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Increased longevity and recently intensified emphasis on gerodontology mandate that dental students'exposure to clinical care of the elderly be enhanced. The extent to which individual students can be exposed to geriatric dental care depends on the availability of elderly patients to dental school clinics and the treatment needs of these patients. The purposes of this study were (1) to determine the dental treatment needs of geriatric patients who seek care at a dental school, and (2) to ascertain if differences exist between the needs of older versus relatively young geriatric patients. Data collected on 128 elderly patients during a three month period indicate that 57% of the aged were either edentulous at examination or treatment planned to become edentulous and receive two full dentures. The remaining 43% were treatment planned to remain dentulous and receive therapies other than full upper and lower dentures. More older geriatric patients required full dentures than their younger cohorts. More young elderly required prophylaxes, scalings, root planing therapy, dental restorations, and partial dentures. Additional to their denture requirements, aged patients appear to have sufficient non-prosthetic needs to allow for meaningful gerodontic experience by students.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves have been shown to contain three forms of nitrate reductase (NR). Two of the forms, which are present in leaves of wild-type (cv. Williams) plants grown in the absence of NO3, are termed constitutive and designated c1NR and c2NR. The third form, which is present in NO3-grown mutant (nr1) plants lacking the constitutive forms, is termed inducible and designated iNR. Samples of c1NR, c2NR, and iNR obtained from appropriately treated plants were analyzed for the presence of partial activities, response to inhibitors, and ability to complement a barley NR which lacks the molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) but is otherwise active.

The three forms were similar to most assimilatory NR enzymes in that they (a) exhibited NADH-cytochrome c reductase, reduced flavin mononucleotide-NR, and reduced methyl viologen-NR partial activities; (b) were inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate at the site of initial electron transport through each enzyme; (c) were more inhibited by CN in their reduced enzyme state as compared with their oxidized state; and (d) complemented a MoCo-defective NR (e.g. contained cofactors with characteristics similar to the MoCo found in barley NR and commercial xanthine oxidase). However, among themselves, they showed dissimilarities in their response to treatment with HCO3 and CN, and in their absolute ability to complement the barley NR. The site of effect for these treatments was the terminal cofactor-containing portion of each enzyme. This indicated that, although a terminal cofactor (presumably a MoCo) was present in each form, structural or conformational differences existed in the terminal cofactor-protein complex of each form.

Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in asparagine synthetase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in asparagine synthetase were selected by using the procedure of inositol-less death. Complementation tests among the 100 mutants isolated suggested that their alterations were genetically allelic. Recombination analysis with strain S1007t, an asparagine auxotroph, indicated that the mutations were located near or within the asn gene on linkage group V. In vitro assays with a heterokaryon indicated that the mutation was dominant. Thermal instability of cell extracts from temperature-sensitive strains in an in vitro asparagine synthetase assay determined that the mutations were in the structural gene(s) for asparagine synthetase.  相似文献   
Genetic Analysis of Murine Arylsulfatase C and Steroid Sulfatase   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
SWR/J mice possess two- to threefold higher 4-methylumbelliferyl sulfate (4MUS), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and estrone sulfate (E1S) sulfatase activities in liver and kidney extracts than do A/J mice. These interstrain activity differences are maintained throughout the 6- to 45-day postnatal period. Characteristics of the hepatic activities of SWR/J mice suggest that all three activities reside in the same enzyme. Biochemical properties of the SWR/J and A/J enzyme were not significantly different. Expression of hepatic enzyme activity is subject to regulation by an autosomal locus possessing two alleles with additive effects. Postnuclear E1S- and DHEAS-sulfatase activities are primarily microsomal. Although postnuclear hepatic 4MUS-sulfatase activity is predominantly microsomal, renal activity is primarily nonmicrosomal. Only that portion of 4MUS-sulfatase occurring in cell membranes appears capable of hydrolyzing E1S and DHEAS. The hepatic- and renal-specific subcellular distributions of 4MUS-sulfatase activity may reflect tissue differences in enzyme processing. Renal 4MUS-sulfatase activity is also controlled by an autosomal gene with two alleles having additive effects. Positive correlation between hepatic and renal 4MUS-sulfatase activities indicates that both activities are most likely influenced by the same gene.  相似文献   
Quantitative cytological analyses of aging C57BL/6J mouse ovaries revealed that the populations of primordial and growing follicles were nearly exhausted by 13-14 months, the average age of ovulatory failure. Anovulatory animals of this age had, on the average, half the follicle number of their counterparts which were still ovulating. This result suggests that follicular depletion is a factor which contributes to the loss of ovarian cyclicity during aging. However, the considerable overlap of follicle number between the two groups suggests that other, possibly extraovarian, factors also influence the loss of ovulatory function. Although the numbers of follicles recruited for growth was much lower in ovaries from old cycling animals, the number of ova shed cyclically was generally within the range of younger individuals. The observed reduction in incidence of morphological atresia among medium-sized follicles may explain how ovulatory constancy is maintained virtually throughout the cyclical life of the ovary.  相似文献   
