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The measurement of natural killer (NK) cells toxicity against tumor or virus-infected cells especially in cases with small blood samples requires highly sensitive methods. Here, a coupled luminescent method (CLM) based on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase release from injured target cells was used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of interleukin-2 activated NK cells against neuroblastoma cell lines. In contrast to most other methods, CLM does not require the pretreatment of target cells with labeling substances which could be toxic or radioactive. The effective killing of tumor cells was achieved by low effector/target ratios ranging from 0.5:1 to 4:1. CLM provides highly sensitive, safe, and fast procedure for measurement of NK cell activity with small blood samples such as those obtained from pediatric patients.  相似文献   


The gene family-free framework for comparative genomics aims at providing methods for gene order analysis that do not require prior gene family assignment, but work directly on a sequence similarity graph. We study two problems related to the breakpoint median of three genomes, which asks for the construction of a fourth genome that minimizes the sum of breakpoint distances to the input genomes.


We present a model for constructing a median of three genomes in this family-free setting, based on maximizing an objective function that generalizes the classical breakpoint distance by integrating sequence similarity in the score of a gene adjacency. We study its computational complexity and we describe an integer linear program (ILP) for its exact solution. We further discuss a related problem called family-free adjacencies for k genomes for the special case of \(k \le 3\) and present an ILP for its solution. However, for this problem, the computation of exact solutions remains intractable for sufficiently large instances. We then proceed to describe a heuristic method, FFAdj-AM, which performs well in practice.


The developed methods compute accurate positional orthologs for genomes comparable in size of bacterial genomes on simulated data and genomic data acquired from the OMA orthology database. In particular, FFAdj-AM performs equally or better when compared to the well-established gene family prediction tool MultiMSOAR.


