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Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an emerging zoonotic pathogen transmitted by Ixodes scapularis that causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Here, a high throughput quantitative proteomics approach was used to characterize A. phagocytophilum proteome during rickettsial multiplication and identify proteins involved in infection of the tick vector, I. scapularis. The first step in this research was focused on tick cells infected with A. phagocytophilum and sampled at two time points containing 10–15% and 65–71% infected cells, respectively to identify key bacterial proteins over-represented in high percentage infected cells. The second step was focused on adult female tick guts and salivary glands infected with A. phagocytophilum to compare in vitro results with those occurring during bacterial infection in vivo. The results showed differences in the proteome of A. phagocytophilum in infected ticks with higher impact on protein synthesis and processing than on bacterial replication in tick salivary glands. These results correlated well with the developmental cycle of A. phagocytophilum, in which cells convert from an intracellular reticulated, replicative form to the nondividing infectious dense-core form. The analysis of A. phagocytophilum differentially represented proteins identified stress response (GroEL, HSP70) and surface (MSP4) proteins that were over-represented in high percentage infected tick cells and salivary glands when compared to low percentage infected cells and guts, respectively. The results demonstrated that MSP4, GroEL and HSP70 interact and bind to tick cells, thus playing a role in rickettsia-tick interactions. The most important finding of these studies is the increase in the level of certain bacterial stress response and surface proteins in A. phagocytophilum-infected tick cells and salivary glands with functional implication in tick-pathogen interactions. These results gave a new dimension to the role of these stress response and surface proteins during A. phagocytophilum infection in ticks. Characterization of Anaplasma proteome contributes information on host-pathogen interactions and provides targets for development of novel control strategies for pathogen infection and transmission.  相似文献   
Despite its inherent costs, sexual reproduction is ubiquitous in nature, and the mechanisms to protect it from a competitive displacement by asexuality remain unclear. Popular mutation‐based explanations, like the Muller's ratchet and the Kondrashov's hatchet, assume that purifying selection may not halt the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the nonrecombining genomes, ultimately leading to their degeneration. However, empirical evidence is scarce and it remains particularly unclear whether mutational degradation proceeds fast enough to ensure the decay of clonal organisms and to prevent them from outcompeting their sexual counterparts. To test this hypothesis, we jointly analysed the exome sequences and the fitness‐related phenotypic traits of the sexually reproducing fish species and their clonal hybrids, whose evolutionary ages ranged from F1 generations to 300 ky. As expected, mutations tended to accumulate in the clonal genomes in a time‐dependent manner. However, contrary to the predictions, we found no trend towards increased nonsynonymity of mutations acquired by clones, nor higher radicality of their amino acid substitutions. Moreover, there was no evidence for fitness degeneration in the old clones compared with that in the younger ones. In summary, although an efficacy of purifying selection may still be reduced in the asexual genomes, our data indicate that its efficiency is not drastically decreased. Even the oldest investigated clone was found to be too young to suffer fitness consequences from a mutation accumulation. This suggests that mechanisms other than mutation accumulation may be needed to explain the competitive advantage of sex in the short term.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the problem of preventing acute heart failure (AHF) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and preserved left-ventricular ejection fraction (pLVEF) is still not completely resolved, especially in late-presented patients. The purpose of study was: (1) assessment of free plasma amino acid (PAA) alterations in STEMI patients [not receiving reperfusion therapy (RT)], depending on sex and LVEF; (2) analysis of development of late/persistent AHF more than 48 h after admission (pAHF) in STEMI patients with pLVEF depending on PAA levels. This prospective cohort study included 92 STEMI patients (33 women and 59 men), not receiving RT. The free PAA were investigated by ion-exchange liquid-column chromatography. The women had significantly higher PAA levels than men in general cohort and cohort with pLVEF (n?=?69). There were associations between female sex and pAHF in general cohort (OR 3.7, p?=?0.004) and cohort with pLVEF (OR 11.4, p?=?0.0001) by logistic regression. The association between pAHF and glycine level [OR 2.5, p?<?0.0001; AUC 0.84, p?<?0.0001; 86.7% sensitivity and 77.8% specificity for?>?2.6 mg/dL] was revealed in cohort with pLVEF (including female and male). Glycine remained a predictor of pAHF with pLVEF by multivariable logistic regression adjusting for comorbidities, demographic and clinical variables. Higher rate of pAHF in female than in male STEMI patients with pLVEF is associated with higher plasma glycine in women. The glycine level may be genetically determinated by female sex. The plasma glycine?>?2.6 mg/dL is a predictor of pAHF in STEMI with pLVEF (including female and male).

