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The efficiency of virus recovery from water was investigated by using a method which enabled the concentration of a mixture of four enteroviruses with determination of their individual recovery efficiencies. The four viruses used (poliovirus 1, coxsackievirus A9, coxsackievirus B1, and echovirus 7) represented each of the four major subgroups of enteroviruses. This method, which was based on selective antibody neutralization, was used to investigate the effects of input water quality on enterovirus concentration by Balston filters (grade C; Balston, Inc., Lexington, Mass.) and organic flocculation. With tap water, the average recovery efficiency of the four viruses was 97%. Concentration from natural waters, including samples from two lakes (Lake Kinneret and the Hula Nature Reserve) and the Mediterranean Sea, resulted in similarly high average recovery efficiencies. Echovirus 7 was recovered with a slightly lower average efficiency from these types of water than were the other viruses. In comparison with other types of water, virus concentration from Jerusalem wastewater generally had a slightly lower efficiency of recovery, ranging from 63 to 75% for each of the viruses, with an overall average of 68%. The ability of each concentration step, membrane filtration or organic flocculation, to recover the viruses from water was assayed. For the filtration step, although there were not large differences in virus recoveries from tap water, echovirus 7 was recovered with the lowest efficiency (72%), and poliovirus 1 was recovered with the highest (87%) efficiency. Overall virus recovery by the filtration step was least efficient for wastewater (73%) and most efficient for seawater (107%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Fungi associated with two mite species,Acotyledon krameri andTyrophagus putrescentiœ, and their habitats were studied using 1% glucose-Czapek's and potato-dextrose agar media at 28±2°C. A total of 54 species and one variety belonging to 25 genera were recovered from different habitats of mite species; 36 species and one variety belonging to 18 genera were associated with mite bodies. Nearly most fungal species isolated from mite bodies were also encountered in their habitats. The most common species wereAspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, Mucor racemosus, Nectria hœmatococca. A. terreus, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis andTrichurus spiralis were isolated only from mite bodies whereasFusarium oxysporum, Penicillium chrysogenum, P. corylophilum, P. funiculosum andRhizopus stolonifer were recovered from the mite habitats.A. krameri individuals survived well onCunninghamella elegans, F. oxysporum andM. racemosus cultured on both type of media, whereasCylindrocarpon destructans was best forT. putrescentiœ survival.  相似文献   
Synthesis and assembly of leader peptidase of Escherichia coli (signal peptidase I), was studied by heterologous expression of its lep gene in three species of phototrophic purple bacteria. Cell extracts of the recipient species showed neither cross reaction with antibodies against E. coli leader peptidase nor cleavage of the model substrate M13-procoat in vitro. The lep gene was transferred via conjugation using the plasmid expression vector for phototrophic bacteria pJAJ9. Plasmidborne leader peptidase enzyme was identified by immunochemical means. However, extracts of transconjugant cells showed no cleavage function. Trypsin digestion studies revealed that the enzyme was not properly integrated across the host membranes. The data suggest that cleaving enzymes for protein export and/or their assembly pathway in purple bacteria differ from the E. coli type.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
Among the cytherine ostracodes possessing caudal process a new genusKroemmelbeinia is defined by its hinge-element. In its habitus, and its structure particularly the punctate surface and the inner lamella the new genusKroemmelbeinia resembles the genusMicrocytherura G. W. Müller, but which possesses smaller valves. The characteristic hinge-elementsof Kroemmelbeinia are: both terminal teeth in the left valve crenulate, interior with 5–6 terminal teeth in the left valve crenulate, interior with 5–6 toothlets, and posterior with 6–7 connected by a narrow and finely crenulate groove. By this hinge-constructionKroemmelbeinia differs fromMicrocytherura (Tetracytherura) Ruggieri 1952 and also from other genera(Cytheropteron, Perissocytheridea) of similar outline.  相似文献   
The natural populations of Dactylorhiza hatagirea have been greatly affected due to incessant exploitation. As such, studies on its population attributes together with habitat suitability and environmental factors affecting its distribution are needed to be undertaken for its conservation in nature. Present study aimed at accessing an impact of anthropogenic pressure on population structure and locate suitable habitats for the conservation of this critically endangered orchid. Considerable changes in the phytosociological attributes were observed on account of the changing magnitude and extent of anthropogenic threat in their natural abode. The distribution pattern of species indicated that more than 90% of the populations exhibit substantially aggregated spatial distribution. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) distribution modelling algorithm was used to predict suitable habitat and potential area for its cultivation and reintroduction. Twenty-seven occurrence records, nineteen bioclimatic variables, altitude, and slope were used. MaxEnt map output gave the habitat suitability for this species and predicted its distribution in the North-Western Himalayas of India for approximately 616 km2. Jackknifing indicated that maximum temperature of warmest month, annual mean temperature, mean temperature of the driest quarter, and mean temperature of the wettest quarter were the governing factors for its distribution and hence, presented a higher gain with respect to other variables. According to permutation importance, precipitation seasonality and mean temperature of wettest quarter shows the prominent impact on the habitat distribution. Results of AUC (area under curve) were statistically significant (0.940) and the line of predicted omission falls very close to an omission on training samples, validating a better run of the model. Response curves revealed a probable increase in the occurrence of D. hatagirea with an increase in mean temperature of the wettest quarter and maximum temperature of the warmest month contributed more than 50% to predicted habitat suitability. Direct field observations concurrent with predicted habitat suitability and google-earth images represent greater model thresholds for successful inception of the species. Together, the study proposes that the species can be conserved in or near its present-day natural habitats and is equally effective in determining the possible habitats for its cultivation and reintroduction.  相似文献   
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