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Habitat fragmentation could alter ecological traits including species trophic habits. Here, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios to establish differences in isotopic niche width and food resource use between forest fragments and the continuous forest for the phyllostomid frugivorous bat Artibeus lituratus. Using mist nests, we captured bats from two forest fragments and two sites in continuous forest, and sampled from each individual captured three body tissues with contrasting turnover rates (skin, muscle, and liver). Samples were collected between February and March (austral summer) and between August and September (austral winter). In addition, in each sampling site and season we collected potential food resources (fruits and insects) consumed by our A. lituratus. Our findings indicate that A. lituratus had a predominantly omnivorous diet, with high consumption of insects during summer in forest fragments. The increasing consumption of insects in these fragments seems to have led to a wider isotopic niche, in relation to the continuous forest. Because A. lituratus is typically a seed disperser, changes in trophic habits in the forest fragments from frugivory to insectivory may diminish their role in forest regeneration. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   
In this work, the binding mechanism of new Polyketide Synthase 13 (Pks13) inhibitors has been studied through molecular dynamics simulation and free energy calculations. The drug Tam1 and its analogs, belonging to the benzofuran class, were submitted to 100 ns simulations, and according to the results obtained for root mean square deviation, all the simulations converged from approximately 30 ns. For the analysis of backbone flotation, the root mean square fluctuations were plotted for the Cα atoms; analysis revealed that the greatest fluctuation occurred in the residues that are part of the protein lid domain. The binding free energy value (ΔGbind) obtained for the Tam16 lead molecule was of ?51.43 kcal/mol. When comparing this result with the ΔGbind values for the remaining analogs, the drug Tam16 was found to be the highest ranked: this result is in agreement with the experimental results obtained by Aggarwal and collaborators, where it was verified that the IC50 for Tam16 is the smallest necessary to inhibit the Pks13 (IC50 = 0.19 μM). The energy decomposition analysis suggested that the residues which most interact with inhibitors are: Ser1636, Tyr1637, Asn1640, Ala1667, Phe1670, and Tyr1674, from which the greatest energy contribution to Phe1670 was particularly notable. For the lead molecule Tam16, a hydrogen bond with the hydroxyl of the phenol not observed in the other analogs induced a more stable molecular structure. Aggarwal and colleagues reported this hydrogen bonding as being responsible for the stability of the molecule, optimizing its physic-chemical, toxicological, and pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   
The processes involved in shaping latitudinal‐diversity gradients (LDGs) have been a longstanding source of debate and research. Climatic, historical and evolutionary factors have all been shown to contribute to the formation of LDGs. However, meta‐analyses have shown that different clades have LDG slopes that may vary in more than one order of magnitude. Such large variation cannot be explained solely by climatic or historical factors (e.g. difference in surface area between temperate and tropical zones) given that all clades within a geographic region are subject to the same conditions. Therefore, biotic processes intrinsic to each taxonomic group could be relevant in explaining rate differences in diversity decline across latitudinal gradients among groups. In this study, we developed a model simulating multiple competing species subjected (or not) to a demographic Allee effect. We simulated the range expansion of these species across an environmental gradient to show how these two overlooked factors (competition and Allee effects) are capable of modulating LDGs. Allee effects resulted in a steeper LDG given a higher probability of local extinction and lower colonization capacity compared to species without Allee effects. Likewise, stronger competition also led to a steeper decline in species diversity compared to scenarios with weaker species antagonistic interactions. This pattern occurred mostly due to the strength of priority effects, wherein scenarios with strong competition, species that dispersed earlier in the landscape were able to secure many patches whereas late‐arriving species were progressively precluded from expanding their ranges. Overall, our results suggest that the effect of biotic processes in shaping macroecological patterns could be more important than it is currently appreciated.  相似文献   
Here a differential geometry (DG) representation of protein backbone is explored on the analyses of protein conformational ensembles. The protein backbone is described by curvature, κ, and torsion, τ, values per residue and we propose 1) a new dissimilarity and protein flexibility measurement and 2) a local conformational clustering method. The methods were applied to Ubiquitin and c-Myb-KIX protein conformational ensembles and results show that κ\τ metric space allows to properly judge protein flexibility by avoiding the superposition problem. The dmax measurement presents equally good or superior results when compared to RMSF, especially for the intrinsically unstructured protein. The clustering method is unique as it relates protein global to local dynamics by providing a global clustering solutions per residue. The methods proposed can be especially useful to the analyses of highly flexible proteins. The software written for the analyses presented here is available at https://github.com/AMarinhoSN/FleXgeo for academic usage only.  相似文献   
Oral pathogens have created a menace in recent years due to biofilm formation and antimicrobial drug resistance. The current treatment strategy works well with antibiotics. However, constant use of antibiotics creates a selective pressure, which increases adaptability of the pathogens. Therefore, it is of interest to analyze the potential targets of genistein in dental pathogens using computer aided prediction tools.  相似文献   
