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The response to salt treatment and K+ provision of two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions grown for 17 days in the presence of 50 mM NaCl was investigated. Leaf and root dry weight deposition was restricted by salt, more in Col accession than in NOK2 accession. In both accessions, the growth inhibition induced by salinity was associated with a decrease in total leaf surface area, which resulted from diminished leaf number, but not from restriction of individual leaf surface area. Comparing the effects of salt on dry matter production and total leaf surface area revealed large difference between Col and NOK2 for net assimilation rate (the amount of whole plant biomass produced per unit leaf surface area), which was augmented by salt and K+ in NOK2 but not in Col. This result, which suggested a better capacity of NOK2 to preserve its photosynthetic machinery against salt stress, was in agreement with the effect of NaCl on photosynthetic pigments. Indeed, salt significantly reduced chlorophyll and carotenoid content in Col leaves but had no impact on NOK2 leaf pigment content. Since K+ provision had only marginal effects on these responses to salt stress, leaf mineral unbalance was unlikely. Guaiacol peroxidase activity was augmented by salt treatment in leaves and roots of both accessions. Salinity decreased the catalase activity in Col leaves and in roots, and increased this activity in NOK2 organs. In conclusion, when aggressed by salt, NOK2 was able (1) to produce more leaves than Col, and (2) to efficiently protect its photosynthetic apparatus, perhaps by developing more efficient antioxidative defense through increased catalase and peroxidase activities. Consequently, the overall photosynthetic activity was higher and more robust to salt aggression in NOK2 than in Col.  相似文献   
Handball activity involves cardiac changes and demands a mixture of both eccentric and concentric remodeling within the heart. This study seeks to explore heart performance and cardiac remodeling likely to define cardiac parameters which influence specific performance in male handball players across different age ranges. Forty three players, with a regular training and competitive background in handball separated into three groups aged on average 11.78±0.41 for youth players aka “schools”, “elite juniors” 15.99±0.81 and “elite adults” 24.46±2.63 years, underwent echocardiography and ECG examinations. Incremental ergocycle and specific field (SFT) tests have also been conducted. With age and regular training and competition, myocardial remodeling in different age ranges exhibit significant differences in dilatation’s parameters between “schools” and “juniors” players, such as the end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) and the end-systolic diameter of the left ventricle (LVESD), the root of aorta (Ao) and left atrial (LA), while significant increase is observed between “juniors” and “adults” players in the interventricular septum (IVS), the posterior wall thicknesses (PWT) and LV mass index. ECG changes are also noted but NS differences were observed in studied parameters. For incremental maximal test, players demonstrate a significant increase in duration and total work between “schools” and “juniors” and, in total work only, between “juniors” and “seniors”. The SFT shows improvement in performance which ranged between 26.17±1.83 sec to 31.23±2.34 sec respectively from “seniors” to “schools”. The cross-sectional approach used to compare groups with prior hypothesis that there would be differences in exercise performance and cardiac parameters depending on duration of prior handball practice, leads to point out the early cardiac remodeling within the heart as adaptive change. Prevalence of cardiac chamber dilation with less hypertrophy remodeling was found from “schools” to “juniors” while a prevalence of cardiac hypertrophy with less pronounced chamber dilation remodeling was noted later.  相似文献   
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles are used in many applications. Due to their small size, easy body penetration and toxicological adverse effects have been suspected. Numerous studies have tried to characterize TiO2 translocation after oral, dermal or respiratory exposure. In this study, we focused on TiO2 nanoparticle biodistribution, clearance and toxicological effects after intravenous injection, considering TiO2 translocation in the blood occurs. Using ICP-OES, transmission electron microscopy, and histological methods, we found TiO2 accumulation in liver, lungs and spleen. We estimated TiO2 nanoparticles’ half life in the body to about 10 days. Clinical biomarkers were also quantified for 56 days to identify potential toxicological impact on lungs, blood, liver, spleen and kidneys. Results showed absence of toxicological effects after TiO2 intravenous injection at concentrations of 7.7 to 9.4 mg/kg.  相似文献   
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I cross-presentation is thought to involve two pathways, one of which depends on both the TAP transporters and the proteasome and the other on neither. We found that preincubation of TAP-deficient dendritic cells at low temperature increases the density of MHC class I at the surface and fully restores cross-presentation of phagocytosed antigen, but not of soluble antigen internalized through receptors. Restoration of cross-presentation by TAP-deficient cells requires antigen degradation by the proteasome. Thus, TAP might mainly be required for recycling cell surface class I molecules during cross-presentation of phagocytosed antigens. Furthermore, phagosomes-but not endosomes-seem to have a TAP-independent mechanism to import peptides generated by cytosolic proteasome complexes.  相似文献   
