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Summary Cell suspensions of Petunia hybrida were subjected to a selection procedure in which the concentration of the selective agent, methotrexate (MTX), was gradually elevated. In mammalian cells, this procedure frequently results in MTX-resistant mutants due to amplification of the gene coding for dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), the target protein of MTX.Five suspension lines were isolated, with degrees of resistance ranging from 10 to 500 M MTX (in wild type the LD99.9 is 0.2 M). MTXR phenotypes were unstable, as manifested by the loss of resistance upon prolonged growth in the absence of drug. All of the mutants also exhibited high values of MTX-binding protein (60- to 400-fold higher than that of the wild type), which declined to intermediate values upon MTX withdrawal. Finally, cellular extracts from all of the mutants also showed high specific staining of DHFR-activity in gels.The results suggest that the resistance of MTX in these plant cell-lines is mediated by the elevation of the amounts of DHFR, probably as a consequence of gene amplification.  相似文献   
In vitro experiments were performed on mouse spleen cells to establish possible influences of some naturally occurring prostaglandins on DNA synthesis and DNA excision repair. The prostaglandins A1, B1, E1, E2 and F2 were tested in concentrations of lopg, 5ng and 2.5μg per ml cell suspension. DNA synthesis was significantly increased by pgF in all the three concentrations tested, while the other tested prostaglandins were essentially ineffective. DNA excision repair was significantly inhibited by PgF1 and PgF2 at 5ng/'ml and at 2.5μg/ml but increased by PgF in the two lower concentrations. The rejoining of DNA-strand breaks after γ-irradiation was slightly reduced by PgF1, PgE2 and PgF at 2.5μg/ml.  相似文献   
Culture supernatants of murine thymocytes or spleen cells responding in a secondary syngeneic mixed leukocyte reaction (SMLR) were studied for their biologic effects on cell-mediated immune responses in vitro. Such supernatants contained helper factor(s) that facilitated the development of alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses from thymocyte precursors. Thymocytes, but not spleen cells, required activation by allogeneic effect factor (AEF) in primary culture in order to proliferate and produce biologically active mediator(s) during a secondary SMLR. The same culture supernatants possessed, in some instances, weak T cell growth factor (TCGF; IL 2) activity. However, TCGF activity could be dissociated from helper factor(s) active in the CTL induction assay because some culture supernatants that had potent helper activity were devoid of TCGF activity. This lack of TCGF activity was not due to a lower degree of sensitivity of the TCGF assay or to the presence of a selective TCGF inhibitor in the SMLR-derived supernatants, indicating that the helper factor(s) studied is distinct from TCGF. Production of immunoregulatory lymphokines during the SMLR may serve as a physiologically relevant model for studying the role of T cell-derived lymphokines in immunoregulation.  相似文献   
Summary Previous work by this and other laboratories has shown that glucagon administration stimulates calcium uptake by subsequently isolated hepatic mitochondria. This stimulation of hepatic mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake byin vivo administration of glucagon was further characterized in the present report. Maximal stimulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation was achieved between 6–10 min after the intravenous injection of glucagon into intact rats. Under control conditions, Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by the presence of Mg2+ in the incubation medium. Glucagon treatment, however, appeared to obliterate the observed inhibition by Mg2+ of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Kinetic experiments revealed the usual sigmoidicity associated with initial velocity curves for mitochondrial calcium uptake. Glucagon treatment did not alter this sigmoidal relationship. Glucagon treatment significantly increased the Vmax for Ca2+ uptake from 292±22 to 377±34 nmoles Ca2+ /min per mg protein (n=8) but did not affect the K0.5, (6.5–8.6 μM). Since the major kinetic change in mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake evoked by glucagon is an increase in Vmax, the enhancement mechanism is likely to be an increase either in the number of active transport sites available to Ca2+ or in the rate of Ca2+ carrier movement across the mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   
Greenhouse tests were set up to evaluate the effects of the herbicide, cycloate (S-ethyl cydohexylethylthiocarbamate), oil development of Heterodera schachtii and growth of three Beta species. Cycloate added to infested soil enhanced cyst development/gm root on B. vulgaris and larvae/gm of root in B. patellaris and B. procumbens at 4, 16, and 16 μg(a.i.)/gm of soil, respectively. Total numbers of nematodes/individual root system decreased because of poor root growth of seedlings in cycloate-amended soil. Penetration and larval development through stage three did occur in the wild Beta species in any treatment. Thus, resistance of B. patellaris and B. pocumbens to development of H. schachtii was not altered by cycloate. Cycloate also retarded growth (P = 0.05) of the sugarbeet cultivars and B. patellaris at 4 μg(a.i.)/gm and B. procumbens at 16 μg(a.i.)