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Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants at the three-leaf stage were water-stressed by flooding the rooting medium with polyethylene glycol 6000 with an osmotic potential of −19 bars, or by withholding water. While leaf water potential fell and leaf kill progressed, the betaine (trimethylglycine) content of the second leaf blade rose from about 0.4 micromole to about 1.5 micromoles in 4 days. The time course of betaine accumulation resembled that of proline accumulation. Choline levels in unstressed second leaf blades were low (<0.1 micromole per blade) and remained low during water stress. Upon relief of stress, betaine-like proline—remained at a high concentration in drought-killed leaf zones, but betaine did not disappear as rapidly as proline from viable leaf tissue during recovery.

When [methyl-14C]choline was applied to second leaf blades of intact plants in the growth chamber, water-stressed plants metabolized 5 to 10 times more 14C label to betaine than control plants during 22 hours. When infiltrated with tracer quantities of [14C]formate and incubated for various times in darkness or light, segments cut from water-stressed leaf blades incorporated about 2- to 10-fold more 14C into betaine than did segments from unstressed leaves. In segments from stressed leaves incubated with [14C]formate for about 18 hours in darkness, betaine was always the principal 14C-labeled soluble metabolite. This 14C label was located exclusively in the N-methyl groups of betaine, demonstrating that reducing equivalents were available in stressed leaves for the reductive steps of methyl group biosynthesis from formate. Incorporation of 14C from formate into choline was also increased in stressed leaf tissue, but choline was not a major product formed from [14C]formate.

These results are consistent with a net de novo synthesis of betaine from 1- and 2-carbon precursors during water stress, and indicate that the betaine so accumulated may be a metabolically inert end product.



Modelling proteins with multiple domains is one of the central challenges in Structural Biology. Although homology modelling has successfully been applied for prediction of protein structures, very often domain-domain interactions cannot be inferred from the structures of homologues and their prediction requiresab initiomethods. Here we present a new structural prediction approach for modelling two-domain proteins based on rigid-body domain-domain docking.  相似文献   


Although the pathophysiological defect in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD; Siewert's / Kartagener's syndrome) is now well characterised, there are few studies of the impact of the condition upon health function, particularly in later life. This study assesses the health impact of the condition in a large group of patients. In addition, it assesses the similarity in age of diagnosis, symptoms and problems of those with situs inversus (PCD-SI) and those with situs solitus (PCD-SS).


Postal questionnaire sent to members of the UK Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Family Support Group. The questionnaire contained the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the SF-36 questionnaire for assessing health status.


93 questionnaires were returned, representing a 66% response rate. Replies were received from similar numbers of PCD-SI and PCD-SS. Individuals with PCD-SI did not show a significant tendency to be diagnosed earlier, and neither did they show any difference in their symptoms, or the relationship of symptoms to age. Respiratory symptoms were fairly constant up until the age of about 25, after which there was a slow increase in symptoms, and a decline in health status, patients over the age of 40 being about one and a half standard deviations below the mean on the physical component score of the PCS. Patients diagnosed earlier in life, and hence who had received more treatment for their condition, had better scores on the SGRQ Impact and Activity scores.


