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Even when anthropogenically altered, river floodplains continue to contribute to biodiversity. This study examined the distribution of freshwater mussels in relation to environmental factors in waterbodies in the terrestrialized floodplain of a lowland river. Mussels were captured, and environmental measurements were taken in November of 2013 and 2014 in quadrats established in three floodplain waterbodies (FWBs), which were isolated from the main river channel. Among the three FWBs, mussel abundance was highest in a shallow FWB (depth range 18–45 cm) that had intermediate conditions of mud depth and fine sediment rate. Mussel abundance showed a hump-shaped relationship with water depth (the peak 45–50 cm) and mud depth (the peak 8–12 cm). Mussel abundance was also negatively related to the abundance of benthic litter. Litter abundance was positively related to branch abundance and the presence of tree cover, and negatively related to the distance to tree cover, indicating that benthic litter was derived from riparian trees. Our results indicate that relatively shallow (≤ 50 cm) FWBs with moderately accumulated mud, which are not scoured even during flooding, appear to be suitable habitats for mussels. Moreover, it is possible that riparian trees negatively impact mussel distribution in FWBs. Possible short-term measures for improving mussel habitat in FWBs may include the elimination of riparian trees and benthic litter.  相似文献   
Humic substances extracted and purified from bottom sediments of northern Lake Biwa, Japan, in November 2012 and 2013 were characterized using elemental analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, hydrogen-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) analysis, and pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The infrared (IR) bands in the spectra of humic acids showed the presence of amide linkages and polysaccharides. Results of 1H NMR analysis showed that the humic acids contained approximately twice the number of aliphatic protons as those in the Japanese soil standards used for comparison. Results of the Py-GC/MS analysis, which evaluates pyrolysis temperature dependency of the amount of pyrolysis products, showed that the generation of pyrolysis products in humic acids also differed from that in Japanese soil standards but was similar to that of phytoplankton in Lake Biwa. This analysis method is the first to provide extensive information about the chemical structure of humic substances; conventional Py-GC/MS provides limited information for a single temperature. Data suggest that humic acids in lake sediments are related to chemical characteristics of phytoplankton. Results shed new light on the origins of humic substances in deep-water-lake sediments and provide insights into material recycling in such sediments.  相似文献   
Epilimnion-dominated profiles of dissolved uranium (U) have been observed during summer in an oxygenated Japanese lake, Lake Biwa, contrary to the commonly accepted view that U shows conservative behavior in oxygenated seas and lakes. Monthly observations were conducted to reveal the mechanism for such characteristic distribution and geochemical behavior of dissolved U in the lake. In the surface water, dissolved U concentration started to increase in spring, peaked in summer, and decreased from autumn to winter. In contrast, the concentration remained almost constant in the middle layer (40 m depth) and decreased slightly in the bottom layer (70 m depth) throughout the stagnation period. Mass balance calculations of U suggest that the major mechanism for seasonal variations in the surface layer is the supply of U, not via water inflow from the watershed, but by internal chemical reactions within the lake. A laboratory experiment using the lake water and sediment demonstrated that U was desorbed from and adsorbed onto sediment in response to variations in lake water pH. From these results, it is inferred that the seasonal variation in the concentration of dissolved U in the epilimnion results mainly from the desorptive/adsorptive processes of U between sediment/water interface in response to variation in water pH, which is affected by biological activity in the lake.  相似文献   
Dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Lake Biwa hypolimnion reached its lowest level of <1 mg kg?1 in 2007. In this paper, we report the variations in the total dissolvable (TD), dissolved (D), and labile particulate (LP) fractions of Al, Si, P, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, W, and U in Lake Biwa 2007 and 2009. Al and Fe species were predominantly in the form of LP-Al and LP-Fe and were strongly correlated with one another (r = 0.99), suggesting that the weathering of aluminous minerals and the supply of clay mineral particles are the main factors that influence the distributions of Al and Fe. Although D-Al increased in the summer epilimnion, D-Fe was relatively low, probably as a result of uptake by plants. Reductive release of Fe from the bottom was not seen. Mn was also dominated by LP-Mn, but this fraction showed a different distribution to those of LP-Al and LP-Fe. The D-Mn and LP-Mn concentrations varied by factors of 700–1000 and showed marked increases in the bottom water during stratification in 2007. We believe that Mn2+ was released from the sediments and oxidized by DO in the bottom water. Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cr, which exist as cationic species, had LP/TD ratios of 0.1–0.7 and relatively uniform distributions. Si, P, V, As, Mo, W, and U, which form oxoacid species, had LP/TD ratios of 0–0.8. Si, P, and As were characterized by nutrient-like profiles, V, W, and U showed summer maxima in the epilimnion, and Mo had a uniform distribution. TD-Mo increased in the bottom water along with TD-Mn, while TD-V and TD-W showed significant decreases. These results are likely attributable to differences in the adsorption of these elements onto manganese oxides and iron hydroxides.  相似文献   
The macroinvertebrate assemblages in an artificial habitat, the settling basin of a hydroelectric power plant, were investigated and compared with those in a natural habitat, riffles in a nearby river. This study showed that macroinvertebrate density was much higher in the settling basin than in the riffles. Macroinvertebrate assemblage composition differed between the settling basin and the riffles. The difference was probably due to the widespread bryophyte beds in the settling basin. Cincticostella, Brachycentrus, Ephmerella, and chironomid midges, which are usually abundant in bryophyte beds, were present at much higher densities in the settling basin. Cheumatopsyche and Taeniopterygidae were also present at higher densities in the settling basin than in the natural riffles. In contrast, Epeorus was present at lower density in the settling basin than in the natural riffles. This study suggests that the settling basin increases β-diversity in riverine ecosystems.  相似文献   
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