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The anticoagulant, lipolytic and protamine reversible effects of high doses of low molecular weight (LMW) heparin 21-23 and unfractionated heparin were compared in man. 7,500 units of each heparin were applied, which corresponds to 90 mg LMW heparin and 48 mg unfractionated heparin. The anticoagulant properties of the LMW heparin are characterized by a doubled half life of factor Xa activity, smaller influence on aPTT and thrombin after intravenous (i.v.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) injection, and higher bioavailability of factor Xa activity after s.c. administration (90% versus 15%). Protamine chloride completely neutralizes the effect on aPTT and thrombin and reduces the anti factor Xa activity by 60%. The bleeding time is prolonged by both normal and LMW heparin by 20%. This effect is normalized by protamine chloride, too. Thrombelastography with recalcified whole blood demonstrates that protamine chloride shortens but not completely normalizes the coagulation time in presence of either unfractionated or LMW heparin. The half life of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity is 60 min after i.v. administration of unfractionated heparin and 120 min with LMW heparin. Although the release of lipases (LPL and HTGL) is higher after i.v. and s.c. administration of the LMW heparin they do not induce higher releases of free fatty acids. This indicates that the lipolytic activity of this LMW heparin and unfractionated heparin is similar. The results show an improved anticoagulant pharmacological profile of this LMW heparin as compared to unfractionated heparin. Protamine normalizes the anticoagulant effects of LMW heparin with exception of a residual anti factor Xa activity and normalizes the changes of bleeding time and thrombelastography.  相似文献   
The impact of predation by the robber fly Proctacanthus milbertii Macquart on populations of adult grasshoppers from grasslands of the Nebraska sandhills was estimated. Densities of P. milbertii were estimated at 437 individuals per hectare (2 se=122). Overall densities of 23 species of grasshoppers were estimated to be 64,000 individuals per hectare with the most abundant species (Ageneotettix deorum) having a population size of approximately 15,000 individuals per hectare. Based on three estimates of predation level (ranging from 0.5 to 2 prey per day per robber fly), P. milbertii may take from 0.5% to 2% of the adult grasshoppers per day. Species of grasshoppers were taken by P. milbertii in about the same proportion in which they occurred at the study site and no size-selective component of predation was detectable.  相似文献   
Mate guarding has been known to incur costs and cause constraints for harem males in many polygynous species. However, the effect of female group size on the harem male’s time budget in bats has received very limited attention. The Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx, exhibits resource defense polygyny, in which tent roosting males construct tents and defend multiple female bats. We studied the effect of female group size on three aspects of harem male behavior: social grooming by reciprocal licking, tent maintenance, and tent guarding in the mast tree Polyalthia longifolia. In the process of reciprocal licking, all the bats in the harem were drenched in saliva before emergence, and this activity was positively and significantly correlated with female group size. Once females departed for foraging, harem males remained in their respective tents at night-time between intermittent foraging bouts and engaged in tent maintenance and tent guarding. Time invested by harem male bats in tent maintenance and tent guarding were positively and significantly correlated with female group size. Harem males extended their presence in tent by utilizing tents as feeding roosts. Female group size also influenced the emergence time of harem male bats, where males with largest group emerged later than did the smallest group. Likewise, harem male with the smallest group had more time available for foraging than the male with the largest group. Findings of this study suggest that having a larger harem may indeed be costly for the males by reducing their foraging time.  相似文献   
Humans and animals recover their sense of position and orientation using properties of the surface layout, but the processes underlying this ability are disputed. Although behavioral and neurophysiological experiments on animals long have suggested that reorientation depends on representations of surface distance, recent experiments on young children join experimental studies and computational models of animal navigation to suggest that reorientation depends either on processing of any continuous perceptual variables or on matching of 2D, depthless images of the landscape. We tested the surface distance hypothesis against these alternatives through studies of children, using environments whose 3D shape and 2D image properties were arranged to enhance or cancel impressions of depth. In the absence of training, children reoriented by subtle differences in perceived surface distance under conditions that challenge current models of 2D-image matching or comparison processes. We provide evidence that children’s spontaneous navigation depends on representations of 3D layout geometry.  相似文献   
Mammalian reoviruses display serotype-specific patterns of tropism and disease in the murine central nervous system (CNS) attributable to polymorphisms in viral attachment protein σ1. While all reovirus serotypes use junctional adhesion molecule-A as a cellular receptor, they differ in their utilization of carbohydrate coreceptors. This observation raises the possibility that carbohydrate binding by σ1 influences reovirus pathology in the CNS. In this study, we sought to define the function of carbohydrate binding in reovirus neuropathogenesis. Newborn mice were inoculated intramuscularly with wild-type strain type 3 Dearing (T3D) and T3D-σ1R202W, a point mutant T3D derivative that does not bind sialic acid (SA). Infected mice were monitored for survival, and viral loads at the sites of primary and secondary replication were quantified. Fewer mice inoculated with the wild-type virus survived in comparison to those inoculated with the mutant virus. The wild-type virus also produced higher titers in the spinal cord and brain at late times postinoculation but lower titers in the liver in comparison to those produced by the mutant virus. In addition, the wild-type virus was more virulent and produced higher titers in the brain than the mutant following intracranial inoculation. These animal infectivity studies suggest that T3D-σ1R202W harbors a defect in neural growth. Concordantly, compared with the wild-type virus, the mutant virus displayed a decreased capacity to infect and replicate in primary cultures of cortical neurons, a property dependent on cell surface SA. These results suggest that SA binding enhances the kinetics of reovirus replication in neural tissues and highlight a functional role for sialylated glycans as reovirus coreceptors in the CNS.  相似文献   
