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The expression of the acetyl xylan esterase II (axeII) gene from Penicillium purpurogenum is repressed by glucose and induced by xylan, as well as to a small degree by xylose and xylitol. This gene is expressed at neutral pH, but not under alkaline or acidic conditions, in agreement with previous findings for other xylanolytic genes of this organism. This is the first report showing pH regulation of an axe gene.  相似文献   
The decrease of neurological performance in normal aging is directly related to brain oxidative stress and inversely related to lifespan. Male mice lifespan was increased by 8-10% (median and maximal lifespan, respectively) in mice with high spontaneous neurological activity, by 21-15% after moderate exercise; and by 25-20% after supplementation with vitamin E. Oxidative stress markers, TBARS and protein carbonyl content, were found increased on aging; a higher content of oxidation products is considered an effective aging factor, specially in the brain, with a majority of postmitotic cells. Mitochondrial enzyme activities, mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase (mtNOS), NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase, behaved as markers of brain aging. The decrease in enzyme activities was directly related to the content of oxidation products and to the loss of neurological function in aged mice, this latter was determined in the tighrope and the T-maze tests. The above mentioned conditions that increased mice lifespan were effective to decrease the level of oxidative stress markers, and to retard the decreases in mitochondrial enzyme activities and neurological function associated to aging. The activities of mtNOS, NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase may be used as indicators of the effectiveness of antiaging treatments.  相似文献   
Glucose transport across the plasma membrane is mediated by a family of glucose transporter proteins (GLUTs), several of which have been identified in mammalian, avian, and, more recently, in fish species. Here, we report on the cloning of a salmon GLUT from adipose tissue with a high sequence homology to mammalian GLUT4 that has been named okGLUT4. Kinetic analysis of glucose transport following expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrated a 7.6 +/- 1.4 mM K(m) for 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) transport measured under zero-trans conditions and 14.4 +/- 1.5 mM by equilibrium exchange of 3-O-methylglucose. Transport of 2-DG by okGLUT4-injected oocytes was stereospecific and was competed by D-glucose, D-mannose, and, to a lesser extent, D-galactose and D-fructose. In addition, 2-DG uptake was inhibited by cytochalasin B and ethylidene glucose. Moreover, insulin stimulated glucose uptake in Xenopus oocytes expressing okGLUT4 and in isolated trout adipocytes, which contain the native form of okGLUT4. Despite differences in protein motifs important for insulin-stimulated translocation of mammalian GLUT4, okGLUT4 was able to translocate to the plasma membrane from intracellular localization sites in response to insulin when expressed in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. These data demonstrate that okGLUT4 is a structural and functional fish homolog of mammalian GLUT4 but with a lower affinity for glucose, which could in part explain the lower ability of fish to clear a glucose load.  相似文献   
The effect of different irrigation and air humidity conditioning treatments on the morphological and physiological responses of Rosmarinus officinalis in nursery conditions was investigated in order to evaluate the degree of hardening resulting from these conditions. Rosmarinus officinalis seedlings were pot-grown during 4 months in two greenhouses (nursery period), in which two irrigation treatments were used (control and deficit). In one of these greenhouses, air humidity was controlled using a dehumidifying system (low humidity), in the other greenhouse the air conditions were not artificially modified (control humidity). After the nursery period, the plants of all treatments were transplanted and well watered (100% water holding capacity for 1 month, transplanting period). After this period, they received no water (establishment period). At the end of the nursery period it was seen that deficit irrigation had altered the morphology of the R. officinalis plants by reducing plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, total dry weight, and root length, while humidity influenced the parameters related with plant water relations. Low air humidity and deficit irrigation-induced tissue dehydration and lower stomatal conductance values (gs). The plants subjected to deficit irrigation developed leaf osmotic adjustment, which was maintained during the transplanting period. At that time, the plants that had been exposed to deficit irrigation and low humidity showed efficient stomatal regulation (lower gs values). After transplanting and during the establishment period, these plants showed a better water status (higher psil and gs values). Their post-planting survival rate improved as a result of acclimation processes.  相似文献   
A counting process senses the X chromosome/autosome ratio and ensures that X chromosome inactivation (XCI) initiates in the female (XX) but not in the male (XY) mouse embryo. Counting is regulated by the X-inactivation centre, which contains the Xist gene. Deleting 65 kb 3' to Xist in XO embryonic stem (ES) cells affects counting and results in inappropriate XCI upon differentiation. We show here that normal counting can be rescued in these deleted ES cells using cre/loxP re-insertion, and refine the location of elements controlling counting within a 20 kb bipartite domain. Furthermore, we show that the 65 kb deletion also leads to inappropriate XCI in XY differentiated ES cells, which excludes the involvement of sex-specific mechanisms in the initiation of XCI. At the chromatin level, we have found that the Xist gene corresponds to a peak of H3 Lys-4 dimethylation, which is dramatically and specifically affected by the deletion 3' to Xist. Our results raise the possibility that H3 Lys-4 dimethylation within Xist may be functionally implicated in the counting process.  相似文献   
