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EstA is an outer membrane-anchored esterase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. An inactive EstA variant was used as an anchoring motif for the Escherichia coli cell-surface display of lipolytic enzymes. Flow cytometry analysis and measurement of lipase activity revealed that Bacillus subtilis lipase LipA, Fusarium solani pisi cutinase and one of the largest lipases presently known, namely Serratia marcescens lipase were all efficiently exported by the EstA autotransporter and also retained their lipolytic activities upon cell surface exposition. EstA provides a useful tool for surface display of lipases including variant libraries generated by directed evolution thereby enabling the identification of novel enzymes with interesting biological and biotechnological ramifications.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to the air-seeding hypothesis, embolism vulnerability in xylem elements is linked directly to bordered pit structure and functioning. To elucidate the adaptive potential of intervessel pits towards fluctuating environmental conditions, two mangrove species with a distinct ecological distribution growing along a natural salinity gradient were investigated. METHODS: Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations were conducted to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of alternate intervessel pits in A. marina and scalariform intervessel pits in Rhizophora mucronata. Wood samples from three to six trees were collected at seven and five sites for A. marina and R. mucronata, respectively, with considerable differences between sites in soil water salinity. KEY RESULTS: Vestured pits without visible pores in the pit membrane were observed in A. marina, the mangrove species with the widest geographical distribution on global as well as local scale. Their thick pit membranes (on average 370 nm) and minute pit apertures may contribute to reduced vulnerability to cavitation of this highly salt-tolerant species. The smaller ecological distribution of R. mucronata was in accordance with wide pit apertures and a slightly higher pitfield fraction (67 % vs. 60 % in A. marina). Nonetheless, its outer pit apertures were observed to be funnel-shaped shielding non-porous pit membranes. No trends in intervessel pit size were observed with increasing soil water salinity of the site. CONCLUSIONS: The contrasting ecological distribution of two mangrove species was reflected in the geometry and pit membrane characteristics of their intervessel pits. Within species, intervessel pit size seemed to be independent of spatial variations in environmental conditions and was only weakly correlated with vessel diameter. Further research on pit formation and function has to clarify the large variations in intervessel pit size within trees and even within single vessels.  相似文献   
Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is the most common genetic disorder leading to mental retardation. One feature is impaired short- and long-term spatial memory, which has been linked to altered brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels. Mouse models of Down syndrome have been used to assess neurotrophin levels, and reduced BDNF has been demonstrated in brains of adult transgenic mice overexpressing Dyrk1a, a candidate gene for Down syndrome phenotypes. Given the link between DYRK1A overexpression and BDNF reduction in mice, we sought to assess a similar association in humans with Down syndrome. To determine the effect of DYRK1A overexpression on BDNF in the genomic context of both complete trisomy 21 and partial trisomy 21, we used lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients with complete aneuploidy of human chromosome 21 (three copies of DYRK1A) and from patients with partial aneuploidy having either two or three copies of DYRK1A. Decreased BDNF levels were found in lymphoblastoid cell lines from individuals with complete aneuploidy as well as those with partial aneuploidies conferring three DYRK1A alleles. In contrast, lymphoblastoid cell lines from individuals with partial trisomy 21 having only two DYRK1A copies displayed increased BDNF levels. A negative correlation was also detected between BDNF and DYRK1A levels in lymphoblastoid cell lines with complete aneuploidy of human chromosome 21. This finding indicates an upward regulatory role of DYRK1A expression on BDNF levels in lymphoblastoid cell lines and emphasizes the role of genetic variants associated with psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic plasma membranes generally display asymmetric lipid distributions with the aminophospholipids concentrated in the cytosolic leaflet. This arrangement is maintained by aminophospholipid translocases (APLTs) that use ATP hydrolysis to flip phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) from the external to the cytosolic leaflet. The identity of APLTs has not been established, but prime candidates are members of the P4 subfamily of P-type ATPases. Removal of P4 ATPases Dnf1p and Dnf2p from budding yeast abolishes inward translocation of 6-[(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)aminocaproyl] (NBD)-labeled PS, PE, and phosphatidylcholine (PC) across the plasma membrane and causes cell surface exposure of endogenous PE. Here, we show that yeast post-Golgi secretory vesicles (SVs) contain a translocase activity that flips NBD-PS, NBD-PE, and NBD-PC to the cytosolic leaflet. This activity is independent of Dnf1p and Dnf2p but requires two other P4 ATPases, Drs2p and Dnf3p, that reside primarily in the trans-Golgi network. Moreover, SVs have an asymmetric PE arrangement that is lost upon removal of Drs2p and Dnf3p. Our results indicate that aminophospholipid asymmetry is created when membrane flows through the Golgi and that P4-ATPases are essential for this process.  相似文献   