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Social sustainability may be assessed using a variety of methods and indicators, such as the social footprint, social impact assessment, or...  相似文献   
GABAA receptors are members of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily that mediate inhibitory neurotransmission in the central nervous system. They are thought to be composed of 2 alpha (α), 2 beta (β) subunits and one other such as a gamma (γ) or delta (δ) subunit. The potency of GABA is influenced by the subunit composition. However, there are no reported systematic studies that evaluate GABA potency on a comprehensive number of subunit combinations expressed in Xenopus oocytes, despite the wide use of this heterologous expression system in structure–function studies and drug discovery. Thus, the aim of this study was to conduct a systematic characterization of the potency of GABA at 43 human recombinant GABAA receptor combinations expressed in Xenopus oocytes using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. The results show that the α-subunits and to a lesser extent, the β-subunits influence GABA potency. Of the binary and ternary combinations with and without the γ2L subunit, the α6/γ2L-containing receptors were the most sensitive to GABA, while the β2- or β3-subunit conferred higher sensitivity to GABA than receptors containing the β1-subunit with the exception of the α2β1γ2L and α6β1γ2L subtypes. Of the δ-subunit containing GABAA receptors, α4/δ-containing GABAA receptors displayed highest GABA sensitivity, with mid-nanomolar concentrations activating α4β1δ and α4β3δ receptors. At α4β2δ, GABA had low micromolar activity.  相似文献   
Many methanotrophs have been shown to synthesize methanobactin, a novel biogenic copper-chelating agent or chalkophore. Methanobactin binds copper via two heterocyclic rings with associated enethiol groups. The structure of methanobactin suggests that it can bind other metals, including mercury. Here we report that methanobactin from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b does indeed bind mercury when added as HgCl2 and, in doing so, reduced toxicity associated with Hg(II) for both Alphaproteobacteria methanotrophs, including M. trichosporium OB3b, M. trichosporium OB3b ΔmbnA (a mutant defective in methanobactin production), and Methylocystis sp. strain SB2, and a Gammaproteobacteria methanotroph, Methylomicrobium album BG8. Mercury binding by methanobactin was evident in both the presence and absence of copper, despite the fact that methanobactin had a much higher affinity for copper due to the rapid and irreversible binding of mercury by methanobactin. The formation of a gray precipitate suggested that Hg(II), after being bound by methanobactin, was reduced to Hg(0) but was not volatilized. Rather, mercury remained associated with methanobactin and was also found associated with methanotrophic biomass. It thus appears that although the mercury-methanobactin complex was cell associated, mercury was not removed from methanobactin. The amount of biomass-associated mercury in the presence of methanobactin from M. trichosporium OB3b was greatest for M. trichosporium wild-type strain OB3b and the ΔmbnA mutant and least for M. album BG8, suggesting that methanotrophs may have selective methanobactin uptake systems that may be based on TonB-dependent transporters but that such uptake systems exhibit a degree of infidelity.  相似文献   
Gramicidin A (gA) is prototypical peptide antibiotic and a model ion channel former. Configured in the solid-state NMR beta(6.5)-helix channel conformation, gA was subjected to 1-ns molecular dynamics (MD) gas phase simulations using the all-atom charmm22 force field to ascertain the conformational stability of the Trp side chains as governed by backbone and neighboring side-chain contacts. Three microcanonical trajectories were computed using different initial atomic velocities for each of twenty different initial structures. For each set, one of the four Trp side chains in each monomer was initially positioned in one of the five non-native conformations (A. E. Dorigo et al., Biophysical Journal, 1999, Vol. 76, 1897-1908), the other Trps being positioned in the native state, o1. In three additional control simulations, all Trps were initiated in the native conformation. After equilibration, constraints were removed and subsequent conformational changes of the initially constrained Trp were measured. The chi(1) was more flexible than chi(2.1). The energetically optimal orientation, o1 (Dorigo et al., 1999), was the most stable in all four Trp positions (9, 11, 13, 15) and remained unchanged for the entire 1 ns simulation in 19 of 24 trials. Changes in chi(1) from each of the 5 suboptimal states occur readily. Two of the non-native conformations reverted readily to o1, whereas the other three converted to an intermediate state, i2. There were frequent interconversions between i2 and o1. We speculate that experimentally observed Trp stability is caused by interactions with the lipid-water interface, and that stabilization of one of the suboptimal conformations in gA, such as i2, by lipid headgroups could produce a secondary, metastable conformational state. This could explain recent experimental studies of differences in the channel conductance dispersity between gA and a Trp-to-Phe gA analog, gramicidin M (gM, J. C. Markham et al., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2001, Vol. 1513, 185-192).  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence analysis of an approximately 80-kb genomic region revealed an approximately 65-kb locus that bears hallmarks of a pathogenicity island. This locus includes homologues of a type IV secretion system, mobile genetic elements, and known virulence factors. Comparative studies with other Legionella pneumophila strains and serogroups indicated that this approximately 65-kb locus is unique to L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Philadelphia-1 strains.  相似文献   
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