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A study of the S1 binding of lead 5-methylthiothiophene amidine 3, an inhibitor of urokinase-type plasminogen activator, was undertaken by the introduction of a variety of substituents at the thiophene 5-position. The 5-alkyl substituted and unsubstituted thiophenes were prepared using organolithium chemistry. Heteroatom substituents were introduced at the 5-position using a novel displacement reaction of 5-methylsulfonylthiophenes and the corresponding oxygen or sulfur anions. Small alkyl group substitution at the 5-position provided inhibitors equipotent with but possessing improved solubility.  相似文献   
Interspecific interactions can affect population dynamics and the evolution of species traits by altering demographic rates such as reproduction and survival. The influence of mutualism on population processes is thought to depend on both the benefits and costs of the interaction. However, few studies have explicitly quantified both benefits and costs in terms of demographic rates; furthermore there has been little consideration as to how benefits and costs depend on the demographic effects of factors extrinsic to the interaction. I studied how benefits (pollination) and costs (larval fruit consumption) of pollinating seed-consumers (senita moths) affect the reproduction of senita cacti and how these effects may rely on extrinsic water limitation for reproduction. Fruit initiation was not limited by moth pollination, but survival of initiated fruit increased when moth eggs were removed from flowers. Watered cacti produced more flowers and initiated more fruit from hand-pollinated flowers than did unwatered cacti, but fruit initiation remained low despite excess pollen. Even though water, pollination and larvae each affected a component of cactus reproduction, when all of these factors were included in a factorial experiment, pollination and water determined rates of reproduction. Counter-intuitively, larval fruit consumption had a negligible effect on cactus reproduction. By quantifying both benefits and costs of mutualism in terms of demographic rates, this study demonstrates that benefits and costs can be differentially influential to population processes and that interpretation of their influences can depend on demographic effects of factors extrinsic to the interaction.  相似文献   
Coevolved mutualisms, such as those between senita cacti, yuccas, and their respective obligate pollinators, benefit both species involved in the interaction. However, in these pollination mutualisms the pollinator's larvae impose a cost on plants through consumption of developing seeds and fruit. The effects of pollinators on benefits and costs are expected to vary with the abundance of pollinators, because large population sizes result in more eggs and larval seed-eaters. Here, we develop the hypothesis that fruit abortion, which is common in yucca, senita, and plants in general, could in some cases have the function of limiting pollinator abundance and, thereby, increasing fruit production. Using a general steady-state model of fruit production and pollinator dynamics, we demonstrate that plants involved in pollinating seed-eater mutualisms can increase their fecundity by randomly aborting fruit. We show that the ecological conditions under which fruit abortion can improve plants fecundity are not unusual. They are best met when the plant is long-lived, the population dynamics of the pollinator are much faster than those of the plant, the loss of one fruit via abortion kills a larva that would have the expectation of destroying more than one fruit through its future egg laying as an adult moth, and the effects of fruit abortion on pollinator abundance are spatially localized. We then use the approach of adaptive dynamics to find conditions under which a fruit abortion strategy based on regulating the pollinator population could feasibly evolve in this type of plant-pollinator interaction.  相似文献   
In the locomotor muscle of the pelagic tunicate Doliolum, both the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and the transverse-tubular (T-tubular) system are absent. The mechanism of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling was studied in single muscle fibres enzymatically dissociated from Doliolum denticulatum. Whole cell voltage clamp experiments demonstrated an inward ionic current associated with membrane depolarisation. This current was blocked by 5 mmol.l(-1)Co(2+), a calcium current blocker, and suppressed by nifedipine, a specific L-type calcium channel blocker. An increase in the external K(+) concentration to 200 mmol.l(-1) (K(+)-depolarisation) induced a rise in the intracellular Ca(2+) level detected with fluo-3, a Ca(2+)-sensitive dye. However, when 5-10 mmol.l(-1) Co(2+) or 10-15 micro mol.l(-1) nifedipine was present in the external solution, K(+)-depolarisation did not induce a rise in the intracellular Ca(2+) level. Externally applied 5-10 mmol.l(-1) caffeine or 20 micro mol.l(-1) ryanodine had no effect on the intracellular Ca(2+) level. K(+)-depolarisation induced a rise in the intracellular Ca(2+) level in the presence of caffeine or ryanodine. Replacement of external Na(+) with Li(+) increased intracellular Ca(2+) levels. Our results show that contraction of the locomotor muscle in Doliolum is solely due to the influx of Ca(2+) through L-type calcium channels, and that relaxation is due to extrusion of Ca(2+) by Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange across the sarcolemma.  相似文献   
Therapy with hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is associated with a high incidence of persistent pruritus due to HES storage in cutaneous nerves. Up to now it has been unknown if HES also accumulates in the extracutaneous peripheral or central nervous system. To study this, five rats including one pregnant one were infused with a single dose (34-150 mg) of HES (70/200/450 kDa molecular weight) conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). In addition, four sheep were infused with a cumulative dosage of 30 g, 120 g, and 420 g HES (200 kDa), respectively. After 7-13 days, biopsies from the adult rats, four fetal rats and sheep were taken from various organs. The specimens were analyzed by light, electron, and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Typical HES storage vacuoles were found in macrophages of the skin, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney. HES storage in healthy animals was not associated with signs of either inflammation or apoptosis contrary to a previously described animal hemorrhagic shock model. Beyond that, fetus biopsies did not show any storage phenomenon, confirming that HES does not cross the placental barrier. Deposits of HES could be detected in Schwann cells of cutaneous nerve fibers as well as in perineural and endoneural cells of sciatic nerve in one rat (HES 450 kDa) and three of four sheep. No HES storage was found in the central nervous system. Our findings clearly demonstrate that storage of HES is detectable only in small peripheral nerves, suggesting a cutaneous origin of the HES-induced pruritus.  相似文献   
