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Rapid evolution and the convergence of ecological and evolutionary time   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Recent studies have documented rates of evolution of ecologically important phenotypes sufficiently fast that they have the potential to impact the outcome of ecological interactions while they are underway. Observations of this type go against accepted wisdom that ecological and evolutionary dynamics occur at very different time scales. While some authors have evaluated the rapidity of a measured evolutionary rate by comparing it to the overall distribution of measured evolutionary rates, we believe that ecologists are mainly interested in rapid evolution because of its potential to impinge on ecological processes. We therefore propose that rapid evolution be defined as a genetic change occurring rapidly enough to have a measurable impact on simultaneous ecological change. Using this definition we propose a framework for decomposing rates of ecological change into components driven by simultaneous evolutionary change and by change in a non‐evolutionary factor (e.g. density dependent population dynamics, abiotic environmental change). Evolution is judged to be rapid in this ecological context if its contribution to ecological change is large relative to the contribution of other factors. We provide a worked example of this approach based on a theoretical predator–prey interaction [ Abrams, P. & Matsuda, H. (1997) . Evolution, 51, 1740], and find that in this system the impact of prey evolution on predator per capita growth rate is 63% that of internal ecological dynamics. We then propose analytical methods for measuring these contributions in field situations, and apply them to two long‐term data sets for which suitable ecological and evolutionary data exist. For both data sets relatively high rates of evolutionary change have been found when measured as character change in standard deviations per generation (haldanes). For Darwin's finches evolving in response to fluctuating rainfall [ Grant, P.R. & Grant, B.R. (2002) . Science, 296, 707], we estimate that evolutionary change has been more rapid than ecological change by a factor of 2.2. For a population of freshwater copepods whose life history evolves in response to fluctuating fish predation [ Hairston, N.G. Jr & Dillon, T.A. (1990) . Evolution, 44, 1796], we find that evolutionary change has been about one quarter the rate of ecological change – less than in the finch example, but nevertheless substantial. These analyses support the view that in order to understand temporal dynamics in ecological processes it is critical to consider the extent to which the attributes of the system under investigation are simultaneously changing as a result of rapid evolution.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Vendoconularia triradiata Ivantsov and Fedonkin, recently described from Vendian (latest Proterozoic) strata of Russia, has been interpreted as a six-sided conulariid cnidarian. However, comparison of published illustrations of V .  triradiata with Palaeozoic conulariids suggests that certain key features of the anatomy of V .  triradiata should be reinterpreted. Specifically, features previously homologized with the corners of conulariid thecae may actually be homologous to the conulariid midlines. Under this new interpretation, the corners of the Vendoconularia theca were sulcate, and the midline of each face was non-sulcate and flanked by a pair of low internal carinae. This alternative set of hypotheses of homology makes the argument for a conulariid affinity for Vendoconularia stronger.  相似文献   
HMO1 proteins are abundant Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) High Mobility Group Box (HMGB) protein (Kamau, Bauerla & Grove, 2004). HMGB proteins are nuclear proteins which are known to be architectural proteins (Travers, 2003). HMO1 possesses two HMGB box domains. It has been reported that double box HMGB proteins induce strong bends upon binding to DNA. It is also believed that they play an essential role in reorganizing chromatin and, therefore, are likely to be involved in gene activation. To characterize DNA binding we combine single molecule stretching experiments and AFM imaging of HMO1 proteins bound to DNA. By stretching DNA bound to HMO1, we determine the dissociation constant, measure protein induced average DNA bending angles, and determine the rate at which torsional constraint of the DNA is released by the protein. To further investigate the local nature of the binding, AFM images of HMO1-DNA complexes are imaged, and we probe the behavior of these complexes as a function of protein concentration. The results show that at lower concentrations, HMO1 preferentially binds to the ends of the double helix and links to the separate DNA strands. At higher concentrations HMO1 induces formation of a complex network that reorganizes DNA. Although HMG nuclear proteins are under intense investigation, little is known about HMO1. Our studies suggest that HMO1 proteins may facilitate interactions between multiple DNA molecules.  相似文献   
A critical examination of the order Ralfsiales (Phaeophyta) is presented. It is concluded that the basis for this order is unsound and its continued use is not warranted. Characteristics of the crustose brown algae are discussed and the use of the family Ralfsiaceae (to include the Lithodermataceae) is advocated. The taxonomic position of the northern Pacific alga Analipus japonicus (Harv.) Wynne is considered and the genus is referred to the monotypic family Heterochordariaceae, Ectocarpales.  相似文献   

The federal administration of the Mining Law of 1872 and of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 offers a wealth of experience on the public lands that should be taken into account in managing ocean resources that are similarly under government control. The government has faced a conflict between policy goals because the earlier assurance of development rights stimulates exploration but also makes it more difficult to assure environmental protection. Greater public expenditures for planning and advance information gathering may reduce such conflicts but are limited in their extent by economic considerations. This article analyzes past government attempts to deal with such issues in leasing offshore and onshore oil, and gas, coal, and in the administration of the “hardrock”; claim and patent system. The article suggests alternative ways of sequencing the acquisition of minerals and environmental information in the design of future systems for managing ocean resources.  相似文献   
Carbon monoxide (CO), generated in neurons by the enzyme heme oxygenase-2 (HO2), is postulated to be a gaseous signaling molecule in the mammalian brain. Because of the recent evidence suggesting an important role of another endogenously produced gas, nitric oxide (NO), in entrainment of circadian rhythms in mammals, we hypothesized that CO may also be involved in regulating these rhythms. Consistent with this idea, others have found a circadian rhythm of heme turnover and CO synthesis can be induced by bright light. Furthermore, HO2 is co-localized with guanylyl cyclase, the putative target of CO, throughout the brain, with high amounts of staining in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the role of CO in photic entrainment in wild-type and HO2 deficient mice. HO2–/– mice did not display any abnormalities in circadian rhythmicity. Entrainment to a light–dark cycle, the ability to phase delay locomotor activity after a four hour phase shift in photoperiod, and the period of the free running rhythm (t) were similar between HO2–/– and wild-type mice. Taken together, these data suggest that CO does not play a major role in regulating circadian activity rhythms in mice.  相似文献   
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