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Seventeen arginine auxotrophic mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti Rmd201 were isolated by random transposon Tn5 mutagenesis using Tn5 delivery vector pGS9. Based on intermediate feeding studies, these mutants were designated as argA/argB/argC/argD/argE (ornithine auxotrophs), argF/argI, argG and argH mutants. The ornithine auxotrophs induced ineffective nodules whereas all other arginine auxotrophs induced fully effective nodules on alfalfa plants. In comparison to the parental strain induced nodule, only a few nodule cells infected with rhizobia were seen in the nitrogen fixation zone of the nodule induced by the ornithine auxotroph. TEM studies showed that the bacteroids in the nitrogen fixation zone of ornithine auxotroph induced nodule were mostly spherical or oval unlike the elongated bacteroids in the nitrogen fixation zone of the parental strain induced nodule. These results indicate that ornithine or an intermediate of ornithine biosynthesis, or a chemical factor derived from one of these compounds is required for the normal development of nitrogen fixation zone and transformation of rhizobial bacteria into bacteroids during symbiosis of S. meliloti with alfalfa plants.  相似文献   
The role of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as a precursor to organic radicals, generated by one-electron reduction of SAM and subsequent fission to form 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical and methionine, has been known for some time. Only recently, however, has it become apparent how widespread such enzymes are, and what a wide range of chemical reactions they catalyze. In the last few years several new SAM radical enzymes have been identified. Spectroscopic and kinetic investigations have begun to uncover the mechanism by which an iron sulfur cluster unique to these enzymes reduces SAM to generate adenosyl radical. Most recently, the first X-ray structures of SAM radical enzymes, coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase, and biotin synthase have been solved, providing a structural framework within which to interpret mechanistic studies.  相似文献   
5-Lipoxygenase inhibitors are of current interest for asthma therapy and inflammatory diseases. In order to identify the essential structural and physicochemical requirements in terms of common biophoric sites (pharmacophore) and secondary sites for binding and interacting with 5-lipoxygenase, a series of 51 compounds of chalcones has been used for the development of 3D-QSAR models on APEX-3D expert system. Among several models, the two models have been identified with the statistical criteria R2>0.75, Chance <0.001 and Match >0.7. Both the models (nos 1 and 2) with three biophoric sites and four secondary sites, showed very good correlation (r>0.9) between the observed and calculated or predicted activities.  相似文献   
The autonomic nervous system drives variability in heart rate, vascular tone, cardiac ejection, and arterial pressure, but gender differences in autonomic regulation of the latter three parameters are not well documented. In addition to mean values, we used spectral analysis to calculate variability in arterial pressure, heart rate (R-R interval, RRI), stroke volume, and total peripheral resistance (TPR) and measured circulating levels of catecholamines and pancreatic polypeptide in two groups of 25 +/- 1.2-yr-old, healthy men and healthy follicular-phase women (40 total subjects, 10 men and 10 women per group). Group 1 subjects were studied supine, before and after beta- and muscarinic autonomic blockades, administered singly and together on separate days of study. Group 2 subjects were studied supine and drug free with the additional measurement of skin perfusion. In the unblocked state, we found that circulating levels of epinephrine and total spectral power of stroke volume, TPR, and skin perfusion ranged from two to six times greater in men than in women. The difference (men > women) in spectral power of TPR was maintained after beta- and muscarinic blockades, suggesting that the greater oscillations of vascular resistance in men may be alpha-adrenergically mediated. Men exhibited muscarinic buffering of mean TPR whereas women exhibited beta-adrenergic buffering of mean TPR as well as TPR and heart rate oscillations. Women had a greater distribution of RRI power in the breathing frequency range and a less negative slope of ln RRI power vs. ln frequency, both indicators that parasympathetic stimuli were the dominant influence on women's heart rate variability. The results of our study suggest a predominance of sympathetic vascular regulation in men compared with a dominant parasympathetic influence on heart rate regulation in women.  相似文献   
A new species of the endogonaceous fungus Gigaspora, isolated from the Indian semi-arid region, is described. The fungus, named G. tuberculata, produces rusty-brown azygospores with septate subtending hypha. The azygospores bear warts all over the outer wall. The shape, size and general appearance of these spores resemble those of Scutellospora persica.Neeraj and A.K. Varma are with the Microbiology Unit, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, India; K.G. Mukerji is with the Applied Mycology Laboratory, Botany Department, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 006, India. B.C. Sharma is with the Department of Textile Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 110 016, India.  相似文献   
