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The presence of Ca2+-ATPase activities with high-affinity sites for Ca2+ in brush border as well as basolateral plasma membranes of rat duodenal epithelium has been reported previously (Ghijsen, W.E.J.M. and van Os, C.H. (1979) Nature 279, 802–803). Since both plasma membranes contain alkaline phosphatase (EC, which also can be stimulated by Ca2+, the substrate specificity of Ca2+-induced ATP-hydrolysis has been studied to determine whether or not alkaline phosphatase and Ca2+-ATPase are two distinct enzymes. In basolateral fragments, the rate of Ca2+-dependent ATP-hydrolysis was greater than that of ADP, AMP and p-nitrophenylphosphate at Ca2+ concentrations below 25 μM. At 0.2 mM Ca2+ the rates of ATP, ADP, AMP and p-nitrophenylphosphate hydrolysis were not significantly different. In brush border fragments the rates of ATP, ADP and AMP hydrolysis were identical at low Ca2+, but at 0.2 mM Ca2+, Ca2+-induced hydrolysis of ADP and AMP was greater than either ATP or p-nitrophenylphosphate. Alkaline phosphatase in brush border and basolateral membranes was inhibited by 75% after addition of 2.5 mM theophylline. Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis at 1 μM Ca2+ was not sensitive to theophylline in basolateral fragments while the same activity in brush border fragments was totally inhibited. At 0.2 mM Ca2+, Ca2+-induced ATP hydrolysis in both basolateral and brush border membranes was sensitive to theophylline. Oligomycin and azide had no effect on Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis, either at low or at high Ca2+ concentrations. Chlorpromazine fully inhibited Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis in basolateral fragments at 5 μM Ca2+, while it had no effect in brush border fragments. From these results we conclude that, (i) Ca2+-ATPase and alkaline phosphatase are two distinct enzymes, (ii) high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase is exclusively located in basolateral plasma membranes, (iii) alkaline phosphatase activity, present on both sides of duodenal epithelium, is stimulated slightly by low Ca2+ concentrations, but this Ca2+-induced activity is inhibited by theophylline and shows no specificity with respect to ATP, ADP or AMP.  相似文献   
The F1-ATPase or BF1 factor was purified from Micrococcus lysodeikticus substrain B grown in a synthetic medium in the presence of tritiated amino acids. When analyzed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-7% polyacrylamide gels, the fresh purified preparation contained α, β, γ subunits (referred as the intrinsic subunits) and two other polypeptides (designated as X and component of relative mobility 1.0) whose status as subunits remains to be established. This overall polypeptide composition was similar to that of the F1-ATPase isolated from the same strain grown in complex medium (J. Carreira, J. M. Andreu, M. Nieto, and E. Muñoz., 1976 Mol. Cell. Biochem.10, 67–76). The distribution of 3H-labeled amino acids into purified F1-ATPase and its constituent polypeptides under different stages of growth was used to investigate the biosynthetic relationship between the different polypeptides. The incorporation of amino acids into purified BF1 factor was slower than that of cytoplasmic and other membrane proteins. In isotope-dilution and chase experiments, F1-ATPase showed one of the slowest rates of decay of the incorporated label. These results point out that F1-ATPase of M. lysodeikticus undergoes slower turnover than the overall cytoplasmic and membrane proteins. Pulse and chase experiments allowed us to conclude that the α, β, γ subunits and the components of relative mobility 1.0 are independent with differences in their turnover and therefore do not bear any apparent relation as precursors-products. The two major subunits represent seemingly the “core” of ATPase, the β subunit behaving like the most stable component. On the other hand, the γ subunit appears to be synthesized independently from this α + β complex.  相似文献   
The proton nmr spectra of the synthetic valency hybrids, α2+CN)2, (α+CN)2β2 of hemoglobin A and the natural valency hybrids of the mutant hemoglobins Boston, Iwate and Milwaukee have led to the unambiguous assignment of the two proximal histidyl imidazole exchangeable proton signals at 64 and 76 ppm to individual α and β subunits, respectively. New single non-exchangeable proton resonances detected in the extreme downfield region of the spectra of Hbs Boston and Iwate are tentatively assigned to the coordinated tyrosine of the mutated α chains.  相似文献   
1. The transfer of excitation energy between the fluorescent probes 1,6-diphenylhexa-1,3,5-triene and 12-(9-anthroyl)stearic acid and the cholesterol analogue cholesta-4,6-dien-3-one in phosphatidylcholine liposomes has been investigated. 2. The results indicate that probes and steroid are randomly distributed in the bilayer at steroid concentrations up to 35 mol%. 3. The degree of polarization of diphenylhexatriene fluorescence increases with increasing cholesterol content. Other sterols, differing in structure in the region of the polar group or in the side chain at position-17, produce similar but not identical effects. 4. the results are consistent with the proposal that diphenylhexatriene gives a general picture of the state of the bilayer and that there is no segregation of sterols in liquid-crystalline phosphatidylcholine bilayers.  相似文献   
N-Methyl mesoporphyrin was a powerful inhibitor of protohaem ferro-lyase in vitro, whereas N-ethyl mesoporphyrin and N-methyl coproporphyrin were not and neither was the newly described green pigment produced by giving rats ethylene. This suggests that the size of the substituent at a pyrrole nitrogen and also the number of carboxylic acid side chains of the substituted porphyrin are important for the inhibitory effect. Evidence that N-methyl mesoporphyrin inhibited the enzyme, whereas the ethylene-derived pigment did not, was also obtained in vivo.  相似文献   
