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Amongst animals, several hydrogen peroxide-generating oxidases are apparently restricted to molluscs. One of these, D-mannitol oxidase, is concentrated in the alimentary system, where it is associated with its own subcellular membrane system of unique tubular morphology, most likely representing a structural modification of the ER. These structures can be purified by subcellular fractionation and have been termed 'mannosomes'. Little is known about the functions of mannitol oxidase or of mannosomes, but the previously reported molluscicide-induced increase in mannosomes implies their involvement in a general stress reaction. In this study, we examined the effects of heavy metal stress in the terrestrial gastropod Arion lusitanicus. The activity of mannitol oxidase and mannosome abundance were monitored, together with metal effects on heat-shock protein level, and these parameters were compared to heavy metal accumulation in the digestive gland. We found that mannitol oxidase is inhibited by heavy metals more than other oxidases. On the other hand, hsp70 levels and mannosomal protein were increased with enhanced heavy metal stress, the latter indicating a probable increase in the number of mannosome organelles. Thus, stress protein (hsp70) and mannosomal protein were positively correlated with heavy metal accumulation, whereas the enzyme activity showed a negative correlation with increasing heavy metal content of the slugs.  相似文献   
Two forms of poly(A) polymerase (PAPI and PAPII) from germinated wheat embryos have been resolved on DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange chromatography by a linear gradient of 0-500 mM (NH(4))(2)SO(4). Further purification shows that both forms are monomeric in nature with an identical molecular weight, approximately 65 kDa. The phosphoprotein nature of PAPI and PAPII has been established by in vivo labelling with (32)P-orthophosphate. Acid hydrolysis of both (32)P-labelled purified PAPI and PAPII has revealed that phosphorylations generally take place in serine and threonine residues. PAPI and PAPII have also been characterised with respect to V(max) and K(m) for poly(A). The V(max) and K(m) values of PAPI are 28.57 and 11.37 microg, respectively, whereas 34.48 and 7.04 microg of PAPII. In vitro dephosphorylation of the purified enzyme by alkaline phosphatase leads to a significant loss of the enzyme activity, which is regained upon phosphorylation by a 65 kDa protein kinase (PK) purified from wheat embryos. The extent of phosphorylation by protein kinase shows that PK has similar affinity towards both PAPI and PAPII, whereas the phosphate incorporation in PAPII is twofold higher than PAPI suggesting their distinct chemical nature.  相似文献   
The food industry needs suitable analytical methods for quality control, that is, methods that are rapid, reliable, specific and cost-effective as current wet chemistries and analytical practices are time consuming and may require highly skilled labor and expensive equipment. The need arises from heightened consumer concern about food composition and safety. The present study was carried out keeping in view the recently emerging concern of the presence of urea in milk, called "synthetic milk". The biocomponent part of the urea biosensor is an immobilized urease yielding bacterial cell biomass isolated from soil and is coupled to the ammonium ion selective electrode of a potentiometric transducer. The membrane potential of all types of potentiometric cell based probes is related to the activity of electrochemically detected product, and thus to the activity of the substrate by a form of the Nernst equation. Samples of milk were collected and analyzed for the presence of urea by the developed biosensor with a response time as low as 2 min. The results were in good correlation with the pure enzyme system.  相似文献   
Human and animal exposure demonstrates that uranium is nephrotoxic. However, attempts to reduce it were not found suitable for clinical use. Dietary fish oil (FO) enriched in ω-3 fatty acids reduces the severity of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Present study investigates the protective effect of FO on uranyl nitrate (UN)-induced renal damage. Rats prefed with experimental diets for 15 days, given single nephrotoxic dose of UN (0.5 mg/kg body weight) intraperitoneally. After 5 d of UN treatment, serum/urine parameters, enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, brush border membrane (BBM), oxidative stress and phosphate transport were analyzed in rat kidney. UN nephrotoxicity was characterized by increased serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. UN increased the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and NADP-malic enzyme whereas decreased malate, isocitrate and glucose-6-phophate dehydrogenases; glucose-6-phophatase, fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase and BBM enzyme activities. UN caused oxidant/antioxidant imbalances as reflected by increased lipid peroxidation, activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and decreased catalase activity. Feeding FO alone increased activities of enzymes of glucose metabolism, BBM, oxidative stress and Pi transport. UN-elicited alterations were prevented by FO feeding. However, corn oil had no such effects and was not similarly effective. In conclusion, FO appears to protect against UN-induced nephrotoxicity by improving energy metabolism and antioxidant defense mechanism.  相似文献   
Invasive pneumococcal disease is one of the major causes of death in young children in resource poor countries. Nasopharyngeal carriage studies provide insight into the local prevalence of circulating pneumococcal serotypes. There are very few data on the concurrent carriage of multiple pneumococcal serotypes. This study aimed to identify the prevalence and serotype distribution of pneumococci carried in the nasopharynx of young healthy Nepalese children prior to the introduction of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine using a microarray-based molecular serotyping method capable of detecting multi-serotype carriage. We conducted a cross-sectional study of healthy children aged 6 weeks to 24 months from the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal between May and October 2012. Nasopharyngeal swabs were frozen and subsequently plated on selective culture media. DNA extracts of plate sweeps of pneumococcal colonies from these cultures were analysed using a molecular serotyping microarray capable of detecting relative abundance of multiple pneumococcal serotypes. 600 children were enrolled into the study: 199 aged 6 weeks to <6 months, 202 aged 6 months to < 12 months, and 199 aged 12 month to 24 months. Typeable pneumococci were identified in 297/600 (49·5%) of samples with more than one serotype being found in 67/297 (20·2%) of these samples. The serotypes covered by the thirteen-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine were identified in 44·4% of samples containing typeable pneumococci. Application of a molecular serotyping approach to identification of multiple pneumococcal carriage demonstrates a substantial prevalence of co-colonisation. Continued surveillance utilising this approach following the introduction of routine use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccinates in infants will provide a more accurate understanding of vaccine efficacy against carriage and a better understanding of the dynamics of subsequent serotype and genotype replacement.  相似文献   
