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We report a young girl with microphthalmia, conductive deafness, aortic isthmus stenosis, laryngomalacia, and laryngeal stenosis carrying a de novo supernumerary neocentromeric derivative chromosome 13. For the precise identification and characterization of the eu- and heterochromatic content of the marker chromosome, straightforward molecular cytogenetic analyses were performed, such as chromosome microdissection, FISH with different probes (e.g. wcp, alphoid centromeric probes, BAC), centromere-specific multicolor FISH (cenM-FISH), and multicolor banding (MCB). The analyses demonstrated that the marker consisted of an inverted duplication (partial tetrasomy) of the distal portion of chromosome 13 that was separated from the endogenous chromosome 13 centromere. Using an all-centromere probe and multicolor cenM-FISH, no alpha-satellite DNA hybridization signal was detectable on any portion of the derivative chromosome. The presence of a functional and active neocentromere on the derivative chromosome 13 was confirmed by positive immunofluorescence signals with CENP-C antibodies. BAC-FISH confirmed the cytogenetic localization of the neocentromere in band 13q31.3. Thus the patient had a mosaic conventional karyotype mos 47,XX,+inv dup(13)(qter-->q21.3::q21.3-->q31.3-->neo-->q31.3-->qter)[6]/46,XX [49].  相似文献   


Polarised gene expression is thought to lead to the graded distribution of signaling molecules providing a patterning mechanism across the embryonic eye. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) is expressed in the dorsal optic vesicle as it transforms into the optic cup. Bmp4 deletions in human and mouse result in failure of eye development, but little attempt has been made to investigate mammalian targets of BMP4 signaling. In chick, retroviral gene overexpression studies indicate that Bmp4 activates the dorsally expressed Tbx5 gene, which represses ventrally expressed cVax. It is not known whether the Tbx5 related genes, Tbx2 and Tbx3, are BMP4 targets in the mammalian retina and whether BMP4 acts at a distance from its site of expression. Although it is established that Drosophila Dpp (homologue of vertebrate Bmp4) acts as a morphogen, there is little evidence that BMP4 gradients are interpreted to create domains of BMP4 target gene expression in the mouse.  相似文献   
Natural selection can favor songbirds that desert nests containingeggs of the parasitic brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater).However, the high variability in desertion of parasitized nestswithin species is perplexing in light of the typically highcosts of parasitism. Because nest desertion can also be a responseto partial clutch predation, we first asked if Bell's vireos(Vireo bellii) deserted nests in response to the presence ofcowbird eggs (antiparasite response hypothesis) or to egg removalby predators and female cowbirds (egg predation hypothesis).Second, we asked whether variation in nest desertion was dueto intrinsic differences among individuals or to variation innest contents. We monitored a large number of nests (n = 494)and performed a clutch manipulation experiment to test thesehypotheses. The number of vireo eggs that remained in a nestwas a strong predictor of desertion both within and among pairs.Neither the presence of a single cowbird egg, which leads tonest failure for this host, nor the number of cowbird eggs receivedin a vireo nest influenced nest desertion. Furthermore, vireosdid not desert experimental nests when we immediately exchangedcowbird eggs for vireo eggs but deserted if we removed vireoeggs and replaced them with cowbird eggs the following morning.Desertion of parasitized nests by Bell's vireos can be almostentirely explained as a response to partial or complete clutchloss and does not appear to have been altered by selection frombrood parasitism.  相似文献   
The present state of worldwide discussions of how to apply LCA in environmental labelling, taking into account the current ISO 14 020 and ISO 14 024 works, is described. There is a consensus to use LCA as a tool for more scientific environmental labelling. The examples presented verify some practical possibilities to realise this approach. As a background to different stages of practical labelling, results from LCA studies are already used in the German “Blue Angel” scheme, e.g. for the definition of the scope in one product category, for the priorisation of specific life cycle phases and criteria, as a basis to establish a scoring system or to emphasise the importance of information on how to use environmentally sound products. Practical examples are presented in detail for hand-drying systems, paper products, milk packages, household equipment, televisions and detergents. Some future perspectives are mentioned. Presentation at “The Second International Conference on EcoBalance - The New Stage of LCA as a Common Language”, Nov. 18, 19 and 20, 1996 Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   
Mutations in human MCPH1 (hMCPH1) cause primary microcephaly, which is characterized by a marked reduction of brain size. Interestingly, hMCPH1 mutant patient cells display unique cellular phenotypes, including premature chromosome condensation (PCC), in G2 phase. To test whether hMCPH1 might directly participate in the regulation of chromosome condensation and, if so, how, we developed a cell-free assay using Xenopus laevis egg extracts. Our results demonstrate that an N-terminal domain of hMCPH1 specifically inhibits the action of condensin II by competing for its chromosomal binding sites in vitro. This simple and powerful assay allows us to dissect mutations causing primary microcephaly in vivo and evolutionary substitutions among different species. A complementation assay using patient cells revealed that, whereas the N-terminal domain of hMCPH1 is sufficient to rescue the PCC phenotype, its central domain plays an auxiliary role in shaping metaphase chromosomes by physically interacting with condensin II. Thus, hMCPH1 acts as a composite modulator of condensin II to regulate chromosome condensation and shaping.  相似文献   
The type I form of cAMP-dependent protein kinase binds MgATP with a high affinity, and binding of MgATP decreases the affinity of the holoenzyme for cAMP [Hofmann et al. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 7795]. Holoenzyme was formed here with a mutant form of the bovine recombinant type I regulatory subunit where the essential arginine in site A, Arg-209, was replaced with Lys. Although this mutation does not significantly change the high-affinity binding of MgATP to the holoenzyme, it does abolish high-affinity binding of cAMP to site A. In the absence of MgATP, binding of cAMP to site B is sufficient to promote dissociation of the holoenzyme complex and activation of the catalytic subunit [Bubis et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 9668]. In the presence of MgATP however, holoenzyme formed with this mutant regulatory subunit is very resistant to cAMP. The Kd(cAMP) was greater than 1 microM, and the Ka(cAMP) increased 60-fold from 130 nM to 6.5 microM in the presence of MgATP. Thus, MgATP serves as a lock that selectively stabilizes the holoenzyme and inhibits activation. Both site A and site B are shielded from cAMP in the presence of MgATP. These results suggest that Arg-209 may play a role in stabilizing the MgATP.holoenzyme complex in addition to its role in binding the exocyclic oxygens of cAMP when cAMP is bound to the regulatory subunit. The catalytic subunit also reassociates rapidly with this mutant regulatory subunit, and in contrast to the wild-type regulatory subunit, holoenzyme formation does not require MgATP.  相似文献   


