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Van Aken B Cameron MD Stahl JD Plumat A Naveau H Aust SD Agathos SN 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2000,54(5):659-664
Manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) H5 from the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, in the presence of either Mn(II) (10 mM) or GSH (10 mM), was able to mineralize 14C-U-ring-labeled 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2-A-4,6-DNT) up to 29% in 12 days. When both Mn(II) and GSH were present, the
mineralization extent reached 82%. On the other hand, no significant mineralization was observed in the absence of both Mn(II)
and GSH, suggesting the requirement of a mediator [either Mn(II) or GSH] for the degradation of 2-A-4,6-DNT by MnP. Using
electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques, it was found that the glutathionyl free radical (GS•) was produced through the oxidation of GSH by MnP in the presence as well as in the absence of Mn(II). GS• was also generated through the direct oxidation of GSH by Mn(III). Our results strongly suggest the involvement of GS• in the GSH-mediated mineralization of 2-A-4,6-DNT by MnP.
Received: 18 February 2000 / Received revision: 24 May 2000 / Accepted: 26 May 2000 相似文献
Modelling pairwise dependence of maxima in space 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We model pairwise dependence of temporal maxima, such as annualmaxima of precipitation, that have been recorded in space, eitheron a regular grid or at irregularly spaced locations. The constructionof our estimators stems from the variogram concept. The asymptoticproperties of our pairwise dependence estimators are establishedthrough properties of empirical processes. The performance ofour approach is illustrated by simulations and by the treatmentof a real dataset. In addition to bringing new results aboutthe asymptotic behaviour of copula estimators, the latter beinglinked to first-order variograms, one main advantage of ourapproach is to propose a simple connection between extreme valuetheory and geostatistics. 相似文献
Christian Kennes María C. Veiga Henry Naveau Edmond J. Nyns 《Biotechnology letters》1995,17(9):899-904
Summary L. plantarum was grown on glucose and organic acids, i.e. malate, citrate, and acetate, frequently jointly encountered in wine and cider fermentation. The effect on fermentation patterns of different mixtures of acids as well as ethanol was studied. Specific growth rates and apparent biomass yields on glucose increased when adding citrate or malate. Acetate and ethanol were not consummed by the lactobacillus. The presence of acetate, but not ethanol, slightly decreased citrate consumption rates, but did not significantly influence glucose or malate fermentations. 相似文献
Siqing Zhang Jean-Pierre Bidanel Thierry Burlot Christian Legault Jean Naveau 《遗传、选种与进化》2000,32(1):57-71
The Tiameslan line was created between 1983 and 1985 by mating Meishan × Jiaxing crossbred Chinese boars with sows from the Laconie composite male line. The Tiameslan line has been selected since then on an index combining average backfat thickness (ABT) and days from 20 to 100 kg (DT). Direct and correlated responses to 11 years of selection were estimated using BLUP methodology applied to a multiple trait animal model. A total of 11 traits were considered, i.e.: ABT, DT, body weight at 4 (W4w), 8 (W8w) and 22 (W22w) weeks of age, teat number (TEAT), number of good teats (GTEAT), total number of piglets born (TNB), born alive (NBA) and weaned (NW) per litter, and birth to weaning survival rate (SURV). Performance data from a total of 4 881 males and 4 799 females from 1 341 litters were analysed. The models included both direct and maternal effects for ABT, W4w and W8w. Male and female performances were considered as different traits for W22w, DT and ABT. Genetic parameters estimated in another paper (Zhang et al., Genet. Sel. Evol. 32 (2000) 41-56) were used to perform the analyses. Favourable phenotypic (ΔP) and direct genetic trends (ΔGd) were obtained for post-weaning growth traits and ABT. Trends for maternal effects were limited. Phenotypic and genetic trends were larger in females than in males for ABT (e.g. ΔGd = -0.48 vs. -0.38 mm/year), were larger in males for W22w (ΔGd = 0.90 vs. 0.58 kg/year) and were similar in both sexes for DT (ΔGd = -0.54 vs. -0.55 day/year). Phenotypic and genetic trends were slightly favourable for W4w, W8w, TEAT and GTEAT and close to zero for reproductive traits. 相似文献
There is now a tendency in the USA to emphasize the production of industrial chemicals as the major use of biomass. Within this general priority, however, biomethanation could also become important, especially when considering integrated systems for producing biogas and ethanol. This report, prepared as part of the Commission of the European Communities Contract ‘Biogas Plants in Europe’, examines biomethanation in the USA. 相似文献
