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A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for the quantification of chrysanthemum yellows (CY) phytoplasma DNA in its plant (Chrysanthemum carinatum) and insect (Macrosteles quadripunctulatus) host is described. The quantity of CY DNA was measured in each run relative to the amount of host DNA in the sample. Primers and a TaqMan probe for the specific PCR amplification of phytoplasma DNA were designed on a cloned CY-specific ribosomal fragment. Primers and TaqMan probes were also designed on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region of the insect’s ITS1 rDNA and of the plant’s 18S rDNA for amplification from C. carinatum and M. quadripunculatus, respectively. Absolute quantification of CY DNA was achieved by comparison with a dilution series of the plasmid containing a CY 16S rDNA target sequence. Absolute quantification of plant and insect DNAs was achieved by comparison with a dilution series of the corresponding DNAs. Quantification of CY DNA in relation to host DNA was finally expressed as genome units (GU) of phytoplasma DNA per nanogram of host (plant or insect) DNA. Relative quantification avoided influences due to different yields during the DNA extraction procedure. The quantity of CY DNA was about 10,000–20,000 GU/ng of plant DNA and about 30,000–50,000 GU/ng of insect DNA. The method described could be used to phytoplasma multiplication and movement in different plant and insect hosts.  相似文献   
In proteins, the proline ring exists predominantly in two discrete states. However, there is also a small but significant amount of flexibility in the proline ring of high-resolution protein structures. We have found that this side-chain flexibility is coupled to the backbone conformation. To study this coupling, we have developed a model that is simply based on geometric and steric factors and not on energetics. We show that the coupling between phi and chi1 torsions in the proline ring can be described by an analytic equation that was developed by Bricard in 1897, and we describe a computer algorithm that implements the equation. The model predicts the observed coupling very well. The strain in the C(gamma)-C(delta)-N angle appears to be the principal barrier between the UP and DOWN pucker. This strain is relaxed to allow the proline ring to flatten in the rare PLANAR conformation.  相似文献   
Gene amplification is known to be critical for upregulating gene expression in a few cases, but the extent to which amplification is utilized in the development of diverse organisms remains unknown. By quantifying genomic DNA hybridization to microarrays to assay gene copy number, we identified two additional developmental amplicons in the follicle cells of the Drosophila ovary. Both amplicons contain genes which, following their amplification, are expressed in the follicle cells, and the expression of three of these genes becomes restricted to specialized follicle cells late in differentiation. Genetic analysis establishes that at least one of these genes, yellow-g, is critical for follicle cell function, because mutations in yellow-g disrupt eggshell integrity. Thus, during follicle cell differentiation the entire genome is overreplicated as the cells become polyploid, and subsequently specific genomic intervals are overreplicated to facilitate gene expression.  相似文献   
Experimental models linking dendritic cell lineage,phenotype and function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One of the important issues in dendritic cell (DC) biology today is how DC control the fate of T cells. Our data suggest that an important branch point in determining T cell fate is the decision between deletion and memory. We have previously hypothesized that this binary decision is determined by contact with DC derived from lymphoid- versus myeloid-restricted progenitors. However, the false attribution of CD8alpha expression as a reliable marker of lymphoid origin has underpinned a number of studies in which DC expressing CD8alpha did not induce deletion, thereby clouding the issue of whether deletion is indeed a function of lymphoid DC. By returning to basics, that is, functional testing of the progeny of lymphoid- and myeloid-restricted progenitors in vivo, we hope to provide clear evidence of the in vivo roles of lymphoid and myeloid DC subsets, independent of assumptions about the surface phenotypes they can assume.  相似文献   