Anti-RNA polymerase III (RNAP III) antibodies are highly specific markers of scleroderma (systemic sclerosis, SSc) and associated with a rapidly progressing subset of SSc. The clinical presentation of anti-RNAP III positive patients, onset of Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) and SSc in unselected patients in a rheumatology clinic were evaluated.


Autoantibodies in sera from 1,966 unselected patients (including 434 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 119 SSc, 85 polymyositis/dermatomyositis (PM/DM)) in a rheumatology clinic were screened by radioimmunoprecipitation. Anti-RNAP III positive sera were also tested by immunofluorescence antinuclear antibodies and anti-RNAP III ELISA. Medical records of anti-RNAP III positive patients were reviewed.


Among 21 anti-RNAP III positive patients, 16 met the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) SSc criteria at the initial visit but 5 did not; diagnoses were vasculitis, early polyarthritis, renal failure with RP, interstitial lung disease, and Sjögren's syndrome. The first two patients developed rapidly progressive diffuse SSc. An additional case presented with diffuse scleroderma without RP and RP developed two years later. Anti-RNAP III antibodies in these 6 cases of atypical clinical presentation were compared with those in 15 cases of typical (SSc with RP) cases. Anti-RNAP III levels by ELISA were lower in the former group (P = 0.04 by Mann-Whitney test) and 3 of 6 were negative versus only 1 of 15 negative in the latter (P < 0.05 by Fisher's exact test). Three cases of non-SSc anti-RNAP III positive patients had predominant reactivity with RNAP I with weak RNAP III reactivity and had a strong nucleolar staining. Three anti-RNAP III patients, who did not have RP at the initial visit, developed RP months later. Scleroderma developed prior to RP in 5 out of 16 (31%) in the anti-RNAP III group, but this was rare in patients with other autoantibodies. The interval between the onset of RP to scleroderma was short in anti-RNAP III positive patients.