Benoît Van Aken Philippe Ledent Henry Naveau Spiros N. Agathos 《Biotechnology letters》2000,22(8):641-646
Manganese peroxidase (MnP) from Phlebia radiata and glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger were co-immobilized on porous silica beads. Immobilization of both enzymes on the same carrier provided an integrated system in which H2O2 required by MnP was produced by glucose oxidase. The immobilization process resulted in a decrease of both enzymatic activities and substrate affinities. However, immobilization improved the stability of MnP against H2O2 or high pH, as well as the storage stability of this enzyme. 相似文献
Phylogenies inferred from the analysis of DNA sequence data have shown that the Onygenales contains clades that do not correspond with previously described families. One lineage identified in recent molecular phylogenetic studies includes the dimorphic pathogens belonging to the genera Ajellomyces, Emmonsia and Paracoccidioides. To evaluate the degree of support for this lineage and determine whether it includes additional taxa, we examined relationships among the members of this clade and selected saprobic onygenalean taxa based on maximum-parsimony analyses of partial nuclear large RNA subunit (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. A clade distinct from the Onygenaceae was found to encompass Ajellomyces (including the anamorph genera Blastomyces, Emmonsia and Histoplasma) and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The members of this lineage are saprobic and pathogenic vertebrate-associated taxa distinguished by their globose ascomata with coiled appendages, muricate globose or oblate ascospores, and lack of keratinolytic activity. Anamorphs are solitary aleurioconidia or irregular alternate arthroconidia. Based on molecular data and on morphological and physiological similarities among these taxa, we propose the new family, Ajellomycetaceae. 相似文献
Balian A Naveau S Zou W Durand-Gasselin I Bouchet L Foussat A Galanaud P Chaput JC Emilie D 《European cytokine network》2000,11(2):177-184
It would be of great value to be able to predict, before the initiation of treatment, which patients with hepatitis C virus-induced chronic hepatitis will be cured by interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha). Competitive RT-PCR was used to evaluate spontaneous expression of the perforin gene, a marker of cytotoxic cell activation, by circulating mononuclear cells in 17 patients undergoing IFN-alpha treatment. IFN-alpha increased perforin gene expression (p < 0.003), but this was not correlated with outcome. In contrast, pretreatment perforin gene expression levels were higher in the 8 patients with a sustained biochemical response after treatment than in the 9 non-responsive patients (p = 0.01). This factor predicted favorable clinical outcome with a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 89%. Thus, pretreatment immunological status has a major influence on the ability of IFN-alpha to cure chronic hepatitis C, and the evaluation of perforin gene expression may help to select patients that will benefit from IFN-alpha treatment. 相似文献
The first model has been proposed to compute, in complex liquid (bio)chemical systems, a number of physicochemical parameters, namely pH, concentration of one of any chemical species, partition between acid-base forms, global charge, or ionic strength, assuming the physicochemical equilibrium state. The extension of the present model, described here, permits moreover the computation of gas-liquid distributions, specific gas volumes, or total pressures. The model solely requires the knowledge of existing thermodynamic constants and of the concentration of every chemical species other than the species under examination. The model elicits a unique equilibrium state. Computed values agreed with experimental measurements, thereby validating the model. Digital computer programs were prepared to use the proposed algorithms. 相似文献
Renard P Van Breusegem V Nguyen MT Naveau H Nyns EJ 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》1991,38(8):805-812
An adaptive control algorithm has been implemented on a biomethanation process to maintain propionate concentration, a stable variable, at a given low value, by steering the dilution rate. It was thereby expected to ensure the stability of the process during the startup and during steady-state running with an acceptable performance. The methane pilot reactor was operated in the completely mixed, once-through mode and computer-controlled during 161 days. The results yielded the real-life validation of the adaptive control algorithm, and documented the stability and acceptable performance expected. 相似文献