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The mechanisms behind the transfer of molecules from the surrounding sea water to the site of coral calcification are not well understood, but are critical for understanding how coral reefs are formed. We conducted experiments with the fluorescent dye calcein, which binds to calcium and is incorporated into growing calcium carbonate crystals, to determine the permeability properties of coral cells and tissues to this molecule, and to determine how it is incorporated into the coral skeleton. We also compared rates of calcein incorporation with rates of calcification measured by the alkalinity anomaly technique. Finally, by an electrophysiological approach, we investigated the electrical resistance of coral tissues in order to better understand the role of tissues in ionic permeability. Our results show that (i) calcein passes through coral tissues by a paracellular pathway, (ii) intercellular junctions control and restrict the diffusion of molecules, (iii) intercellular junctions should have pores of a size higher than 13 Å and lower than 20 nm, and (iv) the resistance of the tissues owing to paracellular junctions has a value of 477 ± 21 Ohm cm2. We discuss the implication of our results for the transport of calcium involved in the calcification process.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic loop 4-5 of the melibiose permease from Escherichia coli is essential for the process of Na+-sugar translocation (Abdel-Dayem, M., Basquin, C., Pourcher, T., Cordat, E., and Leblanc, G. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 1518-1524). In the present report, we analyze functional consequences of mutating each of the three acidic amino acids in this loop into cysteines. Among the mutants, only the E142C substitution impairs selectively Na+-sugar translocation. Because R141C has a similar defect, we investigated these two mutants in more detail. Liposomes containing purified mutated melibiose permease were adsorbed onto a solid supported lipid membrane, and transient electrical currents resulting from different substrate concentration jumps were recorded. The currents evoked by a melibiose concentration jump in the presence of Na+, previously assigned to an electrogenic conformational transition (Meyer-Lipp, K., Ganea, C., Pourcher, T., Leblanc, G., and Fendler, K. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 12606-12613), were much smaller for the two mutants than the corresponding signals in cysteineless MelB. Furthermore, in R141C the stimulating effect of melibiose on Na+ affinity was lost. Finally, whereas tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy revealed impaired conformational changes upon melibiose binding in the mutants, fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements indicated that the mutants still show cooperative modification of their sugar binding sites by Na+. These data suggest that: 1) loop 4-5 contributes to the coordinated interactions between the ion and sugar binding sites; 2) it participates in an electrogenic conformational transition after melibiose binding that is essential for the subsequent obligatory coupled translocation of substrates. A two-step mechanism for substrate translocation in the melibiose permease is suggested.  相似文献   
Direct cell-to-cell transfer of ions and small signaling molecules via gap junctions plays a key role in vessel wall homeostasis. Vascular endothelial gap junctional channels are formed by the connexin (Cx) proteins Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43. The mechanisms regulating connexin expression and assembly into functional channels have not been fully identified. We investigated the dynamic regulation of endothelial gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) by fluid flow and the participation of each vascular connexin in functional human endothelial gap junctions in vitro. Human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) were exposed for 5, 16, and 24 h to physiological flows in a parallel-plate flow chamber. Connexin protein expression and localization were evaluated by immunocytochemistry, and functional GJIC was evaluated by dye injection. Connexin-mimetic peptide inhibitors were used to assess the specific connexin composition of functional channels. HAEC monolayers in culture exhibited baseline functional communication at a striking low level despite abundant expression of Cx43 and Cx40 localized at cell-to-cell appositions. Upon exposure to flow, GJIC by dye spread demonstrated a significant time-dependent increase from baseline levels, reaching 7.5-fold in 24 h. Inhibition studies revealed that this response was mediated primarily by Cx40, with lesser contributions of the other two vascular connexins assembled into functional homotypic and/or heterotypic channels. This is the first study to demonstrate that flow simultaneously and differentially regulates expression of the Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43 proteins and their involvement in the augmentation of intercellular communication by dye transfer in human endothelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   
We propose a strategy based on the combination of experimental NH(N)/C(alpha)H(alpha) dipole/dipole cross-correlated relaxation rates and chemical shift analysis for the determination of Psi torsion angles in proteins. The method allows the determination of a dihedral angle that is not easily accessible by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The measurement of dihedral angle restraints can be used for structure calculation, which is known to improve the quality of NMR structures. The method is of particular interest in the case of large proteins, for which spectral assignment of the nuclear Overhauser effect spectra, and therefore straightforward structural determination, is out of reach. One advantage of the method is that it is reasonably simple to implement, and could be used in association with other methods aiming at obtaining structural information on complex systems, such as residual dipolar coupling measurements. An illustrative example is analyzed in the case of the 30-kDa protein 6-phosphogluconolactonase.  相似文献   
