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Developmental genes are silenced in embryonic stem cells by a bivalent histone-based chromatin mark. It has been proposed that this mark also confers a predisposition to aberrant DNA promoter hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in cancer. We report here that silencing of a significant proportion of these TSGs in human embryonic and adult stem cells is associated with promoter DNA hypermethylation. Our results indicate a role for DNA methylation in the control of gene expression in human stem cells and suggest that, for genes repressed by promoter hypermethylation in stem cells in vivo, the aberrant process in cancer could be understood as a defect in establishing an unmethylated promoter during differentiation, rather than as an anomalous process of de novo hypermethylation.  相似文献   
Mutation of the p53 gene is a common event during tumor pathogenesis. Other mechanisms, such as mdm2 amplification, provide alternative routes through which dysfunction of the p53 pathway is promoted. Here, we address the hypothesis that elevated expression of pim oncogenes might suppress p53 by regulating Mdm2. At a physiological level, we show that endogenous Pim-1 and Pim-2 interact with endogenous Mdm2. Additionally, the Pim kinases phosphorylate Mdm2 in vitro and in cultured cells at Ser(166) and Ser(186), two previously identified targets of other signaling pathways, including Akt. Surprisingly, at high levels of Pim expression, as would occur in tumors, active, but not inactive, Pim-1 or Pim-2 blocks the degradation of both p53 and Mdm2 in a manner that is independent of Mdm2 phosphorylation, leading to increased p53 levels and, proportionately, p53-dependent transactivation. Additionally, Pim-1 induces endogenous ARF, p53, Mdm2, and p21 in primary murine embryo fibroblasts and stimulates senescence-associated beta-galactosidase levels, consistent with the induction of senescence. Immunohistochemical analysis of a cohort of 33 human mantle cell lymphomas shows that elevated expression of Pim-1 occurs in 42% of cases, with elevated Pim-2 occurring in 9% of cases, all of which also express Pim-1. Notably, elevated Pim-1 correlates with elevated Mdm2 in MCL with a p value of 0.003. Taken together, our data are consistent with the idea that Pim normally interacts with the p53 pathway but, when expressed at pathological levels, behaves as a classic dominant oncogene that stimulates a protective response through induction of the p53 pathway.  相似文献   
The mapping of the photosynthetic membrane of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by atomic force microscopy (AFM) revealed a unique organization of arrays of dimeric reaction center-light harvesting I-PufX (RC-LH1-PufX) core complexes surrounded and interconnected by light-harvesting LH2 complexes (Bahatyrova, S., Frese, R. N., Siebert, C. A., Olsen, J. D., van der Werf, K. O., van Grondelle, R., Niederman, R. A., Bullough, P. A., Otto, C., and Hunter, C. N. (2004) Nature 430, 1058-1062). However, membrane regions consisting solely of LH2 complexes were under-represented in these images because these small, highly curved areas of membrane rendered them difficult to image even using gentle tapping mode AFM and impossible with contact mode AFM. We report AFM imaging of membranes prepared from a mutant of R. sphaeroides, DPF2G, that synthesizes only the LH2 complexes, which assembles spherical intracytoplasmic membrane vesicles of approximately 53 nm diameter in vivo. By opening these vesicles and adsorbing them onto mica to form small, < or =120 nm, largely flat sheets we have been able to visualize the organization of these LH2-only membranes for the first time. The transition from highly curved vesicle to the planar sheet is accompanied by a change in the packing of the LH2 complexes such that approximately half of the complexes are raised off the mica surface by approximately 1 nm relative to the rest. This vertical displacement produces a very regular corrugated appearance of the planar membrane sheets. Analysis of the topographs was used to measure the distances and angles between the complexes. These data are used to model the organization of LH2 complexes in the original, curved membrane. The implications of this architecture for the light harvesting function and diffusion of quinones in native membranes of R. sphaeroides are discussed.  相似文献   
Myosin V is a processive actin-based motor protein that takes multiple 36-nm steps to deliver intracellular cargo to its destination. In the laser trap, applied load slows myosin V heavy meromyosin stepping and increases the probability of backsteps. In the presence of 40 mm phosphate (P(i)), both forward and backward steps become less load-dependent. From these data, we infer that P(i) release commits myosin V to undergo a highly load-dependent transition from a state in which ADP is bound to both heads and its lead head trapped in a pre-powerstroke conformation. Increasing the residence time in this state by applying load increases the probability of backstepping or detachment. The kinetics of detachment indicate that myosin V can detach from actin at two distinct points in the cycle, one of which is turned off by the presence of P(i). We propose a branched kinetic model to explain these data. Our model includes P(i) release prior to the most load-dependent step in the cycle, implying that P(i) release and load both act as checkpoints that control the flux through two parallel pathways.  相似文献   
