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The presence of Candida in urine presents a therapeutic challenge for the physician as it is often asymptomatic, and management guidelines have not been clearly laid down on this issue. The presence of Candida in urine may represent contamination of clinical sample, actual colonization of the lower urinary tract or may be a true indicator of invasive infection of lower and/or upper urinary tract. In a clinical setting like the ICU, multiple risk factors for Candida colonization may be present in the same patient, thereby increasing the chances of candiduria, manifold. In the present study on 80 patients in ICU, high rate of Candida colonization (57.5%) was found in urine samples of ICU patients with C. tropicalis (57.3%) being the predominant species. We also isolated 8 strains of Trichosporon species, all of these presented as a mixed infection along with Candida species. Among the various risk factors studied, urinary catheterization and previous antibiotic therapy were identified as statistically significant (P value <0.05). The minimum inhibitory concentration of the isolates was determined for amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole by E-test. Most of the isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B. The C. parapsilosis strains did not show any drug resistance; however, resistance to fluconazole was observed 18.6, 27.27, 50 and 25% in C. tropicalis, C. albicans, C. glabrata and Trichosporon species, respectively.  相似文献   
Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst., a traditional Indian medicinal plant with high commercial potential, is used as a potent nervine tonic. A slow growth protocol was developed for medium-term conservation using mineral oil (MO) overlay. Nodal segments of B. monnieri (two genotypes; IC249250, IC468878) were conserved using MO for 24?months. Single node explants were implanted on MS medium supplemented with 0.2?mg?l?1 BA and were covered with MO. Subculture duration could be significantly enhanced from 6 to 24?months, on the above medium. Normal plants regenerated from conserved cultures were successfully established in soil. On the basis of 20 random amplified polymorphic DNA and 5 inter-simple sequence repeat primers analyses and bacoside A content using HPLC, no significant reproducible variation was observed between the controls and in vitro-conserved plants. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using MO for medium-term conservation of B. monnieri germplasm without any adverse genetical and biochemical effects.  相似文献   
We replicated the study conducted by Wielgus and Peebles (2014) on the effect of wolf mortality on livestock depredations in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho states in the US. Their best models were found to be misspecified due to the omission of the time index and incorrect functional form. When we respecified the models, this replication failed to confirm the magnitude, direction and often the very existence of the original results. Wielgus and Peebles (2014) reported that the increase in the number of wolves culled the previous year would increase the expected number of livestock killed this year by 4 to 6%. But our results showed that the culling of one wolf the previous year would decrease the expected number of cattle killed this year by 1.9%, and the expected number of sheep killed by 3.4%. However, for every wolf killed there is a corresponding 2.2% increase in the expected number of sheep killed in the same year. The increase in sheep depredation appears to be a short term phenomenon.  相似文献   
The current solution to iron-mediated damage in transfusional iron overload disorders is decorporation of excess unmanaged metal, chelation therapy. The clinical development of the tridentate chelator deferitrin (1, Table 1) was halted due to nephrotoxicity. It was then shown by replacing the 4′-(HO) of 1 with a 3,6,9-trioxadecyloxy group, the nephrotoxicity could be ameliorated. Further structure–activity relationship studies have established that the length and the position of the polyether backbone controlled: (1) the ligand’s iron clearing efficiency (ICE), (2) chelator tissue distribution, (3) biliary ferrokinetics, and (4) tissue iron reduction. The current investigation compares the ICE and tissue distribution of a series of (S)-4,5-dihydro-2-[2-hydroxy-4-(polyether)phenyl]-4-methyl-4-thiazolecarboxylic acids (Table 1, 35) and the (S)-4,5-dihydro-2-[2-hydroxy-3-(polyether)phenyl]-4-methyl-4-thiazolecarboxylic acids (Table 1, 810). The three most effective polyether analogues, in terms of performance ratio (PR), defined as mean ICEprimate/ICErodent, are 3 (PR 1.1), 8, (PR 1.5), and 9, now in human trials, (PR 2.2). At the onset of the clinical trial on 9, no data were available for ligand 3 or 8. This is unfortunate, as 3 has many advantages over 9, e.g., the ICE of 3 in rats is 2.5-fold greater than that of 9 and analogue 3 achieves very high levels in the liver, pancreas, and heart, the organs most affected by iron overload. Finally, the impact of 3 on the urinary excretion of kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1), an early diagnostic biomarker for monitoring acute kidney toxicity, has been carried out in rats; no evidence of nephrotoxicity was found. Overall, the results suggest that 3 would be a far superior clinical candidate to 9.  相似文献   