PCD is a chronic condition which has a progressively greater impact on health in the second half of life, producing significant morbidity and restriction of life style. Early diagnosis, and hence earlier treatment, may improve symptoms and the impact of the condition.  相似文献   
Homopolar doublets of Tetrahymena thermophila which have two normal oral systems directly opposite one another may undergo a global transformation of cell surface geometry to create transient imitations of mirror-image configurations brought about by mutations at janus gene loci. The process by which a typical doublet transforms into a janus-like organization involves loss of capacity to form oral structures at one of the two normal oral meridians, followed by interpolation of reversed oral structures at a new location to the cell's right of the disappearing normal oral meridian. At the same time, the contractile vacuole pore (CVP) set on the side of the cell that is undergoing the transformation shifts to the left. The combination of these events creates a symmetrical large-scale organization in which both of the CVP sets are situated on one side of the cell, between the normal and the partially reversed oral apparatus. This unilateral positioning of CVP sets is commonly manifested even when reversed oral structures are absent. These configurations probably represent intermediate stages in the transformation of balanced typical doublets into singlets. We propose that this pathway of regulation from the doublet to the singlet state, like the more common one that starts from unbalanced typical doublets (described in the preceding paper), involves reverse intercalation. The remarkable resemblance between the transient configuration described here and the stable configuration of janus mutant cells leads us to suggest that the phenotype of the mutant is also a consequence of reverse-intercalation, in that case provoked by a loss of capacity to maintain positional values rather than by a geometrical instability in the system of positional values.  相似文献   
Homopolar doublets of Tetrahymena thermophila possess two sets of similar cell surface structures, the most prominent of which are the complex and asymmetrical oral apparatuses. These initially are located on opposite surfaces of the duplex cell, but tend to shift so that they are no longer directly opposite each other. The two sets of oral structures are then separated by one wider and one narrower arc of cell surface. When one arc becomes sufficiently narrow, a new third oral apparatus with partially reversed internal asymmetry frequently becomes interposed between the two preexisting oral apparatuses, always within the narrower arc. After this happens, the reliability of development of new oral structures, particularly of the interposed ones, is reduced. Contractile vacuole pores, typically present within both arcs of homopolar doublets, tend to disappear from the narrower arcs. This anomalous partial triplet condition appears to be a transient intermediate stage in the reversion of homopolar doublets to normal singlets. We interpret the interposition of a transient third oral system in doublets that are regulating toward the singlet state as being a consequence of reverse intercalation of new positional values subsequent to excessive crowding of the preexisting positional values. This interpretation is an adaptation of the shortest-distance intercalation rule of the polar coordinate model applied in an intracellular and morphallactic context.  相似文献   
Pituitary adenomas are associated with a variety of clinical manifestations resulting from excessive hormone secretion and tumor mass effects, and require a multidisciplinary management approach. This article discusses the treatment modalities for the management of patients with a prolactinoma, Cushing's disease and acromegaly, and summarizes the options for medical therapy in these patients. First-line treatment of prolactinomas is pharmacotherapy with dopamine agonists; recent reports of cardiac valve abnormalities associated with this class of medication in Parkinson's disease has prompted study in hyperprolactinemic populations. Patients with resistance to dopamine agonists may require other treatment. First-line treatment of Cushing's disease is pituitary surgery by a surgeon with experience in this condition. Current medical options for Cushing's disease block adrenal cortisol production, but do not treat the underlying disease. Pituitary-directed medical therapies are now being explored. In several small studies, the dopamine agonist cabergoline normalized urinary free cortisol in some patients. The multi-receptor targeted somatostatin analogue pasireotide (SOM230) shows promise as a pituitary-directed medical therapy in Cushing's disease; further studies will determine its efficacy and safety. Radiation therapy, with medical adrenal blockade while awaiting the effects of radiation, and bilateral adrenalectomy remain standard treatment options for patients not cured with pituitary surgery. In patients with acromegaly, surgery remains the first-line treatment option when the tumor is likely to be completely resected, or for debulking, especially when the tumor is compressing neurovisual structures. Primary therapy with somatostatin analogues has been used in some patients with large extrasellar tumors not amenable to surgical cure, patients at high surgical risk and patients who decline surgery. Pegvisomant is indicated in patients who have not responded to surgery and other medical therapy, although there are regional differences in when it is prescribed. In conclusion, the treatment of patients with pituitary adenomas requires a multidisciplinary approach. Dopamine agonists are an effective first-line medical therapy in most patients with a prolactinoma, and somatostatin analogues can be used as first-line therapy in selected patients with acromegaly. Current medical therapies for Cushing's disease primarily focus on adrenal blockade of cortisol production, although pasireotide and cabergoline show promise as pituitary-directed medical therapy for Cushing's disease; further long-term evaluation of efficacy and safety is important.  相似文献   
