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Two individual glycoprotein components from human milk-fat-globule membranes (MFGM) has been purified by selectively extracting the membrane glycoproteins followed by lectin affinity chromatography and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 in the presence of protein-disaggregating agents. The purified glycoprotein components, termed 'epithelial-membrane glycoprotein' (EMGP-155 and EMGP-39) have estimated molecular weights of 155 000 and 39 000 respectively, and yield a single band under reducing conditions on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel. EMGP-155 and EMGP-39 contain 21.0% and 7.0% carbohydrate by weight, with fucose (13.5%, 12.4%), mannose (3.7%, 6.2%), galactose (28.5%, 22.6%), N-acetylglucosamine (17.8%, 7.4%) and sialic acid (36.4%, 51.4%) of the carbohydrate moiety respectively. For both the glycoprotein components, aspartic and glutamic acid and serine are the major amino acid residues.  相似文献   
When a rat is shocked via a prod in a chamber with sawdust on the floor it will typically push the flooring material with snout and forepaws towards and over the prod. We administered diazepam (.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) and oxprenolol (10 and 20 mg/kg) the day following shock exposure, and observed the complete suppression of burying by diazepam, and some suppression with oxprenolol. These effects are independent of interference with initial association of shock and prod, and of changes in general activity.  相似文献   
The tropane alkaloid (TA) scopolamine is suggested to protect Brugmansia suaveolens (Solanaceae) against herbivorous insects. To test this prediction in a natural environment, scopolamine was induced by methyl jasmonate (MJ) in potted plants which were left 10?days in the field. MJ-treated plants increased their scopolamine concentration in leaves and herbivory decreased. These findings suggest a cause?Ceffect relationship. However, experiments in laboratory showed that scopolamine affect differently the performance of the specialist larvae of the ithomiine butterfly Placidina euryanassa (C. Felder & R. Felder) and the generalist fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith): the specialist that sequester this TA from B. suaveolens leaves was not negatively affected, but the generalist was. Therefore, scopolamine probably acts only against insects that are not adapted to TAs. Other compounds that are MJ elicited may also play a role in plant resistance against herbivory by generalist and specialist insects, and deserve future investigations.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to define the characteristics of the uterus of reproductively failed pigs by transcutaneous ultrasonography (SONO) in order to investigate the appropriateness of SONO to diagnose presumptive uterine disorders. Zearalenone (ZEA) is known to affect uterine function and causes endometrial liquid accumulation and was also determined. In 33 sows and 14 gilts, of unknown reproductive stages and culled for failing to conceive, the uterus was scanned transcutaneously and the females slaughtered on the same day or the day after scanning. Parameters determined by SONO were uterine echotexture (UET; graded 1 for homogeneous to 4 for highly heterogeneous), uterine size (US; expressed as the mean sectional area of two to three cross-sections of the uterine horns given in cm2) and intrauterine content. Post mortem, the ovarian structures were assessed and females grouped accordingly into those in estrus (n=2), early diestrus (n=14), diestrus (n=15), late diestrus (n=1), anestrus (n=10) and having polycystic ovarian degeneration (n=5). The uterine weight (UW) was recorded and uterine specimens microscopically evaluated for an endometrial oedema (EO; grades 1 for none, to 4, if an oedema was clearly evident) and for immune cells to assess endometritis. Total ZEA was analysed in bile and females with >or=50 ng/ml judged as positive. The uterus could be examined in all animals. UET, US, UW and EO was found to be different between groups, and a positive correlation (P<0.001) established for US and UET (r=0.71), US and EO (r=0.51), UET and EO (r=0.57), US and UW (UW=357.6 x US(0.801); r=0.88). One female had intrauterine fluid and an acute-chronic endometritis diagnosed. Almost all females had a chronic endometritis and a majority found ZEA positive. No differences were observed between groups and a relationship between ZEA or chronic endometritis and UET, US, UW and EO were not established. In conclusion, transcutaneous SONO is appropriate to examine the uterus in reproductively failed pigs on farms, and the estimation of UET and US gives information on EO and UW. Intrauterine fluid is indicative for a severe uterine inflammation. Since groups differed in UET and US, but were equally ZEA positive and the uteri chronically inflamed, an UET and US specifically associated with ZEA or chronic endometritis is questioned.  相似文献   