Previously we described a new member of the Neoparamoeba genus, N. perurans, and showed that it is an agent of amoebic gill disease (AGD) of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar cultured in southeast Tasmania, Australia. Given the broad distribution of cases of AGD, we were interested in extending our studies to epizootics in farmed fish from other sites around the world. Oligonucleotide probes that hybridise with the 18S rRNA of N. perurans, N. branchiphila or N. pemaquidensis were used to examine archival samples of AGD in Tasmania as well as samples obtained from 4 host fish species cultured across 6 countries. In archival samples, N. perurans was the only detectable amoeba, confirming that it has been the predominant aetiological agent of AGD in Tasmania since epizootics were first reported. N. perurans was also the exclusive agent of AGD in 4 host species across 6 countries. Together, these data show that N. perurans is a cosmopolitan agent of AGD and, therefore, of significance to the global mariculture industry.  相似文献   
Recent taxonomic revisions of the freshwater crabs of southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) allow accurate depictions of their diversity, distribution patterns and conservation status. The southern African region is home to nineteen species of freshwater crabs all belonging to the genus Potamonautes (family Potamonautidae). These crabs show high levels of species endemism (84%) to the southern African region and to the country of South Africa (74%). The conservation status of each species is assessed using the IUCN (2003) Red List criteria, based on detailed compilations of the majority of known specimens. The results indicate that one species should be considered vulnerable, fifteen species least concern and three species data deficient. The results have been utilized by the IUCN for Red Lists, and may prove useful when developing a conservation strategy for southern Africa’s endemic freshwater crab fauna.  相似文献   
In the uterus, the formation of new maternal blood vessels in the stromal compartment at the time of embryonic implantation is critical for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Although uterine angiogenesis is known to be influenced by the steroid hormones estrogen (E) and progesterone (P), the underlying molecular pathways remain poorly understood. Here, we report that the expression of connexin 43 (Cx43), a major gap junction protein, is markedly enhanced in response to E in uterine stromal cells surrounding the implanted embryo during the early phases of pregnancy. Conditional deletion of the Cx43 gene in these stromal cells and the consequent disruption of their gap junctions led to a striking impairment in the development of new blood vessels within the stromal compartment, resulting in the arrest of embryo growth and early pregnancy loss. Further analysis of this phenotypical defect revealed that loss of Cx43 expression resulted in aberrant differentiation of uterine stromal cells and impaired production of several key angiogenic factors, including the vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf). Ablation of CX43 expression in human endometrial stromal cells in vitro led to similar findings. Collectively, these results uncovered a unique link between steroid hormone-regulated cell-cell communication within the pregnant uterus and the development of an elaborate vascular network that supports embryonic growth. Our study presents the first evidence that Cx43-type gap junctions play a critical and conserved role in modulating stromal differentiation, and regulate the consequent production of crucial paracrine signals that control uterine neovascularization during implantation.  相似文献   
The DNA cleavage reaction of human topoisomerase IIα is critical to all of the physiological and pharmacological functions of the protein. While it has long been known that the type II enzyme requires a divalent metal ion in order to cleave DNA, the role of the cation in this process is not known. To resolve this fundamental issue, the present study utilized a series of divalent metal ions with varying thiophilicities in conjunction with DNA cleavage substrates that replaced the 3′-bridging oxygen of the scissile bond with a sulfur atom (i.e. 3′-bridging phosphorothiolates). Rates and levels of DNA scission were greatly enhanced when thiophilic metal ions were included in reactions that utilized sulfur-containing substrates. Based on these results and those of reactions that employed divalent cation mixtures, we propose that topoisomerase IIα mediates DNA cleavage via a two-metal-ion mechanism. In this model, one of the metal ions makes a critical interaction with the 3′-bridging atom of the scissile phosphate. This interaction greatly accelerates rates of enzyme-mediated DNA cleavage, and most likely is needed to stabilize the leaving 3′-oxygen.  相似文献   
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