Quinone reductase 2 is a cytosolic enzyme which catalyses the reduction of quinones, such as menadione and coenzymes Q. Despite a relatively close sequence-based resemblance to NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (QR1), it has many different features. QR2 is the third melatonin binding site (MT3). It is inhibited in the micromolar range by melatonin, and does not accept conventional phosphorylated nicotinamides as hydride donors. QR2 has a powerful capacity to activate quinones leading to unexpected toxicity situations. In the present paper, we report the characterization of three QR2 modulators: melatonin, resveratrol and S29434. The latter compound inhibits QR2 activity with an IC50 in the low nanomolar range. The potency of the modulators ranged as follows, from the least to the most potent: melatonin < resveratrol < S29434. These molecular tools might permit to explore and better understand the relationship existing between QR2 catalytic activity and the various pathological situations in which QR2 has a key role.  相似文献   


Molecular DNA cloning is crucial to many experiments and with the trend to higher throughput of modern approaches automated techniques are urgently required. We have established an automated, fast and flexible low-cost expression cloning approach requiring only vector and insert amplification by PCR and co-transformation of the products.  相似文献   
γδ T lymphocytes are commonly viewed as embracing properties of both adaptive and innate immunity. Contributing to this is their responsiveness to pathogen products, either with or without the involvement of the TCR and its coreceptors. This study clarifies this paradoxical behavior by showing that these two modes of responsiveness are the properties of two discrete sets of murine lymphoid γδ T cells. Thus, MyD88 deficiency severely impaired the response to malaria infection of CD27((-)), IL-17A-producing γδ T cells, but not of IFN-γ-producing γδ cells. Instead, the latter compartment was severely contracted by ablating CD27, which synergizes with TCRγδ in the induction of antiapoptotic mediators and cell cycle-promoting genes in CD27((+)), IFN-γ-secreting γδ T cells. Hence, innate versus adaptive receptors differentially control the peripheral pool sizes of discrete proinflammatory γδ T cell subsets during immune responses to infection.  相似文献   
CD1d-restricted natural killer T cells with invariant T cell receptor α chains (iNKT cells) are a unique lymphocyte subset that responds to recognition of specific lipid and glycolipid antigens. They are conserved between mice and humans and exert various immunoregulatory functions through their rapid secretion of a variety of cytokines and secondary activation of dendritic cells, B cells and NK cells. In the current study, we analyzed the range of functional activation states of human iNKT cells using a library of novel analogs of α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), the prototypical iNKT cell antigen. Measurement of cytokines secreted by human iNKT cell clones over a wide range of glycolipid concentrations revealed that iNKT cell ligands could be classified into functional groups, correlating with weak versus strong agonistic activity. The findings established a hierarchy for induction of different cytokines, with thresholds for secretion being consistently lowest for IL-13, higher for interferon-γ (IFNγ), and even higher for IL-4. These findings suggested that human iNKT cells can be intrinsically polarized to selective production of IL-13 by maintaining a low level of activation using weak agonists, whereas selective polarization to IL-4 production cannot be achieved through modulating the strength of the activating ligand. In addition, using a newly designed in vitro system to assess the ability of human iNKT cells to transactivate NK cells, we found that robust secondary induction of interferon-γ secretion by NK cells was associated with strong but not weak agonist ligands of iNKT cells. These results indicate that polarization of human iNKT cell responses to Th2-like or anti-inflammatory effects may best be achieved through selective induction of IL-13 and suggest potential discrepancies with findings from mouse models that may be important in designing iNKT cell-based therapies in humans.  相似文献   
Echolocating animals that forage in social groups can potentially benefit from eavesdropping on other group members, cooperative foraging or social defence, but may also face problems of acoustic interference and intra-group competition for prey. Here, we investigate these potential trade-offs of sociality for extreme deep-diving Blainville′s and Cuvier''s beaked whales. These species perform highly synchronous group dives as a presumed predator-avoidance behaviour, but the benefits and costs of this on foraging have not been investigated. We show that group members could hear their companions for a median of at least 91% of the vocal foraging phase of their dives. This enables whales to coordinate their mean travel direction despite differing individual headings as they pursue prey on a minute-by-minute basis. While beaked whales coordinate their echolocation-based foraging periods tightly, individual click and buzz rates are both independent of the number of whales in the group. Thus, their foraging performance is not affected by intra-group competition or interference from group members, and they do not seem to capitalize directly on eavesdropping on the echoes produced by the echolocation clicks of their companions. We conclude that the close diving and vocal synchronization of beaked whale groups that quantitatively reduces predation risk has little impact on foraging performance.  相似文献   
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