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The present study was conducted to elaborate vegetation composition structure to analyze role of edaphic and topographic factors on plant species distribution and community formation during 2013–14. A mixture of quadrat and transect methods were used. The size of quadrat for trees shrubs and herbs were 10 × 5, 5 × 2, 1 × 1 meter square respectively. Different phytosociological attribute were measured at each station. Primary results reported 123 plant species belong to 46 families. Asteraceae and Lamiaceae were dominant families with 8 species each. PCORD version 5 were used for Cluster and Two Way Cluster Analyses that initiated 4 plant communities within elevation range of 529–700 m from sea level. Indicator species analyses (ISA) were used to identify indicator species of each community. CANOCO Software (version 4.5) was used to measure the influence of edaphic and topographic variables on species composition, diversity and community formation. Whereas Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to measure the effect of environmental variables which showed elevation and aspect were the stronger environmental variable among topographic and CaCO3 contents, electric conductivity, soil pH were the stronger edaphic factors in determination of vegetation and communities of the Bheer Hills. Grazing pressure was one of the main anthropogenic factors in this regard.  相似文献   
The interactions between estradiol and two carrier proteins, i.e. human serum albumin (HSA) and holo-transferrin (HTF) in aqueous solution at pH = 7.4 were studied by three-dimensional fluorescence emission spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), zeta-potential, resonance light-scattering and molecular modeling. Extensive fluorescence quenching was observed throughout the interaction between the drug and both proteins. Moreover, conformational changes were determined by observing the rearrangement of Trp residues during binding of estradiol with HSA and HTF at different concentrations. ITC experiments revealed that, in the presence of estradiol, both van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding became predominant. In addition, other binding parameters such as enthalpy and entropy changes were determined by the zeta potential method. Molecular modeling suggested that estradiol was situated within sub-domain IB sited in the hydrophobic cluster in Site I, whereas the drug was located in the N-terminal of HTF where it was hydrogen bonded with Ala 670.  相似文献   
Age and growth characteristics of the thin-lipped Grey Mullet (Liza ramada) were investigated in three North African wetland lakes: Merja Zerga (Morocco), Garâat Ichkeul (Tunisia) and Edku Lake (Egypt). Age structure of the mullet populations was very similar in all three study lakes. Small differences in growth were indicated, especially for the Moroccan population, where growth tended to be slower than for the other two populations. The fastest growth was observed in the Edku population while the best condition was observed in the Ichkeul population. Compared with some European populations, the sampled North African populations have faster growth and better condition factors.  相似文献   
In this research, control of tomato root- knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) was conducted using tea dust residues at different rates. First, the species and race of nematode were identified by employing diagnostic keys. Then, with 5 replications in complete randomized design. Tea dust residues were used at 9 treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 g/kg of soil). Statistical analysis on mean treatments rates showed that treatment with 25 g/kg soil economically was effective in growth rates and reduction in gall index.  相似文献   
One-third of the 4,225 protein-coding genes of Escherichia coli K-12 remain functionally unannotated (orphans). Many map to distant clades such as Archaea, suggesting involvement in basic prokaryotic traits, whereas others appear restricted to E. coli, including pathogenic strains. To elucidate the orphans' biological roles, we performed an extensive proteomic survey using affinity-tagged E. coli strains and generated comprehensive genomic context inferences to derive a high-confidence compendium for virtually the entire proteome consisting of 5,993 putative physical interactions and 74,776 putative functional associations, most of which are novel. Clustering of the respective probabilistic networks revealed putative orphan membership in discrete multiprotein complexes and functional modules together with annotated gene products, whereas a machine-learning strategy based on network integration implicated the orphans in specific biological processes. We provide additional experimental evidence supporting orphan participation in protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, biofilm formation, motility, and assembly of the bacterial cell envelope. This resource provides a “systems-wide” functional blueprint of a model microbe, with insights into the biological and evolutionary significance of previously uncharacterized proteins.  相似文献   