The interaction between plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) and plants can enhance biomass production and metal tolerance of the host plants. This work aimed at isolating and characterizing the cultivable bacterial community associated with Brassica napus growing on a Zn-contaminated site, for selecting cultivable PGPB that might enhance biomass production and metal tolerance of energy crops. The effects of some of these bacterial strains on root growth of B. napus exposed to increasing Zn and Cd concentrations were assessed. A total of 426 morphologically different bacterial strains were isolated from the soil, the rhizosphere, and the roots and stems of B. napus. The diversity of the isolated bacterial populations was similar in rhizosphere and roots, but lower in soil and stem compartments. Burkoholderia, Alcaligenes, Agrococcus, Polaromonas, Stenotrophomonas, Serratia, Microbacterium, and Caulobacter were found as root endophytes exclusively. The inoculation of seeds with Pseudomonas sp. strains 228 and 256, and Serratia sp. strain 246 facilitated the root development of B. napus at 1,000 µM Zn. Arthrobacter sp. strain 222, Serratia sp. strain 246, and Pseudomonas sp. 228 and 262 increased the root length at 300 µM Cd.  相似文献   
Animal African trypanosomosis is a major threat to the economic development and human health in sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosoma congolense infections represent the major constraint in livestock production, with anemia as the major pathogenic lethal feature. The mechanisms underlying anemia development are ill defined, which hampers the development of an effective therapy. Here, the contribution of the erythropoietic and erythrophagocytic potential as well as of hemodilution to the development of T. congolense-induced anemia were addressed in a mouse model of low virulence relevant for bovine trypanosomosis. We show that in infected mice, splenic extramedullary erythropoiesis could compensate for the chronic low-grade type I inflammation-induced phagocytosis of senescent red blood cells (RBCs) in spleen and liver myeloid cells, as well as for the impaired maturation of RBCs occurring in the bone marrow and spleen. Rather, anemia resulted from hemodilution. Our data also suggest that the heme catabolism subsequent to sustained erythrophagocytosis resulted in iron accumulation in tissue and hyperbilirubinemia. Moreover, hypoalbuminemia, potentially resulting from hemodilution and liver injury in infected mice, impaired the elimination of toxic circulating molecules like bilirubin. Hemodilutional thrombocytopenia also coincided with impaired coagulation. Combined, these effects could elicit multiple organ failure and uncontrolled bleeding thus reduce the survival of infected mice. MIF (macrophage migrating inhibitory factor), a potential pathogenic molecule in African trypanosomosis, was found herein to promote erythrophagocytosis, to block extramedullary erythropoiesis and RBC maturation, and to trigger hemodilution. Hence, these data prompt considering MIF as a potential target for treatment of natural bovine trypanosomosis.  相似文献   
Identification of regulatory elements and their target genes is complicated by the fact that regulatory elements can act over large genomic distances. Identification of long-range acting elements is particularly important in the case of disease genes as mutations in these elements can result in human disease. It is becoming increasingly clear that long-range control of gene expression is facilitated by chromatin looping interactions. These interactions can be detected by chromosome conformation capture (3C). Here, we employed 3C as a discovery tool for identification of long-range regulatory elements that control the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene, CFTR. We identified four elements in a 460-kb region around the locus that loop specifically to the CFTR promoter exclusively in CFTR expressing cells. The elements are located 20 and 80 kb upstream; and 109 and 203 kb downstream of the CFTR promoter. These elements contain DNase I hypersensitive sites and histone modification patterns characteristic of enhancers. The elements also interact with each other and the latter two activate the CFTR promoter synergistically in reporter assays. Our results reveal novel long-range acting elements that control expression of CFTR and suggest that 3C-based approaches can be used for discovery of novel regulatory elements.  相似文献   
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