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The activation process of secretory or membrane-bound zinc enzymes is thought to be a highly coordinated process involving zinc transport, trafficking, transfer and coordination. We have previously shown that secretory and membrane-bound zinc enzymes are activated in the early secretory pathway (ESP) via zinc-loading by the zinc transporter 5 (ZnT5)-ZnT6 hetero-complex and ZnT7 homo-complex (zinc transport complexes). However, how other proteins conducting zinc metabolism affect the activation of these enzymes remains unknown. Here, we investigated this issue by disruption and re-expression of genes known to be involved in cytoplasmic zinc metabolism, using a zinc enzyme, tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP), as a reporter. We found that TNAP activity was significantly reduced in cells deficient in ZnT1, Metallothionein (MT) and ZnT4 genes (ZnT1 −/− MT −/− ZnT4 −/− cells), in spite of increased cytosolic zinc levels. The reduced TNAP activity in ZnT1 −/− MT −/− ZnT4 −/− cells was not restored when cytosolic zinc levels were normalized to levels comparable with those of wild-type cells, but was reversely restored by extreme zinc supplementation via zinc-loading by the zinc transport complexes. Moreover, the reduced TNAP activity was adequately restored by re-expression of mammalian counterparts of ZnT1, MT and ZnT4, but not by zinc transport-incompetent mutants of ZnT1 and ZnT4. In ZnT1 −/− MT −/− ZnT4 −/− cells, the secretory pathway normally operates. These findings suggest that cooperative zinc handling of ZnT1, MT and ZnT4 in the cytoplasm is required for full activation of TNAP in the ESP, and present clear evidence that the activation process of zinc enzymes is elaborately controlled.  相似文献   
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) are well known to transmit extracellular cholinergic signals into the cytoplasm from their position on the cell surface. However, we show here that M1‐mAChRs are also highly expressed on intracellular membranes in neurons of the telencephalon and activate signaling cascades distinct from those of cell surface receptors, contributing uniquely to synaptic plasticity. Radioligand‐binding experiments with cell‐permeable and ‐impermeable ligands and immunohistochemical observations revealed intracellular and surface distributions of M1‐mAChRs in the hippocampus and cortex of rats, mice, and humans, in contrast to the selective occurrence on the cell surface in other tissues. All intracellular muscarinic‐binding sites were abolished in M1‐mAChR‐gene‐knockout mice. Activation of cell surface M1‐mAChRs in rat hippocampal neurons evoked phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and network oscillations at theta rhythm, and transiently enhanced long‐term potentiation. On the other hand, activation of intracellular M1‐mAChRs phosphorylated extracellular‐regulated kinase 1/2 and gradually enhanced long‐term potentiation. Our data thus demonstrate that M1‐mAChRs function at both surface and intracellular sites in telencephalon neurons including the hippocampus, suggesting a new mode of cholinergic transmission in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
The homeobox protein, PEPP2 (RHOXF2), has been suggested as a cancer/testis (CT) antigen based on its expression pattern. However, the peptide epitope of PEPP2 that is recognized by cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) is unknown. In this study, we revealed that PEPP2 gene was highly expressed in myeloid leukemia cells and some other hematological malignancies. This gene was also expressed in leukemic stem-like cells. We next identified the first reported epitope peptide (PEPP2271-279). The CTLs induced by PEPP2271-279 recognized PEPP2-positive target cells in an HLA-A*24:02-restricted manner. We also found that a demethylating agent, 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine, could enhance PEPP2 expression in leukemia cells but not in blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors. The cytotoxic activity of anti-PEPP2 CTL against leukemic cells treated with 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine was higher than that directed against untreated cells. These results suggest a clinical rationale that combined treatment with this novel antigen-specific immunotherapy together with demethylating agents might be effective in therapy-resistant myeloid leukemia patients.  相似文献   