Anti-RNAP III antibodies are highly specific for SSc; however, a subset of anti-RNAP III positive patients do not present as typical SSc. The interval between RP and scleroderma in this group is short, and 31% of patients developed scleroderma prior to RP in this group. Anti-RNAP III positive patients may not present as typical SSc and detecting anti-RNAP III may have predictive value.  相似文献   


Laribacter hongkongensis is associated with community-acquired gastroenteritis and traveler's diarrhea. In this study, we performed an in-depth annotation of the genes in its genome related to the various steps in the infective process, drug resistance and mobile genetic elements.


For acid and bile resistance, L. hongkongensis possessed a urease gene cassette, two arc gene clusters and bile salt efflux systems. For intestinal colonization, it possessed a putative adhesin of the autotransporter family homologous to those of diffusely adherent Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterotoxigenic E. coli. To evade from host defense, it possessed superoxide dismutase and catalases. For lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, it possessed the same set of genes that encode enzymes for synthesizing lipid A, two Kdo units and heptose units as E. coli, but different genes for its symmetrical acylation pattern, and nine genes for polysaccharide side chains biosynthesis. It contained a number of CDSs that encode putative cell surface acting (RTX toxin and hemolysins) and intracellular cytotoxins (patatin-like proteins) and enzymes for invasion (outer membrane phospholipase A). It contained a broad variety of antibiotic resistance-related genes, including genes related to β-lactam (n = 10) and multidrug efflux (n = 54). It also contained eight prophages, 17 other phage-related CDSs and 26 CDSs for transposases.


The L. hongkongensis genome possessed genes for acid and bile resistance, intestinal mucosa colonization, evasion of host defense and cytotoxicity and invasion. A broad variety of antibiotic resistance or multidrug resistance genes, a high number of prophages, other phage-related CDSs and CDSs for transposases, were also identified.  相似文献   


Autoantibodies in patients with polymyositis/dermatomyositis (PM/DM) are associated with unique subsets, clinical course and outcome. Anti-MJ antibodies, which recognize the nuclear protein NXP-2/MORC3, are reported in ~25% of juvenile DM. Prevalence and clinical significance of anti-MJ antibodies in adult Italian PM/DM patients were studied.


Sera from 58 consecutive adult Italian PM/DM patients were analyzed by immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled K562 cells extract, ELISA (anti-MJ, Jo-1), Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence. Clinical associations were analyzed using information from medical charts.


Anti-MJ antibodies were the most prevalent specificity (17%) found mainly in DM (30%, 8 cases) vs 8% of PM (2 cases, P = 0.02). Comparing 10 anti-MJ (+) vs 48 anti-MJ (-) cases, DM was more common (P = 0.03), and age at onset was younger in anti-MJ (+) (P = 0.0006). In anti-MJ (+), heliotrope rash (P = 0.01) and calcinosis (P = 0.09) were more frequent. None of them had heart or lung involvement, or malignancy. Myopathy in anti-MJ (+) patients responded well to therapy and none of them had elevated CPK at last visit (0% vs 25% in anti-MJ (-)). Only 60% of anti-MJ (+) showed immunofluorescent nuclear dots staining, despite PML localization of NXP-2/MORC3.


Anti-MJ antibodies are the most frequent specificity in our cohort of adult Italian PM/DM. Anti-MJ (+) were associated with young onset DM, calcinosis, no internal organ involvement and good response of myopathy to therapy. Anti-MJ reported in juvenile DM is also found in adult PM/DM, and could be a new useful biomarker.  相似文献   
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