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The evolution of the influenza A virus to increase its host range is a major concern worldwide. Molecular mechanisms of increasing host range are largely unknown. Influenza surface proteins play determining roles in reorganization of host-sialic acid receptors and host range. In an attempt to uncover the physic-chemical attributes which govern HA subtyping, we performed a large scale functional analysis of over 7000 sequences of 16 different HA subtypes. Large number (896) of physic-chemical protein characteristics were calculated for each HA sequence. Then, 10 different attribute weighting algorithms were used to find the key characteristics distinguishing HA subtypes. Furthermore, to discover machine leaning models which can predict HA subtypes, various Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, and Neural Network models were trained on calculated protein characteristics dataset as well as 10 trimmed datasets generated by attribute weighting algorithms. The prediction accuracies of the machine learning methods were evaluated by 10-fold cross validation. The results highlighted the frequency of Gln (selected by 80% of attribute weighting algorithms), percentage/frequency of Tyr, percentage of Cys, and frequencies of Try and Glu (selected by 70% of attribute weighting algorithms) as the key features that are associated with HA subtyping. Random Forest tree induction algorithm and RBF kernel function of SVM (scaled by grid search) showed high accuracy of 98% in clustering and predicting HA subtypes based on protein attributes. Decision tree models were successful in monitoring the short mutation/reassortment paths by which influenza virus can gain the key protein structure of another HA subtype and increase its host range in a short period of time with less energy consumption. Extracting and mining a large number of amino acid attributes of HA subtypes of influenza A virus through supervised algorithms represent a new avenue for understanding and predicting possible future structure of influenza pandemics.  相似文献   
Induction of the otic placode involves a number of regulatory interactions. Early studies revealed that the induction of this program is initiated by instructive signals from the mesendoderm as well as from the adjacent hindbrain. Further investigations on the molecular level identified in zebrafish Fgf3, Fgf8, Foxi1, Pax8, Dlx3b and Dlx4b genes as key players during the induction phase. Thereafter an increasing number of genes participates in the regulatory interactions finally resulting in a highly structured sensory organ. Based on data from zebrafish we selected medaka genes with presumptive functions during early ear development for an expression analysis. In addition we isolated Foxi1 and Dlx3b gene fragments from embryonic cDNA. Altogether we screened the spatio-temporal distribution of more than 20 representative marker genes for otic development in medaka embryos, with special emphasis on the early phases. Whereas the spatial distribution of these genes is largely conserved between medaka and zebrafish, our comparative analysis revealed several differences, in particular for the timing of expression.  相似文献   
The Protein Journal - As a safe substitute for hydroquinone, β-arbutin, a natural plant substance, and its synthetic counterpart, α-arbutin, are used in depigmentation formulations....  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - The prevalence of hypertension (HTN) is increasing globally. It has been shown that there is an association between micronutrient deficiency and HTN. In the...  相似文献   
Poor wound healing is a highly prevalent clinical problem with, as yet, no entirely satisfactory solution. A new technique, termed electrospinning, may provide a solution to improve wound healing. Due to their large surface area to volume ratio and porosity, the nanofibers created by electrospinning are able to deliver sustained drug release and oxygen to the wound. Using different types of polymers with varying properties helps strengthening nanofiber and exudates absorption. The nanofibers appear to have an ideal structure applicable for wound healing and, in combination with curcumin, can blend the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin into a highly effective wound dressing. The use of suitable curcumin solvents and the slow release of curcumin from the nanofiber help in overcoming the known limitations of curcumin, specifically its low stability and limited bioavailability. Here, we review the studies which have been done on synthesized nanofibers containing curcumin, produced by the electrospinning technique, for the purpose of wound healing.  相似文献   
Effective drug delivery is one of the most important issues associated with the administration of therapeutic agents that have low oral bioavailability. Curcumin is an active ingredient in the turmeric plant, which has low oral bioavailability due to its poor aqueous solubility. One strategy that has been considered for enhancing the aqueous solubility, and, thus, its oral bioavailability, is the use of chitosan as a carrier for curcumin. Chitosan is a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer that is relatively water-soluble. Therefore, various studies have sought to improve the aqueous solubility of chitosan. The use of different pharmaceutical excipients and formulation strategies has the potential to improve aqueous solubility, formulation processing, and the overall delivery of hydrophobic drugs. This review focuses on various methods utilized for chitosan-based delivery of curcumin.  相似文献   
