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The 160,000-Da protein (pp 160) which is rapidly phosphorylated on tyrosine in response to insulin and thus is a putative participant in signaling from the insulin receptor has been purified to homogeneity from 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Isolation of this protein was accomplished by chromatography on an immobilized monoclonal antibody against phosphotyrosine, followed by gel electrophoresis. Sufficient protein was obtained to allow the determination of the sequences of several peptides, which in turn enabled the development of anti-peptide antibodies that specifically recognize pp 160. Immunoblotting of 3T3-L1 adipocyte lysates, together with the purified pp 160 as a standard, indicate that an insulin-treated 3T3-L1 adipocyte possesses about 230,000 copies of tyrosine-phosphorylated pp160 and that this amount is approximately 25% of the total pp160 in the cell. The number of tyrosine-phosphorylated pp160s per cell is approximately the same as that of insulin receptor beta subunits. These results provide further evidence for a role of pp160 in insulin signaling. Moreover, the availability of purified protein and knowledge of peptide sequences will allow the elucidation of the structure and function of this protein.  相似文献   
MLR in various combinations with class I H-2 disparity revealed that there are three patterns of MLR in the aspect of responding T subset (CD4 vs CD8) dominance. Irrespective of the CD8 vs CD4 dominance, a single i.v. administration of class I-disparate allogeneic spleen cells resulted in almost complete abrogation of anti-class I proliferative capacity of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in six combinations. The suppression of proliferative responses was correlated with the striking reduction in the ability to produce IL-2 upon stimulation with the relevant class I alloantigens. In contrast, i.v. presensitized recipient mice exhibiting only marginal MLR/Il-2 production could generate comparable magnitudes of anti-allo class I CTL as well as graft rejection responses to those induced by normal unpresensitized mice. The administration in vivo of anti-CD4 antibody along with the i.v. presensitization not only suppressed the generation of CTL responses by spleen cells but also induced appreciable prolongation of allo-class I-disparate skin grafts under conditions in which neither alone did it. These results demonstrate that 1) the suppression of graft rejection responses is not necessarily reflected on the reduction of MLR; 2) CD8+ CTL precursors responsible for graft rejection can be activated by either allo-class I-reactive CD8+ or CD4+ Th cells; 3) i.v. presensitization induces functional elimination of CD8+ and CD4+ proliferative/IL-2-producing T cells but not of CD8+ CTL precursors and CD4+ Th whose capacity is expressed by assistance of CTL induction but not by their own proliferation. Thus, this study illustrates the heterogeneity of class I alloantigen-reactive CD4+ T cells in the aspect of their capacity to proliferate themselves vs contribute to CTL induction as well as graft rejection.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC) from a human megakaryoblastic leukemic cell line (MEG-01) was resolved into two fractions by hydroxyapatite column chromatography, which are indistinguishable from the brain type II (beta I/beta II) and type III (alpha) subspecies, by biochemical and immunoblot analysis. In the presence of both phosphatidylserine and diacylglycerol, several free unsaturated fatty acids (FFA's), such as arachidonic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids, further enhanced the enzyme activation, and allowed the enzyme to exhibit almost full activity at nearly basal levels of Ca2+ concentration. The concentration of unsaturated FFA's giving rise to the maximum enzyme activation was around 2 x 10(-5) M. Palmitic and stearic acids were inactive. The result implies that, in addition to diacylglycerol, the receptor-mediated release of unsaturated FFA's from membrane phospholipids may also take part in the activation of PKC.  相似文献   
Cell wall lytic activity was detected in the culture medium and cell wall of 1AM Chlorella ellipsoidea C-87. The enzymes of both fractions had their highest activity at pH 5. The lytic activity bound to the cell wall consisted of a polysaccharide releasing enzyme, an exo-type enzyme releasing disaccharide, and glucosidase; but only the polysaccharide releasing enzyme was solubilized by lithium chloride. A polysaccharide releasing enzyme with a molecular weight around 40 kDa was isolated from the culture medium. Hemicellulose is degraded by the polysaccharide releasing enzyme, and the rigid wall by the exo-type enzyme.  相似文献   
