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The relationships between two phytophagous ladybird beetle species, Epilachna pustulosa K^ono and E. niponica Lewis (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), and their main host plants, thistles (Cirsium spp., Asteraceae) were investigated in Oshima Peninsula, southern Hokkaido, northern Japan. Epilachna pustulosa was found feeding on Cirsium kamtschaticum in the northernmost part of the peninsula, whereas E. niponica was confined to the Ohno Plain and adjacent areas in the southernmost part, and occurred mainly on C. alpicola. No thistle feeding epilachnines were found in the middle part of the peninsula despite the abundance of another thistle species, C. grayanum. Both beetle species showed lower adult preference and reduced growth performance on C. grayanum compared to their respective host plants under laboratory conditions. We concluded that the distribution of thistle feeding epilachnines in Oshima Peninsula was principally determined by the availability of appropriate host plants.  相似文献   
Sponges (phylum Porifera) have remarkable regenerative and reconstitutive abilities and represent evolutionarily the oldest metazoans. To investigate sponge stem cell differentiation, we have focused on the asexual reproductive system in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis. During germination, thousands of stem cells proliferate and differentiate to form a fully functional sponge. As an initial step of our investigation of stem cell (archeocyte) differentiation, we isolated molecular markers for two differentiated cell types: spicule-making sclerocyte cells, and cells involved in innate immunity. Sclerocyte lineage-specific Ef silicatein shares 45% to 62% identity with other sponge silicateins. As in situ hybridization of Ef silicatein specifically detects archeocytes possibly committed to sclerocytes, as well as sclerocytes with an immature or mature spicule, therefore covering all the developmental stages, we conclude that Ef silicatein is a suitable sclerocyte lineage marker. Ef lectin, a marker for the cell type involved in innate immunity, shares 59% to 65% identity with the marine sponge Suberites domuncula galactose-binding protein (Sd GBP) and horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus tachylectin1/lectinL6. Since Sd GBP and tachylectin1 are known to bind to bacterial lipopolysaccharides and inhibit the growth of bacteria, Ef lectin may have a similar function and be expressed in a specialized type of cell involved in defense against invading bacteria. Ef lectin mRNA and protein are not expressed in early stages of development, but are detected in late stages. Therefore, Ef lectin may be specifically expressed in differentiating and/or differentiated cells. We suggest Ef lectin as a marker for cells that assume innate immunity in freshwater sponges.  相似文献   
Peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase) is the deglycosylating enzyme, which releases N-linked glycan chains from N-linked glycopeptides and glycoproteins. Recent studies have revealed that the cytoplasmic PNGase is involved in the degradation of misfolded/unassembled glycoproteins. This enzyme has a Cys, His, and Asp catalytic triad, which is required for its enzymatic activity and can be inhibited by "free" N-linked glycans. These observations prompted us to investigate the possible use of haloacetamidyl derivatives of N-glycans as potent inhibitors and labeling reagents of this enzyme. Using a cytoplasmic PNGase from budding yeast (Png1), Man9GlcNAc2-iodoacetoamide was shown to be a strong inhibitor of this enzyme. The inhibition was found to be through covalent binding of the carbohydrate to a single Cys residue on Png1, and the binding was highly selective. The mutant enzyme in which Cys191 of the catalytic triad was changed to Ala did not bind to the carbohydrate probe, suggesting that the catalytic Cys is the binding site for this compound. Precise determination of the carbohydrate attachment site by mass spectrometry clearly identified Cys191 as the site of covalent attachment. Molecular modeling of N,N'-diacetylchitobiose (chitobiose) binding to the protein suggests that the carbohydrate binding site is distinct from but adjacent to that of Z-VAD-fmk, a peptide-based inhibitor of this enzyme. These results suggest that cytoplasmic PNGase has a separate binding site for chitobiose and other carbohydrates, and haloacetamide derivatives can irreversibly inhibit that catalytic Cys in a highly specific manner.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) released from polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages could cause DNA damage, but also induce cell death. Therefore inhibition of cell death must be an important issue for accumulation of genetic changes in lymphoid cells in inflammatory foci. Scavengers in the post culture medium of four lymphoid cell lines, lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), Raji, BJAB and Jurkat cells, were examined. Over 80% of cultured cells showed cell death 24 h after xanthine (X)/xanthine oxidase (XOD) treatment, which was suppressed by addition of post culture medium from four cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. H2O2 but not O·-2 produced by the X/XOD reaction was responsible for the cytotoxity, thus we used H2O2 as ROS stress thereafter. The H2O2-scavenging activity of post culture media from four cell lines increased rapidly at the first day and continued to increase in the following 2–3 days for LCL, Raji and BJAB cells. The scavenging substance was shown to be pyruvate, with various concentrations in the cultured medium among cell lines. Over 99% of total pyruvate was present in the extracellular media and less than 1% in cells. α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, a specific inhibitor of the H+-monocarbohydrate transporter, increased the H2O2-scavenging activity in the media from all four cell lines via inhibition of pyruvate re-uptake by cultured cells from the media. These findings suggest that lymphoid cells in inflammatory foci could survive even under ROS by producing pyruvate, so that accumulation of lymphoid cells with DNA damage is possible.