We study the computational complexity of a new family-free model and present algorithms for its solution. With FFAdj-AM, we propose an appealing alternative to established tools for identifying higher confidence positional orthologs.
Six p53 wild-type cancer cell lines from infrequently p53-mutated entities (neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and melanoma) were continuously exposed to increasing concentrations of the murine double minute 2 inhibitor nutlin-3, resulting in the emergence of nutlin-3-resistant, p53-mutated sublines displaying a multi-drug resistance phenotype. Only 2 out of 28 sublines adapted to various cytotoxic drugs harboured p53 mutations. Nutlin-3-adapted UKF-NB-3 cells (UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM, harbouring a G245C mutation) were also radiation resistant. Analysis of UKF-NB-3 and UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM cells by RNA interference experiments and lentiviral transduction of wild-type p53 into p53-mutated UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM cells revealed that the loss of p53 function contributes to the multi-drug resistance of UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM cells. Bioinformatics PANTHER pathway analysis based on microarray measurements of mRNA abundance indicated a substantial overlap in the signalling pathways differentially regulated between UKF-NB-3rNutlin10 μM and UKF-NB-3 and between UKF-NB-3 and its cisplatin-, doxorubicin-, or vincristine-resistant sublines. Repeated nutlin-3 adaptation of neuroblastoma cells resulted in sublines harbouring various p53 mutations with high frequency. A p53 wild-type single cell-derived UKF-NB-3 clone was adapted to nutlin-3 in independent experiments. Eight out of ten resulting sublines were p53-mutated harbouring six different p53 mutations. This indicates that nutlin-3 induces de novo p53 mutations not initially present in the original cell population. Therefore, nutlin-3-treated cancer patients should be carefully monitored for the emergence of p53-mutated, multi-drug-resistant cells.  相似文献   
The antitumor drug teniposide (VM-26) is a potent inducer of DNA breaks (Long et al., Cancer Res., (1985) 45, 3106), but it is only weakly mutagenic at the hprt locus in CHO cells (Singh and Gupta, Cancer Res., (1983) 43, 577). In the present study, the mutagenic and clastogenic activities of teniposide were evaluated in L5178Y/TK +/- -3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells. Although teniposide is a weak mutagen at the hprt locus, it is a potent mutagen at the tk locus, with as little as 0.5 ng/ml producing 220 TK mutants/10(6) survivors at 96% survival (background = 100/10(6) survivors). This same dose of teniposide induced 38 aberrations per 100 metaphases (background = 7/100 cells). At 7 ng/ml, teniposide induced approximately 2700 TK mutants/10(6) survivors at approximately 10% survival. At the highest dose sampled for aberration analysis (5 ng/ml), teniposide induced 44 aberrations/100 cells. Most of the aberrations were chromosomal rather than chromatid events. As expected for a compound acting primarily by a clastogenic mechanism, most of the TK mutants were small colonies. Thus, teniposide is a potent clastogen, and it is a potent mutagen at the tk locus but not at the hprt locus. These results support the hypothesis that the location of the target gene affects the ability of the assay to detect both intragenic events and events causing functional multilocus effects. Thus, a heterozygous locus (like tk) but not a functionally hemizygous locus (like hprt) may permit the detection of mutagens that act primarily by a clastogenic mechanism. Because teniposide induces topoisomerase II-associated DNA breaks, and because there is evidence that teniposide may not interact directly with DNA, we discuss the possibility that the potent clastogenic/mutagenic activity of teniposide may be mediated by topoisomerase II.  相似文献   
We evaluated the ability of proflavin to induce specific-locus mutations at the heterozygous thymidine kinase (tk) locus of L5178Y/TK +/- -3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells, which appears to permit the recovery of mutants due to single-gene and chromosomal mutations. Proflavin was highly mutagenic at the tk locus, producing 724-965 TK mutants/10(6) survivors (background = 56-85/10(6); survival = 29-32%). Most of the mutants were small colonies, which suggested that proflavin may induce chromosomal mutations. The potent clastogenicity of proflavin was confirmed by cytogenetic analysis for chromosomal aberrations. At the highest dose analyzed (1.5 micrograms/ml), proflavin produced 82 aberrations/100 metaphaes (background = 2/100). The large-colony TK mutant frequency produced by proflavin (48-109/10(6) survivors; background = 23/10(6); survival = 57-61%) was similar to published HPRT mutant frequencies produces by proflavin in L5178Y and CHO cells (50-100/10(6) survivors; background = 2-50/10(6); survival = 50-62%). These results lead to the conclusion that proflavin is a potent clastogen and induces a high frequency of small-colony TK mutants; however, it induces a low frequency of HPRT mutants and a low frequency of large-colony TK mutants.  相似文献   
Anti-estradiol antibodies: isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conditions for isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel of IgG globulins have been refined. Using undenatured antibodies against estradiol, preliminary information about structural and functional properties of antibodies was obtained.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids, steroid hormones, are widely used as an anti-inflammatory drug. However, clinicians have sometimes encountered adverse drug reactions such as ulcers and tissue damage. In this study, we investigated how such adverse reactions of glucocorticoids are evoked, using an experimental mice model. When hydrocortisone (0.5 or 1.0 mg/day/mouse) was administered daily for 2 weeks, severe leukocytopenia was induced in all immune system organs. However, granulocytes (Gr-1(+)Mac-1(+)) were increased in number in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. This seemed to be due to an elevated level of myelopoiesis in the bone marrow. As well as increasing in number, granulocytes were functionally activated as estimated by the Ca2+ influx and superoxide production. The proportion of primordial T cells (CD3(int)IL-2Rbeta+) in the thymus and the number of primordial T cells in the bone marrow also increased. Mice administered hydrocortisone became susceptible to stress. Thus, these mice showed gastric ulcers when they were exposed to restraint stress for 12 h. These results suggest that activated granulocytes and primordial T cells might provide a mechanism involved in steroid ulcers and tissue damage, possibly through the superoxide production of granulocytes and the autoreactivity of primordial T cells.  相似文献   
Reintroductions are conducted to re‐establish a self‐sustaining population of a species and contribute to ecosystem restoration. The brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus) reintroduction into two nature reserves in the Australian Capital Territory in south‐eastern Australia failed to meet its predetermined criteria for success. This occurred despite prior habitat restoration within the reserves where reintroduction occurred. Low survival of reintroduced brown treecreepers, particularly due to predation by native predators, has previously been highlighted as a key factor in the failure of the programme. We compared bird behaviour and habitat characteristics between the reintroduction reserves and the sites where brown treecreepers were sourced (which support stable brown treecreeper populations). We did not identify an indication of significantly higher predation pressure in the reintroduction reserves in comparison with the source sites. However, our results revealed that reintroduced individuals may be more vulnerable to predation because of an increased flight time to reach a refuge area. This was a result of a significantly lower number of refuge areas in logs and trees and a higher number of shrubs (which may obstruct escape paths and hinder detection of predators) in the reintroduction reserves compared with the source sites. We identified a lower ground foraging habitat quality in the reintroduction reserves because of lower numbers of ant mounds and lower areas of forageable ground. However, brown treecreepers were able to disperse extensively throughout the reserves and settle in areas with generally higher‐quality foraging habitat. Therefore, the negative effect of low ground foraging habitat quality would have been most pronounced immediately after release. This study emphasizes the inherent complexities of species reintroductions and ecosystem restoration. Despite experimental restoration activities within the reintroduction reserves, there were still deficiencies in habitat quality. We emphasize that further habitat restoration is required within these reserves to achieve more complete restoration.  相似文献   
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