Kaposi''s sarcoma (KS), an enigmatic endothelial cell vascular neoplasm, is characterized by the proliferation of spindle shaped endothelial cells, inflammatory cytokines (ICs), growth factors (GFs) and angiogenic factors. KSHV is etiologically linked to KS and expresses its latent genes in KS lesion endothelial cells. Primary infection of human micro vascular endothelial cells (HMVEC-d) results in the establishment of latent infection and reprogramming of host genes, and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is one of the highly up-regulated genes. Our previous study suggested a role for COX-2 in the establishment and maintenance of KSHV latency. Here, we examined the role of COX-2 in the induction of ICs, GFs, angiogenesis and invasive events occurring during KSHV de novo infection of endothelial cells. A significant amount of COX-2 was detected in KS tissue sections. Telomerase-immortalized human umbilical vein endothelial cells supporting KSHV stable latency (TIVE-LTC) expressed elevated levels of functional COX-2 and microsomal PGE2 synthase (m-PGES), and secreted the predominant eicosanoid inflammatory metabolite PGE2. Infected HMVEC-d and TIVE-LTC cells secreted a variety of ICs, GFs, angiogenic factors and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which were significantly abrogated by COX-2 inhibition either by chemical inhibitors or by siRNA. The ability of these factors to induce tube formation of uninfected endothelial cells was also inhibited. PGE2, secreted early during KSHV infection, profoundly increased the adhesion of uninfected endothelial cells to fibronectin by activating the small G protein Rac1. COX-2 inhibition considerably reduced KSHV latent ORF73 gene expression and survival of TIVE-LTC cells. Collectively, these studies underscore the pivotal role of KSHV induced COX-2/PGE2 in creating KS lesion like microenvironment during de novo infection. Since COX-2 plays multiple roles in KSHV latent gene expression, which themselves are powerful mediators of cytokine induction, anti-apoptosis, cell survival and viral genome maintainence, effective inhibition of COX-2 via well-characterized clinically approved COX-2 inhibitors could potentially be used in treatment to control latent KSHV infection and ameliorate KS.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine whether activating the conjunctival macrophages would affect the course of Acanthamoeba spp. keratitis in a Chinese hamster model of this disease. Chinese hamster spleen cells were stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A), and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) -containing supernatants were collected 24 hr later. The IFN-gamma-containing supernatants were loaded into liposomes, which were fed to peritoneal macrophages in vitro. Macrophage activation was assessed by testing for production of nitric oxide (NO) with the use of Griess reagent. Conjunctival macrophages were activated in situ by subconjunctival injection of liposomes containing Con A-activated spleen cell culture supernatants. Control liposomes were loaded with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Macrophages exposed to supernatants from Con A-stimulated spleen cells produced 4-fold-higher amounts of NO than unstimulated macrophages. Activation of macrophages via subconjunctival injection of liposomes containing supernatants from Con A-stimulated spleen cell cultures resulted in rapid resolution of the corneal infection. Approximately 80% of animals treated with PBS-containing liposomes demonstrated evidence of corneal disease at day 14 compared to 10% incidence of infection in the Con A-treated group. Moreover, at all time points examined, the clinical appearance of the keratitis in animals treated with liposomes containing Con A supernatant was significantly reduced compared to the group treated with liposomes containing PBS (P < 0.05). Macrophages stimulated with IFN-gamma-containing supernatants killed significant numbers of the trophozoites in vitro (P < 0.05). Killing was inhibited by cytochalasin D, but not by L-N6-1-iminoethyl-L-lysine dihydrochloride (L-NIL), which is a selective inhibitor of inducible NO synthase (INOS).  相似文献   
Comparisons of the genomic structure of 3 mammalian major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs), human HLA, canine DLA, and feline FLA revealed remarkable structural differences between HLA and the other 2 MHCs. The 4.6-Mb HLA sequence was compared with the 3.9-Mb DLA sequence from 2 supercontigs generated by 7x whole-genome shotgun assembly and 3.3-Mb FLA draft sequence. For FLA, we confirm that 1) feline FLA was split into 2 pieces within the TRIM (member of the tripartite motif) gene family found in human HLA, 2) class II, III, and I regions were placed in the pericentromeric region of the long arm of chromosome B2, and 3) the remaining FLA was located in subtelomeric region of the short arm of chromosome B2. The exact same chromosome break was found in canine DLA structure, where class II, III, and I regions were placed in a pericentromeric region of chromosome 12 whereas the remaining region was located in a subtelomeric region of chromosome 35, suggesting that this chromosome break occurred once before the split of felid and canid more than 55 million years ago. However, significant differences were found in the content of genes in both pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions in DLA and FLA, the gene number, and amplicon structure of class I genes plus 2 other class I genes found on 2 additional chromosomes; canine chromosomes 7 and 18 suggest the dynamic nature in the evolution of MHC class I genes.  相似文献   
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