The binding of the intermediate filament protein vimentin to a variety of naturally occurring RNAs and DNAs was studied. The relative capacities of the various nucleic acids to associate with pure [3H]vimentin were determined in competition experiments with 28 S rRNA from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. The reaction products were analyzed by sucrose gradient centrifugation at low ionic strength and in the presence of EDTA. Under these ionic conditions, vimentin reacted preferentially with single-stranded nucleic acids, particularly with those of high (G + C) content. The vimentin binding potentials of single-stranded RNAs and DNAs were largely comparable. However, when the concentrations of mono- and divalent cations were raised to physiological and higher values, only single-stranded DNA retained its vimentin binding capacity. With increasing KCl concentrations at 0 to 1 mM Mg2+, increasing amounts of vimentin were detected in complexes which sedimented considerably faster than the bulk of the DNA, suggesting cooperative binding of vimentin. The salt optimum of this cooperativity was at 200 mM KCl. Thus, the capability of vimentin to discriminate between single-stranded RNA and DNA under physiological ionic conditions points to specificity of the interaction of vimentin with nucleic acids.  相似文献   
We have examined the effects of various mannans, glycoproteins, oligosaccharides, monosaccharides, and sugar phosphates on the binding and phagocytosis of yeast cell walls (zymosan) by mouse peritoneal macrophages. A phosphonomannan (PO(4):mannose ratio = 1:8:6) from kloeckera brevis was the most potent inhibitor tested; it inhibited binding and phagocytosis by 50 percent at concentrations of approximately 3-5 μg/ml and 10 μg/ml, respectively. Removal of the phosphate from this mannan by mild acid and alkaline phosphatase treatment did not appreciably reduce its capacity to inhibit zymosan phagocytosis. The mannan from saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant LB301 inhibits phagocytosis by 50 percent at 0.3 mg/ml, and a neutral exocellular glucomannan from pichia pinus inhibited phagocytosis by 50 percent at 1 mg/ml. Cell wall mannans from wild type S. cervisiae X2180, its mnn2 mutant which contains mannan with predominantly 1(arrow)6- linked mannose residues, yeast exocellular mannans and O-phosphonomannans were less efficient inhibitors requiring concentrations of 1-5 mg/ml to achieve 50 percent reduction in phagocytosis. Horseradish peroxidase, which contains high-mannose type oligosaccharides, was also inhibitory. Mannan is a specific inhibitor of zymosan binding and phagocytosis. The binding and ingestion of zymosan but not of IgG- or complement-coated erythrocytes can be obliterated by plating macrophages on substrates coated with poly-L-lysin (PLL)-mannan. Zymosan uptake was completely abolished by trypsin treatment of the macrophages and reduced by 50-60 percent in the presence of 10 mM EGTA. Pretreatment of the macrophages with chloroquine inhibited zymosan binding and ingestion. These results support the proposal that the macrophage mannose/N-acetylglucosamine receptor (P. Stahl, J.S. Rodman, M.J. Miller, and P.H. Schlesinger, 1978, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75:1399-1403, mediates the phagocytosis of zymosan particles.  相似文献   
We previously reported that the net photosynthetic rate of a decaploid genotype (I-16-2) of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was 32 to 41 versus 22 milligrams CO2 per square decimeter per hour in a hexaploid genotype (V6-802) (Randall, Nelson, Asay Plant Physiol 59: 38-41). The high rate was later correlated with increases in total ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase protein (17%) and activity (27%) (Joseph, Randall, Nelson Plant Physiol 68: 894-898). This report characterizes photosynthesis with respect to light saturation and early products of photosynthesis in an attempt to identify regulatory metabolic site(s) in these two genotypes. Analysis of the early products of photosynthesis indicated that both genotypes fixed CO2 via the Calvin-Benson cycle with phosphoglyceric acid as the initial primary product. Both genotypes had similar 14C-labeled intermediates. Sucrose was the primary sink of 14CO2 assimilation. After 10 min of 14CO2 assimilation with attached leaves, sucrose accounted for 89% (decaploid) and 81% (hexaploid) of the total 14C incorporated. In 10 min, this amounted to 1.3 (decaploid) and 0.8 (hexaploid) μmol [14C]sucrose formed g fresh weight−1 and reflected the observed differences in photosynthetic rates. There was limited labeling of starch (1%) and fructan (1%). Results of total nonstructural carbohydrates and Pi analysis also demonstrated sucrose was the predominant carbohydrate in fescue leaves. Quantitative differences in sucrose and Pi between the two genotypes may reflect changes in partitioning and this possibility is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of competitive inhibitors of transglutaminase on the formation of myotubes by the fusion of myoblasts in vitro has been investigated. Myotube formation was inhibited when myoblasts from 11-day-old chick embryos were cultured in vitro in the presence of 10 mM histamine or 0.2 mM dansyl cadaverine. The inhibitions observed were reversed when the treated cells were subsequently cultured in normal medium. Glycine methyl ester also inhibited myotube formation but sarcosine methyl ester, which is not a competitive inhibitor of transglutaminase, had little if any inhibitory action. The formation of myotubes was not inhibited by cultivation in normal medium adjusted to pH 8.0-8.1, indicating that the observed effects of histamine and of dansyl cadaverine were not mediated by a lysosomotropic effect. Inhibition of myotube formation in the presence of histamine was accompanied by the production of abnormal multinucleated cells, indicating that myoblast fusion occurred in the treated cultures but that the fused cells failed to elongate into normal myotubes. Transglutaminase activity has been found in cell-free lysates of embryonic chick myoblasts and it is concluded that a transglutaminase enzyme, activated by an increase in the concentration of intracellular Ca2+, plays an important role in stabilising the cytoskeletal network of developing myotubes.  相似文献   
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