/gm of soil. Higher concentrations of nematodes/gm root in plants growing in cycloate-amended soil may be attributed to factors such as fewer roots available for penetration, possible effects of cycloate on egg hatch, greater attraction of nematodes to roots, and increased susceptibility of roots to larval penetration. Suppression of seedling growth in cycloate-amended soil may be attributed in part to higher nematode density and in part to direct root damage from cycloate.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide (IR-ANP) were measured with a specific radioimmunoassay in 19 undialysed patients with chronic renal failure. At the beginning, an extremely high level of plasma hANP (50 fmol/ml) seen in a patient was rejected with Smirnov's test and was excluded from further statistics. The plasma IR-ANP levels in these patients were significantly higher than those of 19 normal subjects matched with age and sex (10.9 +/- 1.6 vs 5.3 +/- 0.6 fmol/ml, mean +/- SEM, p less than 0.01), and positively correlated with mean blood pressure (r = 0.44, p less than 0.05) and the cardiothoracic ratio (r = 0.65, p less than 0.01), but did not correlate with creatinine clearance (r = -0.38, n.s.). Further, a significant correlation was observed between plasma IR-ANP and urinary protein output (r = 0.47, p less than 0.05). On the other hand, urinary protein output did not correlate significantly with variables such as mean blood pressure, the cardiothoracic ratio or creatinine clearance. Since it has been suggested that ANP enhances glomerular capillary permeability, increased ANP responding to volume overload in those patients may play an important role in increasing urinary protein excretion.  相似文献   
Summary Human recombinant activin A, which is identical with erythroid differentiation factor (EDF), was tested for its mesoderm-inducing activity in concentrations from 0.3–50 ng/ml, using ectoderm of Xenopus late blastula (Stage 9) as the responding tissue. At a low concentration of activin A, blood-like cells, mesenchyme, and coelomic epithelium were induced; at a moderate concentration muscle and neural tissue, and at a high concentration notochord. Activin A thus induced all mesodermal tissues in a dose-dependent manner, such that a low dose induced ventral structures and a high dose induced dorsal structures. Activin may act as an intrinsic inducing molecule responsible for establishing the dorso-ventral axis in early Xenopus development. Offprint requests to: M. Asashima  相似文献   
We report complete sequence-specific proton resonance assignments for the trypsin-solubilized microsomal ferrocytochrome b5 obtained from calf liver. In addition, sequence-specific resonance assignments for the main-chain amino acid protons (i.e., C alpha, C beta, and amide protons) are also reported for the porcine cytochrome b5. Assignment of the majority of the main-chain resonances was rapidly accomplished by automated procedures that used COSY and HOHAHA peak coordinates as input. Long side chain amino acid spin system identification was facilitated by long-range coherence-transfer experiments (HOHAHA). Problems with resonance overlap were resolved by examining differences between the two-dimensional 500-MHz NMR spectra of rabbit, pig, and calf proteins and by examining the temperature-dependent variation of amide proton resonances. Calculations of the aromatic ring-current shifts for protons that the X-ray crystal structure indicated were proximal to aromatic residues were found to be useful in corroborating assignments, especially those due to the large shifts induced by the heme. Assignment of NOESY cross peaks was greatly facilitated by a prediction of intensities using a complete relaxation matrix analysis based on the crystal structure. These results suggest that the single-crystal X-ray structure closely resembles that of the solution structure although there is evidence that the solution structure has a more dynamic character.  相似文献   
Stable T cell growth factor- (TCGF; IL 2) producing cloned T cell hybridoma lines were constructed by fusing murine alloantigen-activated T cells with the 8-azaguanine-resistant lymphoma line, BW5147. Many, but not all, clones of one of these hybridomas, i.e., hybridoma 24, secreted TCGF constitutively, but production was markedly enhanced by stimulation with T cell mitogens. Large numbers of TCGF-secreting hybridoma cells in a stable functional state could be obtained from histocompatible mice inoculated with cloned T cell hybridomas. Moreover, such in vivo-derived hybridoma cells could be stimulated sequentially with mitogen at least twice to secrete their biologically-active product, resulting in larger TCGF yields from the same cells. The secreted product of these T cell hybridoma lines resembled TCGF isolated from other cellular sources in that it: a) supported the growth of a TCGF-dependent T cell line; b) provided help for the induction of alloantigen-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes from thymocyte precursors; c) facilitated concanavalin A-induced mitogenic responses of low thymocyte numbers; d) had an apparent m.w. of 30,000 to 40,000 by gel filtration chromatography; and e) was eluted from DEAE-Sephacel ion-exchange chromatography columns by salt concentrations of 30 to 150 mM NaCl. The ability of these T cell hybridomas to grow in vivo and retain their functional characteristics in a stable form should prove useful in terms of providing large numbers of TCGF-secreting cells and studying in vivo aspects of the production of TCGF as well as other immunoregulatory mediators.  相似文献   
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