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A duplex Escherichia coli bacteriophage M13 genome was constructed containing a single cis-[Pt(NH3)2(d(GpG]] intrastrand cross-link, the major DNA adduct of the anticancer drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II). The duplex dodecamer d(AGAAGGCCTAGA).d(TCTAGGCCTTCT) was ligated into the HincII site of M13mp18 to produce an insertion mutant containing a unique StuI restriction enzyme cleavage site. A genome with a 12-base gap in the minus strand was created by hybridizing HincII-linearized M13mp18 duplex DNA with the single-stranded circular DNA of the 12-base insertion mutant. The dodecamer d(TCTAGGCCTTCT) was synthesized by the solid-phase phosphotriester method and platinated by reaction with cis-[Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2]2+ (yield 39%). Characterization by pH-dependent 1H NMR spectroscopy established that platinum binds to the N7 positions of the adjacent guanosines. The platinated oligonucleotide was phosphorylated in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP with bacteriophage T4 polynucleotide kinase and incorporated into the 12-base gap of the heteroduplex, thus situating the adduct specifically within the StuI site in the minus strand of the genome. Approximately 80% of the gapped duplexes incorporated a dodecanucleotide in the ligation reaction. Of these, approximately half did so with the dodecanucleotide covalently joined to the genome at both 5' and 3' termini. The site of incorporation of the dodecamer was mapped to the expected 36-base region delimited by the recognition sites of XbaI and HindIII. The cis-[Pt(NH3)2(d(GpG]] cross-link completely inhibited StuI cleavage, which was fully restored following incubation of the platinated genome with cyanide to remove platinum as [Pt(CN)4]2-. Gradient denaturing gel electrophoresis of a 289-base-pair fragment encompassing the site of adduction revealed that the presence of the cis-[Pt(NH3)2(d(GpG]] cross-link induces localized weakening of the DNA double helix. In addition, double- and single-stranded genomes, in which the cis-[Pt(NH3)2(d(GpG]] cross-link resides specifically in the plus strand, were constructed. Comparative studies revealed no difference in survival between platinated and unmodified double-stranded genomes. In contrast, survival of the single-stranded platinated genome was only 10-12% that of the corresponding unmodified single-stranded genome, indicating that the solitary cis-[Pt(NH3)2(d(GpG]] cross-link is lethal to the single-stranded bacteriophage.  相似文献   
A mixture of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers reduces inflammation and mitigates disease progression in the Han:SPRD-cy rat model of chronic kidney disease. Since cyclooxygenase (COX) activities and prostanoid levels are higher in diseased kidneys in this rat, and dietary CLA can inhibit COX2 and prostanoid production in other tissues, the effects of dietary CLA were investigated. Kidney homogenates from normal and diseased Han:SPRD-cy rats were analyzed for prostanoid levels under various conditions: endogenous levels, steady-state levels (60-min incubations) and produced by COX isoforms. Thromboxane B(2) (TXB(2); TXA(2) metabolite), 6-keto-prostaglandin F(1α) (6-keto-PGF(1α); PGI(2) metabolite) and PGE(2) levels under these conditions were two- to ninefold higher in diseased kidneys. Dietary CLA resulted in ~32%-53% lower levels of prostanoids produced by total COX and COX2 activities in normal and diseased kidneys and partially mitigated alterations in COX2 protein levels associated with disease. The COX1 protein and activity were higher in renal disease, resulting in increased production of TXB(2) and 6-ketoPGF(1α), but not PGE(2). Dietary CLA had no effect on COX1, however. Disease resulted in up to twofold higher ratios of TXB(2)/6-ketoPGF(1α), TXB(2)/PGE(2) and 6-ketoPGF(1α) /PGE(2), and dietary CLA partially mitigated these increases under several conditions. Elevated levels of renal membrane associated cytosolic phospholipase A(2) in diseased kidneys also were reduced by 50% with CLA feeding. The effects of CLA feeding on COX2 protein levels and activity indicate that the beneficial effect of dietary CLA in this renal disorder is mediated in part via effects on COX2-derived prostanoids.  相似文献   


Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health challenge and carbapenem resistance, in particular, is considered an urgent global health threat. This study was carried out to give a bibliometric overview of literature on carbapenem resistance. In specific, number of publications, top productive countries and institutes, highly cited articles, citation analysis, co-authorships, international collaboration, top active authors, and journals publishing articles on carbapenem resistance were analyzed and discussed.