The MHC class I allochimeric protein containing donor‐type epitopes on recipient‐type heavy chains induces indefinite survival of heterotopic cardiac allografts in rats. We analyzed gene expression profile of heart allograft tissue. Mutated peptide [α1h1/u]‐RT1.Aa that contains donor‐type (Wistar Furth, WF; RT1u) immunogenic epitopes displayed on recipient‐type (ACI, RT1a) was delivered into ACI recipients of WF hearts at the time of transplantation in addition to a 3 days course of oral cyclosporine. Microarray analysis was performed using Affymetrix Rat 230 2.0 Microarray. Allochimeric molecule treatment caused upregulation of genes involved in structural integrity of heart muscle, downregulation of IL‐1β a key modulator of the immune response, and downregulation of partitioning defective six homolog gamma PAR6, which is involved in T cell polarity, motility, and ability to scan dendritic cells (DC). These indicate that the immunosuppressive function of allochimeric molecule and/or the establishment of allograft tolerance depend on the induction of genes responsible for the heart tissue integrity, the suppression of cytokine pathway(s), and possibly the impairment of T cells mobility and their DC scanning ability. These novel findings may have important clinical implications for inhibition of chronic rejection in transplant recipients. genesis 48:8–19, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to evaluate effects of supplementation of calcium salts of long chain fatty acids (Ca-LCFA) as a rumen inert fat (PF) on in vitro fermentation and apparent nutrient digestion in adult buffaloes fed wheat straw based diets. For the in vitro fermentation study, five total mixed rations (TMR) consisting of a concentrate mixture (CM), green Sorghum bicolor, WS and supplemented without (C) or with 30 g/kg dry matter (DM) rice bran fatty acid oil (RBO) (30 RBO) or 20 g/kg RBO + 10 g/kg PF (20 RBO/10 PF) or 10 g/kg RBO + 20 g/kg PF (10 RBO/20 PF) or 30 g/kg PF in the DM in the ratio of 340:50:580:30 were prepared. The in vitro DM degradability (IVDMD), TN, trichloro acetic acid precipitable N (TCA-N), non-protein N (NPN) and ammonia N (NH3-N) were similar among groups. Within the fat supplemented groups, total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) concentration increased linearly (P=0.025) with PF supplementation. Apparent nutrient digestibility was determined on 20 adult buffaloes divided into five equal groups fed CM supplemented without (C) or with 300 g RBO (30 RBO) or 200 g RBO + 100 g PF (20 RBO/10 PF) or 100 g RBO + 200 g PF (10 RBO/20 PF) or 300 g PF (30 PF) along with limited green S. bicolor and WS maintaining forage: concentrate ratio of 650:350. Fat supplementation had no effect on the DM intake and apparent digestibilities of DM, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), total carbohydrate (TCHO) and neutral detergent fiber (aNDF). Within fat supplemented groups, inclusion of PF increased digestibilities of DM, OM, ether extract (EE), TCHO, aNDF and ADF. Supplemental fat also increased the digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) content of the diet, which also increased linearly with PF supplementation. All buffaloes were in positive N, Ca and P balances. We conclude that 200–300 g supplemental PF in the form of Ca-LCFA can be included in straw based diets fed to buffaloes to increase its energy density without adversely affecting DM intake and digestibility.  相似文献   
Autism is one of the five disorders that falls under the umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a category of neurological disorders characterized by "severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of development." ASD is characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills, social interaction and restricted, repetitive stereotyped patterns of behavior. The five disorders under PDD are autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett's disorder and PDD-not otherwise specified. ASD can often be reliably detected by the age of 3 years and, in some cases, as early as 18 months. The appearance of any warning signs of ASD is reason to have the child evaluated by a professional specializing in these disorders.  相似文献   
Terminalia arjuna Wight & Arn. (Combretaceae) is a tree having an extensive medicinal potential. The plant is used traditionally in the treatment of various aliments. T. arjuna is a very good hypocholsteremic, hypolipidemic, anticoagulant, antihypertensive, antithrombotic, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial agent Various parts of plant have been investigated for the presence of phytoconstituents and pharmacological activities. Many useful phytoconstituents have been isolated from T. arjuna. Triterpenoids are mainly responsible for cardiovascular properties. Tannins and flavonoids are responsible for its anticancer properties. The present review summarizes the ethnic use, pharmacological activities of the extracts and phytoconstituents of T. arjuna for last 90 years.  相似文献   
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