We investigated protein motions using normal modes within a database framework, determining on a large sample the degree to which normal modes anticipate the direction of the observed motion and were useful for motions classification. As a starting point for our analysis, we identified a large number of examples of protein flexibility from a comprehensive set of structural alignments of the proteins in the PDB. Each example consisted of a pair of proteins that were considerably different in structure given their sequence similarity. On each pair, we performed geometric comparisons and adiabatic-mapping interpolations in a high-throughput pipeline, arriving at a final list of 3,814 putative motions and standardized statistics for each. We then computed the normal modes of each motion in this list, determining the linear combination of modes that best approximated the direction of the observed motion. We integrated our new motions and normal mode calculations in the Macromolecular Motions Database, through a new ranking interface at http://molmovdb.org. Based on the normal mode calculations and the interpolations, we identified a new statistic, mode concentration, related to the mathematical concept of information content, which describes the degree to which the direction of the observed motion can be summarized by a few modes. Using this statistic, we were able to determine the fraction of the 3,814 motions where one could anticipate the direction of the actual motion from only a few modes. We also investigated mode concentration in comparison to related statistics on combinations of normal modes and correlated it with quantities characterizing protein flexibility (e.g., maximum backbone displacement or number of mobile atoms). Finally, we evaluated the ability of mode concentration to automatically classify motions into a variety of simple categories (e.g., whether or not they are "fragment-like"), in comparison to motion statistics. This involved the application of decision trees and feature selection (particular machine-learning techniques) to training and testing sets derived from merging the "list" of motions with manually classified ones.  相似文献   
We develop an approach, based on multiple imputation, to using auxiliary variables to recover information from censored observations in survival analysis. We apply the approach to data from an AIDS clinical trial comparing ZDV and placebo, in which CD4 count is the time-dependent auxiliary variable. To facilitate imputation, a joint model is developed for the data, which includes a hierarchical change-point model for CD4 counts and a time-dependent proportional hazards model for the time to AIDS. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to multiply impute event times for censored cases. The augmented data are then analyzed and the results combined using standard multiple-imputation techniques. A comparison of our multiple-imputation approach to simply analyzing the observed data indicates that multiple imputation leads to a small change in the estimated effect of ZDV and smaller estimated standard errors. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the qualitative findings are reproducible under a variety of imputation models. A simulation study indicates that improved efficiency over standard analyses and partial corrections for dependent censoring can result. An issue that arises with our approach, however, is whether the analysis of primary interest and the imputation model are compatible.  相似文献   
It is still unclear whether the paradoxical arteriovenous carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) difference found in critical illness is due to increased COHb production by the lung, or whether this gradient is caused by technical artifacts using spectrophotometry. In healthy and matched endotoxemic sheep, blood gases were analyzed with a standard ABL 625 and the updated version, an ABL 725. The latter one was accurately calibrated for COHb wavelengths (SAT 100) to eliminate the FCOHb dependency on oxygen tension. All endotoxemic sheep exhibited a hypotensive-hyperdynamic circulation and a pulmonary hypertension. Interestingly, arteriovenous COHb difference occurred in both healthy and endotoxemic sheep (P<0.001 each). Arterial and central venous COHb concentrations determined with the ABL 625 were significantly lower than those measured with the ABL 725 (P<0.001 each). We conclude that (a) arteriovenous COHb difference per se does not reflect critical illness and (b) measurements with an ABL 625 underestimate COHb concentrations.  相似文献   
At the beginning of 1996 coral reefs in Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela, suffered an unprecedented mass mortality event. As a consequence, live coral cover dropped to 2-10%. One of the few reefs that kept live coral cover over 35% was Cayo Sombrero; nonetheless, the presence of some coral diseases has been detected within the past 2 years, representing a new source of coral mortality. Due to this situation, this study started a monitoring program on the incidence of coral diseases and syndromes in the reef of Cayo Sombrero. The CARICOMP protocol was used in order to evaluate reef health. Ten parallel band-transects (20 x 2m) where established at two depth intervals: Five between 3-8 m and five between 8-12 m, and the frequency of both, healthy and unhealthy colonies of each coral species was recorded along each band transect. In addition to other sources of coral damage (predation, siltation, etc), significant differences in disease incidence between the two depths intervals were tested with a Kruskall-Wallis test. The main problems observed were coral diseases such as yellow band (4.2%), dark spots (1.61%) and white plague-II (1.4%), mainly affecting Montastraea faveolata, M. annularis and Siderastrea siderea. Siltation, affecting massive colonies, such as Colpophyllia natans and Diploria strigosa; algae overgrowth, predation, anchor damage, and bleaching. Significant differences were found in the incidence of unhealthy (Kruskall-Wallis, p < 0.05) bleached (Kruskall-Wallis, p < 0.05) and colonies affected by siltation (Kruskall-Wallis, p < 0.05). More than 60% of the 585 coral colonies surveyed at both depths were found to be healthy, indicating that the Cayo Sombrero reef is still in good conditions compared to other localities in the Park. This study stresses the need to conduct early monitoring programs that survey coral disease incidence as a source of mortality for this coral reef.  相似文献   
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