Specific keywords pertaining to carbapenem resistance were used in Scopus database. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of retrieved data were presented using appropriate bibliometric indicators and visualization maps.


A total of 2617 journal articles were retrieved. The average number of citations per article was of 21.47. The growth of publications showed a dramatic increase from 2008 to 2015. Approximately 9 % of retrieved articles on carbapenem resistance were published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy journal. Retrieved articles were published by 102 different countries. The United States of America (USA) contributed most with 437 (16.70 %) articles followed by China with 257 (9.82 %) articles. When productivity was stratified by population size, Greece ranked first followed by France. Greece also ranked first when data were stratified by gross domestic product (GDP). Asian countries have lesser international collaboration compared with other countries in the top ten list. Five of top ten productive institutes were Europeans (France, the UK, Greece, Italy, and Switzerland) and two were Asians (China and South Korea). Other active institutes included an Israeli and a Brazilian institute. Four of the top ten cited articles were published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy journal and two were published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.


There was a dramatic increase in number of publications on carbapenem resistance in the past few years. These publications were produced from different world regions including Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Latin America. International collaboration needs to be encouraged particularly for researchers in Asia. Molecular biology and epidemiology dominated the theme of the top ten cited articles on carbapenem resistance. This bibliometric study will hopefully help health policy makers in planning future research and allocating funds pertaining to carbapenem resistance.
We compared the performance of several prediction techniques for breast cancer prognosis, based on AU-ROC performance (Area Under ROC) for different prognosis periods. The analyzed dataset contained 1,981 patients and from an initial 25 variables, the 11 most common clinical predictors were retained. We compared eight models from a wide spectrum of predictive models, namely; Generalized Linear Model (GLM), GLM-Net, Partial Least Square (PLS), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forests (RF), Neural Networks, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) and Boosted Trees. In order to compare these models, paired t-test was applied on the model performance differences obtained from data resampling. Random Forests, Boosted Trees, Partial Least Square and GLMNet have superior overall performance, however they are only slightly higher than the other models. The comparative analysis also allowed us to define a relative variable importance as the average of variable importance from the different models. Two sets of variables are identified from this analysis. The first includes number of positive lymph nodes, tumor size, cancer grade and estrogen receptor, all has an important influence on model predictability. The second set incudes variables related to histological parameters and treatment types. The short term vs long term contribution of the clinical variables are also analyzed from the comparative models. From the various cancer treatment plans, the combination of Chemo/Radio therapy leads to the largest impact on cancer prognosis.  相似文献   
The preparation, properties, and application in adriamycin delivery ofbiocompatible and biodegradable poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-polyethylene glycol (PLGA-PEG) nanoparticles are discussed. PLGA-PEG copolymers were synthesized by ring opening polymerization of the dl-lactide and glycolide in the presence of PEG1000. 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectrum were consistent with the structure of PLGA-PEG copolymers. The adriamycin-loaded nanoparticles could be prepared using a precipitation-solvent evaporation technique. The nanoparticles have been produced by a precipitation-solvent evaporation technique. The physical characteristics and drug loading efficiency of the PLGA-PEG nanoparticles were influenced by the composition of the PLGA-PEG copolymers used to prepare the nanoparticles. Particle sizes were between 65 and 100 nm for different compositions of PLGA-PEG copolymers. PLGA-PEG nanoparticles prepared from copolymers having relatively high PLGA/PEG ratios were smaller. Entrapment efficiency was 25%-33%. Adriamycin release from the nanoparticles at pH 7.4 showed an initial burst release and then sustained release phase. These results showed that PLGA-PEG nanoparticles could be an effective carrier for cancer therapy.  相似文献   
