissue occurs in 2 phases.14 Polyanhydroglucuronic acid, the major functional unit of oxidized regenerated cellulose, is readily soluble. This acid is degraded extracellulary and systematically cleared from the system approximately 18 h after implantation.13,14 The remaining fibrous residue, however, requires macrophage phagocytosis for clearance and can be observed within macrophages for at least 48 h after implantation.13 Unfortunately, these fibrous residues have a prolonged degradation, and their persistence for as long as 7 mo after surgery has been confirmed histologically.7Despite the biocompatibility of oxidized regenerated cellulose, granulomatous foreign-body reactions that imitate infection or tumor recurrence have been revealed by using noninvasive imaging techniques.1,11,12,15,17,18,22 Here we describe a case of peritonitis and granuloma formation secondary to the presence of oxidized regenerated cellulose after an intestinal resection to excise a colonic adenocarcinoma in an aged rhesus macaque. 相似文献