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sugars are the donor substrates of various glycosyltransferases, and an important building block in N- and O-glycan biosynthesis. Their intercellular concentrations are regulated by cellular metabolic states including diseases such as cancer and diabetes. To investigate the fate of UDP-GlcNAc, we developed a tracing method for UDP-GlcNAc synthesis and use, and GlcNAc utilization using 13C6-glucose and 13C2-glucosamine, respectively, followed by the analysis of mass isotopomers using LC-MS.Metabolic labeling of cultured cells with 13C6-glucose and the analysis of isotopomers of UDP-HexNAc (UDP-GlcNAc plus UDP-GalNAc) and CMP-NeuAc revealed the relative contributions of metabolic pathways leading to UDP-GlcNAc synthesis and use. In pancreatic insulinoma cells, the labeling efficiency of a 13C6-glucose motif in CMP-NeuAc was lower compared with that in hepatoma cells.Using 13C2-glucosamine, the diversity of the labeling efficiency was observed in each sugar residue of N- and O-glycans on the basis of isotopomer analysis. In the insulinoma cells, the low labeling efficiencies were found for sialic acids as well as tri- and tetra-sialo N-glycans, whereas asialo N-glycans were found to be abundant. Essentially no significant difference in secreted hyaluronic acids was found among hepatoma and insulinoma cell lines. This indicates that metabolic flows are responsible for the low sialylation in the insulinoma cells. Our strategy should be useful for systematically tracing each stage of cellular GlcNAc metabolism.Protein glycosylation, which is the most abundant post-translational modification, has important roles in many biological processes by modulating conformation and stability, whereas its dysregulation is associated with various diseases such as diabetes and cancer (1, 2). Glycosylation is regulated by various factors including glucose metabolism, the availability and localization of nucleotide sugars, and the expression and localization of glycosyltransferases (3, 4). Thus, ideally all of these components should be considered when detecting changes in a dynamic fashion; namely, it is necessary not only to take a snapshot but also to make movies of the dynamic changes in glycan metabolism.Glucose is used by living cells as an energy source via the glycolytic pathway as well as a carbon source for various metabolites including nucleotide sugars (e.g. UDP-GlcNAc and CMP-NeuAc). These nucleotide sugars are transported into the Golgi apparatus, and added to various glycans on proteins. UDP-GlcNAc is the donor substrate for N-acetylglucosaminyl (GlcNAc)1 transferases; alternatively, it is used in the cytosol for O-GlcNAc modification (i.e. O-GlcNAcylation) of intracellular proteins (5). The UDP-GlcNAc synthetic pathway is complex as it is a converging point of glucose, nucleotide, fatty acid and amino acid metabolic pathways. Thus, the metabolic flow of glucose modulates the branching patterns of N-glycans via UDP-GlcNAc concentrations because many of the key GlcNAc transferases that determine the branching patterns have widely different Km values for UDP-GlcNAc ranging from 0.04 mm to 11 mm (6, 7). Indeed, it was demonstrated that the branching formation of N-glycans in T cells is stimulated by the supply from the hexosamine pathway, whereby it regulates autoimmune reactions promoted by T cells (8).UDP-GlcNAc is also used for the synthesis of CMP-NeuAc, the donor substrate for sialyltransferases (9). The CMP-NeuAc concentration is controlled by the feedback inhibition of UDP-GlcNAc epimerase/ManNAc kinase by the final product CMP-NeuAc, and hence a high CMP-NeuAc level reduces metabolic flow in CMP-NeuAc de novo synthesis (10). However, there is still only limited information about how the levels of nucleotide sugars dynamically change in response to the environmental cues, and how such changes are reflected in the glycosylation of proteins.Stable isotope labeling is a promising approach to quantify metabolic changes in response to external cues (11, 12). For example, the use of nuclear magnetic resonance to obtain isotopomer signals of metabolically labeled molecules has been applied to trace the flux in glycolysis and fatty acid metabolism (13). An approach based on the mass isotopomers of labeled metabolites with 13C6-glucose has been developed to monitor the UDP-GlcNAc synthetic pathway (1315). The method based on the labeling ratio of each metabolite related to UDP-GlcNAc synthesis has clarified the contribution of each metabolic pathway (14). Moseley reported a novel deconvolution method for modeling UDP-GlcNAc mass isotopomers (15).Previous studies into the use of nucleotide sugars in glycosylation have relied on the specific detection of metabolically radiolabeled glycans (16). It is possible not only to deduce the glycan structures but also to trace their relative contributions to glycan synthesis without MS. On the other hand, mass isotopomer analysis of glycans labeled with stable isotope provides the ratios of labeled versus unlabeled molecules from MS spectra and structural details of the glycans. However, there are only a limited number of publications reporting the application of stable isotope labeling of glycans for monitoring the dynamics of glycans (17). To date, there have been no reports describing a systematic method for tracing cellular GlcNAc biosynthesis and use based on mass isotopomer analysis.The aim of this study was to extend our knowledge of the synthesis and metabolism of UDP-GlcNAc as well as its use in the synthesis of CMP-NeuAc, N- and O-glycans. We recently developed a conventional HPLC method for simultaneous determination of nucleotide sugars including unstable CMP-NeuAc (18). We first established an LC-MS method for isotopomer analysis of 13C6-glucose labeled nucleotide sugars for tracing UDP-GlcNAc metabolism from synthesis to use, because previous methods were not suitable for estimating UDP-GlcNAc use in CMP-NeuAc de novo synthesis (15). We also established a method for isotopomer analysis of labeled N- and O-glycan to monitor the metabolic flow of hexosamine into glycans. Using these two methods, we demonstrated the differences in the use of hexosamines between hepatoma and pancreatic insulinoma cell lines. Our approach may be useful for identifying a metabolic “bottleneck” that governs the turnover speed and patterns of cellular glycosylation, which may be relevant for various applications including glycoprotein engineering and discovery of disease biomarkers.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) establishes a chronic infection in 70-80% of infected individuals. Many researchers have examined the effect of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) on viral persistence because of its critical role in the immune response against exposure to HCV, but almost all studies have proven to be inconclusive. To identify genetic risk factors for chronic HCV infection, we analyzed 458,207 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 481 chronic HCV patients and 2,963 controls in a Japanese cohort. Next, we performed a replication study with an independent panel of 4,358 cases and 1,114 controls. We further confirmed the association in 1,379 cases and 25,817 controls. In the GWAS phase, we found 17 SNPs that showed suggestive association (P < 1 × 10-5). After the first replication study, we found one intronic SNP in the HLA-DQ locus associated with chronic HCV infection, and when we combined the two studies, the association reached the level of genome-wide significance. In the second replication study, we again confirmed the association (P combined = 3.59 × 10−16, odds ratio [OR] = 0.79). Subsequent analysis revealed another SNP, rs1130380, with a stronger association (OR=0.72). This nucleotide substitution causes an amino acid substitution (R55P) in the HLA-DQB1 protein specific to the DQB1*03 allele, which is common worldwide. In addition, we confirmed an association with the previously reported IFNL3-IFNL4 locus and propose that the effect of DQB1*03 on HCV persistence might be affected by the IFNL4 polymorphism. Our findings suggest that a common amino acid substitution in HLA-DQB1 affects susceptibility to chronic infection with HCV in the Japanese population and may not be independent of the IFNL4 genotype.  相似文献   