A number of human autoinflammatory diseases manifest with severe inflammatory bone destruction. Mouse models of these diseases represent valuable tools that help us to understand molecular mechanisms triggering this bone autoinflammation. The Pstpip2cmo mouse strain is among the best characterized of these; it harbors a mutation resulting in the loss of adaptor protein PSTPIP2 and development of autoinflammatory osteomyelitis. In Pstpip2cmo mice, overproduction of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and reactive oxygen species by neutrophil granulocytes leads to spontaneous inflammation of the bones and surrounding soft tissues. However, the upstream signaling events leading to this overproduction are poorly characterized. Here, we show that Pstpip2cmo mice deficient in major regulator of Src-family kinases (SFKs) receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45 display delayed onset and lower severity of the disease, while the development of autoinflammation is not affected by deficiencies in Toll-like receptor signaling. Our data also show deregulation of pro-IL-1β production by Pstpip2cmo neutrophils that are attenuated by CD45 deficiency. These data suggest a role for SFKs in autoinflammation. Together with previously published work on the involvement of protein tyrosine kinase spleen tyrosine kinase, they point to the role of receptors containing immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs, which after phosphorylation by SFKs recruit spleen tyrosine kinase for further signal propagation. We propose that this class of receptors triggers the events resulting in increased pro-IL-1β synthesis and disease initiation and/or progression.  相似文献   
Autism spectrum disorders(ASDs)are complex neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by dysfunctions in social interactions,abnormal to absent verbal communication,restricted interests,and repetitive stereotypic verbal and non-verbal behaviors,influencing the ability to relate to and communicate.The core symptoms of ASDs concern the cognitive,emotional,and neurobehavioural domains.The prevalence of autism appears to be increasing at an alarming rate,yet there is a lack of effective and definitive pharmacological options.This has created an increased sense of urgency,and the need to identify novel therapies.Given the growing awareness of immune dysregulation in a significant portion of the autistic population,cell therapies have been proposed and applied to ASDs.In particular,mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)possess the immunological properties which make them promising candidates in regenerative medicine.MSC therapy may be applicable to several diseases associated with inflammation and tissue damage,where subsequent regeneration and repair is necessary.MSCs could exert a positive effect in ASDs through the following mechanisms:stimulation of repair in the damaged tissue,e.g.,inflammatory bowel disease;synthesizing and releasing anti-inflammatory cytokines and survival-promoting growth factors;integrating into existing neural and synaptic network,and restoring plasticity.The paracrine mechanisms of MSCs show interesting potential in ASD treatment.Promising and impressive results have been reported from the few clinical studies published to date,although the exact mechanisms of action of MSCs in ASDs to restore functions are still largely unknown.The potential role of MSCs in mediating ASD recovery is discussed in light of the newest findings from recent clinical studies.  相似文献   
Cryptic phylogeographic diversifications provide unique models to examine the role of phylogenetic divergence on the evolution of reproductive isolation, without extrinsic factors such as ecological and behavioural differentiation. Yet, to date very few comparative studies have been attempted within such radiations. Here, we characterize a new speciation continuum in a group of widespread Eurasian amphibians, the Pelobates spadefoot toads, by conducting multilocus (restriction site associated DNA sequencing and mitochondrial DNA) phylogenetic, phylogeographic and hybrid zone analyses. Within the P. syriacus complex, we discovered species‐level cryptic divergences (>5 million years ago [My]) between populations distributed in the Near‐East (hereafter P. syriacus sensu stricto [s.s.]) and southeastern Europe (hereafter P. balcanicus), each featuring deep intraspecific lineages. Altogether, we could scale hybridizability to divergence time along six different stages, spanning from sympatry without gene flow (P. fuscus and P. balcanicus, >10 My), parapatry with highly restricted hybridization (P. balcanicus and P. syriacus s.s., >5 My), narrow hybrid zones (~15 km) consistent with partial reproductive isolation (P. fuscus and P. vespertinus, ~3 My), to extensive admixture between Pleistocene and refugial lineages (≤2 My). This full spectrum empirically supports a gradual build up of reproductive barriers through time, reversible up until a threshold that we estimate at ~3 My. Hence, cryptic phylogeographic lineages may fade away or become reproductively isolated species simply depending on the time they persist in allopatry, and without definite ecomorphological divergence.  相似文献   
We investigated the presence of glycoproteins in Borrelia burgdorferi. We did not find any evidence for glycosylation of the major outer membrane proteins OspA and OspB or the structural flagellar proteins FlaB and FlaA. We suggest that glycoproteins present on the surface of B. burgdorferi may be tightly bound culture medium glycoproteins.  相似文献   
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