Genetic transformation has been achieved for several citrus genotypes. However, regeneration of escapes at high frequency is a major problem, making the available procedures rather inefficient. Attempts to improve selection by increasing the concentration of kanamycin, used as the selective agent, or substituting it by geneticin have been unsuccessful. Here, we have critically assessed the actual frequency and origin of escapes in citrus by using visual screening with -glucuronidase (gusA) and green fluorescent protein (gfp) markers, by studying the persistence of engineered Agrobacterium in the explants, and by characterising through Southern blot analysis all the regenerants obtained under kanamycin selection. Our results show that inefficient selection could be attributed to the protection of the non-transformed cells from the selective agent by the surrounding transformed cells, and to the persistence of kanamycin-resistance Agrobacterium in explant tissues over long periods of time after co-cultivation. This also explained the high frequency (12%) of chimeric shoots that were commonly recovered. High frequency regeneration of chimeras that resulted from the fusion of different transformation events is reported for the first time. On the other hand, molecular analysis of all the regenerants reveals that transformation frequency is underestimated when based on the expression of a screenable marker gene, and that low expressors and silenced lines could account for at least 25% of those plants considered escapes based on selectable and screenable marker analysis. Consequences of these results at the practical level are also discussed.  相似文献   
The composition of algal species and pigments and the structural and functional characteristics of the algal community were investigated in an acid stream of southwestern Spain, the Río Tinto. The algal community had low diversity and showed few seasonal differences. It was mainly made up of Klebsormidium flaccidum Kütz. (Silva, Mattox & Blackwell) that produced long greenish or purplish filaments, Pinnularia acoricola Hust. (producing brown patches) and Euglena mutabilis Schmitz. The algal filaments made up a consistent biofilm that also included fungal hyphae, iron bacterial sheaths, diatoms, and mineral particles. HPLC analyses on Río Tinto samples showed that undegraded chl accounted for 67% of the total chl in the filamentous patches but were a minority in the brown patch (2.6%). The brown patch had a concentration of carotenoids eight times lower than that observed in the green patch. When chl concentrations were weighted for the proportion of the different patches on the streambed, undegraded chl a accounted for 89.2 mg chl a·m ? 2 of stream surface area (5.4 g C·m ? 2). This high algal biomass was supported by relatively high nutrient concentrations and by a high phosphatase activity (Vmax = 137.7 nmol methylumbelliferyl substrate·cm ? 2·h ? 1 1 Received 15 July 2002. Accepted 17 February 2003. , Km = 0.0045 μM). The remarkable algal biomass in Río Tinto potentially contributed to the bacterial–fungal community and to the macroinvertebrate community and emphasizes the role that the algae may have in the organic matter cycling and energy flow in extreme systems dominated by heterotrophic microorganisms.  相似文献   
Behavioral tests, tightrope success, and exploratory activity in a T maze were conducted with male and female mice for 65 wk. Four groups were defined: the lower performance slow males and slow females and the higher performance fast males and fast females. Fast females showed the longest life span and the highest performance, and slow males showed the lowest performance and the shortest life span. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial electron transfer activities were determined in brain of young (28 wk), adult (52 wk), and old (72 wk) mice in a cross-sectional study. Brain thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were increased by 50% in old mice and were approximately 15% higher in males than in females and in slow than in fast mice. Brain Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was increased by 52% and Mn-SOD by 108% in old mice. The activities of mitochondrial enzymes NADH-cytochrome c reductase, cytochrome oxidase, and citrate synthase were decreased by 14-58% in old animals. The cumulative toxic effects of oxyradicals are considered the molecular mechanism of the behavioral deficits observed on aging.  相似文献   
Exhaustive extraction of the endosperm from the seed of Gleditsia triacanthos using water at room temperature and 50 degrees C left a residue, which was further extracted at 95 degrees C. Precipitation of this extract with 2-propanol yielded major amounts of galactomannan components, while the supernatant was mainly composed of arabinose-rich constituents. Two fractions were obtained by anion-exchange chromatography. The fraction that eluted with water is an arabinan with (1-->5) alpha-L linkages and branching mainly on C-2, accompanied with equal amounts of a low-galactose galactomannan oligosaccharide, and a small proportion of a beta-(1-->4)-galactan. The fraction eluted with an increased ionic strength consists mainly of a similar arabinan, and lower proportions of a high-galactose galactomannan, galactan, and protein. The arabinan moiety in both fractions was characterized by chemical analysis and 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   
Synthesis of ethylene in static cultures as well as the effect of endogenous and exogenous ethylene on the synthesis of polygalacturonase byAspergillus niger were determined. This strain produced maximum ethylene amounts when cultured at 30 °C for 3 d. The effect of adding ethylene precursors (citrate-cycle intermediates) on ethylene production was investigated. Best intracellular and extracellular polygalacturonase production was obtained with 2-oxoglutaric, pyruvic and fumaric acids, and with glutamic acid too. Addition of ethylene to the culture medium also increased the synthesis of polygalacturonase, although to a lower degree than when glutamic acid was added.  相似文献   
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