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Summary A combination of two monoclonal antibodies and high resolution immunocytochemical technique was applied to label estrogen receptors in spontaneous mouse mammary tumors. Protein A-colloidal gold complex was used as an electron opaque marker. With this procedure estrogen receptors were labelled in the nuclei of cancer cells, predominantly over heterochromatin. In the cytoplasm a slight tagging of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was detected, apparently related with the sites of receptor biosynthesis. Other organelles and the mammary tumor viruses (MuMTV) were not stained immunocytochemically.The immunocytochemical procedure applied in this investigation allowed the detection of low levels of estrogen receptors in an estrogen-unresponsive mammary carcinoma. The presence of estrogen receptors with a specific distribution in estrogen-independent tumors suggests the need of a reevaluation of their capacity as indicators of hormone-dependence in mammary carcinomas.  相似文献   
Alpha thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder across the world, being the α-3.7 deletion the most frequent mutation. In order to analyze the spectrum and origin of alpha thalassemia mutations in Uruguay, we obtained a sample of 168 unrelated outpatients with normal hemoglobin levels with microcytosis and hypochromia from two cities: Montevideo and Salto. The presence of α-thalassemia mutations was investigated by gap-PCR, restriction endonucleases analysis and HBA2 and HBA1 genes sequencing, whereas the alpha-MRE haplotypes were investigated by sequencing. We found 55 individuals (32.7%) with α-thalassemia mutations, 51(30.4%) carrying the -α3.7 deletion, one with the -α4.2 deletion and three having the rare punctual mutation HBA2:c.-59C>T. Regarding alpha-MRE analysis, we observed a significant higher frequency of haplotype D, characteristic of African populations, in the sample with the -α3.7 deletion. These results show that α-thalassemia mutations are an important determinant of microcytosis and hypochromia in Uruguayan patients with microcytosis and hypochromia without anemia, mainly due to the -α3.7 deletion. The alpha-MRE haplotypes and the α-thalassemia mutations spectrum suggest a predominant, but not exclusive, African origin of these mutations in Uruguay.  相似文献   
Spiny-surfaced species of Prorocentrum form harmful algal blooms, and its taxonomic identity is obscure due to the size and shape variability. Molecular phylogenies reveal two major clades: one for P. cordatum with sequences mainly retrieved as P. minimum, and the other for P. shikokuense with sequences also retrieved as P. dentatum and P. donghaiense. Several closely related clades still need to be characterized. Here, we provide nuclear SSU and LSU rRNA genes, and nuclear ITS region (ITS1-5.8S gene-ITS2) sequences of the strain CCMP3122 isolated from Florida (initially named P. donghaiense) and strains Prorocentrum sp. RCC6871–2 from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. We describe Prorocentrum thermophilum sp. nov. based on the strain CCMP3122, a species also distributed in the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico, New Zealand, and the Arabian Gulf; and Prorocentrum criophilum sp. nov. based on the strain RCC6872, which is distributed in the Antarctic Ocean and Arctic Sea. Prorocentrum thermophilum is roundish (~14 μm long, ~12 μm wide), with an inconspicuous anterior spine-like prolongation under light microscopy, valves with tiny, short knobs (5–7 per μm2), and several (<7) large trichocyst pores (~0.3 μm) in the right valve, as well as smaller pores (~0.15 μm). Prorocentrum criophilum is round in valve view (~11 μm long, 10 μm wide) and asymmetrically roundish in lateral view, the periflagellar area was not discernible under light microscopy, valves with very tiny, short knobs (6–10 per μm2), and at least 12 large pores in the right valve. Other potentially undescribed species of spiny-surfaced Prorocentrum are discussed.  相似文献   
Although many G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can form dimers, a possible role of this phenomenon in their activation remains elusive. A recent and exciting proposal is that a dynamic intersubunit interplay may contribute to GPCR activation. Here, we examined this possibility using dimeric metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). We first developed a system to perfectly control their subunit composition and show that mGluR dimers do not form larger oligomers. We then examined an mGluR dimer containing one subunit in which the extracellular agonist-binding domain was uncoupled from the G protein-activating transmembrane domain. Despite this uncoupling in one protomer, agonist stimulation resulted in symmetric activation of either transmembrane domain in the dimer with the same efficiency. This, plus other data, can only be explained by an intersubunit rearrangement as the activation mechanism. Although well established for other types of receptors such as tyrosine kinase and guanylate cyclase receptors, this is the first clear demonstration that such a mechanism may also apply to GPCRs.  相似文献   
Selenocysteine (Sec) is the "21st" amino acid and is genetically encoded by an unusual incorporation system. The stop codon UGA becomes a Sec codon when the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) exists downstream of UGA. Sec incorporation requires a specific elongation factor, SelB, which recognizes tRNA(Sec) via use of an EF-Tu-like domain and the SECIS mRNA hairpin via use of a C-terminal domain (SelB-C). SelB functions in multiple translational steps: binding to SECIS mRNA and tRNA(Sec), delivery of tRNA(Sec) onto an A site, GTP hydrolysis, and release from tRNA and mRNA. However, this dynamic mechanism remains to be revealed. Here, we report a large domain rearrangement in the structure of SelB-C complexed with RNA. Surprisingly, the interdomain region forms new interactions with the phosphate backbone of a neighboring RNA, distinct from SECIS RNA binding. This SelB-RNA interaction is sequence independent, possibly reflecting SelB-tRNA/-rRNA recognitions. Based on these data, the dynamic SelB-ribosome-mRNA-tRNA interactions will be discussed.  相似文献   
The hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus nautilus carries a plasmid, pTN1, which encodes a rolling-circle (RC) replication initiator protein of 74 kDa (Rep74) and an orphan protein of 24 kDa (p24). The Rep74 protein is homologous to the Rep75 protein encoded by the RC plasmid pGT5 from Pyrococcus abyssi. Comparative analysis of Rep74 and Rep75 sequences shows that these proteins correspond to a new family of RC initiators formed by the fusion of a Rep domain with an N-terminal domain of unknown function. Surprisingly, the Rep domain of Rep74/75 is more closely related to transposases encoded by IS elements than to Rep proteins of other RC plasmids. The p24 protein contains a hydrophobic segment, a highly charged region and a zinc finger motif. A recombinant p24 protein lacking the hydrophobic segment binds and condenses both single- and double-stranded DNA, and forms DNA aggregates with extreme compaction at high protein to DNA ratio. In addition to encoding proteins of significant interest, pTN1 is remarkable by being the only characterized plasmid isolated from a Thermococcus strain, thus being useful to develop genetic tools in Thermococcus kodakaraensis for which gene disruption methods became recently available.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Algal turfs are expected to increasingly dominate the benthos of coral reefs in the Anthropocene, becoming important sources of reef productivity. The sediments trapped within algal...  相似文献   
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