CHK1 is an important effector kinase that regulates the cell cycle checkpoint. Previously, we showed that CHK1 is cleaved in a caspase (CASP)-dependent manner during DNA damage-induced programmed cell death (PCD) and have examined its physiological roles.

Methods and results

In this study, we investigated the behavior of CHK1 in PCD. Firstly, we found that CHK1 is cleaved at three sites in PCD, and all cleavages were inhibited by the co-treatment of a pan-CASP inhibitor or serine protease inhibitors. We also showed that CHK1 is cleaved by CASP3 and/or CASP7 recognizing at 296SNLD299 and 348TCPD351, and that the cleavage results in the enhancement of CHK1 kinase activity. Furthermore, as a result of the characterization of cleavage sites by site-directed mutagenesis and an analysis performed using deletion mutants, we identified 320EPRT323 as an additional cleavage recognition sequence. Considering the consensus sequence cleaved by CASP, it is likely that CHK1 is cleaved by non-CASP family protease(s) recognizing at 320EPRT323. Additionally, the cleavage catalyzed by the 320EPRT323 protease(s) markedly and specifically increased when U2OS cells synchronized into G1 phase were induced to PCD by cisplatin treatment.


CHK1 cleavage is directly and indirectly regulated by CASP and non-CASP family proteases including serine protease(s) and the “320EPRT323 protease(s).” Furthermore, 320EPRT323 cleavage of CHK1 occurs efficiently in PCD which is induced at the G1 phase by DNA damage.

General significance

CASP and non-CASP family proteases intricately regulate cleavage for up-regulation of CHK1 kinase activity during PCD.  相似文献   
A fungal galectin from Agrocybe cylindracea (ACG) exhibits broad binding specificity for β-galactose–containing glycans. We determined the crystal structures of wild-type ACG and the N46A mutant, with and without glycan ligands. From these structures and a saccharide-binding analysis of the N46A mutant, we revealed that a conformational change of a unique insertion sequence containing Asn46 provides two binding modes for ACG, and thereby confers broad binding specificity. We propose that the unique sequence provides these two distinct glycan-binding modes by an induced-fit mechanism.  相似文献   
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