A method is described for the qualiitative and quantitative determination of phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone in horse urine and plasma samples viewing antidoping control. A horse was administered intravenously with 3 g of phenylbutazone. For the qualitative determination, a screening by HPLC was performed after acidic extraction of the urine samples and the confirmation process was realized by GC-MS. Using the proposed method it was possible to detect phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone in urine for up to 48 and 120 h, respectively. For the quantitation of these drugs the plasma was deproteinized with acetonitrile and 20 gml were injected directly into the HPLC system equipped with a UV detector and LiChrospher RP-18 column. The mobile phase used was 0.01 M acetic acid in methanol (45:55, v/v). The limit of detection was 0.5 μg/ml for phenylbutazone and oxyphenbutazone and the limit of quantitation was 1.0 μg/ml for both drugs. Using the proposed method it was possible to quantify phenylbutazone up to 30 h and oxyphenbutazone up to 39 h after administration.  相似文献   
Lysophosphatidylcholine is an abundant component of plasma and oxidized LDL that displays several biological activities, some of which may occur through the platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor. We find that commercial lysophosphatidylcholine, its alkyl homolog (lyso-PAF), and PAF all induce inflammation in a murine model of pleurisy. Hydrolysis of PAF to lyso-PAF by recombinant PAF acetylhydrolase abolished this eosinophilic infiltration, implying that lyso-PAF should not have displayed inflammatory activity. Saponification of lyso-PAF or PAF acetylhydrolase treatment of lyso-PAF or lysophosphatidylcholine abolished activity; neither lysolipid should contain susceptible sn-2 residues, suggesting contaminants account for the bioactivity. Lyso-PAF and to a lesser extent lysophosphatidylcholine stimulated Ca(2+) accumulation in 293 cells stably transfected with the human PAF receptor, and this was inhibited by specific PAF receptor antagonists. Again, treatment of lyso-PAF or lysophosphatidylcholine with recombinant PAF acetylhydrolase, a nonselective phospholipase A(2), or saponification of lyso-PAF destroyed the PAF-like activity, a result incompatible with lyso-PAF or lysophosphatidylcholine being the actual agonist.We conclude that neither lyso-PAF nor lysophosphatidylcholine is a PAF receptor agonist, nor are they inflammatory by themselves. We suggest that PAF or a PAF-like mimetic accounts for inflammatory effects of lysophosphatidylcholine and lyso-PAF.  相似文献   
Vector quantization plays an important role in many signal processing problems, such as speech/speaker recognition and signal compression. This paper presents an unsupervised algorithm for vector quantizer design. Although the proposed method is inspired in Kohonen learning, it does not incorporate the classical definition of topological neighborhood as an array of nodes. Simulations are carried out to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm, named SOA (self-organizing algorithm), to that of the traditional LBG (Linde-Buzo-Gray) algorithm. The authors present an evaluation concerning the codebook design for Gauss-Markov and Gaussian sources, since the theoretic optimal performance bounds for these sources, as described by Shannon's Rate-Distortion Theory, are known. In speech and image compression, SOA codebooks lead to reconstructed (vector-quantized) signals with better quality as compared to the ones obtained by using LBG codebooks. Additionally, the influence of the initial codebook in the algorithm performance is investigated and the algorithm ability to learn representative patterns is evaluated. In a speaker identification system, it is shown that the the codebooks designed by SOA lead to higher identification rates when compared to the ones designed by LBG.  相似文献   
Macrophages are able to recognize, internalize and destroy a large number of pathogens, thus restricting the infection until adaptive immunity is initiated. In this work our aim was to analyze the surface charge of cells activated by carrageenan (CAR) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) through light and electron microscopy approaches as well as the release of inflammatory mediators in vitro. The ultrastuctural analysis and the light microscopy data showed that in vivo administration of CAR represents a potent inflammatory stimulation for macrophages leading to a high degree of spreading, an increase in their size, in the number of the intracellular vacuoles and membrane projections as compared to the macrophages collected from untreated animals as well as mice submitted to LPS. Our data demonstrated that CAR stimulated-macrophages displayed a remarkable increase in nitric oxide production and PGE2 release as compared to the cells collected from non-stimulated and stimulated mice with LPS in vivo. On the other hand, non-stimulated macrophages as well as macrophages stimulated by LPS produce almost the same quantities of TNF-alpha, while in vivo stimulation by CAR leads to a 30-40% increase of cytokine release in vitro compared to the other groups. In conclusion, our morphological and biochemical data clearly showed that in vivo stimulation with CAR induces a potent inflammatory response in macrophages representing an interesting model to analyze inflammatory responses.  相似文献   


Annotation of sequences that share little similarity to sequences of known function remains a major obstacle in genome annotation. Some of the best methods of detecting remote relationships between protein sequences are based on matching sequence profiles. We analyse the superfamily specific performance of sequence profile-profile matching. Our benchmark consists of a set of 16 protein superfamilies that are highly diverse at the sequence level. We relate the performance to the number of sequences in the profiles, the profile diversity and the extent of structural conservation in the superfamily.  相似文献   
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