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Of 153 clinical isolates of shigellae examined, 64.7% belonged toShigella flexneri, 18.9% toSh. sonnei, 11.8% toSh. boydii and 4.6% toSh. dysenteriae. Part of these isolates were resistant to sulfamethoxazole and streptomycin (88.2% each), ampicillin (66.70, tetracycline (63.40 and co-trimoxazole (43.10, with levels of resistance (MIC50 and MIC90) being invariably high. Resistance to three or more drugs (multidrug resistance) was seen in 77.8% of the isolates. All the 25 strains examined for transfer of resistance contained R-plasmids, both autotransferable and non-autotransferable (mobilized by transfer factor X). The frequency of transfer of different r-determinants varied from 2.7 · 10–8 to 1.4 · 10.  相似文献   
Yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis , of all age classes were collected from Moreton Bay, Australia. The species possessed typical sparid ovotestes in which the testis and ovary occur in separate zones. During the spawning period (June-August) juveniles, functional males and functional females could be distinguished by the macroscopic appearance of the gonad. The sex ratio of males to females decreases with age, indicating protandrous sex inversion.
Histological and structural study of the ovotestis showed all fish have previtellogenic cells in the ovarian zone but only juvenile and male fish have developing spermatogenic cells in the testis. Most juveniles become functional males by the age of two years but a small proportion of juveniles develop directly into functional females (primary females). Protandrous sex inversion commences after the spawning period when male fish appear with spermatozoa and no other spermatogenic cells in the testis. During the period November-January male fish with no spermatogenic cells are common and a reduction in size of the testis occurs so that by March-April the ovotestis becomes structurally and histologically similar to the female ovotestis. Some fish remain functional males during their whole life-history (primary males). In functional females vitellogenic cells are present in the ovary only during the spawning period and the testis remains very small in size.  相似文献   
Abstract 3 new shuttle cloning vectors for gene transfer into Escherichia coli and Anacystis nidulans have been constructed by utilizing the cyanobacterial origin of replication of the small plasmid pANS from A. nidulans . 2 of these new vectors, pXB7 (pDPL13 derivative) and pECAN8 (pUC8 derivative), convey ampicillin resistance, and transform A. nidulans with relatively high frequencies. Vector pXB7 has 10 unique cloning sites; pECAN8 contains 4 cloning sites within the lacZ gene permitting rapid detection of DNA inserts in the presence of Xgal. The third vector, pKBX, has a lower transformation frequency but adds kanamycin resistance as a selectable gene for shuttle vectors of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   
Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and body composition have been shown to deteriorate with age. How much of the decline is attributable to aging and how much is affected by reduced physical activity is not known. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the aerobic capacity and body composition of 24 master track athletes and to evaluate the relationship to age and maintenance of training over a 10-yr period. The subjects (50-82 yr of age) were retested after a 10.1-yr follow-up (T2). All continued their aerobic training, but only 11 were still highly competitive (COMP) and continued to train at the same intensity. The other 13 athletes studied became noncompetitive (post-COMP) and reduced their training intensity. The results showed the COMP group to maintain its VO2max and maximum O2 pulse while the post-COMP group showed a significant decline (54.2-53.3 vs. 52.5-45.9 ml X kg-1 X min-1; 20.7-20.8 vs. 22.4-20.0 ml/beat from test one (T1) to T2 for the COMP vs. post-COMP groups, respectively). Maximum heart rate declined 7 beats/min for both groups. Body composition showed no difference between groups from T1 to T2. For both groups body weight declined slightly (70.0-68.9 kg), percent fat increased significantly (13.1-15.1%), and fat-free weight decreased significantly (61.0-59.0 kg). Thus, when training was maintained, aerobic capacity remained unchanged over the follow-up period. Body composition changed for both groups and may have been related to aging and/or the type of training performed.  相似文献   
The preparation is discussed of polymeric organic solids in which large ring-like delocalized electronic orbitals can be made to enclose or trap magnetic flux. The situation is analogous to snapping shut a loop of superconductor while it is in a magnetic field. The operation of the Meissner effect acts to retain the trapped flux and create remant magnetization.  相似文献   
The capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella SK1 was investigated by methylation analysis, Smith degradation, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The oligosaccharides (P1 and P2) obtained by bacteriophage ΦSK1 degradation of the polymer were studied by methylation analysis, and 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. The resulting data showed that the patent repeating unit is a branched pentasaccharide having a structure identical to the revised structure recently proposed for Klebsiella serotype K8 capsular polysaccharide.
The 2D-NMR data showed that one third of the glucuronic acid residues in the SK1 polymer are acetylated at O-2, O-3, or O-4. FABMS studies confirmed the presence of monoacetylated glucuronic acid residues. Thus, the relationship between the Klebsiella K8 and SK1 polymers is akin to that found for Klebsiella polysaccharides K30 and K33, which have been typed as serologically distinct yet their structures differ only in the degree of acetylation.  相似文献   
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