Clearance of apoptotic cells is critical to tissue homeostasis and resolution of inflammatory lesions. Macrophages are known to remove dying cells and release anti-inflammatory mediators in response; however, many cells traditionally thought of as poor phagocytes can mediate this function as well. In the lactating mammary gland following weaning, alveolar epithelial cell death is massive, yet the gland involutes rapidly, attaining its prepregnancy state in a matter of days. We found histologic evidence of apoptotic cell phagocytosis by viable mammary epithelial cells (MEC) in the involuting mouse mammary gland. Cultured MEC were able to engulf apoptotic cells in vitro, utilizing many of the same receptors used by macrophages, including the phosphatidylserine receptor (PSR), CD36, the vitronectin receptor alpha(v)beta3, and CD91. In addition, MEC, like macrophages, produced TGFbeta in response to stimulation of the PSR by apoptotic cells or the anti-PSR ab 217G8E9, and downregulated endotoxin-stimulated proinflammatory cytokine production. These data support the hypothesis that amateur phagocytes play a significant role in apoptotic cell clearance and its regulation of inflammation.  相似文献   
We previously reported that lysozyme accounts for anti-HIV activity associated with the beta-core fraction of human chorionic gonadotropin [Lee-Huang, S., Huang, P. L., Sun, Y., Kung, H. F., Blithe, D. L. & Chen, H. C. (1999) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96, 2678-81]. To define the structural and sequence requirements for anti-HIV activity, we carried out peptide fragmentation and activity mapping of human lysozyme. We identified two peptides that consist of 18 and 9 amino acids of human lysozyme (HL18 and HL9), corresponding to residues 98-115 and 107-115. HL18 and HL9 are potent inhibitors of HIV-1 infection and replication with EC(50)s of 50 to 55 nM, comparable to intact lysozyme. Scrambling the sequence or substitution of key arginine or tryptophan residues results in loss of antiviral activity. HL9, with the sequence RAWVAWRNR, is the smallest peptide we identified with full anti-HIV activity. It forms a pocket with its basic residues on the surface of the molecule. HL9 exists as an alpha-helix in native human lysozyme, in a region of the protein distinct from the muramidase catalytic site. Monte Carlo peptide folding energy minimizing simulation modeling and CD studies indicate that helical propensity does not correlate with antiviral activity. HL9 blocks HIV-1 viral entrance and replication, and modulates gene expression of HIV-infected cells, affecting pathways involved in survival, stress, TGFbeta, p53, NFkappaB, protein kinase C and hedgehog signaling.  相似文献   
Glycosphingolipids are endocytosed and targeted to the Golgi apparatus but are mistargeted to lysosomes in sphingolipid storage disorders. Substrate reduction therapy utilizes imino sugars to inhibit glucosylceramide synthase and potentially abrogate the effects of storage. Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a disorder of intracellular transport where glycosphingolipids (GSLs) and cholesterol accumulate in endosomal compartments. The mechanisms of altered intracellular trafficking are not known but may involve the mistargeting and disrupted function of proteins associated with GSL membrane microdomains. Membrane microdomains were isolated by Triton X-100 and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. High pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric analysis of NPC1(-/-) mouse brain revealed large increases in GSL. Sphingosine was also found to be a component of membrane microdomains, and in NPC liver and spleen, large increases in cholesterol and sphingosine were found. GSL and cholesterol levels were increased in mutant NPC1-null Chinese hamster ovary cells as well as U18666A and progesterone induced NPC cell culture models. However, inhibition of GSL synthesis in NPC cells with N-butyldeoxygalactonojirimycin led to marked decreases in GSL but only small decreases in cholesterol levels. Both annexin 2 and 6, membrane-associated proteins that are important in endocytic trafficking, show distorted distributions in NPC cells. Altered BODIPY lactosylceramide targeting, decreased endocytic uptake of a fluid phase marker, and mistargeting of annexin 2 (phenotypes associated with NPC) are reversed by inhibition of GSL synthesis. It is suggested that accumulating GSL is part of a mislocalized membrane microdomain and is responsible for the deficit in endocytic trafficking found in NPC disease.  相似文献   
Animals may respond to seasonally changing environments withphysiological and behavioral strategies. Whereas migration isa behavioral strategy used by many taxa, it may not be an optionfor small mammals. However, small mammals can seasonally varythe area of habitat in which they are active. The striped mouseRhabdomys pumilio in the semiarid Succulent Karoo of South Africalives in a seasonal environment, characterized by hot, dry summerswith low food abundance and cold, wet winters, followed by highfood abundance in spring. We radio tracked a total of 28 femalesduring the 2004 dry season, the following breeding season inspring, and the following dry season in 2005 and tested theprediction that females shift their home ranges in relationto food availability. Females shifted their home ranges froman area characterized by evergreen succulent shrubs in the vicinityof a dry riverbed in the dry season to sandy areas that werecharacterized by new plant growth of annuals in spring. Homeranges during the breeding season in spring had a higher percentageof annuals than dry season home ranges measured in spring. Femalehome range size increased during the breeding season. We suggestthat female striped mice shift their home ranges seasonallyto gain access to protein-rich young plant material, which isimportant for breeding.  相似文献   
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