Rabbit ovarian follicles were incubated without stimulation, with LH and with LH + an inhibitor of steroid biosynthesis. Formation of prostaglandins PGE and PGF and of progesterone and estradiol was measured in these incubates. It was found that aminoglutethimide phosphate (AGP) inhibited the LH stimulated biosynthesis of both prostaglandins and steroids. However U 30870 and Metyrapone, while completely inhibiting the LH stimulated biosynthesis of progesterone and estradiol respectively, had no effect on the formation of prostaglandins. Further, the inhibition of prostaglandin formation by AGP could not be reversed by exogenous steroids. It, therefore, appears that the effect of AGP on prostaglandin biosynthesis may not be related to its effect on steroid biosynthesis. However, the response of rabbit follicles to AGP is contrary to that reported for rat follicles and indicates different control mechanisms for prostaglandin formation in the follicles of the two species.  相似文献   
A number of studies on packed-bed immobilized enzyme reactors have shown the significant influence of the external film mass transfer resistance on the apparent kinetic parameters. Some of the earlier mathematical models using approximation techniques have attempted to explain the linearity of the S(0)x vs ln (1 - x) plots observed experimentally for systems obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics. However, there has been no critical examination of the bounds of validity of the approximations used. Further, the situations where the above linearity is not valid have been examined neither conceptually nor quantitatively. The work presented here overcomes these drawbacks of the earlier analyses by approaching the problem from a different angle. Methods of evaluation of the intrinsic kinetic parameters under different experimental situations have been outlined and illustrated with several examples.  相似文献   
Pregnenolone binding sites in the rat olfactory bulb   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High concentrations of pregnenolone and its sulfate have been found in several areas of rat and human brain and seem to be controlled by local mechanisms. In the present experiments we have demonstrated pregnenolone binding sites in the cytosolic fraction of the rat olfactory bulb. The pregnenolone binding component showed a Kd = 2.34 +/- 0.66 x 10(-7) M and Nmax = 7.25 +/- 1.20 pmol/mg protein. Pregnenolone, pregnenolone sulfate and 17OH-pregnenolone competed equally for the binding sites while other steroids were less competitive. Protease and trypsin inhibited binding by 48 and 60% respectively. Sucrose density gradient analysis showed a minor peak at 4.6 s and a major one at 3.6 s. After gel filtration chromatography the pregnenolone binding component appeared as 2 peaks corresponding to molecular weights of approximately 150 and 220 kDa. Heating at 60 degrees C increased binding by 150%. These results indicate that the olfactory bulb pregnenolone binding component is complex in nature. Rat plasma also bound pregnenolone. Plasma binding sites could be partially differentiated from those in the olfactory bulb on the basis of susceptibility to lipoprotein lipase, effect of heating and mobility during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
A pre-condition for the ab initio assignment of Euler angles to a set of projections from an asymmetric object is that at least three of the available projections correspond to rotations about different axes. For symmetric objects this condition may be relaxed. There are some applications of single-particle electron microscopy, such as the reconstruction of filamentous macromolecular assemblies, where all available projections more-or-less correspond to rotations about a common rotation axis making it difficult to satisfy this condition. Here, a method has been developed to overcome this problem, based on the fact that the correlation between two central sections of the Fourier transform of a compact object will not be limited to an infinitesimal central line but will have a finite extent, which is related to the angle between the corresponding projections. Projections from model filaments, with different degrees of rotational symmetry about the long axis, have been used to test the methodology. The results show that angle determination is robust down to signal-to-noise ratios as low as 2 and that, in general, the error decreases as the degree of symmetry increases. The method has been used to assign angles to a set of negatively stained muscle thick filament projections to obtain an initial 3D reconstruction. The main features of the projections are seen to be faithfully reproduced in the reprojections from the reconstruction. A real-space adaptation of this method is also discussed.  相似文献   
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