It was found that an optically active copolyester, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), denoted as P(3HB-co-3HV), is synthesized by Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 from several amino acids under various fermentation conditions. The optimum condition for the biosynthesis from one amino acid, threonine, was investigated and its biosynthetic pathway was discussed on the basis of the relation between the fermentation condition and the co-monomer composition of the produced polyesters.  相似文献   
ATP-dependent Sr2+ transport was examined in vitro using basolateral membrane (BLM) vesicles isolated from rat renal cortex to clarify the discrimination mechanisms between strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) in renal tubules during reabsorption. ATP-dependent Sr2+ uptake and Ca2+ uptake were observed in renal BLM vesicles and were inhibited by vanadate. Hill plots indicate similar kinetic behavior for Ca2+ and Sr2+ uptake. The apparentK m andV max of ATP-dependent Sr2+ uptake were both higher than those for Ca2+ uptake. ATP-dependent Sr2+ uptake by BLM vesicles diminished in the presence of 0.1 μM Ca2+ and was more markedly inhibited by 1 μM Ca2+. Hill plots of Sr2+ uptake data with and without 0.1 μM Ca2+ showed that the cooperative behavior of Sr2+ uptake was not changed by Ca2+. In the presence of 0.1 μM Ca2+, the affinity of the transport system for Sr2+ and the velocity of Sr2+ uptake in the BLM were both decreased. However, the rate of Ca2+ uptake was not diminished by Sr2+ concentrations of <1.6 μM. These results suggest that Ca2+ is preferentially transported in the renal cortex BLM when Ca2+ and Sr2+ are present at the same time.  相似文献   
We developed a simple method for freezing anchorage-dependent cells, including primary cultured rat liver parenchymal cells, without detaching the cells from the culture dish. The method consists of preculture of the cells to confluence, changing the growth medium to a conventional freezing medium, packaging in a container, and storage at –80°C. After thawing and changing the freezing medium to regular growth medium, cell growth was nearly identical to that of cells freshly seeded into a new dish.  相似文献   
Summary A human yolk sac tumor cell line, TG1, which was established from a testicular yolk sac tumor, was found to replicate continuously in a chemically defined medium supplemented with Na2SeO3 (ISRPMI). TG1 produced several plasma proteins and growth factors: albumin, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), ferritin, carcinoembryonic antigen, beta-2-microglobulin, polyamine, neuron specific enolase, tissue polypeptide antigen, transferrin (Tf), epidermal growth factor, and platelet derived growth factor. By analysis of lectin (LcHA)-affinity electrophoresis, to examine the microheterogeneity of carbohydrate chains of synthetic glycoproteins, TG1 cells cultured with ISRPMI produced only LcHA reactive Tf and AFP based on core fucose attached to asparagine-linkedN-acetylglucosamine residues instead of LcHA-nonreactive Tf and AFP produced by TG1 cells cultured with fetal bovine serum (FBS)-containing medium.α1-6 Fucosyltransferase activity was significantly greater in the TG1 cells cultured with ISRPMI (39.9±1.5 pmol · h−1 · mg−1 protein) than cultured with FBS-containing media (18.2±1.2 pmol · h−1 · mg−1 protein). These results have indicated that the selective increase ofα1-6 fucosyltransferase occurred when the cells were cultured with the FBS-free synthetic media.  相似文献   
When HL-60 cells were cultivated with synthetic sialyl glycolipids, sialo-cholesterol and sialo-diglyceride, the cells were found to be differentiated into mature granulocytes on morphological and functional criteria. The differentiation of cells was accompanied by inhibition of cell proliferation. The differentiation-inducing activity of sialo-cholesterol was greater than that of sialo-diglyceride on a molar basis, and the alpha-anomer of each compound was more potent than the beta-anomer, suggesting that the stereospecific structure of the compounds is important for the differentiation-inducing activity.  相似文献   
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