Electricity generation from microbial fuel cells which treat food processing wastewater was investigated in this study. Anaerobic anode and aerobic cathode chambers were separated by a proton exchange membrane in a two-compartment MFC reactor. Buffer solutions and food industry wastewater were used as electrolytes in the anode and cathode chambers, respectively. The produced voltage and current intensity were measured using a digital multimeter. Effluents from the anode compartment were tested for COD, BOD5, NH3, P, TSS, VSS, SO4 and alkalinity. The maximum current density and power production were measured 527 mA/m2 and 230 mW/m2 in the anode area, respectively, at operation organic loading (OLR) of 0.364 g COD/l.d. At OLR of 0.182 g COD/l.d, maximum voltage and columbic efficiency production were recorded 0.475 V and 21%, respectively. Maximum removal efficiency of COD, BOD5, NH3, P, TSS, VSS, SO4 and alkalinity were 86, 79, 73, 18, 68, 62, 30 and 58%, respectively. The results indicated that catalysts and mediator-less microbial fuel cells (CAML-MFC) can be considered as a better choice for simple and complete energy conversion from the wastewater of such industries and also this could be considered as a new method to offset wastewater treatment plant operating costs.  相似文献   
Neural synchronization is considered as an important mechanism for information processing. In addition, based on recent neurophysiologic findings, it is believed that astrocytes regulate the synaptic transmission of neuronal networks. Therefore, the present study focused on determining the functional contribution of astrocytes in neuronal synchrony using both computer simulations and extracellular field potential recordings. For computer simulations, as a first step, a minimal network model is constructed by connecting two Morris-Lecar neuronal models. In this minimal model, astrocyte-neuron interactions are considered in a functional-based procedure. Next, the minimal network is extended and a biologically plausible neuronal population model is developed which considers functional outcome of astrocyte-neuron interactions too. The employed structure is based on the physiological and anatomical network properties of the hippocampal CA1 area. Utilizing these two different levels of modeling, it is demonstrated that astrocytes are able to change the threshold value of transition from synchronous to asynchronous behavior among neurons. In this way, variations in the interaction between astrocytes and neurons lead to the emergence of synchronous/asynchronous patterns in neural responses. Furthermore, population spikes are recorded from CA1 pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices to validate the modeling results. It demonstrates that astrocytes play a primary role in neuronal firing synchronicity and synaptic coordination. These results may offer a new insight into understanding the mechanism by which astrocytes contribute to stabilizing neural activities.  相似文献   
Eight derivatives of tetrahydropyrimidine scaffold were designed and prepared as hybrid compounds possessing the structural features of both monastrol as an anticancer drug and nifedipine as a fascin blocking agent. All of the compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxic potency and the ability to inhibit 4T1 breast cancer cells migration. Then, they were investigated in silico for their ability to inhibit the fascin protein using molecular docking simulation. The most potent compound was 4d and the weakest one was 4a according to the in vitro cytotoxicity assay. The corresponding IC50 values were 193.70 and 248.75 μm , respectively. The least cytotoxic compound ( 4a ) was one of the strongest ones in binding to the fascin binding site according to the molecular docking results. 4a and 4e inhibited the 4T1 cells migration better than other compounds. They were more potent than nifedipine in inhibiting the migration process. In silico studies proved 4h to be the most potent fascin inhibitor in terms of ΔGbind although it was not inhibiting migration. The controversy between the in vitro and in silico results may cancel the theory of the involvement of the fascin inhibition in the migration inhibition. However, the considerable antimigratory effects of some of the synthesized compounds encourage performing further in vivo experiments to introduce novel tumor metastasis inhibitors.  相似文献   
With advances in new drug therapies, it is essential to understand the interactions between drugs and target molecules. In this study, we applied multiple spectroscopic techniques including absorbance, fluorescence, circular dichroism spectroscopy, viscosity, thermal melting, calorimetric, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to study the interaction between 2-Ethyl-5-(4-methylphenyl) pyramido pyrazole ophthalazine trione (PPF) and calf thymus DNA (ct DNA) in the absence or presence of histone H1. PPF exhibits a high binding affinity towards ct DNA in binary and ternary systems. In addition, the result for the binding constant was observed within the range 104 M−1 achieved through fluorescence quenching data, while the values for enthalpy and entropy changes for ct DNA–PPF and (ct DNA–H1) PPF complexes were measured to be −72.54 kJ.mol−1, −161.14 J.mol−1 K−1, −85.34 kJ.mol−1, and −19.023 J.mol−1 K−1, respectively. Furthermore, in accordance with circular dichroism spectra, the inducement of ct DNA structural changes was observed during binding of PPF and H1 in binary and ternary system forms. The essential roles of hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces throughout the interaction were suggested using thermodynamic parameters. According to the obtained data, the interaction mode of ct DNA–PPF and (ct DNA–H1) PPF complexes was intercalation binding. Suggested by the MD simulation study, the ct DNA–H1 complex caused a reduction in the stability of the DNA structure in the presence or absence of ligand, which demonstrated that PPF as an intercalating agent can further distort the structure. The information achieved from this study will be very helpful in understanding the effects of PPF on the conformational state of ct DNA in the absence or presence of the H1 molecule, which seems to be quite significant for clarifying the mechanisms of action and its pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   
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