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Environmental challenges such as soil salinity and drought are serious threats to global food security and biodiversity, making the selection or development of stress-tolerant genotypes of crops and native plants necessary. Certain biochemical compounds synthesized by plants are directly involved in ameliorating the effects of environmental stress in characteristic ways. Further, the biochemical composition of edible parts of crops is directly related to human health, deficiencies of certain nutrients being associated with major health conditions and healthcare costs, and public awareness of functional foods also increasing. Interestingly, the unique biochemical properties of some biomolecules involved in plant stress tolerance are also associated with significant roles in human metabolism and health. This work summarises the biochemical properties and functions of four selected biomolecules with such dual significance, i.e., abscisic acid (a key hormone with roles in plant development and abiotic stress response), glycine betaine (a quaternary ammonium compound which functions as an osmoprotectant), vitamin E components (antioxidants), and phenolic compounds (antioxidants), all four also having significant nutraceutical effects.  相似文献   
Sensory neurons of the chick embryo are supported in culture by several neurotrophic factors, including the phorbol esters. Because phorbol esters are known to activate one of the second messengers, namely, protein kinase C, it was of interest to see if the neurotrophic action of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) was related to the activation of protein kinase C in sensory neurons. Sensory neurons were obtained from dorsal root ganglia of 10-day-old chick embryos and maintained in a serum-free medium for several days to quantify survival and analyze protein kinase C activity. PDB (30 nM) supported the survival of approximately 50% of the total number of neurons plated. This value was comparable to that supported by nerve growth factor (NGF; 40 ng/ml). If PDB and NGF were added together, there was no additive effect on the survival. The protein kinase C activity of the particulate and cytosolic fractions of sensory neurons supported by NGF for 3 days was 1.26 +/- 0.1 and 2.9 +/- 0.32 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. In contrast, neurons supported by PDB showed an approximately 500% increase in enzyme activity in their particulate fraction. The enzyme activity of the cytosolic fraction was decreased by approximately 40%. If NGF-supported neurons were treated with PDB (30 nM) for 15 min, protein kinase C activity increased greater than 400% in the particulate fraction, whereas an approximately 50% decrease was observed in the cytosolic fraction. The protein kinase C value, expressed as a ratio of the activities in the particulate to cytosol fractions, showed large increases after phorbol treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Iron is an essential nutrient for all living organisms with critical roles in many biological processes. The mammalian host maintains the iron requirements by dietary intake, while the invading pathogenic bacteria compete with the host to obtain those absorbed irons. In order to limit the iron uptake by the bacteria, the human host employs numerous iron binding proteins and withholding defense mechanisms that capture iron from the microbial invaders. To counteract, the bacteria cope with the iron limitation imposed by the host by expressing various iron acquisition systems, allowing them to achieve effective iron homeostasis. The armamentarium used by the human host and invading bacteria, leads to the dilemma of who wins the ultimate war for iron.  相似文献   
Cervical smears from 1,784 women who attended the family planning clinics of the Institute for Research in Reproduction were examined for the presence of Actinomyces-like organisms. Among 815 intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) users, the repeat smears from 57 women were positive for Actinomyces-like organisms, giving a prevalence rate of 6.99%. Immunofluorescent staining using specific antisera confirmed the presence of A. israelii in all 57 women. Forty IUD users whose smears were positive for Actinomyces-like organisms underwent bacteriologic culture studies; A. israelii was isolated in 23 of these cases. The clinical findings at the time of smear collection in the 57 IUD users were within normal limits. The initial cervical smears of all IUD users and both the initial and repeat smears of all nonusers were negative for Actinomyces-like organisms. The data indicate that prolonged use (greater than 2 years) of an inert or copper intrauterine device promotes the overgrowth of Actinomyces in the vagina and that this can be detected by routine cervical cytology.  相似文献   
