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The testis is one of several immune-privileged organs and is known for its unique ability to support allogeneic or xenogeneic tissue transplants. We investigated the possibility of deriving offspring from mice that underwent transplantation with allogeneic male germ line stem cells in the testis. Although mature adult mice rejected allogeneic germ cells and were infertile, offspring were obtained by intracytoplasmic germ cell injection using partially differentiated donor cells. In contrast, complete spermatogenesis occurred when allogeneic germ cells were transplanted into immature pup testes. Tolerance induction by monoclonal antibody administration allowed the pup transplant recipients to produce allogeneic offspring by natural mating, whereas no spermatozoa were found in the epididymis of untreated recipients. Thus, these results indicate that a histoincompatible recipient can serve as a "surrogate father" to propagate the genetic information of heterologous male donors.  相似文献   
Although it is widely assumed that the cell type and genotype of the donor cell affect the efficiency of somatic cell cloning, little systematic analysis has been done to verify this assumption. The present study was undertaken to examine whether donor cell type, donor genotype, or a combination thereof increased the efficiency of mouse cloning. Initially we assessed the developmental ability of embryos that were cloned from cumulus or immature Sertoli cells with six different genotypes (i.e., 2 x 6 factorial). Significantly better cleavage rates were obtained with cumulus cells than with Sertoli cells (P < 0.005, two-way ANOVA), which probably was due to the superior cell-cycle synchrony of cumulus cells at G0/G1. After embryo transfer, there was a significant effect of cell type on the birth rate, with Sertoli cells giving the better result (P < 0.005). Furthermore, there was a significant interaction (P < 0.05) between the cell type and genotype, which indicates that cloning efficiency is determined by a combination of these two factors. The highest mean birth rate (10.8 +/- 2.1%) was obtained with (B6 x 129)F1 Sertoli cells. In the second series of experiments, we examined whether the developmental ability of clones with the wild-type genotype (JF1) was improved when combined with the 129 genotype. Normal pups were cloned from cumulus and immature Sertoli cells of the (129 x JF1)F1 and (JF1 x 129)F1 genotypes, whereas no pups were born from cells with the (B6 x JF1)F1 genotype. The present study clearly demonstrates that the efficiency of somatic cell cloning, and in particular fetal survival after embryo transfer, may be improved significantly by choosing the appropriate combinations of cell type and genotype.  相似文献   
Recognition of the substrates by ubiquitin ligases is crucial for substrate specificity in the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. In the present study, we designed a double RING finger ubiquitin ligase to direct the ubiquitin machinery to a specific substrate. The engineered ligase contains the RING finger domains of both BRCA1 and BARD1 linked to a substrate recognition site PCNA, which is known to interact with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57. The double RING finger ubiquitin ligase formed a homo-oligomer complex and exhibited significant ligase activity. Co-transfection of the ligase reduced the expression of transfected p57 to the background level in a proteasome-dependent manner and restored the colony formation ability of U2OS cells that is otherwise inhibited by overexpressed p57. The results indicate the ability of the engineered double RING ubiquitin ligase to target the intended substrate. By redesigning the substrate recognition site, expression of engineered double RING ubiquitin ligases may provide a useful tool for removing many different gene products at the protein level.  相似文献   
Detailed zooplankton records from a 26-cm sediment core with a time resolution of approximately 3–10 years were obtained from Lake Biwa, Japan, to examine the historical variations in the zooplankton community during the 20th century. In the sediments, selected zooplankton remains have fluctuated over the years. Daphnia – large zooplankton herbivores – did not occur from 1900 to 1920, and formed a very minor component of the zooplankton community in the following 30 years, while Bosmina – small zooplankton herbivores – were common during this period. In the mid-1960s, however, when eutrophication was noticeable in this lake, Daphnia numbers increased dramatically and became the dominant zooplankton thereafter. In contrast, Difflugia brevicolla and D. biwae, two amoeboid protozoans that live in connection with the lake bottom environment, occurred abundantly until the late 1950s, but gradually decreased after the mid-1960s. In particular, D. biwae, a species peculiar to this lake, was not found in sediment dated after 1980, suggesting its extinction. These results indicate that the zooplankton community structure changed greatly in the 1960s, and suggest that the eutrophication occurring at this time altered the relative strength of top-down and bottom-up forces on the zooplankton community in Lake Biwa.  相似文献   
