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Subpopulations of B16 amelanotic melanoma (B16a) cells, isolated by centrifugal elutriation from enzymatically dispersed solid tumors, demonstrated different abilities to form lung colonies when injected intravenously. In contrast, no differences in experimental metastasis were observed among subpopulations obtained from Lewis lung (3LL) tumors. Lung colonization by B16a and 3LL subpopulations correlated positively with observed differences (B16a) or lack of differences (3LL) in tumor cell ability to induce aggregation of homologous platelets, to adhere to subendothelial matrix or fibronectin, and with the percentage of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Both B16a and 3LL cells express alpha IIb beta 3 integrin receptors; however, differences in the receptor expression level were found only among B16a subpopulations. Comparison of the amount of alpha IIb beta 3 receptor expressed on cell surface with tumor cell ability to induce platelet aggregation (TCIPA) and to adhere to fibronectin or subendothelial matrix revealed a positive correlation. Pretreatment of tumor cells with alpha IIb beta 3-specific antibodies inhibited tumor cell matrix adhesion, TCIPA, and lung colony formation. We propose that alpha IIb beta 3 integrin receptor expression, tumor cell matrix adhesion, and tumor cell-induced platelet aggregation can be important parameters to indicate the metastatic potential of some tumor cells and that the alpha IIb beta 3 is a multifunctional receptor involved in both tumor cell-matrix and tumor cell-platelet interactions. Further, the correlation among cell cycle phase, metastatic ability, and receptor expression suggests that metastatic propensity may be transiently expressed and/or increased in some tumor cell subpopulations.  相似文献   
Cessation of cell expansion has been associated with cell wall cross-linking reactions catalyzed by peroxidase. This study utilized two genotypes of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) that differ in length of the leaf elongation zone to investigate the relationship between ionically bound peroxidase activity and the spatial distribution of leaf elongation. Peroxidase activity was also localized histochemically in transverse sections of the leaf blade using 3,3′ -diaminobenzidine. Soluble or soluble plus ionically bound peroxidase activities were extracted from homogenized segments of the elongating leaf blade and assayed spectrophotometrically. Activity of the ionically bound fraction, expressed per milligram fresh weight or per microgram protein, increased as cells were displaced through the distal half of the elongation zone, corresponding to the region in which the elongation rate declined. In both genotypes, the initial increase in activity preceded the onset of growth deceleration by about 10 hours. In the basal region where elongation began, histochemical localization showed that peroxidase activity was found only in vascular tissues. As cells were displaced farther through the elongation zone, peroxidase activity appeared in walls of other longitudinally continuous tissues such as the epidermis and bundle sheaths. Increase in ionically bound peroxidase activity and changes in localization of peroxidase activity occurred at comparable developmental stages in the two genotypes. The results indicate that cessation of elongation followed an increase in cell wall peroxidase activity.  相似文献   
The value of genome-specific repetitive DNA sequences for use as molecular markers in studying genome differentiation was investigated. Five repetitive DNA sequences from wild species of rice were cloned. Four of the clones, pOm1, pOm4, pOmA536, and pOmPB10, were isolated from Oryza minuta accession 101141 (BBCC genomes), and one clone, pOa237, was isolated from Oryza australiensis accession 100882 (EE genome). Southern blot hybridization to different rice genomes showed strong hybridization of all five clones to O. minuta genomic DNA and no cross hybridization to genomic DNA from Oryza sativa (AA genome). The pOm1 and pOmA536 sequences showed cross hybridization only to all of the wild rice species containing the C genome. However, the pOm4, pOmPB10, and pOa237 sequences showed cross hybridization to O. australiensis genomic DNA in addition to showing hybridization to the O. minuta genomic DNA.  相似文献   
A new species,Nyssa talamancana, with fruits larger than those of any other, either living or fossil, is described from Costa Rica and Panama. In size, number of germination valves, and surface-sculpturing, its endocarps resemble those of the fossil assemblage more than those of the other living species. The occurrence of this distinctive new member of a definitely Laurasian family, in association with other endemic or nearly endemic Laurasian taxa, at wet mid-elevations lends credence to the idea that these forests harbor remnants of the really ancient flora of southern Central America.  相似文献   
The reproductive biology of a tropical palm swamp community, called morichal in the Venezuelan Central Llanos, was studied. Of the 128 woody and herbaceous species of plants recorded, 99 (77.34%) were hermaphrodites, 25 (19.53%) were monoecious, and four (3.13%) were dioecious. The morichal is characterized by a low number of species with obligate cross-fertilization. The frequencies of species with different breeding systems in a subsample of 26 species showed that eight (30.77%) were self-incompatible, 14 (53.85%) were self-compatible, and four (15.38%) were agamospermous. Ten of 14 self-compatible species were autogamous. Regardless of the self-incompatibility level estimated, seed and fruit set were greater in self-fertilized flowers than in hand-pollinated flowers in three of the nine self-incompatible species. These results are related to the facts that: 1) the relative isolation of the plant population limits the gene flow among similar communities and enforces the intrapopulation pollen flow; 2) the overlapping flowering patterns and infrequent and unspecialized pollinators may be enforcing self-compatibility and agamospermy; 3) self-compatibility is the rule among short-lived species in the morichal; and 4) three out of four agamospermous species are of the Melastomataceae family.  相似文献   
The accumulation of endogenous substrates in patients with adenosine deaminase deficiency or purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency is believed to be responsible for the immunodeficiency observed in these patients. To identify the lymphocyte populations that are most susceptible to these substrates, we investigated the effect of their nucleoside analogs on a number of T and B cell functions of human lymphocytes. We found that tubercidin (Tub), 2-chloro 2'deoxyadenosine (2CldA), 2-fluoro adenine arabinoside-5'phosphate (FaraAMP), and 9-beta-D-arabinosyl guanine (AraGua) inhibited the proliferative responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to polyclonal activators (PHA, OKT3 mab) or to allogeneic PBMC in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Addition of recombinant IL-2 from the beginning of the culture did not alter the inhibition by Tub of the proliferative responses of PBMC. These purine nucleoside analogs also inhibited the proliferative responses of purified human peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to PHA and of purified B cells to SAC. The concentrations of these nucleosides required to achieve a given degree of inhibition of proliferative responses of T lymphocyte subpopulations or B cells was similar, suggesting that these analogs do not exhibit any selectivity for these purified lymphocyte populations. Tub and FaraAMP, respectively, inhibited and enhanced, at the effector phase, both NK cytotoxicity and specific T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. In contrast to these findings, LAK cytotoxicity at the effector phase was not significantly inhibited by Tub, and was not enhanced by FaraAMP. Both analogs inhibited rIL-2-induced proliferative responses of PBMC, but did not affect the generation of LAK cytotoxicity (induction phase) against the K562 targets when added at the beginning of the culture. This suggests that DNA synthesis is not required for LAK cell induction. Both Tub and FaraAMP inhibited immunoglobulin production (IgG and IgM) by PBMC in the PWM-induced system. These results demonstrate that purine nucleoside analogs significantly inhibited a number of functions of human lymphocytes. Although selectivity for T lymphocyte subpopulations and B cells was not observed, a differential effect of Tub and FaraAMP on LAK cytotoxicity versus NK cytotoxicity and specific T cell cytotoxicity was found.  相似文献   
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