Two Cytoplasmic Male Sterile lines were crossed with fourteen restorer lines of rice widely grown in the western regions of Maharashtra, India, to produce 28 F1 hybrids which were evaluated for eight agronomically important traits, contributing to yield potential, in replicated field trials. The hybrid performance was recorded along with heterosis and heterobeltiosis. All the rice lines under investigation were subjected to marker-based variability analysis. An attempt was made to correlate genetic distance based on specific markers for each trait individually, as well as average genetic distance based on all specific markers, with hybrid performance and heterosis, by regression analysis. Specific markers could cluster the parental lines in different groups and showed significant correlation with hybrid performance. The data also supports the proposition that epistasis is the basis of heterosis. The analysis, however, revealed a lack of significant predictive values for field application.  相似文献   
In nature, organisms are simultaneously exposed to multiple stresses (i.e. complex environments) that often fluctuate unpredictably. Although both these factors have been studied in isolation, the interaction of the two remains poorly explored. To address this issue, we selected laboratory populations of Escherichia coli under complex (i.e. stressful combinations of pH, H2O2 and NaCl) unpredictably fluctuating environments for ~900 generations. We compared the growth rates and the corresponding trade‐off patterns of these populations to those that were selected under constant values of the component stresses (i.e. pH, H2O2 and NaCl) for the same duration. The fluctuation‐selected populations had greater mean growth rate and lower variation for growth rate over all the selection environments experienced. However, whereas the populations selected under constant stresses experienced trade‐offs in the environments other than those in which they were selected, the fluctuation‐selected populations could bypass the across‐environment trade‐offs almost entirely. Interestingly, trade‐offs were found between growth rates and carrying capacities. The results suggest that complexity and fluctuations can strongly affect the underlying trade‐off structure in evolving populations.  相似文献   
Copper-containing compounds are introduced into the environment through agricultural chemicals, mining, and metal industries and cause severe detrimental effects on ecosystems. Certain microorganisms exposed to these stressors exhibit molecular mechanisms to maintain intracellular copper homeostasis and avoid toxicity. We have previously reported that the soil bacterial isolate Achromobacter sp. AO22 is multi-heavy metal tolerant and exhibits a mer operon associated with a Tn21 type transposon. The present study reports that AO22 also hosts a unique cop locus encoding copper homeostasis determinants. The putative cop genes were amplified from the strain AO22 using degenerate primers based on reported cop and pco sequences, and a constructed 10,552 base pair contig (GenBank Accession No. GU929214). BLAST analyses of the sequence revealed a unique cop locus of 10 complete open reading frames, designated copSRABGOFCDK, with unusual separation of copCD from copAB. The promoter areas exhibit two putative cop boxes, and copRS appear to be transcribed divergently from other genes. The putative protein CopA may be a copper oxidase involved in export to the periplasm, CopB is likely extracytoplasmic, CopC may be periplasmic, CopD is cytoplasmic/ inner membrane, CopF is a P-type ATPase, and CopG, CopO, and CopK are likely copper chaperones. CopA, B, C, and D exhibit several potential copper ligands and CopS and CopR exhibit features of two-component regulatory systems. Sequences flanking indicate the AO22 cop locus may be present within a genomic island. Achromobacter sp. strain AO22 is thus an ideal candidate for understanding copper homeostasis mechanisms and exploiting them for copper biosensor or biosorption systems.  相似文献   
PMA and active phorbol esters stimulate the proliferation of various tumor cells, including ER-positive human breast tumor cell lines. However, the specific signaling pathways involved in the PMA-induced mitogenic effect on breast tumor cells have not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we explored the mechanisms associated with the mitogenic influence of PMA on breast tumor cells. Following an acute exposure (i.e., within 2 to 6 h) to PMA (50 nM), a mitogenic effect was observed on WISP-2/CCN5-positive breast tumor cell lines, including MCF-7, ZR-75-1 and SKBR-3 cells, and induction of WISP-2/CCN5 mRNA expression paralleled the observed mitogenic proliferation. This effect was undetected in WISP-2/CCN5 negative MDA-MB-231 breast tumor cells or human mammary epithelial cells with or without ER-alpha transfection. The mitogenic effect of PMA was perturbed by short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated inhibition of WISP-2/CCN5 signaling in MCF-7 cells. Moreover, the upregulation of WISP-2/CCN5 by PMA is not ER dependent but is instead mediated through a complex PKCalpha-MAPK/ERK and SAPK/JNK signaling pathway, which leads to growth stimulation of MCF-7 breast tumor cells. These series of experiments provide the first evidence that WISP-2/CCN5 is a novel signaling molecule that critically participates in the mitogenic action of PMA on noninvasive, WISP-2/CCN5-positive breast tumor cells through PKCalpha-dependent, multiple molecular signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   
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