Habu (Trimeresurus flavoviridis) serum contains 3 small serum proteins (SSP-1, SSP-2, and SSP-3) with molecular masses of 6.5 to 10 kDa. Gel filtration analysis showed that all the SSPs exist in high molecular mass forms of approximately 60 kDa in the serum. Ultrafiltration of Habu serum showed that SSPs dissociated from the complex below a pH of 4. An SSP-binding protein was purified from Habu serum by gel filtration, ion exchange, and reverse-phase HPLC. N-terminal sequencing yielded a 39-amino acid sequence, similar to the N-terminal region of triflin, which is a snake venom-derived Ca2+ channel blocker that suppresses smooth muscle contraction. The amino acid sequence of this protein, termed serotriflin, was established by peptide analysis and cDNA cloning. Serotriflin is a glycosylated protein and consists of 221 amino acids. Among the 3 SSPs, only SSP-2 formed a noncovalent complex with serotriflin. It was bound to triflin and serotriflin with high affinity, as evidenced by surface plasmon resonance. SSP-2 is considered to be a protein that prevents self injury by accidental leaking of venom into the blood.  相似文献   
Macaranga myrmecophytes (ant-plants) provide their partner symbiotic ants (plant-ants) with food bodies as their main food, and they are protected by the plant-ants from herbivores. The amount of resource allocated to food bodies determines the plant-ant colony size and consequently determines the intensity of ant defense (anti-herbivore defense by plant-ants). As constraints in resource allocation change as plants grow, the plant-ant colony size is hypothesized to change with the ontogenesis of Macaranga myrmecophyte. To determine the ontogenetic change in the relative size of the plant-ant colony, we measured the dry weights of the whole plant-ant colony and all of the aboveground parts of trees at various ontogenetic stages for a myrmecophytic species (Macaranga beccariana) in a Bornean lowland tropical rain forest. Ant biomass increased as plant biomass increased. However, the rate of increase gradually declined, and the ant biomass appeared to reach a ceiling once trees began to branch. The ant/plant biomass ratio consistently decreased as plant biomass increased, with the rate of decrease gradually accelerating. We infer that the ontogenetic reduction in ant/plant biomass ratio is caused by an ontogenetic change in resource allocation to food rewards for ants related to the physiological changes accompanying the beginning of branching.  相似文献   
Lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH)–dependent lipid peroxidation was induced in α-linolenic acid (LNA)-loaded hepatocytes by adding Fe, Cu, V, or Cd ions at concentrations from 20 to 500 μM. The effects of structurally related flavonoids at concentrations from 10 to 500 μM on the lipid peroxidation were examined. The results with regard to each flavonoid subclass are as follows: (i) Flavonols such as myricetin, quercetin, fisetin, and kaempferol, but not morin, showed dose-dependent antioxidative activity against metal-induced lipid peroxidation at all metal concentrations. Myricetin, quercetin, and fisetin were the most effective antioxidants, although their efficacies depended on the metal ion. Kaempferol and morin had antioxidative activity equal to the other flavonols in the presence of Cu ions, but were much less effective for the other three metal ions. (ii) Flavones, luteolin, apigenin, and chrysin were antioxidative at low Fe concentrations, but were pro-oxidative at high Fe concentrations. Luteolin exhibited antioxidative activity similar to that of catechol-containing flavonols in the presence of the other three metal ions. Apigenin and chrysin also acted as pro-oxidants with V or with all metal ions, respectively. (iii) Taxifolin, a flavanone, also showed both anti- and prooxidative activity, depending on Fe concentrations, but with other metal showed only antioxidative activity ions. (iv) Epigallocatechin, a flavanol, was antioxidative with all metal ions, and its activity was similar to that of catechol-containing flavonols. The various effects of flavonoids on metal-induced lipid peroxidation in LNA-loaded hepatocytes is discussed with regard to the change in redox potential of flavonoid–metal complexes.  相似文献   
Asplenium cardiophyllum is a morphologically unusual species with simple leaves and anastomosing venation, and is often placed in the segregate genusBoniniella. To determine its systematic position, character comparisons were made of vascular anatomy, raphides in leaf epidermis, chromosome number and perispore of this species and those ofAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium. Asplenium cardiophyllum conforms with sect.Hymenasplenium in its dorsiventral dictyostele, the presence of raphides, a chromosome number of 2n=156 (x=39), and lophate peristore with spinulate projections on the lumina. We therefore propose to includeA. cardiophyllum in that section. Dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Kunio Mitui.  相似文献   
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