Two strains ofAspergillus flavus Linkex Fr. and two strains ofA. parasiticus Speare were cultured on crushed moist wheat (Triticum durum var. Pané no. 247) for aflatoxin production studies in correlation with morphological changes. The toxicogenic strains were adapted to the substratum by means of successive transfers at regular intervals (72 h.)The amount aflatoxins synthesized by the toxicogenic strains decreased gradually after succesive subculturing. The decrease was accompanied by marked morphological changes. One of the strains studied,A. flavus NRRL 3251, lost completly the capacity of aflatoxin synthesis after several subcultures, presenting at the same time strong morphological variations.A. flavus CBS 120.62 also lost its toxicogenicity after six subcultures.  相似文献   
Mild sonication was used to obtain single cell suspensions of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. These cells were intact by microscopic criteria. Direct cell counts in a given inoculum and colony formation on various media were used to determine plating efficiency. Sonicated and nonsonicated cell suspensions were used to study plating efficiency and to estimate viability by means of vital dyes. Methylene blue, Erythrosin B, and Janus green were unreliable when used with P. brasiliensis, but vital dyes were accurate when tested with Candida albicans.Acridine orange gave more meaningful results of viability. Estimates of viability, however, changed significantly as a result of relatively minor alterations in the composition of the suspending medium.In initial experiments, the plating efficiency of P. brasiliensis was dismally low. It descended abruptly with increasing dilution of inoculum. Efficiency was much improved if horse serum was added to brain heart infusion plates or if glucose glycine yeast extract (GGY) plates were incubated at room temperature and mycelial colonies were counted. With the technique we report, current plating efficiency of sonicated suspensions is of the order of 25 %. Our results and procedures have an important bearing upon those studies concerned with in vitro killing of P. brasiliensis in suspensions or with isolating this fungus from clinical or environmental specimens.  相似文献   
Transplantation experiments in the C57BL/KaLwRij mouse model of idiopathic paraproteinemia (IP) showed that an IP-producing clone can be further propagated in young, lethally irradiated mice and also equally as well in nonirradiated recipients by a bone marrow and/or spleen cell transfer. The latency period before the original paraprotein was detected in the sera of recipients varied in different experiments between 1 and 9 months after transplantation. With subsequent transplantations, the "take" frequency gradually decreased. Propagation of IP for three to four generations seems to be the final limit. In comparison to age-matched seems to be the final limit. In comparison to age-matched control groups, no substantial influence of the transplanted IP on the survival of the recipients was observed. In contrast, transplantation of cells from mice with a B cell lymphoma or a myeloma led to continuous propagation of the malignancy, with a high "take" frequency, progressive development of the paraproteinemia, and a shortened survival time of the recipients. These findings indicate that IP represents in its final stage in the aging C57BL mice an intrinsic cellular defect within the affected B cell clone, which is, however, different from that found in B cell malignancies.  相似文献   
Spontaneously transformed mouse fibroblasts (Balb/c 3T12-3 cells) displayed an increased adhesion when cultured in the presence of 10(-6) M all-trans retinol and acquired morphological characteristics of the normal phenotype. Thus it was of interest to investigate the metabolism of [15-(14)C]retinol in this system. Within 24 hours of culture, approximately 4.25% of the [(14)C]retinol was taken up by the cells. The hydrocarbon [(14)C]anhydroretinol was a major metabolic product and was identified by gas-liquid chromatography and by its typical ultraviolet absorption spectrum with maxima at 386, 364, and 346 nm. At 24 and 40 hours anhydroretinol represented 27% and 55%, respectively, of the total nonpolar metabolites or approximately 16% and 30% of the total radioactive products. Formalin-fixed fibroblasts or cultured intestinal mucosal cells did not convert retinol into anhydroretinol. A more polar product with a UV absorption maximum at 310 nm was also found. The time course of the synthesis of this product by 3T12 cells suggested a precursor-product relationship with anhydroretinol. A microsomal preparation from 3T12 cells was also active in synthesizing [(14)C]anhydroretinol and [(14)C]metabolite-310 from [(14)C]retinol. Moreover incubation of metabolite-310 with the 3T12 microsomes yielded anhydroretinol (40% conversion in 30 minutes), suggesting that metabolite-310 is an intermediate in the synthesis of anhydroretinol by these cells. Anhydroretinol appears to be an end product of the metabolism of retinol in 3T12-3 cells, as suggested by the finding that over 90% of [(14)C]anhydroretinol incubated for 30 hours with 3T12-3 cells was recovered unaltered, without the formation of detectable retroretinol, retinol, or retinoic acid.-Bhat, P. V., L. M. De Luca, S. Adamo, I. Akalovsky, C. S. Silverman-Jones, and G. L. Peck. Retinoid metabolism in spontaneously transformed mouse fibroblasts (Balb/c 3T12-3 cells): enzymatic conversion of retinol to anhydroretinol.  相似文献   
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