To evaluate the potential of three stem cells for cell therapy and tissue engineering applications, the biological behavior and osteogenic capacity of the newly introduced cord-blood-derived, unrestricted somatic stem cells (USSC) were compared with those of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow (BM-MSC) and adipose tissue (AT-MSC). There was no significant difference between the rates of proliferation of the three stem cells. During osteogenic differentiation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity peaked on day 7 in USSC compared to BM-MSC which showed the maximum value of ALP activity on day 14. However, BM-MSC had the highest ALP activity and mineralization during osteogenic induction. In addition, AT-MSC showed the lowest capacity for mineralization during differentiation and had the lowest ALP activity on days 7 and 14. Although AT-MSC expressed higher levels of collagen type I, osteonectin and BMP-2 in undifferentiated state, but these genes were expressed higher in BM-MSC during differentiation. BM-MSC also expressed higher levels of ALP, osteocalcin and Runx2 during induction. Taking together, BM-MSC showed the highest capacity for osteogenic differentiation and hold promising potential for bone tissue engineering and cell therapy applications.  相似文献   
Protoplasma - The use of modern and safe techniques to increase plant growth and yield is of significance. There is little data, to our knowledge, on the use of organic fertilization and ozonated...  相似文献   
Gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an important bioactive compound biosynthesized by microorganisms through decarboxylation of glutamate by glutamate decarboxylase (GAD). In this study, a full‐length GAD gene was obtained by cloning the template deoxyribonucleic acid to pTZ57R/T vector. The open reading frame of the GAD gene showed the cloned gene was composed of 1410 nucleotides and encoded a 469 amino acids protein. To improve the GABA‐production, the GAD gene was cloned into pMG36e‐LbGAD, and then expressed in Lactobacillus plantarum Taj‐Apis362 cells. The overexpression was confirmed by SDS‐PAGE and GAD activity, showing a 53 KDa protein with the enzyme activity increased by sevenfold compared with the original GAD activity. The optimal fermentation conditions for GABA production established using response surface methodology were at glutamic acid concentration of 497.973 mM, temperature 36°C, pH 5.31 and time 60 h. Under the conditions, maximum GABA concentration obtained (11.09 mM) was comparable with the predicted value by the model at 11.23 mM. To our knowledge, this is the first report of successful cloning (clone‐back) and overexpression of the LbGAD gene from L. plantarum to L. plantarum cells. The recombinant Lactobacillus could be used as a starter culture for direct incorporation into a food system during fermentation for production of GABA‐rich products.  相似文献   
In addition to the characterized mechanisms responsible for many direct effects of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on plants, it has been suggested that a number of PGPB contain the enzyme ACC deaminase that catalyzes degradation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), the immediate precursor of ethylene, into α-ketobutyrate and ammonia. As part of an effort to obtain an ACC deaminase encoding gene from a collection of soil samples, only one bacterial isolate, Pseudomonas fluorescens FY32 was capable of growing on ACC as a sole source of nitrogen. The ACC deaminase gene was amplified from the above isolate by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) giving an expected DNA fragment, 1017 bp. Sequence analysis of the fragment showed that it was highly homologous (94% and 98% identities at nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively) to the previously characterized acdS gene from Pseudomonas sp. 6G5. Furthermore, fusion of the ACC deaminase ORF with lacZ gene resulted in the expression of active enzyme in Escherichia coli. In addition, further analyses revealed that the acdS gene was plasmid-encoded so that a large plasmid (pFY32) with almost 50 kb in size was identified from this bacterium. Furthermore, transfer of pFY32 into E. coli DH5α proved its ACC deaminase activity. This result was in accordance with previous reports suggesting horizontal transfer of the acdS gene. However, it needs more investigation to identify whether this pFY32 plasmid has undergone lateral gene transfer during the evolutionary process.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanisms underlying alleviation of salt stress by mycorrhization. Solanum lycopersicum L. cultivars Behta and Piazar with different salinity tolerance were cultivated in soil without salt (EC?=?0.63 dSm?1), with low (EC?=?5 dSm?1), or high (EC?=?10 dSm?1) salinity. Plants inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradices (+AMF) were compared to non-inoculated plants (?AMF). Under salinity, AMF-mediated growth stimulation was higher in more salt tolerant Piazar than in sensitive Behta. Mycorrhization alleviated salt-induced reduction of P, Ca, and K uptake. Ca/Na and K/Na ratios were also better in +AMF. However, growth improvement by AMF was independent from plant P nutrition under high salinity. Mycorrhization improved the net assimilation rates through both elevating stomatal conductance and protecting photochemical processes of PSII against salinity. Higher activity of ROS scavenging enzymes was concomitant with lowering of H2O2, less lipid peroxidation, and higher proline in +AMF. Cultivar differences in growth responses to salinity and mycorrhization could be well explained by differences in ion balance, photochemistry, and gas exchange of leaves. Function of antioxidant defenses seemed responsible for different AMF-responsiveness of cultivars under salinity. In conclusion, AMF may protect plants against salinity by alleviating the salt-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
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