Oxygen supply is essential in the maintenance of the physiological cell metabolism. In fact, both lower and higher O2 concentrations induce modifications of the enzymatic activity of the cell which determine, in turn, morphological changes at nuclear and cytoplasmic level. Among the molecules involved in the maintenance of the cellular homeostasis, the signal transduction pathway PI-3-kinase/AKT-1 should be included. Here we suggest a relationship between the modulation of this pathway and the morphological modifications occurring "in vivo" in myocardial tissue upon hypoxic and hyperoxic stress. In particular, down regulation of this pathway, which when activated is known to deliver an anti-apoptotic signal, is concomitant to the maintenance of the apoptotic events occurring in these cells in response to oxidative stresses.  相似文献   
Lee LA  Elfring LK  Bosco G  Orr-Weaver TL 《Genetics》2001,158(4):1545-1556
The early cell cycles of Drosophila embryogenesis involve rapid oscillations between S phase and mitosis. These unique S-M cycles are driven by maternal stockpiles of components necessary for DNA replication and mitosis. Three genes, pan gu (png), plutonium (plu), and giant nuclei (gnu) are required to control the cell cycle specifically at the onset of Drosophila development by inhibiting DNA replication and promoting mitosis. PNG is a protein kinase that is in a complex with PLU. We employed a sensitized png mutant phenotype to screen for genes that when reduced in dosage would dominantly suppress or enhance png. We screened deficiencies covering over 50% of the autosomes and identified both enhancers and suppressors. Mutations in eIF-5A and PP1 87B dominantly suppress png. Cyclin B was shown to be a key PNG target. Mutations in cyclin B dominantly enhance png, whereas png is suppressed by cyclin B overexpression. Suppression occurs via restoration of Cyclin B protein levels that are decreased in png mutants. The plu and gnu phenotypes are also suppressed by cyclin B overexpression. These studies demonstrate that a crucial function of PNG in controlling the cell cycle is to permit the accumulation of adequate levels of Cyclin B protein.  相似文献   
The all-transglycolytic synthesis of lacto-N-biose I (Galbeta1-3GlcNAc) and 3'-sialyl-lacto-N-biose I (NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GlcNAc) was performed. The disaccharide lacto-N-biose I was obtained by use of p-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactopyranoside as the donor, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose as the acceptor and Xanthomonas manihotis beta-D-galactosidase as the catalyst. The reaction was shown to be regiospecific, with a high molar yield (about 55%) with respect to the donor. Lacto-N-biose I obtained by this method was used as the acceptor for a subsequent enzymatic reaction catalyzed by Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase in which 2'-(4-methylumbellyferyl)-alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminic was used as the donor of the N-acetylneuraminil moiety. The reaction generated the product, 3'-sialyl-lacto-N-biose I, regiospecifically and with a molar yield of about 35%.  相似文献   
Airborne pollen produced by Betulaceae and Corylaceaeis present in the Trieste area for a long period fromJanuary to June, but only in April it does representa considerable proportion (436 p/m3) of the totalpollen count (1193 p/m3). In the years considered (1995–1997), there was a gradual increase in thepollen count of Corylaceae and Betulaceae: frommaximum levels of 580 p/m3 in 1995 to 1218 p/m3 in 1997, and the taxon making the mostsignificant contribution to the pollen concentrationcurve was Ostrya carpinifolia. Sensitization to Betulaceae and Corylaceae wasanalyzed in 2213 subjects visiting our clinic betweenJanuary 1st 1995 and December 31th 1997, withallergic symptoms believed to be IgE mediated. Of thegroup, 1292 (58.4%) were atopic by skin prick testand 328 of them (25.4%) were sensitized to Betulaceaeand Corylaceae. Of the 328 subjects, 72.6% werecosensitized to Gramineae, 56.1% to Oleaceae, 42.1%to Compositae, and just over half to house-dust mites(52.1%). Only ten cases were mono-sensitized (3%).Of the subjects sentitized to Betulaceae andCorylaceae, 163 complained of rhinitis (72%) and 110of asthma (33.6%), often in association withrhinitis; 177 (54%) had only seasonal symptoms.Sensitization to Betulaceae and Corylaceae is high,but its role in inducing allergic respiratorysymptoms is difficult to evaluate because almost allpatients were sensitized to other pollen types. Inconclusion, the role played by this family of trees indetermining allergic respiratory symptoms could becomeincreasingly important in this geographical area inthe future, if pollen levels continue to rise at theirpresent rates. For the moment, sensitivity toBetulaceae-Corylaceae among the population is presentalmost exclusively in subjects sensitized also toother pollen types.  相似文献   
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