Fungi play a key role in soil–plant interactions, nutrient cycling and carbon flow and are essential for the functioning of arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Some studies have shown that the composition of fungal communities is highly sensitive to variations in environmental conditions, but little is known about how the conditions control the role of fungal communities (i.e., their ecosystem function). We used DNA metabarcoding to compare taxonomic and functional composition of fungal communities along a gradient of environmental severity in Northeast Greenland. We analysed soil samples from fell fields, heaths and snowbeds, three habitats with very contrasting abiotic conditions. We also assessed within‐habitat differences by comparing three widespread microhabitats (patches with high cover of Dryas, Salix, or bare soil). The data suggest that, along the sampled mesotopographic gradient, the greatest differences in both fungal richness and community composition are observed amongst habitats, while the effect of microhabitat is weaker, although still significant. Furthermore, we found that richness and community composition of fungi are shaped primarily by abiotic factors and to a lesser, though still significant extent, by floristic composition. Along this mesotopographic gradient, environmental severity is strongly correlated with richness in all fungal functional groups: positively in saprotrophic, pathogenic and lichenised fungi, and negatively in ectomycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi. Our results suggest complex interactions amongst functional groups, possibly due to nutrient limitation or competitive exclusion, with potential implications on soil carbon stocks. These findings are important in the light of the environmental changes predicted for the Arctic.  相似文献   
Microbial symbionts are instrumental to the ecological and long‐term evolutionary success of their hosts, and the central role of symbiotic interactions is increasingly recognized across the vast majority of life. Lichens provide an iconic group for investigating patterns in species interactions; however, relationships among lichen symbionts are often masked by uncertain species boundaries or an inability to reliably identify symbionts. The species‐rich lichen‐forming fungal family Parmeliaceae provides a diverse group for assessing patterns of interactions of algal symbionts, and our study addresses patterns of lichen symbiont interactions at the largest geographic and taxonomic scales attempted to date. We analysed a total of 2356 algal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences collected from lichens representing ten mycobiont genera in Parmeliaceae, two genera in Lecanoraceae and 26 cultured Trebouxia strains. Algal ITS sequences were grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs); we attempted to validate the evolutionary independence of a subset of the inferred OTUs using chloroplast and mitochondrial loci. We explored the patterns of symbiont interactions in these lichens based on ecogeographic distributions and mycobiont taxonomy. We found high levels of undescribed diversity in Trebouxia, broad distributions across distinct ecoregions for many photobiont OTUs and varying levels of mycobiont selectivity and specificity towards the photobiont. Based on these results, we conclude that fungal specificity and selectivity for algal partners play a major role in determining lichen partnerships, potentially superseding ecology, at least at the ecogeographic scale investigated here. To facilitate effective communication and consistency across future studies, we propose a provisional naming system for Trebouxia photobionts and provide representative sequences for each OTU circumscribed in this study.  相似文献   
Summary Zeins, the major endosperm proteins in maize (Zea mays L.), are deficient in the essential amino acids lysine and tryptophan. Some mutant genes, like opaque-2 (o2) and floury-2 (fl2), reduce the levels of A- and B-zeins, thereby improving maize's nutritional value. Other mutants, such as amylose-extender (ae), floury-1 (fl1), soft starch (h), dull-1 (du), shrunken-1 (sh1), sugary-1 (su1), sugary-2 (su2), and waxy (wx), primarily affect starch composition, but also alter zein composition. We undertook this study to examine the effects of some of these mutant genes on A/B-zein composition and to study the interactions of these genes in double-mutant combinations. Endosperm prolamins were extracted from inbred B37, ten near-isogenic single mutants (ae, du, fl1, fl2, h, o2, sh1, su1, su2, and wx), and most double-mutant combinations. Zeins in these extracts were fractionated by reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) into 22–24 peaks. Of the resulting 22 major peaks the areas of 16 (per milligram endosperm) were significantly affected by individual mutant genes relative to the zein composition of the normal inbred. In combination these genes exhibited significant epistatic interactions in regulating the expression of individual A/B zeins. Epistatic interactions were judged to be significant when the amount of a peak in a double mutant differed from the averages for the peak in the two respective single mutants. The o2 gene, alone and in combination with other mutant genes, significantly decreased the amounts of many individual zeins. The effect of the o2 gene was the greatest of all the genes examined. Various clustering techniques were used to see if mutant effects could be grouped; among these was principal component analysis, a multivariate statistical technique that analyzes all peak sizes simultaneously. Three-dimensional scatter graphs were constructed based on the first three principal components. For the single mutants, these showed no relationships to gene actions; for the double mutants, however, this technique showed that four single mutants, o2, sh1, su1 and su2, had the greatest effects on zein composition when combined with each other and with the remaining six single mutants.Presented at the XVI International Congress of Genetics, Toronto, Canada, August 20–27, 1988. The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the USDA over other brands or similar products not mentioned  相似文献   
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