Determining how tumor immunity is regulated requires understanding the extent to which the anti-tumor immune response "functions" in vivo without therapeutic intervention. To better understand this question, we developed advanced multimodal reflectance confocal/two photon fluorescence intra-vital imaging techniques to use in combination with traditional ex vivo analysis of tumor specific T cells. By transferring small numbers of melanoma-specific CD8+ T cells (Pmel-1), in an attempt to mimic physiologic conditions, we found that B16 tumor growth alone was sufficient to induce naive Pmel-1 T cell proliferation and acquisition of effector phenotype. Tumor -primed Pmel-1 T cells, are capable of killing target cells in the periphery and secrete IFNγ, but are unable to mediate tumor regression. Within the tumor, Pmel-1 T cells have highly confined mobility, displaying long term interactions with tumor cells. In contrast, adoptively transferred non tumor-specific OT-I T cells show neither confined mobility, nor long term interaction with B16 tumor cells, suggesting that intra-tumor recognition of cognate self antigen by Pmel-1 T cells occurs during tumor growth. Together, these data indicate that lack of anti-tumor efficacy is not solely due to ignorance of self antigen in the tumor microenvironment but rather to active immunosuppressive influences preventing a protective immune response.  相似文献   
Mouse chimeras from embryonic stem cells in which the X-linked glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene had been targeted were crossed with normal females. First-generation (F(1)) G6PD(+/-) heterozygotes born from this cross were essentially normal; analysis of their tissues demonstrated strong selection for cells with the targeted G6PD allele on the inactive X chromosome. When these F(1) G6PD(+/-) females were bred to normal males, only normal G6PD mice were born, because: (i) hemizygous G6PD(-) male embryos died by E10.5 and their development was arrested from E7.5, the time of onset of blood circulation; (ii) heterozygous G6PD(+/-) females showed abnormalities from E8.5, and died by E11.5; and (iii) severe pathological changes were present in the placenta of both G6PD(-) and G6PD(+/-) embryos. Thus, G6PD is not indispensable for early embryo development; however, severe G6PD deficiency in the extraembryonic tissues (consequent on selective inactivation of the normal paternal G6PD allele) impairs the development of the placenta and causes death of the embryo. Most importantly, G6PD is indispensable for survival when the embryo is exposed to oxygen through its blood supply.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial translation involves a complex interplay of ancient bacteria-like features and host-derived functionalities. Although the basic components of the mitochondrial translation apparatus have been recognized, very few protein factors aiding in recruiting ribosomes on mitochondria-encoded messenger RNA (mRNAs) have been identified in higher plants. In this study, we describe the identification of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSLATION FACTOR1 (MTL1) protein, a new member of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat family, and show that it is essential for the translation of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit7 (nad7) mRNA. We demonstrate that mtl1 mutant plants fail to accumulate the Nad7 protein, even though the nad7 mature mRNA is produced and bears the same 5′ and 3′ extremities as in wild-type plants. We next observed that polysome association of nad7 mature mRNA is specifically disrupted in mtl1 mutants, indicating that the absence of Nad7 results from a lack of translation of nad7 mRNA. These findings illustrate that mitochondrial translation requires the intervention of gene-specific nucleus-encoded PPR trans-factors and that their action does not necessarily involve the 5′ processing of their target mRNA, as observed previously. Interestingly, a partial decrease in nad7 intron 2 splicing was also detected in mtl1 mutants, suggesting that MTL1 is also involved in group II intron splicing. However, this second function appears to be less essential for nad7 expression than its role in translation. MTL1 will be instrumental to understand the multifunctionality of PPR proteins and the mechanisms governing mRNA translation and intron splicing in plant mitochondria.Translation is the fundamental process decoding the genetic message present on mRNAs into proteins. In plant cells, mRNA translation occurs in the cytoplasm but also in two organelles, mitochondria and plastids. Because of their prokaryotic origin, the translation machineries operating in these two organelles share many characteristics with the bacterial translation apparatus (Bonen, 2004; Barkan, 2011). However, most of these bacteria-like features have been modified throughout evolution, and current organellar translation systems cooperate with numerous nucleus-encoded eukaryotic trans-factors. The divergence from bacteria is particularly obvious in plant mitochondria, notably because mitochondrial mRNAs lack the typical Shine and Dalgarno (SD) motif in their 5′ leaders and alternative start codons other than AUG are often used to initiate translation (Bonen, 2004). Proteomic and bioinformatic analyses allowed the identification of most proteins and RNA factors forming the core of the plant mitochondrial translation machinery, including translation initiation and elongation factors as well as ribosomal proteins (Bonen, 2004; Bonen and Calixte, 2006). However, the dynamics of this machinery remains largely obscure. In particular, nothing is known about the recruitment of mitochondrial