Peptidyl arginine deiminases (PADs) catalyze the post-translational deimination of arginine residues to citrulline residues. Aberrant levels of PAD activity are associated with various diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis, so there is a need for simple and convenient high-throughput screening systems to discover PAD inhibitors as candidate therapeutic agents. Here, we report a highly sensitive off/on-type fluorescence probe for PAD activity based on the donor-excited photoinduced electron transfer (d-PeT) mechanism, utilizing the specific cycloaddition reaction between the benzil group of the probe and the ureido group of the PAD product, citrulline, under acidic conditions. We synthesized and functionally evaluated a series of probes bearing substituents on the benzil phenyl group, and found that 4MEBz-FluME could successfully detect citrulline with higher sensitivity and broader dynamic range than our previously reported fluorescence probe, FGME. Moreover, we succeeded in establishing multiple assay systems for PAD subtypes activities, including PAD2 and PAD4, with 4MeBz-FluME thanks to its high sensitivity. We expect that our fluorescence probes will become a powerful tool for discovering PAD inhibitors of several subtypes. Thus, it should be suitable for high-throughput screening of chemical libraries for inhibitors of PADs.  相似文献   
The early stage of volcanic desert succession is underway on the southeastern slope of Mount Fuji. We used markers of nuclear microsatellites (simple sequence repeats; SSR) and chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSR) to investigate the population genetic structure and reproduction dynamics of Salix reinii, one of the dominant pioneer shrubs in this area. The number of S. reinii genets in a patch and the area of the largest genet within the patch increased with patch area, suggesting that both clonal growth and seedling recruitment are involved in the reproduction dynamics of S. reinii. Five polymorphic cpSSR markers were developed for S. reinii by sequencing the noncoding regions between universal sequences in the chloroplast genome. Nineteen different cpSSR haplotypes were identified, indicating that S. reinii pioneer genets were created by the long-distance dispersal of seeds originating from different mother genets around the study site, where all vegetation was destroyed during the last eruption. Furthermore, the clustered distributions of different haplotypes within each patch or plot suggested that newly colonized genets tended to be generated from seeds dispersed near the initially established mother genets. These results revealed that the establishment of the S. reinii population on the southeastern slope of Mount Fuji involved two sequential modes of seed dispersal: long-distance dispersal followed by short-distance dispersal.  相似文献   
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) may play important roles in nuclear events such as cell cycle, cell proliferation, and maintenance of chromosomal stability. However, the exact biological role played by PARP or how PARP is involved in these cellular functions is still unclear. To elucidate the biological functions of PARP in vivo, we have constructed transgenic flies that overexpress Drosophila PARP in the developing eye primordia. These flies showed mild roughening of the normally smooth ommatidial lattice and tissue polarity disruption caused by improper rotation and chirality of the ommatidia. To clarify how this phenotypical change was induced, here we analyzed transgenic flies overexpressing PARP in the developing eye, embryo, and adult in detail. PARP mRNA level and the phenotype were enhanced in flies carrying more copies of the transgene. Developing eyes from third instar larvae were analyzed by using the neural cell marker to examine the involvement of PARP in cell fate. Morphological disorder of non-neuronal accessory cells was observed in PARP transgenic flies. Interestingly, overexpression of PARP did not interfere with the cell cycle or apoptosis, but it did disrupt the organization of cytoskeletal F-actin, resulting in aberrant cell and tissue morphology. Furthermore, heat-induced PARP expression disrupted organization of cytoskeletal F-actin in embryos and tissue polarity in adult flies. Because these phenotypes closely resembled mutants or transgenic flies of the tissue polarity genes, genetic interaction of PARP with known tissue polarity genes was examined. Transgenic flies expressing either PARP or RhoA GTPase in the eye were crossed, and co-expression of PARP suppressed the effect of RhoA GTPase. Our results indicate that PARP may play a role in cytoskeletal or cytoplasmic events in developmental processes of Drosophila.  相似文献   
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