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous clonal disorder of myeloid precursors arrested in their maturation, creating a diverse disease entity with a wide range of responses to historically standard treatment approaches. While signifi cant progress has been made in characterizing and individualizing the disease at diagnosis to optimally inform those affected, progress in treatment to reduce relapse and induce remission has been limited thus far. In addition to a brief summary of the factors that shape prognostication at diagnosis, this review attempts to expand on the current therapies under investigation that have shown promise in treating AML, including hypomethylating agents, gemtuzumab ozogamicin, FLT3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides, and other novel therapies, including aurora kinases, mTOR and PI3 kinase inhibitors, PIM kinase inhibitors, HDAC inhibitors, and IDH targeted therapies. With these, and undoubtedly many others in the future, it is the hope that by combining more accurate prognostication with more effective therapies, patients will begin to have a different, and more complete, outlook on their disease that allows for safer and more successful treatment strategies.  相似文献   
Sulfur mustard (SM) is a vesication chemical warfare agent for which there is currently no antidote. Despite years of research, there is no common consensus about the pathophysiological basis of chronic pulmonary disease caused by this chemical warfare agent. In this study, we combined chemometric techniques with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to explore the metabolic profile of sera from SM-exposed patients. A total of 29 serum samples obtained from 17 SM-injured patients, and 12 healthy controls were analyzed by Random Forest. Increased concentrations of seven amino acids, glycerol, dimethylamine, ketone bodies, lactate, acetate, citrulline and creatine together with the decreased very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) levels were observed in patients compared with control subjects. Our study reveals the metabolic profile of sera from SM-injured patients and indicates that NMR-based methods can distinguish these patients from healthy controls.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in the corpus cavernosum (CC) and to compare levels of inflammatory markers recorded in CC to venous blood from the arm to examine the potential impact of inflammatory parameters on erectile function and endothelial dysfunction in vitro. Ninety-seven patients with no complaint of erectile dysfunction (ED) at inclusion were prospectively included and completed the Erectile Function domain of the IIEF questionnaire. Several parameters, including lipids, MPO-dependent oxidised LDL (Mox-LDL), IL-8, IL-18, were measured. After RNA extraction, the expression of eNOS was analysed. A paired t-test was used for comparisons between arm and CC blood results. A two-way ANOVA was used to estimate the effects of IL-18 and IL-8 on the IIEF score. Mean patient age was 59?±?14.5 years. IL-18, Mox-LDL, and Mox-LDL/ApoB levels were significantly increased in CC compared to arm blood. The IIEF score was correlated with IL-18 levels in the venous blood (R?=??0.31, p?=?.003) and in the CC (R?=??0.37, p?=?.004) and with IL-8 (R?=??0.31, p?=?.009 and R?=??0.28, respectively, p?=?.02). There was a significant effect with the IL-18 on IIEF potentiated by high serum IL-8 concentrations. IL-18 and Mox-LDL significantly decreased eNOS mRNA expression in human aortic endothelial cell line (HAEC). These preliminary results address the importance of inflammation in the CC and highlight a difference in marker concentrations between venous and CC blood. However, they do not show any difference in terms of clinical erectile score predictivity. Involvement of inflammatory cytokines isolated in CC in the genesis of ED requires further studies.  相似文献   
In this article we present a synthesis of the research affecting pupils' conceptions of photosynthesis and plant nutrition. The main false conceptions of the pupils identi?ed in this literature review are: that green plants ?nd their food in the soil; that water and mineral salts are suf?cient to the growth of a plant; the role of chlorophyll, where the transformation of luminous energy into chemical energy is never evoked; and air as a source of matter, which is never underlined. Secondly, we are going to see that several of these false conceptions have been developed during history. For example, the famous philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC) thought that plants receive their food from the soil already elaborated. Several centuries later, the physician and chemist Van Helmont (1677–1644) added more precision to Aristotle’s conception while claiming that plants use only water for their growth. Finally, we will see that the analysis of the false theories developed during history will permit in a context of teaching to valorize the false conceptions of the pupils. Indeed, the history of sciences could incite a teacher to valorize his pupils’ false conceptions while considering them as an indication of difficulties that deserve particular pedagogical and didactic tools. The false conceptions constructed by the pupils don’t have to be ignored in a teaching context because they obey particular reasoning rules, sometimes similar to those that once guided some scientific steps. This view, drawing on false conceptions developed during history, gives a dynamic and human picture of the science very distant from the one sometimes carried on by dogmatic teaching.  相似文献   
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