ribosomes on 5′ untranslated regions in the absence of the SD motif and about the recognition of the correct translation initiation codon by the small ribosomal subunit. The high degree of sequence divergence among 5′ leaders of mitochondrial genes suggests a ribosome recruitment mechanism involving gene-specific cis-sequences and trans-factors (Hazle and Bonen, 2007; Choi et al., 2012). Up to now, only two proteins belonging to the Pentatricopeptide Repeat (PPR) family have been found to promote mitochondrial translation in higher plants (Uyttewaal et al., 2008b; Manavski et al., 2012). How they facilitate translation is still unclear, as for the few characterized PPR proteins shown to participate in plastid translation (Fisk et al., 1999; Schmitz-Linneweber et al., 2005; Cai et al., 2011; Zoschke et al., 2012, 2013). The plastid PENTATRICOPEPTIDE REPEAT PROTEIN10 (PPR10) protein of maize (Zea mays) is the only one for which the function has been elucidated at the molecular level. It was shown that, upon binding, PPR10 impedes the formation of a stem-loop structure in the 5′ leader of the ATP synthase subunit c (atpH) mRNA, permitting the recruitment of ribosomes through the liberation of an SD motif (Prikryl et al., 2011).PPR proteins represent a large family of RNA-binding proteins that has massively expanded in terrestrial plants (Barkan and Small, 2014). Most eukaryotes encode a handful of these proteins, whereas plant nuclear genomes express over 400 PPR proteins that are almost exclusively predicted to target mitochondria and/or plastids (Lurin et al., 2004; O’Toole et al., 2008). This family of proteins is characterized by the succession of tandem degenerate motifs of approximately 35 amino acids (Small and Peeters, 2000; Lurin et al., 2004). Based on the length of these repeats, the PPR family has been divided into two groups of roughly equal size in higher plants. P-type PPR proteins contain only successions of canonical 35-amino acid repeats (P), whereas PLS PPR proteins are composed of sequential repeats of P, short (S), and long (L) PPR motifs. P-type PPR proteins were shown to participate in various aspects of organellar RNA processing, whereas PLS PPR proteins have been almost exclusively associated with C-to-U RNA editing (for review, see Barkan and Small, 2014; Hammani and Giegé, 2014). Recent crystal structures showed that PPR motifs adopt an antiparallel helix-turn-helix fold whose repetition forms a solenoid-like structure (Ringel et al., 2011; Howard et al., 2012; Ban et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2013; Coquille et al., 2014; Gully et al., 2015). PPR tracks organize highly specific interaction domains that were shown to associate with single-stranded RNAs (Schmitz-Linneweber et al., 2005; Beick et al., 2008; Uyttewaal et al., 2008a; Williams-Carrier et al., 2008; Pfalz et al., 2009; Cai et al., 2011; Hammani et al., 2011; Prikryl et al., 2011; Khrouchtchova et al., 2012; Manavski et al., 2012; Zhelyazkova et al., 2012; Ke et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2013). The mechanism of sequence-specific RNA recognition by PPR proteins was recently uncovered, and combinations involving amino acid 6 of one motif and amino acid 1 of the subsequent motif correlate strongly with the identity of the RNA base to be bound (Barkan et al., 2012; Takenaka et al., 2013; Yagi et al., 2013).Besides those involved in RNA editing, few mitochondria-targeted PPR proteins have been characterized to date. Thus, our knowledge of the mechanisms governing the production and the expression of mitochondrial RNAs in higher plants is very limited. In this analysis, we describe the function of a novel mitochondria-targeted PPR protein of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) called MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSLATION FACTOR1 (MTL1). Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that MTL1 is essential for the translation of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit7 (nad7) mRNA. Effectively, the Nad7 protein does not accumulate to detectable levels in mtl1 mutants, and this absence correlates with a lack of association of nad7 mature mRNA with mitochondrial polysomes. Interestingly, a partial but significant decrease in nad7 intron 2 splicing was also detected in mtl1 mutants, suggesting that the MTL1 protein is also involved in group II intron splicing. Since the decrease in splicing was only partial, this second function of MTL1 appears less essential for nad7 expression than its role in translation.  相似文献   
Understanding the molecular strategies used by Mycobacterium tuberculosis to invade and persist within the host is of paramount importance to tackle the tuberculosis pandemic. Comparative genomic surveys have revealed that hadC, encoding a subunit of the HadBC dehydratase, is mutated in the avirulent M. tuberculosis H37Ra strain. We show here that mutation or deletion of hadC affects the biosynthesis of oxygenated mycolic acids, substantially reducing their production level. Additionally, it causes the loss of atypical extra‐long mycolic acids, demonstrating the involvement of HadBC in the late elongation steps of mycolic acid biosynthesis. These events have an impact on the morphotype, cording capacity and biofilm growth of the bacilli as well as on their sensitivity to agents such as rifampicin. Furthermore, deletion of hadC leads to a dramatic loss of virulence: an almost 4‐log drop of the bacterial load in the lungs and spleens of infected immunodeficient mice. Both its unique function and importance for M. tuberculosis virulence make HadBC an attractive therapeutic target for tuberculosis drug development.  相似文献   
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